• Closed • Breacher Beast

Vega, Vivian, Kas

20th of Cylus 720

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Breacher Beast

20th Cylus 720.
- Kill the Breacher Beast.
A huge siege beast has broken through the gate, and seems focused on destroying any buildings it finds, opening holes for more beasts. Stop it before it breaks anything else! High Danger. (Refer to the Lightning Knights Mission Danger Rankings)
Vega's additional prompt: These are high-danger creatures and there are multiples of them, so don't worry if someone has already killed them. The Breacher Beast seems resistant to even Vega's sword; the Courtyard Beast seems to possess an innate ability that allows it to sense combat ability, and immediately hones in on Vega should she appear nearby.
She was starting to think that this was personal. That there was some kind of thing which meant that she was being targeted. Now, she knew that wasn't the case, but every time she put one freckled foot outside, it seemed like Something Big And Bad And Gnarly attacked. And, tonight, there was no difference.

Vega was grubby, her hair was tied back and not loose like usual, in order to allow her to get on, but she had been more or less indefatigable since they got here. She was making her way to the well - the sole supply of water for this place, and something which she had on her "to-do" list to get sorted. After all, if anything happened to that she was very aware that they would be both completely stuffed and utterly screwed.

With a slightly lopsided smile, she muttered a prayer, "If yer listenin' Xiur, thanks for shining hope here, it's well appreciated. An' Qylios, thanks to you for what courage I've got. I hope it's enough." She was grubby and unsure of what was going to happen here, but Vega couldn't deny the single-minded truth of her next words. "I won't give up, I promise you." Shaking her head, she turned to head towards the well and her eyes simultaneously widened and went white.

"ATTACK" Vega cried and there, charging through the defenses like they weren't there, was an enormous beast. "It's like a kind of fiery Brux!! Look out!" She, of course, being who she was, stepped forward and pulled her sword as she did; Vega's movements were fluid and swift and she met the creature. It's horns down, it charged at her and she slipped out of the way at the last second, almost like she was dancing with it. Her sword sliced down in a graceful movement, and as she felt the resistance against her, she called, "It's resistant to blades. Shoot it! I'll keep it busy!"

And hopefully, she thought, there were others close by. After all, they were out in full sight.
Last edited by Vega on Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 467

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Breacher Beast

"An' why would I even fuckin' remotely care about her?"

"Wh-What does 'remotely' mean..?"

Kasoria put down his shovel and sighed. Warren could be a bloody annoyance, he really could. Boy never shut up about his girl, his true love, who he'd... well, he'd not quite asked her out yet, but he was building to it! Her father was the problem, you see, and if he just proved himself, showed he had some mettle, some gumption, some blah-blah-blah, one got the idea. Sod had attached himself to Kasoria like a barnacle, too, ever since the last training class the Raggedy Man had led. Which spoke to some well-hidden survival instincts, but this...

"Never mind. But the question stands, dunnit?"

"Well... she may not hear from me again," Warren shrugged his skinny shoulders and dared to stop shoveling for a few bits. Around them both, the work continued, a trench around the outer walls. For spikes, for flaming pitch, or just for another stumbling point those things could be caught unawares by. Any advantage the defenders could wring, they would. "Having, you know, some... keepsake of mine-"

"Y'mean a letter? Like summin' she could pul out an' coo over when yeh've been fuckin' eaten an' she's shaggin' someone else?"

"Don't talk to her like that!"

Little sod almost grabbed his shovel when he said that, too. If the girl's father (fuck, he couldn't remember her name) could hear that tone of voice, that conviction, Kasoria thought he'd change his mind about Warren. The Etzori's eyebrows crept to the top of his head and he cocked it to one side, satirical question in them. Warren gulped and looked away. Ah. There was the problem. He could find it, but he couldn't keep a hold of it.

"S... Sorry, sir-"

"First off, I ain't a fuckin' sir. Second... shite, a'right, I'll write yer letter."

"Sir, thank you! I mean, Mis-"

"Where's yer coin?"

"My... what?"

"Dint say I'd do it fer fr-"

There was no sound quite like it. Kasoria had heard mines collapsing and buildings fall over and mountains slide down across roads and sweep caravans away like toys from a table, but nothing like the cracking, wrenching, shattering sound of that thing going through the gate. Chunks of foot-thick wood the size of his torso went flying as something vast, fast, and horned came barreling through it. As it charged its head shook and horns long as pikes skewered and battered and sizzled as blood splattered on them. Acting on instinct, Kasoria grabbed Warren and yanked him down-

-to the bottom of the trench alongside him. The Breacher leaped over them and Kasoria smelled piss. Fortunately, it wasn't his.


