When Lies Serve the Truth [Ulric] (Graded)

A turning point in the opposition to Sintra

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

Moderator: Basilisk Snek

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Re: When Lies Serve the Truth [Ulric]

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)

XP Rewards: 15

These points can NOT be used for Magic.....sorry :(


  • Detection: +2
  • Discipline: +3
  • Endurance: +5
  • Materialization: Tendrils: +3
  • Strength: +2

Non-Skill Knowledges:

  • Arlain: deceased traitor to Sintra.
  • Layout of a part of Sintra's domain
  • Location of several compartments in Sintra's domain.
  • Sintra has been keeping a log of her Etzos plot.
  • Sintra is missing some important part of her artifact.


Oh yeah, Sintra's log of plot developments, from way back.


very clumsy and disoriented, but you'll recover.

Renown: 5

Sorry to say, you're not really imposing in any way in this thread. And are essentially the helpless recipient of everyone else' actions. It's only because you ARE the one getting the treatment that I give you these points. Hell, you were forgotten the moment something important came up...lol :P


Okay, things are moving now. It should be mentioned that Sintra may well come to realize that you are the most likely person to have her book, once she realizes it is gone. You need to get rid of it quickly. I'm sorry to sort of hammer a thread around you like this. But you did well with what few options I gave you.
By that token, I gave you a couple Strength points, since you made particular mention of staying with the pain, thereby allowing a bit more muscle to"grow" during the process. I really wanted to find stuff to give you, since I pretty much kept you in a strapped-down-and-confused state for all but your last post.
So, if there's anything you think I missed, let me know.
I am going to add a "Continued" link to Oberan's thread, as it picks up right where this leaves off.

Note to any review checkers: This is a thread where a ghost is brought back to life. As such, some of the skill points are only to be used as ghost skills and the rest are for live skills. I am giving 5 ghost skills points and 10 live skill points.
word count: 371
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