Rebirth Cycle 721 Calendar

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Rebirth Cycle 721 Calendar

Viden Rebirth Cycle: Cylus 30 trials

Weather: 1st: a snowstorm blows in during the early morning hours. The storm blows over the night on the third.

17th: Fog is heavy over the city of Viden. Fog and the darkness make it hard for anyone to see, the fog lifts on the 19th

22nd: Freezing rain arrives in the city late in the evening and continues into the early morning breaks of the 23rd


4th: Anagénnis- celebration of Treid allowing the sun to return. Also, about “Rebirth” and the party to celebrate Treid being resurrected. Yvithia holds a ball to celebrate Viden surviving the Cold cycle and the return of Treid, all are invited to attend (unmodded)

10th: The moons are full in the sky and the annual mating season for the lunar moths has arrived. The citizens find places around the city to sit and watch the event. The sky is filled with lunar moths causing the sky to turn a beautiful bright white as the light reflects off the wings of the moths. (unmodded)

15th: In the distance across the bay little lights can be seen dancing in the night. They appear to be just outside of where Tangar is located. The lights dance every night for the rest of Cylus at the same time every night. (unmodded)

19th: The fog that arrived on the 17th is still over the city for most of the day. A strange noise can be heard coming from the stables near the gates. Some say that it sounded similar to the noise heard in the night during the cold cycle. (continued in Ashan)

24th: The streets are covered in a thin layer of ice as the citizens get ready to move into Ashan. As the temperatures begin to rise the ice on windows begins to melt.

30th: The end of Cylus has arrived the strangeness has not ended though
word count: 318
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Prophet of Old
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Re: Rebirth Cycle 721 Calendar

Ashan: 123 trials


3rd: The temperatures begin to rise as the start of Ashan has arrived, people get out during the sunny days and explore

19th: The day starts out windy causing the temperature to feel colder than the previous break. The wind blows strong for the entire day and well into the night.

30th: A light snow begins to fall as the night begins to arrive

92nd: The aurora borealis is in the sky at night making it appear like there is still sunlight outside. When a cloud gets close the lights cause the clouds to look like it someone is painting on them


3rd: The noise from the cold cycle and Cylus can be heard moving around the city. Originally the sounds were coming from the area of the stables. (mod notes)

7th: With the arrival of Saoire there are now new little creatures running around in Viden. They call themselves Caudori. They run around the city exploring and getting into everything, though the Caudori claim to not have been the strange noise from four breaks ago.

12th: Kryoma- when spring returns, and Ziell returns to the northern region, passing through Viden around the 12th of Ashan. The citizens of the city leave their homes and venture out into the freezing streets to welcome him home. For this day, which can vary each arc, depending on the Immortals movements, all are there to congratulate Ziell on a successful winter season for the rest of Idalos. And to thank him for keeping them humble and reminding them of the hardships of living. It is a relatively subdued festival, with far less exuberance than those for Xiur and Yvithia, but it suits the immortal of peace and winter well. (mod start)

20th: It is mating cycle for the animals at the Tundra Ranch. The workers at the ranch are in a flurry to help make sure all the females that can no longer have young are separated from the males.

30th: The academy holds another event where people can come from all around to show new discoveries in the herbalism part of the academy. Prizes are given to the three best inventions/discoveries at the end of the event

43rd: Smoke can be seen rising from the mountains that cut off Viden and outlying villages from the rest of Idalos. Whispers begin to circulate about ruins that never have snow on them. (unmodded)

54th: The caudori get nervous and try to stay close to people when several of them begin to go missing in the middle of the nights.

63rd: The waters are finally starting to unfreeze making it easier for ships to dock. The suns are high in the sky warming the snowy landscape. Snow begins to melt very slowly making the occasional streams in the piled-up snow around the city.

80th: Clouds roll in throughout the morning causing an overcast. A cold wind blows for most of the day. Even with the Rebirth cycle in full swing in the city around Viden as well for the outlying villages. There is a coldness to the wind that none has every experienced.

90th: With the Rebirth cycle in full swing the constant thawing and freezing of the snow around Viden and the mountain causes too much strain on the rocks. There is a huge rumbling that causes rocks to fall exposing a new set of caverns to appear.

110th: As the cycle has continued with Yvithia and Tried have begun to look into how the aristocracy has previously ran and also how new families and houses were going to be brought into the folds.

123rd: The end of the cycle has arrived. The hot cycle will be right around the corner
word count: 624
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