"Fucked if I know, boy," Kasoria grumbled, having learned long ago not to question when shite like this started happening. Instead he stood up and drew his sword. "Go get the Knights. Go, boy!"

Warren set off like a rabbit and Kasoria figured his howled calls of alarm wouldn't be necessary. There was enough noise and chaos made to alert the whole garrison. But it took one idiot off the board and out of his way, which was always a plus. The Raggedy Man started jogging towards where the Breacher was slamming its head from side to side, demolishing a building like a child petulantly destroying a sand castle. There was a flash of flaming red at his side and even at this distance Kasoria could see it wasn't actual fire.

This fucking bitch again.

Then he frowned deeper, and with more than just personal disdain. The sword the woman carried, it bounced straight off the skin of the monster. She swung, and she connected, but there was no blood, no damage, no change in speed or direction. Kasoria swore softly and gripped Shadow Slayer tighter. Well... this particular blade had a cure for enemies like that. But he'd need to get close... and he'd rather see if there was any other way to bring the big horned sod down, rather than jump straight into enchantments he barely understood.

Good to have it just in case, though.

The Breacher was busy battering its head against a patch of wall, and even Kasoria could see if surely could. But already there was a spatter of arrow fire homing in on it; soon it would become a deluge. The Knights had drilled the archers well, and yet... Kasoria couldn't see many of the arrows sticking. Finally one seemed to strike home or at least annoy it, and the beast shook its head in anger-

-and turned its burning eyes straight onto him.


With a snort of flame instead of steam, the Breacher wheeled around and charged him. Kasoria swallowed as his whole view of the monster became flames and horns and hooves. Nothing else, nothing he could hurt. Swords wouldn't do it, arrows wouldn't... so what else did he have?

Kasoria resisted the urge to groan inwardly and just accepted it.

I hate this plan.

"C'mon, then," he murmured as he called his Spark into his hands, making them glow with etheral power. "Come an' get me, yeh ugly sod..."

Knights and civilians rushing to help were already screaming for the crazy man to move, just move! But he didn't. He was just standing there, letting the monster run him down. Staring it down with his jaw clenched tight, fighting every animal urge to flee, to dodge, to escape! But he had to stay put; he had to lure it in. So instead he spread his arms and let it see him do so. Until he could feel the air crackling and choking him with the sheer pressure of ether infused within it. So that when the snorting Breacher brayed from a dozen feet away-

-he could snap his arms forward-

-magical energy exploding forward to meet the lowered horns of the Breacher as a dome of shimmering light-


Kasoria swore he felt that in the marrow of his fucking bones. Backlash or not, something that huge traveling that fast with that hard of a head... it was going to bloody well hurt when it smashed into a Shield. His Spark practically wailed through his bones when the cast was exploded into a million glimmering shards by the Breacher's horns-

-one of which had been broken almost in half. The monster was wailing and staggering as if drunk, first tottering forwards, then back, then to the side, shaking its head over and over. Blood that looked like it was pitch and burning moonshine was pouring from its face but it was still on its feet. Its neck, his shoulders seemed to be a mess. Kasoria remembered seeing rams bucking each other in a field once; hearing the cracking of skulls against each other, echoing over the fields. All it took was a good, solid blow in the right spot, and the contest was over. He wondered if the Breacher had ever had something equally as large, equally as fast, run into it headlong like that.

Thanks to Backlash, now it had some idea. But so did Kasoria.

"F... Fuck me..."

The Raggedy Man was slow picking himself up, but by that time, the redhead who's name he kept forgetting was back into the fray. Giving the mage time to stagger back to his feet and wonder when he'd be able to feel anything in his hands again. Nothing broken, by the feel of it, but his Spark was hurt and of course, when the Spark suffered, the body suffered right alongside it. He felt a hand on his shoulder and shook it away out of instinct. Spat blood onto the ground before him and never took his eyes off the two of them, monster and maiden, going to war with each other again.

Kasoria picked up his sword and coughed, wiping a red smear on the sleeve of his tunic.

