Jacco's 'bacco Farm
Like many farms, it is pretty basic at Jacco's. Most of the work is done by slaves he purchases from outside of Rharne and brings back. He has a few hired hands in the form of foreman, supervisors, and guards. His hired workers are treated like family, and Jacco protects them with a fierce intensity. He will take in anyone, but they get only a single chance. On the farm, his word is absolute.
The slaves sleep in an old horse stables, typically three to four per stable. They get ratty blankets, and sleep on straw. Every night the barn is locked up, and every day, unlocked so they can get to work. Meals consist of some sort of brown slop. Slaves are never punished in the day time, but rather behind the closed doors when they are put away for the night. Slaves are not chained up, as the guards are often on horse back, carrying whips and rope to deal with runaways. And slaves that cause too many issues are often never heard from again.
Jacco does allow any visitors to come during daytime hours. He's an openly friendly man, priding himself on his land and his home. He knows everything one needs to know about growing and processing tobacco, or so he claims. He prefers to give the tours himself, often dressed in his finest farmer's clothes.
The tobaccos he grows are particularly suited for the Rharne climate. He grows different varieties for different seasons, so the farm is continuously producing all arc round. Slaves handle all of the agricultural, processing, and delivery work.
Location NPC List
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Credit: Ezner
Credit: Ezner