Moderated [Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.

10th of Vhalar 719

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[Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.

10th Vhalar 719

If it was down to Padraig, this woman would be dead. Varlum too. But Faith had not killed her, nor had her killed. In fact, during the time since the final battle and now, Ellasin had been looked after. Faith had checked in on her almost daily - and she had received medical care of the best quality. Here, in Zuudaria, she was kept safe and there were guards on her constantly. But the aim of this was to get Ellasin better. Faith needed to know her, to know what had happened.There were a hundred reasons, not the least of which was Faith fundamental compassion. But it was more than that. It was, in fact, much more than that.

She well remembered what they'd seen through the mirror in Uthaldria, what the Truthblade had meant. Faith knew that somehow, Ellasin and her daughter were tied together and, none of that made sense to her. So, she also knew, that she had to find out. She walked into the room where Ellasin was, and she glanced around. Faith had made sure that the woman was comfortable, well cared for. Faith walked in, the short human looking at the former lich with eyes which glowed a deep red. Whenever she was here, in Zuudaria, that happened and Faith really didn't think she minded it in this instance. Not at all.

Still, she had cared for Ellasin, tended to her medically and Faith could not doubt that the former lich and Champion of Sintra had suffered. Yet, the war had changed Faith Augustin in ways which were undeniable, and so she looked at Ellasin and smiled slightly. Just a slight smile, nothing more. Faith moved and sat, on one of the low chairs in the room, gesturing for Ellasin to do the same. When the former necromancer sat opposite the very-much-still Zuuda, Faith regarded her quietly for a moment.

Then, she spoke.

"I've thought a lot about this moment," Faith said, softly. "About how I'd feel, what I'd say." Her fingers, folded together in her lap, pressed one against the other and she breathed in slightly. "Since that night. The 1st of Cylus, 719." The night that Ellasin had sent her zombies to attack Faith's house, Faith's home. Faith's children. Her fingers whitened as the pads pressed together a little. The night when Qit'ria had died, defending Faith's family. "I've thought it about it every trial since. Which is odd, because before that, I didn't know your name." The slight smile now had a twist of bitter irony. But then, was that surprising?

What Faith said was true, she had thought about this and thought about it a lot. About this moment where they sat, across from each other. Once, a lifetime or more ago, Faith had dreamed with Noth and Padraig. The two men had played board games for the fate of the world, in Faith's dreams, and she had been intrigued by the way they looked at each other. She had remembered it as she had wondered about this moment. They gazed one at the other, her and Ellasin and Faith knew, in that moment, what she was going to do. How this interrogation and investigation was going to go. And, frankly, it was as inevitable as Maxine and Patrick's betrayal, as the war itself - as soon as the first blow was struck by Ellasin, this moment was inevitable and so, too, was this question.

So, Faith asked it.

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Re: [Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.

As a Lich, Ellasin had been beautiful, in defiance of the decomposition that normally afflicted Liches. Now, despite her once again beating heart, Ellasin looked closer to a corpse than she ever had as an undead. The people treating her had been very good, but there was little that even the best medicine could do to keep one at peak health when the patient was in the sort of state Ellasin had been in following her defeat. She was pale, somewhat underweight, and very clearly still wasn't sleeping well. However, it was her eyes that had changed most. Even the merest glance at Ellasin would tell the observer that she was haunted by some horror that gnawed at her mind.

However, her physical condition was one thing, it was the change in her mentality that was the most notable difference in her. Despite her fearsome reputation and the war that had been fought, Ellasin had proven to be a model prisoner since her mind had cleared and her fevers and delirium had passed. She offered neither insult nor complaint to her guards, and she submitted to examinations and questioning without the slightest shred of resistance.

Now, as Faith entered, Ellasin looked up at her and gave a weak, but genuine smile. When Faith motioned her to sit, the mage gave her a nod of gratitude and took the offered chair. When Faith started to speak, Ellasin remained silent until Faith asked her single question, which earned a small laugh from the Naer. "I confess myself surprised at your choice of first question. Ever since I first discovered necromancy, the Zuuda have considered me their enemy, though I did not return the sentiment. I don't doubt that some of your number considered the Necromantress turning aggressive to be an expected turn of events." she said, her voice harsh and raspy from the abuse she had put her vocal chords through during her recovery.