"Aye, well... f'you can bleed, wanker, y'can die. Jus' gotta find a way."
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Re: Breacher Beast

This time, Vivian had been on the walls when the Breacher attacked, and had been nearly knocked off the wall she had been standing on when the beast started crashing through their defenses. "How many of these stupid things do they have?" she asked of no one in particular. Drawing her sword and shield, Vivian sent a quiet prayer of thanks to Ilaren that she'd been wearing her armor as she started down the stairs towards the where the fighting was. She got there just in time to see one fellow, a particularly ragged looking man that Vivian suspected spent more time than not blackout drunk, use some sort of magical shield to break one of the Breachers horns.

She had to admit, it was an impressive display, and the beast was definitely staggered from the impact, and the broken horn might have been debilitating. But that blood was already starting to congeal, even to heal, as the blood started to reform the missing parts of the horn. It was also recovering fast from its stunned state. It was, Vivian noted, a rather clever design, since the Breacher used those horns to destroy their defenses. Of course it would be able to recover damage to those things. However, that was also troubling, as between the beasts behavior and their abilities, it was a definite sign of some sort of intelligence behind the beasts.

However, that also meant it was as durable as the last Breacher that had made it through, and Vivian didn't want to count on the same strategy working twice, especially if these things were being purposefully built. Fortunately, she'd had an idea since the previous days fight. "Fins! I need some water, as close to that thing as you can get!" she called, and her water dog nodded and dove at the beasts feet, forming the Brightgleam Oasis practically right underneath the Breacher. It still took some time for the Oasis to form, but there was water and the Breacher was standing in it, what little of it there was. That was all she needed. "Everyone, back away from it, now!" she barked, gathering lightning in her hand and throwing it, not directly at the beast, but at the Brightgleam Oasis itself, hoping to use the water as a conduit for the electricity, to try and bypass any natural defenses it had.
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Re: Breacher Beast

Is that a fucking dog?

His head should probably have been elsewhere, but it wasn't often you saw a shark bounding forward with doggy feet and a definitely canine attitude. Of course, you didn't often see a ram the size of an over-sized bull spewing flames and lava for blood, either. The Raggedy Man shook his head yet again, chasing away the black spots around his vision. No, he would not fucking fall down. Not yet. Not while there was still work to be done. The "dog" seemed to have the same idea, and before his eyes Fins splattered and burst into a puddle under the Breacher Ram. But it was not trampled or deceased; Kasoria could see it was too smooth, too intentional for that. Once there was a glimmering pool of water under the monster he saw a flash-

-a burst of brilliant white light that erupted from the black-haired woman across the Courtyard-

-and the Breacher screamed anew as fresh agonies wracked it. Kasoria shielded his eyes for a moment as it seemed its entire unholy skeleton was made sharp and clear under its... skin, for want of a better word. The Ram threw back its head and bellowed as lightning erupted all across it, all through it, ripping open holes in its burning skin and shredding what passed for muscle with in it. Kasoria couldn't help but smirk at the inventiveness as the creature slumped down for a moment.

And it gave him an idea, too.

Quick, now.

Kasoria started to jog lightly and as he did, anyone looking would see his sword begin to glow. After a moment or two, they would see it was not the red metal, but the black runes carved into it. Kasoria ground his teeth as he awakened the enchantment laid into ancient metal, the one that seemed to snake through his palm and latch onto his Spark like a bloodsucker. His already-tired well of magic groaned inside him, pleading for the eldritch thing he held to be denied. But Kasoria needed this hidden side of his sword, now. Alone, just metal and muscle behind it, the blade wouldn't be enough.

But he'd seen what Shadow Slayer could do with the power of a mage's Spark crackling and burning through it. He knew what damage, what rending, what hideous cutting power the burning blade had... and more besides.

The Breacher seemed to sense the weapon coming for it, turning to Kasoria just as he broke into a run, and with a bellow it leaped towards him-

-as the Raggedy Man leaped to the side, right arm crackling with lightning from shoulder to sword tip as it made contact with the regrown horn with an almost metallic clang-


-drowned a moment later by yet another lightning strike ripping through the battered body of the Breacher. This time emanating from the gladius the human held. Kasoria came to a swirling stop at the creature's left, crouched on one knee, gladius held ready to his side. The Breacher was bellowing and stamping and staggering again, horn burned down to the nub, still splashing in the same Oasis that made the last strike so powerful.

A flash of dark hair caught his eye, and Kasoria roared over the agonized monster, face shining with sweat and clenched-down pain.

