Not Just Strong .... Snuffle Strong!

Tier 2 Fiddle: Close the Rift

1st of Ashan 720

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Not Just Strong .... Snuffle Strong!

1st Ashan, 720
Frankly, Vega was of the opinion that people were stupid.

She understood the need to do this, but equally, it was not a need which she had. However, there it was - they were having a party. A gathering. A shindig. It was being done to celebrate the many successes which had occurred across Storm's Edge over the past couple of seasons, and Vega understood it. Understood why. Yet still, to her, it seemed silly.

"We goes and celebrates fights and victories!!!" Snuffle, her diri companion who had opted to join forces with her and protect her when Vega became a Warden of the Lake fluttered around. Vega grinned at the minute little creature and nodded. "Yeah. An' I'm going to play music, apparently," she said, her smile turning lopsided. "We will defend them against attacks!!!" Snuffle declared in her high-pitched squeaky voice. Vega glanced at her companion and shook her head. "Don't you ever take a trial off?"

She didn't need to ask that question, she knew the answer. In the time that she had known Snuffle, the little creature had shown herself to be a fierce and ferocious defender, determined to do the right thing. She'd fight anyone and leapt to Vega's defense at the drop of a matchstick. All in all, Vega considered, it was a shame that the little thing was so tiny and cute with a high-pitched squeaky voice.

In short, Snuffle was about as scary as Bert, Vega's stuffed toy from her childhood. Vega smiled slightly as she recalled Arlo's slightly twitchy reaction about Bert, until he'd realised that Bert was, in fact, a stuffed bear. Brushing her hair, Vega sighed slightly. She hadn't seen Arlo in a while, she knew - and she knew that he was concerned about her. But, Vega had a lot of things to do and so did he. This place was demanding in all kinds of ways on the pair of them, and Vega really was feeling the strain.

But equally, they had to do what they had to do and that was that. So, Vega put down the brush and said to Snuffle "How'd I look?" Reaching over, she took the hat from where it was sitting and stood up. Her long dress accentuated how tall she was and Vega grinned as Snuffle squeaked, "You looks big!!!" With a chuckle, Vega considered that she might have met her match when it came to exuberant and energized individuals. This little diri was a bundle of movement. Vega lifted up her fiddle and flung it over her shoulder. She might be wearing a nice frock and had brushed her hair, but the redhead also made sure that she wore her sword strapped to her waist. "We goes and make them feel strong! Strong like Snuffle!!!!" Vega bit the inside of her cheek in order to stop herself laughing. "Yeah. Just like that. Strong, like Snuffle."

After all, she considered, why not? "I reckon that should be a new expression, you know. This ain't just strong. It's Snuffle Strong." Tiny pops tinkled as Snuffle breathed out bubbles in delight at that suggestion and Vega barked a laugh. "Come on then, lets go."
word count: 548

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Not Just Strong .... Snuffle Strong!

1st Ashan, 720

There were people and, in fairness, Vega had to admit that they'd made a nice effort here. The party was formal and there was a mix of Lightning Knights, volunteers, Wardens, and of course people like her and Vivian who met more than one of those criteria to begin with. Vega didn't like that there was this feeling of a party for some people, but not others. It stank of favouritism and the idea that some people were left out, which really didn't sit well with her. Still, they made their way - the biqaj and her new companion - to the hall where the event was going to take place and Vega looked around. "They've scrubbed it up a'righ', haven't they?" Snuffle looked at Vega in some confusion, not having seen the place before. "Never mind," Vega said with a grin.

Looking around, there were lots of people and Vega wondered whether this was the point that she was supposed to be nervous here. Vega didn't do nerves, it had to be said. There were people here, whether there was one of them or a thousand and one, then Vega would care equally about each one of them. Namely ~ or so she told herself ~ not at all. Vega had been asked to provide the musical entertainment for the evening. When she'd been asked - or more precisely when Jack, her senior officer in the Lightning Knights had told her that she was providing the entertainment, Vega had responded with calmness and enthusiasm.
Three Trials Ago.....

"You can jog on, sunshine, I'm not doin' that," Vega's frown could curdle milk

"It wasn't a request, Vega. You are required to provide the entertainment." Jack's frown matched hers, but if Vega could have cared any less, she really didn't know how.