"However, it is a fair question, but not one I'm entirely sure I have all the answers too. There are pieces to the puzzle I don't have." she said, before taking a deep breath. "To tamper with the memories of a Champion of Sintra, one who was raised and trained by the Scarecrow herself at that, is no easy feat. To do so haphazardly, however, is risky." she said, pausing to cough a moment before continuing. "I do not know how Rose Augustin entered my memories, nor do I know who put her there. But we knew that my memories had been tampered with, for one day, we found that we had some sentiment for my early childhoold, when before there had only ever been contempt and anger." she said, her tone musing.

Then a dark scowl passed over Ellasin's face. "While I was, myself, curious about this transgression into my past, I had long since lost control to the Necromantress." she said, a look of abject horror now apparent when she spoke of losing control. It took her a moment to master herself, but when she had, she continued. "To understand why she attacked you, there is something you must understand about the Necromantress. She was not a dictator who sought to rule through fear, or some petty cult leader seeking dominion over small minds. The Necromantress thought herself a god, and as such, she thought herself perfect, without flaw and unassailable. This meddling in her memories drove her mad, she was consumed with the need to understand what had been done and how her perceived perfection had been marred." she said, before sighing. "Despite the Necromantress' contempt for me, I had at times been able to curb her most insane urges. I felt that we might gain the understanding that she sought by just asking you about it. The Necromantress, however, would not be swayed by what she saw as my weakness. In her mind, she needed only one thing to understand all that had happened." she said, before giving Faith a grim look.

"The Necromantress desired Rose. Not out of love, or any such tender emotion. In her mind, Rose was simply a means to an end. Once that end was attained, she would simply be an object to possess." she said, a note of rage and contempt entering her voice as she spoke. After a moment, due to having to pause to cough again, Ellasin continued. "However, you managed to beat back her forces. This enraged her even further, and she felt the need to crush you for daring to aught else but lay down and die at her command." she said, a note of amusement entering Ellasin's voice as she remembered the Necromantress' rage at that defeat.

Then a look of shame showed and Ellasin fidgeted guiltily in her seat before continuing. "To make my own sins clear, however, at this point I did something shameful and remarkably selfish. I goaded the Necromantress on into the war, knowing what it may cost. I did this because I believed that, of all those who had opposed the Necromantress since she came to control my body, you had the best chance of defeating her, of killing us." she said, looking away from Faith as she spoke. "I do not expect you to forgive that, or indeed to do aught but hold me responsible for the sins of my creation. While there are excuses I could make, they would be shallow indeed." she said, before shaking her head. "You did not ask me to reminisce on my follies." she said, before returning to the question at hand.

"However, there is little left to tell of the why behind the war. All else I can say on the subject is that, at some point, my memories were tampered with again. This time, it restored my original memories, but I also kept the memories I had with Rose in them. Essentially, I have two versions of my past existing in my memory at the same time." she said, before shrugging. "However, it changed nothing. The Necromantress still desired to reach the source of these tamperings and believed Rose to be the key, and she still desired to crush you for what she believed to be your impiety and insolence." she said, before giving a semi-mocking laugh. "The Necromantress forgot she was never very good at direct conflict. Perhaps if she had remembered that, she might actually have lasted longer than half a bit when she finally chose to confront you herself." she said, a note of pleasure in her voice as she recalled her own defeat. Then she looked at Faith again. "Thank you, for that." she said, genuine gratitude in her voice.
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Re: [Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.

10th Vhalar 719

Faith sat and listened to Ellasin speak. The mage was surprised at Faith's question? That didn't shock Faith in truth - if Ellasin had any idea of who she was or what she stood for things might not have ended up here, where they were. Yet, the woman painted a picture with her words and Faith found herself considering it carefully, weighing each word. Zuuda considered her an enemy, but she did not return the sentiment? Of course, Ellasin portrayed herself positively, the Necromantess as being in control.Ellasin's expressions were honest and she told the truth - such as it was. Yet, Faith wasn't sure that she believed it, just yet. Champion of Sintra, the Immortal of Manipulation and Entrapment, playing the duped victim was not really something Faith thought was very likely.