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Re: Breacher Beast

Vivian's plan had worked and done some serious damage to the beast, but it hadn't been enough to kill it. The man who broken the horns charged forward after the lightning faded, his sword starting to glow. Her own Hone Spark shuddered at that glow, but didn't otherwise react, and she guessed the blade somehow fed on magic. It seemed she was right, as the sword caused another lightning strike that cauterized the wounded horn, preventing it from healing any faster than it otherwise might. The creature was still staggering and the blow had managed to keep the beast in the still growing pool. The first lightning bolt working had been a lucky shot, but this time Vivian didn't need luck, or a callout, to know she could hit the beast with a second lightning bolt. In fact, she already had her other lightning bolt ready before the man called out and threw it as he was speaking.

The bolt impacted the water again, doing yet more damage to the big beast, burning through more flesh and tearing more muscle. But Vivian didn't intend to treat it as a killing shot. She gathered lightning under feet and used Rising Lightning to leap forward and around the beast, positioning herself so that it was facing her head on. "There's no need to swear like that." she called to the man as she raised her sword, activating Conduit so that her armor and weapon were carrying an electric current. The lightning coursing through the beast ran out and it leveled her with a look of pure malevolence. But she had a pretty good idea as to these creatures weak point, that glowing spot on their head that their fire was coming from. She aimed for that and, as the beast got ready to charge, she snapped her fingers, using a Sound Trigger to activate the Runes she had put in place before arriving at the fort. Vivian kept a Chained Strength and Endurance Rune on each limb and her chest in case she needed them for a fight, and this was the perfect time to use them.

When the beast charged her, Vivian used Rising Lightning and met the beast with her own charger, her sword aimed at the spot on its head. The sound they made was thunderously loud, and Vivian was almost certain that, even with the Endurance Runes, she had felt at least three of her ribs crack with the impact, if not more. She could feel her Mortalborn powers activating to start trying to recover that damage, but her ongoing healing wasn't that strong. She'd need some medical care after this fight, that was for sure. However, her plan had worked, her sword was lodged in the burning spot on the Breachers head.

Unfortunately, the beast wasn't actually dead yet, shrieking with pain as it tried to shake her off, since she was now hanging onto the unbroken horn and kind of riding the creature, if one could call hanging on for dear life riding. "Stubborn beast. Die, already!" she shouted, triggering her Remnants Domain. The image of a large black ithecal briefly appeared over Vivian, and when it passed she had put on some extra height and grown a tail, her armor and clothes shifting to accomodate the transformation. More importantly, her sword had turned into a large, double bladed axe. The sudden widening of the weapon in its skull caused the Breacher to shriek with pain and finally throw Vivian off, the axe coming free as well, though she kept a grip of it.

The lightning knight crashed to the grown as the beast flailed about, letting out a strangled hiss of pain as her ribs creaked with the impact. Getting back up, she dropped her shield to take hold of the axe with both hands. "It's dying now, but it's too stupid to know it. We need to finish it off before it cause any more damage." she snarled, getting ready to leap back into the fight.
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Re: Breacher Beast

"There's no need to swear like that."

"Fuck off an' fuckin' do some-"


"... thing?"

Lightning. That seemed to be the theme for the day. The dark-haired girl threw up her arm and drew crackling silver arcs from the ground and into her sword. Kasoria's derogatory tone shifted quite abruptly at the sight of it. By the time she'd finished her abomination-riding act, his jaw was hanging slack and amazed. Which was not to say he forgot to-


-and jumped to one side as the Breacher Beast went careening past him, maddened beyond words. It went blinding charging into the nearest wall, flaming horns cracking into stone, glowing gold rings jangling even above the noise of the battle. The Raggedy Man made to rush over to the woman, but stopped himself before he went more than a half-dozen steps. No. This was better. The two of them at opposite ends, keeping the beast's attention forever split. It couldn't attack one without the other going for its blind side. Having them side by side would negate that advantage. And besides... she was back on her feet pretty quickly.

"It's dying now, but it's too stupid to know it. We need to finish it off before it cause any more damage."

Kasoria didn't bother replying. There was nothing that required one, and he keeping his gaze on the monster was more important. He could see it flailing and roaring, spewing flames and hatred, but there was something tremulous about it now. Yes, even that word could apply to a beast ravaged enough. It had been unstoppable mere buts before, proud and arrogant. Now it had learned too late the cost for that over-confidence. Now it was slashed, hacked, bleeding, exhausted, run through with lightning and its insides boiled and baked. Fear. He could almost smell it, overpowered as it was by the anger-

-that seemed to chase away everything else as those slant-eyes of flame found him again.

