Why, Hello There, Greta (Solo)

The cities and villages of Melrath are as varied and diverse as they come. The capital of Raelia is the the jewel of this western kingdom, playing host to a merchants, artisans, Aesir priests, as well as a cut throat political landscape dominated by the nobles of Raelia. To the south in the depths of the Myrkvior Forest lies Melrath's second largest, and oldest city, Fensalir. Here people have learned to live alongside spirits and the natural world by maintaining their loyalty to traditions laid down the first Melrathi. To the east lies the small fishing village of Noatun, and to the western mountains rests the Mer city of Verimeer, the brewing town of Alivilda and the alpine village Vormund.
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Soren Kvistson
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Why, Hello There, Greta (Solo)


"You are free to choose,"

Cylus 1, 720

Soren bit into his chicken, eating it quietly and politely, unlike the man down the bar, his bar, rather pleased with how his cooks did on it. However, he kept finding himself staring at the man who was chewing with his mouth open. Soren would never admit it, but he was tired these days. Ever since he began being haunted by the ghost from that damn bottle of whiskey. That would teach him to open things that weren't truly his.

He bit into the roll that came with his meal. It was a bit stale, tough. He spat it out on his plate, and was now glaring daggers at the man. Seeing Soren's agitation, Harold came over, still wiping down a glass, a constant habit. The man always had to have something in his hands. It did well to complete the bartender look. "Something the matter, boss?"

Harold, of course, knew that the loud eating man was at least one of the sources of Soren's problems. Still, he would ask. "What is wrong with this bread? I thought we ordered fresh, daily. I pay extra for that." Harold grimaced. This was a more embarrassing problem. A business related problem always got deep under his boss's skin. "I believe the baker we made the deal with, Jorgun, has fallen ill. He's older. His son has taken over the shop in his stead but... he's just not got the same eye for quality as his father. Jorgun spent so much time honing his craft, that there wasn't enough time to pass it on."

Soren scowled. Shoddy business was not something he could tolerate. He moved his plate forward, and Harold knew enough to not even need to ask. He took the plate, to go dump it. Soren stood up, walked over to the man with a severe lacking of manners, and slammed a few coins down on the bar in front of him, causing the man, and a few others, to startle. "You're done. I'm paying for your meal. Leave now, never return to my tavern. Now."

The man stood up, coming a full head shorter than Soren. But he was a Melrathi pride on the line. He faced Soren, "You going to make me? Old man?" Soren smiled down at the man, "I don't take out the trash here." Then Soren slammed his head downward, crashing his forehead right into the man's nose. The man dropped like a sack of bricks, crumpled in a heap. Soren's head was already aching from the blow. Nobody ever wins in a headbutt.

Shelly was already being brought to the front room, Harold having fetched her. She was a mountain of a woman and picked up the man easily. "What he do boss?" Soren, holding the bridge of his nose, scowling beneath his fingers, "Refused to leave. I believe they call that trespassing. Take him to one of the newer guards, that redhead boy that patrols here now. I'm sure he'd like an easy one." Shelly nodded and left the tavern with the man over her shoulder.

Soren turned to Harold, "We are no longer accepting business from Jorgun, even if his health does improve. Do not serve any more of that horrible bread. Throw it all away, burn it, I don't care. I will find us a replacement." Soren raised an arm, one finger extended, turning his hand in a circle. Harold knew that to mean to give everyone a drink on the house for the disturbance. And with that, Soren left, having one destination on his mind.

And it didn't take long for his feet to carry him to Greta's, hearing the bell ring and smelling the delightful aroma of her shop as he stepped inside. His agitation was gone already, he was in business mode now, as he was most of the time. And he smiled like a wolf, shaking off all the sleep deprivation and annoyance.

"Why, hello there, Greta."

"But you are not free from the consequences."
word count: 692
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Soren Kvistson
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Re: Why, Hello There, Greta (Solo)


"You are free to choose,"

Greta looked up cheerfully as Soren entered her bakery. "Good morning, Mister Kvistson, what can I get for you?"

Soren sauntered up to the counter, keeping his eyes locked on the woman, smiling as he put on his bit of charm. "One of whatever just came out of the oven, one coffee, and when you get a chance to step away, a moment of your time." The woman nodded as she listened to his order, though looked up a bit confused at the last request. "Um, sure thing Mister Kvistson, I'll need to finish a few things in back first, if you don't mind waiting."

Soren smiled, "Not at all. Please, take your time, nothing to rush over."

She handed him his coffee and a piping hot saffron bun, he nodded in thanks, and carried his treats over to a small table. There were a few other people here, some he recognized as residents of the neighborhood, here for the breakfast. Soren tore off a piece of his saffron bun, dipping it into the black coffee before chewing on it. Perfection, as always. Greta truly did know her way around some buns.