Colour her cynical and all that.

But no, Faith wasn't buying it. However, the war had taught Faith a lot of things. Many of them about truth and lies, loyalty and deceit. And Faith knew that you could tell someone the truth with careful words. But whether it was honest or not was a different thing. For example, Ellasin spoke of when she had 'discovered' Necromancy - rather than when she had sought it out and chosen it. Both true, but one much more honest. Still, Faith sat back and she listened, and she watched.

And, of course, she learned.

There had been messing with Ellasin's memories, and with the Necromantess? That was interesting. Neither Ellasin not the Necromantess knew how Rose got into Ellasin's memories? Faith felt the ideas begin to fall together. She began to see links and connections and she began to wonder. The disciplined young woman did not move or murmur, she simply sat and listened, but her mind ~ always had she relied on her ability to think clearly and cogently ~ her mind ticked over. Rose. Rose was key. Key for Faith and Padraig, of course, because they wanted their daughter back. But also, key to Ellasin and her movements.

And then, there came the final piece of the puzzle.

The attack had been to get Rose? So Ellasin - the Necromantess - didn't know that Rose was not there? Had never been? That Rose was in Vri's realm, but was not. She had been, but she had gone. The Truthblade, Faith thought, and she knew that a theory had been born in her mind. Qit'ria had died. Qit'ria had died for her. And why?


Ellasin continued to speak, and Faith continued to listen. She laid out her own sins, her own part in this and Faith felt that the woman was genuine in doing so. Was she just a pawn in this? Could it be? It was possible, but she had too many thoughts in her head now, to question the mage further. Because she knew she had to go to speak to Famula. Because if Faith was right, this had been the plan all along. This moment.

"Thank you," Faith said quietly, when Ellasin had finished. "Thank you for your answer, and your truth. I'm going to ask you to think about some things for me, if you would. I'll leave you to do so, and will be back soon." Looking in to the mage's eyes, Faith asked her question. "I want you to think about when you knew, first, that your memories were being tampered with. What happened before that, around that time? Where you were, what was happening? It may be that your memories are less cloudy now, that the influence of the Necromantess is gone, yes?" Faith hoped this was true. Then, she asked her second question - equally important and - to her - much more than that. "And I'd like you to think about your memories with Rose. Any details, no matter how small, may help. As part of that, how they differ now, if they do, now that the Necromantess is gone. If you would?" It wasn't easy what Faith was asking her to do.

But what it did was give Faith information - and it gave her time. Because Faith needed to speak to Famula. She was in her Immortal Domain, so Faith went to see her - in the room where they had met before. She waited until all processes and protocols had been followed and, when granted entry she gave a deep bow. When she was bade to, she sat, and not a moment before, and then when she had made sure to observe any matters of etiquette, Faith spoke of what she had thought.

First, she gave a succinct but full summary of what Ellasin had said. "And Ellasin told me, and I believe she was speaking truthfully, that the attack happened to get Rose, because Rose was in Ellasin's memory. But the Coven stretched all over Idalos, the networks of information.... a street peddlar with a copper coin could find out that I had no child that age. Rose wasn't there - and somehow, Ellasin and the Necromantess didn't know that?" That said, she looked at Famula with silver eyes which were, as always, earnest. "Who messes with the memories of a Champion of your sister, my Lady?" Faith asked. "Your sister who did not come to her Champion's aid. Perhaps because she knew. She knew what was happening. Moseke, too. She gave me the gift of Rose herself, in my garden that night. The daughters of Cierel." Audrae too had refused to aid Maxine, Faith knew. "But it was Aelig who seemed to be so obsessed with me. Who messed with me and Padraig so much. Who made us come so close to believing that Rose was his child. But she wasn't, it didn't make sense. And then, just as suddenly, his obsession stopped? I put it down to chaos, but if she never existed, how was she in Vri's realm? She was our baby. I have served you in every lifetime. As a slave, I was trained the hardest, treated more harshly and they never told me why, but that it was in Famula's name. Padraig is your son and our souls are one." A mortal and a mortalborn, both children of Famula, had a child.