Kasoria did not reply. He just left her. Started walking towards the monster, flourishing his glowing, crackling sword with one hand and pointing it in challenge... but Vivian could just see his other hand behind his back, expertly palming a throwing knife from his bracer.

"Ey?! 'member me, ye cunt?!" A snort of scorching steam was all the answer he got, so Kasoria gave it a twisted sneer in return. "Come on, den. Make a proper fuckin' end of it..."

The Breacher Beast bellowed and charged. Ragged and limping as it was, there was still no denying the sheer terror it embodied. Mayhap more when it was so hideously wounded. Kasoria knew well how mortal wounds did not make an enemy less of a threat; in those last moments, desperate and frenzied, that was when the killing blow could strike. Because they knew they were doomed; they knew the window for them to achieve one last victory was closing fast. Fear, hesitation, self-preservation, all of it vanished. Your enemy was beaten when his corpse was burning and his head on a pike; any time before that was edging towards cockiness.

One downside, though, he reminded himself as he gauge distance and speed. Those last few moments? You ain't thinking that straight.

As Vivian watched, the little man's arm moved like a black blur-

-birthing a flash of silver that glinted in the aura cast by the flaming monster-

-which reared up in mid-charge as six inches of sharpened steel flew straight and true into the gushing, fiery aperture where its forehead should have been. It might have been melted within trills but the shock, the damage was enough to make it rear on its back legs in agony, braying bellow escaping its lips-

-not seeing the little human dart forwards, gladius burning, hissing, casting sparks and strands of ether-forged lightning as he swung it two-handed with a roar-

He took one of its front legs off above the knee. When the Breacher came back down to the ground, it came with a crash. No balance, no footing (what with one now smoldering away to one side). Its horned head smashed into the ground before Kasoria and he didn't give it a chance to get back up. The gladius was already back at his side and cocked for a thrust by the time the Breacher touched down. The moment it was at his level he lunged and screamed and Vivian saw ether ripple under like body, flowing up and into-

-the glowing red sword that seemed to split the very sky as it pierced the Breacher's skull. The monster shrieked and Kasoria felt the bucking, tossing spasm of the head coming. Not this time, he growled mentally, going down to his knees and yanking down hard. Keeping the thing on its front knees, screaming, bleeding fire and lava and bleeding black blood onto the ground in front of him. He could already feel his flesh start to blacken and hiss. Body hair sizzling as it was burned away, skin soon to follow. Through gritted teeth his hissed at the dark-haired girl. She was getting closer now, double-headed ax held in hands that clearly knew how to use them.

Over smoking, burning ruin, Kasoria met her gaze.

"Take it's fuckin' head off," he managed to spit, then winced as his Spark groaned within him. Weariness and bruises and burning alive were no longer his only concerns. Shadow Slayer was eating his Spark alive; he could feel it chewing up his magic, from fingers to heart. He couldn't hold it much longer. "Now, damn it!"
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Re: Breacher Beast

Vivian snarled as the man went to attack the ramernickel. The Ithecal who's remnant she was channeling made her more aggressive than usual, but her injured ribs were imparting some sense of self preservation, so she didn't immediately charge the beast again, giving the ragged looking man time to launch his own attack. She did however, roll her eyes as he started swearing at the ramernickel again. "Are you incapable of speaking without swearing, or were you just raised wrong?" she snapped, gathering lightning under her feet as she lept to the beasts side to get a clear shot at it.

Unfortunately, the man got in her way before she could attack the beast, forcing Vivian to waste time repositioning again. In truth, she normally wouldn't mind, but while she was channeling the Ithecal, anything that got in her way of a fight just made her mad. So by the time the man had the beast down, she was well and truly pissed off, so she hardly needed him telling her to attack it when the ramernickel was down. Using Rising Lightning, she charged the beast and slammed her axe into the base of the beasts skull. "Move, idiot, before you catch on fire." she snarled, as she gathered lightning under her feet for another jump. Using Rising Lightning, Vivian jumped forward, driving her axe even further into the ramernickels head. Finally, with a horrible tearing sound, the head came loose as Vivian's leap pulled the ramernickels head away from the neck.