Soren spent his time watching the other people, discretely, while Greta toiled in the back. He occasionally saw her come to the door to look and see if he was still here. He made sure to not adjust his gaze to look directly at her when she did this, not wishing to scare the clearly nervous woman off. He got the impression that she'd never really had to have a business meeting before. He knew she was given the old smithy and the apartment above by her grandmother, so she'd not really had to negotiate for it. He didn't know of anyone who was purchasing from her in bulk. Just the many, many standard customers.

Once the saffron bun was eaten, and his coffee drained, Soren relaxed against the back of his chair, hands in his pockets, a satisfied smile on his face. He looked up as Greta came out, her hands freshly washed, a timid smile on her face as she pulled up a chair and sat across from him. "What can I help you with today, Mister Kvistson?"

Soren smiled at her, interlocking his fingers upon the surface of the table, "Yes, I actually do need your help Greta." He cast his eyes down on his hands, "You know old man Jorgun? Way down the way?" Her eyes lit up. "The muffin man? Of course I know him! I've been trying to make my muffins as good as his since I tried them as a wee lass."

Soren cast his eyes up on her, having spent the time with them down forcing a bit of wetness into them, "Jorgun isn't doing so well. He's had to step down from his bakery, and his son is taking over. You know the lad yes?"

Greta wrinkled her nose, "He doesn't let his dough rise! He doesn't make anything with fruit because he doesn't like fruit! What sort of nonsense is that?" Soren could see the offense against her craft on her face. So he continued, "Now I'm not sure if you know this or not, but I had an agreement with old man Jorgun, he provided all the fresh daily baked goods for my tavern. I bought them in bulk, and I dealt with the waste, so he always had a steady profit from my business."

Greta nodded, and so he continued, "But I do not think I can continue with Jorgun's son taking over the business. I can't compromise my livelihood for charity, no matter how much I respect Jorgun himself. He truly is a great man and phenomenal baker. But..."

Greta reached out, grasping his hands, giving a comforting squeeze, "I understand. You have to protect your business, Mister Kvistson. I certainly don't accept subpar flour from my farmers."

He squeezed her hands back, "I'm glad you understand me on this Greta, truly. As for what help I need, I'm looking for a replacement bakery to fulfill the agreement I had with Jorgun. I came to you first. I may go visit some others today, but I must say, I'm hoping you're willing and able. I know it's just you working here so if it's too much to take on..."

Her face brightened, "It's not just me anymore! Your friend, Eihr, helps me too!"

Soren smiled at her softly, "Does he now? I'm glad to see he's doing well."

Greta nodded happily and Soren continued, "The agreement I had with Jorgun was fresh bread and pastries daily delivered in the mornings, with pies, sweetbreads, or cakes in the afternoons. Payment would be given upon receipt of the goods. Jorgun did have free reign to choose what he sent, so long as it was fresh and it met the general terms. I know he often used it as an opportunity to use up ingredients before they turned."

Greta nodded, then shook her head, "I... don't think I can do that Mister Kvistson. I want to, don't get me wrong, but I can't leave my bakery to make deliveries. And obviously Eihr can't do it."

Soren smiled, leaning back in his chair, "And if I could solve that problem for you, would you be interested?"

She nodded furiously, smiling all the while, "Why, yes, yes of course! Do you think you could?"

Soren stood up, sticking a hand out to be shook, "I'll have it handled by day's end. Can you start tomorrow?"

Greta stood up as well, "Yes, I think... no, I know I can Mister Kvistson."

They shook hands, and Soren turned to leave, stopping and looking back from the doorway, "The bun and coffee were phenomenal, as always Greta. Thank you."

Greta smiled back at him, waving a bit, before turning back and returning to her baking. Soren left, walking along the street, getting a delivery person was easy. That was just a quick bit of coin. No, he had something else in mind.

He was off to see the muffin man, and to acquire his muffin recipes, for Greta.

"But you are not free from the consequences."
word count: 1068
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Re: Why, Hello There, Greta (Solo)


Unarmed Combat (Brawling) x1
Business Management x3
Negotiation x2

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: A bit of a headache due to headbutting someone. It should go away again soon though.
Renown: 5, for dealing with the annoying guy and doing business with Greta.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: I was rather surprised when Soren dealt with the annoying man himself and headbutted him! That scene was entertaining though. He would have gotten on my nerves as well with his chewing!

I especially enjoyed the interaction with Greta. She’s a well-written NPC and quite nice. I hope that she’ll be featured in more of your threads!

Anyway, enjoy your rewards!
word count: 117





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