And Famula knew how much they would both love that child. And so they had to believe that she was gone. "I gave Vri the handkerchief. He told me I had to let her go. I... my Lady, was it Aelig?" Faith asked, her silver eyes looking to the Immortal she served. "Was it him who took my baby?" Faith thought in this moment that perhaps it was not. That this explained what was wrong with Vri, that this explained why Ralaith was involved and why, so long ago it seemed, Famula had tasked her with finding an Original. "Or was that what I was meant to think, so that we could let her go? When Vri took the handkerchief ...." If this was planned, then it was planned for only one reason that Faith could think of and she slid off her chair and knelt in on the floor looking up at Famula.

"You made me your general and it made no sense. There were others better qualified. But I would be compassionate. I'd look deeper." She wouldn't kill Ellasin out of hand. "My Lady, please, was this done to save that woman?" There was no anger in Faith's voice, none in her heart. There was just a need to understand which had followed her all her life. A need to know. Although a glisten of moisture gleamed in her eye as she asked with trembling voice "And... do you know where my Rose is?"

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Re: [Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.

Ellasin cocked her head to the side in surprise when Faith asked her to think on her memories of Rose, but nodded. "Of course. However, the Necromantress had neither influence or control on my memories. It is not in the nature of a Spark to be able to toy with them so easily and most forms of tampering are easy for me to spot." she said, her tone confident, but not boastful.

When Faith left Ellasin to her thoughts and went to Famula, the Immortal dispensed with the usual formalities and welcomed her Champion. Then, she listened quietly to Faith's report of her meeting with Ellasin, and then to her theory. When Faith finished, Famula turned and looked to a dark corner of the room. "I assume you were listening, Sintra?" she asked, a noticeable frostiness to her voice. The darkness in that corner began move, to unfold. Eight legs dropped to the floor, a large stingered tail unfolded to reveal the head and torso of a pale woman wearing a dark robe, who's legs had been replaced with a bulbous arachnid body.

"I was listening, Famula. Your Champion is clever, to deduce so much from such a short interview with my fallen Champion. However, an explanation is owed, is not? And not just to you two, but to me as well, I believe." she said, before stepping aside to reveal a second person, a tall lanky woman with messy hair and oversized coat. "Well, Labrae? Would you care to explain what you have done?" Sintra asked of her daughter.

Labrae nodded, then stepped forward and looked at Faith, her own crimson eyes meeting those of Famula's Champion. "You're mostly correct, Faith Augustin, but you have the wrong culprit. I was the mastermind behind this war, but it was done to save my daughter. Ellasin may share no blood ties with me, but all the children I raise are mine regardless." she said, before rubbing her face and letting out a sigh. "Perhaps it was wrong of me, but I acted without my mother's knowledge or permission, and any moral fault lies in me alone." she said, before taking a deep breath.

"Ellasin was, in life, much like you. A surgeon and a healer, a scholar, a good person despite the...reputation that my mothers followers have. Then her and some other scholars found something, something that turned out to be what may have been the very first Domain Sparks. Ellasin saw a value in Necromancy that was likely not there. She sought to use it to heal necrotic flesh and reverse unnatural decay, to perhaps in time be able to revert aging itself and undo natural death." Labrae said, before frowning. "Ellasin was a gifted mage, but none of them understood the Spark. I was the one who encouraged the study and greater understanding of the Spark itself after Ellasin's Spark stole her body and imprisoned her mind, taking on the name "Necromantress". That was the first sign that something had gone wrong, for Ellasin had always rejected the title. Then came the fall of Arcanis, and I knew for sure that something had gone wrong."