"You show me where I signed up to bein' a singin' monkey for you an' yer mates to have a dance about to?" Jack blinked slightly, and he looked at her in some surprise. "You're a knight," he said. Vega nodded.

"An' I didn't sign up for the snarklin' bard branch did I? I signed up for the Justicars after you asked me, because I believe in you."

Jack looked absolutely amazed as she said that. He'd obviously had no idea that she had any respect for him at all, let alone going so far as to say that she believed in him. Vega took advantage of the quiet. "An' that's the bottom line, innit? You aren't givin' me an' order as my commandin' officer, are you? You're askin' me to do somethin' for you, yes?"

Jack sighed. "Yes. That's a fair summary."

Vega shook her head and grinned. "Well why didn't you jus' say that then, you marmalade? If you want me to, I'm happy to."

With that, she'd walked out and Jack had watched her with a sigh. He would never understand women, he decided. Especially not red-headed, argumentative women with poor diction called Vega. Especially them.
"What you thinking?!" Snuffle asked and Vega grinned, shaking her head. "Nothin' important, love."

Nothing important at all.
word count: 540

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Not Just Strong .... Snuffle Strong!

1st Ashan, 720

And so, because Jack had somehow become something like her friend somewhere along the way, Vega and Snuffle found themselves in this place, at this time. As she moved over to where they'd set up a small performance area for her, Vega walked slowly and got a sense of where they were, what the mood in the room was. People were chatting, it was true, but it was formal and rather ... stilted. People stayed in their groups, not mingling.

"It very quiet here" Snuffle said and Vega nodded. "It is innit? We're gonna change that up a bit."

Standing on the slightly raised platform, Vega looked around. Then, she spoke. "We have worked miracles here," she gestured around but her gesture was to further afield than the room. It was out there - to Storm's Edge. "An' I said 'we' because it's important that we know that," Vega wasn't looking, so she didn't notice that Jack had his head in his hands. She wouldn't have cared if she did notice, in fairness. If he expected her to just trot up here, sing and play and look pretty, then he was thick and it served him right.

"So, I'm gonna play a piece that's for everyone. Every one here who's made a real difference. What I'd like you to do is all to dance, or sit, with someone you don't know while I play. That's all I ask. Because we used to be strangers, an' now we're companions. Fightin' an' livin' an' dyin' together. So, for the length of one song, talk to a stranger. Tomorrow, talk to another one, till you know everyone." Vega had, it must be said, a lot of teeth and they showed as she grinned at the people here. "An' then, there'll be no strangers among us, an' we'll remember that we're fightin' for home an' family."

Because, of course, they were. Living and dying together and that meant that the more they cared, the more they focused one on the other, the more likely they were to actually survive this. That said, Vega smiled around, noticed Jack and saw that he had now lifted his head and was watching her and she grinned. Did he really think she wouldn't put her own spin on things, she wondered? It seemed unlike him, in fairness.

So, Vega moved and she lifted the fiddle to her chin and she began to play. Slowly, tentatively almost at first and then, as the people did as she'd asked them and began to move around, she changed the music slightly. Now, it was soft and gentle, but upbeat - portraying a curiosity, a sense of getting to know each other. Then, as a couple moved to the floor, she increased the tempo just a little, making sure that there was a good beat for them to dance to. A three-beat tune, a waltz, it was straightforward for them and it allowed a rhythm to form. That made the most sense to Vega and so, as the conversation rose and people moved out of their own little groups and began to mingle, Vega was happy to just play. As the food was circulated and the constant hum of voices kept going throughout the evening, Vega matched - and to an extent determined - the mood in the room.

"You see?" Jack said quietly to the man he was sitting next to. "I told you she was good, didn't I?"
word count: 597

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Not Just Strong .... Snuffle Strong!


Intimidation: x 3
Leadership x 3

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 10, for playing the fiddle at the Party.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Vega’s posts never fail to entertain me!

I like the way you wrote Snuffles, the diri (What a name!). She has quite the personality, and she is a perfect companion for Vega in my opinion!

Vega’s thoughts about the party were quite interesting. I also like the little scene from three trials ago that you included. I couldn’t help but laugh when I read it, even though Vega was quite irritated!

I like how you wrote that “Vega’s frown could curdle milk”, by the way!

Vega’s playing the fiddle was well-written as well.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 132





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