When she came to a stop, Vivian jerked her axe out of the beasts head and stepped back from it, making sure it was actually dead. Then she let out a sigh and let go of the Ithecal's spirit, returning herself to her normal state, even turning her axe back into a sword. Dropping to one knee, Vivian shook her head. Using her Remnants power always gave her a headache, and the impact from crashing into the ramernickel did not make her feel any better. Finally she stood to her feet and looked around. "Anyone who's badly injured, get yourself to the medics." she said, before gesturing to one of the soldiers. "Get a crew and have this body taken away to be examined. I want to know everything we can about these things." she said, before she walked over to pick her shield back. "I really hate channeling him." she said, shaking her head to try and clear it.
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Re: Breacher Beast


When that ax bit into the ram's neck and Kasoria started to feel lightning scorch away the hair on his arms, he let go of the sword. That seemed like the prudent thing to do. Let go and get back.

He didn't know what magic the woman had in her, and didn't much care. What mattered was it worked, and she seemed to have complete control over it. The fact she barely looked like a woman anymore was an indication. Something like a fucking Ithecal war raring up with a battleaxe, burying it in the monstrous ram's neck with one mighty swipe. The beast snarled, yelped, a sound oddly pitiful from a creature so hellish. Kasoria scooted away on his arse and watched lightning spew from the ground under the woman, lifting her high up, bringing her down-


There was a hideous, wrenching, twisting sound. Like a pry bar slammed into a wall and then used to rip a chunk out of it. Only this time it was cast steel and whatever passed for a skull under the ramernickel's flaming skin. With a sound like a wet wall being demolished, the thing's cranium seemed to blast apart... and as it slumped down to the ground, the flames about it died. Kasoria stared for a solid few moments as Vivian rapped out orders, very much used to being in command. By the time she'd remembered he was even there and deigned to throw some words his way, Kasoria had limped over to the carcass and reclaimed his sword.

"I really hate channeling him."

"Who?" Kasoria asked, instinctive curiosity that he usually held back so tightly wandering freely in his dazed state. Before he could answer he waved a dismissive hand, almost black from the heat. "Know what, ferget it. Too fuckin' late an' I'm bloody knackered. Gonna find dat nurse an get some..." He studied his hands. Very soon the adrenaline running through his body would wear off. He was not looking forward to that. "... bandages or ointment're summin'."

The little Etzori swayed on his feet and felt the world tilt gently under them. Fates, that was stupid. Shadow Slayer was a hungry bastard, and he knew better than to goad it. That and his arms looked like underdone chicken, which was another problem to be dealt with. He looked the woman up and down, gleam of appreciation flaring briefly in his jet-black eyes. He jutted his chin towards the doorway, starting to limp away even as he spoke.

"C'mon. They'll look yeh over, too."

Whether or not she followed, he didn't look back. If she'd judged herself fit enough to go without, that was her dodge. Kasoria was not nearly so confident, even with his legendary (well, back home) reputation for stubbornly refusing to die. Already men were limping or staggering or being carried to the same way. The monster responsible for their ailments were dead, cleaved, messily beheaded and soon to be dissected. Kasoria didn't look back at that, either.

It was cold, and he was tired. He'd been heroic enough for one bloody night.
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Re: Breacher Beast


Abrogation - Backlash + Shield: Perfect for a Charging Enemy
Abrogation - Backlash + Shield: Stops and Counter-Attacks Simultaneously
Medicine: Quick Self-Examination for Injury
Medicine: Burn Ointment
Medicine: Battle Rush Numbs Senses, but Doesn't Heal Wounds
Socialization: Communicating via. Letters
Socialization: Showing Concern for Others
Tactics: Digging Defensive Ditches
Tactics - Capstone: Fighting a Breacher Beast

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: Bruises and bumps; Light Overstepping: Dizziness; since this thread is from last cycle, Kasoria is already okay again.
Renown: 15, for fighting the Breacher Beast.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.

Points: 15


Knowledge: -
Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 15, for fighting the Breacher Beast.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: -

Points: 15


Knowledge: -
Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: -

Points: 15
- - -
Comments: I like the way that Vega prays to the Immortals. There’s something unique about her, no matter what she does. When Kasoria saw her and thought “This fucking bitch again.”, I couldn’t help but be amused. It’s a pity that she didn’t continue the thread. Kasoria’s fighting scenes were exciting to read, as always. Vivian seemed to be the most level-headed of the three of them. Her criticizing Kasoria’s swearing went exactly as I expected. He swore more! The interaction between the two of them was fun and made their fighting the Breacher Beast even more entertaining to read in my opinion.

Enjoy your rewards!

Vivian, if you want knowledges after all, let me know, and I’ll edit this review. Same for you, Vega. I didn’t give you Renown, because you didn’t actually help kill the Breacher Beast.
word count: 272





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