"You are free to choose,"
Vhalar 79th, 719
Soren woke early, seeing the bright white glow shining through his windows. It finally happened. He knew it had to have been soon, and it seemed today was the day. Snow day. He'd been prepared for this day for some time now, having learned from previous years. Today would be a celebration. And so, he got up, stretching his fingers, sore from age and the creeping cold that had been coming into the season. He went through his morning routine of cleaning and grooming, went through the routine of balancing his books while eating a bowl of yogurt down at the bar. Once he was done, his lockbox and ledger locked away, he waited.
And it wasn't long that he'd have to wait.
The side door unlocked and opened as the morning staff arrived, they were all smiles, bundled up in scarves and heavy coats of fur. Soren looked at them, "Shall we?" And so, they set to work. The cooks began getting the morning breakfasts being made, as well as prepping extra, large batches of mulled wine, spiced apple cider, and hot cocoa. More staff were in than usual, knowing that the first day of snow was an opportunity for overtime.
Soren, Billiam, and Charlize went outside into the thick snow trudging their way down the road a ways, to a small park. This park was just a small, though deep pond with some trees around it, and a carved runestone, indicating that a woman named Loren really loved this spot a couple hundred arcs ago. Billiam walked over to the ice, tapping it with his metal tipped walking stick. It cracked easily, so he punched at it over and over, breaking up the surface. He watched the surface, seeing that it wasn't rapidly freezing over. "We're good to go here boss, we'll get the wood and robes."
Soren nodded, trudging back to the tavern. Out front were the triplets, shovels in hand, clearing half the road in front of the tavern and carving a path toward the pond, down the alleys, and around the back room entrance. They made evenly sized, large, spaced out piles of snow. Soren approached Charlie, who looked up at him with a smile, "Good snow for building. We're good to go here. Same prizes as last arc?" Soren nodded and smiled, heading inside. The inner decor was festive, blues, whites, and light purples, the fires were stoked, getting ready to burn hot and bright. The air already smelled of the cooking food, heavy with wintry spices.
Soren poured himself some cinnamon whiskey, then poured some fresh coffee on top of it, looking around as his staff finished preparations. The place operated like a well oiled machine, and he couldn't be prouder. The front road was prepared for the morning snow sculpture contest. Soren would judge these sculptures himself. All participants got a free drink. Third place got a bottle of liquor or wine of their choice. Second place got a small barrel of beer of their choice. First place got a large barrel of beer or a crate of liquor or wine of their choice.
The side alleys and the back road were prepared for the snowball fights and wars (mostly for children, but Melrathi adults seemed to enjoy getting into them as well). Typically the side alleys were used as team bases, where snowballs were built and people prepared, and the war itself fought outside of the backroom. It got brutal typically, but it was all in good fun. And it would eventually devolve into chaos, with it being every man, woman, and child for themselves. It always did.
The pond was prepared for the polar plunge. Billiam and Charlize prepared a large bonfire in the road, somewhat near to the pond. They kept a supply of sacks and robes on hand. The rule was simply. Strip down naked, put your stuff in a sack, jump in the pond, last as long as you could, get out, receive a robe, and get sent to the tavern for a free drink. They would start once a fair amount of people showed up, with Billiam and Charlize going first, to show that it wasn't something to be scared of. They were the reason this event existed, for they didn't even need to return to the tavern to endure the cold. They were from the coldest villages of Melrath, after all.
And the tavern was prepared to sell quite a bit of alcohol and warming food to the participants.
As the eighth break arrived, Soren now expected people to start showing up. And he saw them coming down the road as he stood in the tavern door sipping his coffee. The first were the kids, many of whom had been here last year, racing to claim their snowball war spots and begin making snowballs. Behind them were the trudging adults, just wanting some warmth before they got started.
It was going to be a good day.
Tavern Calendar Entry
Vhalar 79th - First Heavy Snow - On the first heavy snow of the season, the tavern will be hosting multiple events, including a snow sculpture contest, snowball war, and the polar plunge. All Limited Supply Drinks will be 50% during this trial.
"But you are not free from the consequences."