I nominate Bronik for Pioneer, being the First Eunuch PC!
I wish I was joking.
Medal Nomination Thread
See someone on the site who's done something medal-worthy? Let us know here.
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Medal Nomination Thread
word count: 15
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Medal Nomination Thread
We only award murderer for cold blooded murder. You have to actually want to kill someone and carry it out.Alistair wrote:I'd like to nominate myself and Andraska Venora for the Murderer medal for unintentionally (on his part) and intentionally taking part in the murder of an NPC in this thread: /viewtopic.php?f=192&t=2677
Shit got real.
Best part was we expected this thread to be a basic conversation thread over a surgery, but this happened.
word count: 81
A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.
- Alistair
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Medal Nomination Thread
Well, I think Alistair would still get it! He very much intentionally killed the man. xD
Well, I think Alistair would still get it! He very much intentionally killed the man. xD
word count: 17
- Bronik
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Medal Nomination Thread
Alistair wrote:I nominate Bronik for Pioneer, being the First Eunuch PC!
I wish I was joking.
Possibly the worst thing to get pioneer for after spending all these months working towards being the first PC to build a schooner from scratch LOL. Pioneer: "Did great things, but has no balls. GG".
word count: 52
- Alistair
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Medal Nomination Thread
That's what true love is; ignoring all of their positive accomplishments and focusing on arbitrary characteristics. 
I'll concede though. I nominate Bronik as the first PC to build a schooner from scratch!

I'll concede though. I nominate Bronik as the first PC to build a schooner from scratch!
word count: 34
- Alistair
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Medal Nomination Thread
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Medal Nomination Thread
Vluharqih spent an onyx nel plus.
Right here in her "Shopping!" thread.
So that ought to qualify her for the "Shopaholic" medal
If not for the "Most Creative Thread Name" medal...
Right here in her "Shopping!" thread.
So that ought to qualify her for the "Shopaholic" medal

If not for the "Most Creative Thread Name" medal...

word count: 31
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Medal Nomination Thread
Thank you for the nominations
These medals have been rewarded.

word count: 10
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Medal Nomination Thread
While I intend to acknowledge the assistence of three individuals in my CS, on helping me craft that CS, the following three individuals, I believe deserve the Menter Medal for their helping me:
As the moderators you are of course allowed to disagree, but this is of course my opinion, thank you.
As the moderators you are of course allowed to disagree, but this is of course my opinion, thank you.
word count: 56
More than a boy, not quite a man.
Jed's author is seeking someone with working eyes to assist with images: thank you.
More than a boy, not quite a man.
Theme song
Credit for this goes to Faith, who found it after hearing aboutJed on chat
About the author
Jedith's writer is blind, and I do mean that in the physical sense... light and dark detection isn't even a reliable thing at this point. As such Dischord isn't an option, and other errors are to be expected. He isn't exactly happy about this, so feel free to point them out when they occur: thanks in advance for them.
- Faith Augustin Champion
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Medal Nomination Thread
So, a few nom-nom-nominations.
Elyna, I believe should have the "Character of the Month"?
But my nominations are:
Bronik for Reviewer's Choice: I have absolutely loved reviewing his threads. Examples are here and here
And Bronik for "Painting with Words" too (as above and also here
Aeon, Nir'wei and Kingdom for "Mentor" because the first two spent six hours trying to make something on my CS work then Kingdom came in and said "Nope. Only works up to style3".... we all died.
And Alistair / Incubus as Mentor too - because you know, that guy is like a question-answering demon in chat. So helpful and really always good natured. No question is too stupid, and believe me I've tried!
Zvezdana - for "Hallowed" because, no matter what happens in this rebellion / anti-rebellion, people called her "Your Majesty" and meant it.
Faith (meeee), Alistair, Tristan, Duncan and Elyna for "Enemy of My Enemy" for the whole anti-rebellion thing. (does that work? No worries if not!)
Elyna, I believe should have the "Character of the Month"?
But my nominations are:
Bronik for Reviewer's Choice: I have absolutely loved reviewing his threads. Examples are here and here
And Bronik for "Painting with Words" too (as above and also here
Aeon, Nir'wei and Kingdom for "Mentor" because the first two spent six hours trying to make something on my CS work then Kingdom came in and said "Nope. Only works up to style3".... we all died.
And Alistair / Incubus as Mentor too - because you know, that guy is like a question-answering demon in chat. So helpful and really always good natured. No question is too stupid, and believe me I've tried!
Zvezdana - for "Hallowed" because, no matter what happens in this rebellion / anti-rebellion, people called her "Your Majesty" and meant it.
Faith (meeee), Alistair, Tristan, Duncan and Elyna for "Enemy of My Enemy" for the whole anti-rebellion thing. (does that work? No worries if not!)
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 169
Life, Death and the In-Between .