Labrae sighed again and shook her head. "Many would have killed her. Sintra wanted too, but I intervened. Ellasin was my daughter, and I would save her if I could. I convinced my mother to spare Ellasin and keep her as a Webspinner. Then I began to work at freeing Ellasin. No direct efforts succeeded, and so I was forced to resort to more indirect means, and finally, desperate measures." she said, with the air of one who was about to jump off a rather large cliff that may or may not have deep water at the bottom.

"I found a way to track recurring souls, and I found yours, the ever faithful servant of Famula. The Zuuda ever opposed Necromancy, and so it seemed that a Zuuda would be the one to find a way to destroy a Necromancy Spark. So I began to manipulate your life, first by guiding your mothers hand when she chose a child to give up, and then by turning your trainers cruel and manipulative." she said, before pausing and turning to Famula. "This was less difficult than it should have been. Apparently quite a few of the slavers of Athart seem to think you support their work." she said to her aunt before turning back to Faith.

"Once you were sold, I did not interfere in your life for a long time. The nature of your soul and Padraig's would ensure your meeting, and your combined natures would ensure your kindness would grow. When you and Padraig got pregnant, and Rose is entirely yours, I stepped in again. Lisirra is easy to flatter and I convinced her to help. She gave you a special disease that rapidly increased your rate of pregnancy without negatively affecting your body, and she was able to convince Aelig to retrieve Rose." she said, before grimacing. "I am not proud of using a child such, but I ensured no harm came to her of my manipulations, I promise you that." she said, before refocusing.

"Conning Vri into helping was not as hard as I anticipated. He was already trying to "fix" Ellasin's childhood to try and cure what he thought was her morbid obsession with death. A little goading of Kielik, and he mocked his father about never trying to give the young ones more of a chance to live for all his compassion. Vri got the idea, and he inserted Rose, who Kielik had taken to his fathers realm for me, into Ellasin's past." she said, before taking a deep breath.

"Now, once that was done, I knew a confrontation between the two of you was inevitable, but you weren't strong enough yet and you had no experience at fighting necromancers. Redirecting every attempt Ellasin made to find out who Rose had been and who her mother was, that was perhaps the most difficult thing I have done, but I successfully kept her at bay until you were ready to face her. Ensuring your experience with necromancers was easier, but more dangerous." she said, before giving Faith an apologetic look. "You have no reason to trust me, but please believe me when I say that I did not mean Alexander to cause you as many problems as he did when I redirected his path so that the two of you would wind up facing each other. I expected you to defeat him when your first encountered him, but he proved more resilient than I had expected. Certainly I never intended your death from the fallout, for that rather harrowing carriage ride he put you through." she said, before taking a deeper breath.

"Ensuring you were Famula's general in this war was, however, much easier." she said, before looking at Famula. "Your Champion Carter believes in revenge and he is hasty to act. Putting the thought in his mind that Faith, as the one Ellasin attacked, should be the one to lead the army was almost childs play compared to the rest of this." she said, a somewhat dry note in her voice.

Famula let out a huff at Labrae's confessed manipulation of not one, but two of her Champions. "I wondered where he got that idea. Of course, he backed it up with good logic and I cannot say I have cause to regret his advice on the matter." she said, smiling at Faith as she spoke. "Faith, I had no idea of Labrae's manipulations, or that Ellasin needed to be saved. However, I have never had reason to doubt your resolve or your service. You have served me well as my Champion, and saving Ellasin, despite Labrae's actions, was well done of you." she said, before looking at Sintra and Labrae. "Why did you two stay out of the war?" she asked, her tone cold and blunt once again.

Sintra answered this time, overriding her daughter. "Ellasin openly attacked your Champion with no provocation and with very little plan. It is not my place to save anyone, even one of my Champions, from their own over-riding stupidity. Likewise, I forbade Labrae and my other followers from coming to her aid as well. Ellasin was most displeased with my decision, but she has never been in a position to force an issue with me." she said, before frowning again and looking at her daughter. "What of Rose now? You owe her mother an explanation for that. And what of Delana's involvement at the end?" she asked, her tone severe.

Labrae actually looked somewhat disconcerted at that. "Delana's interference at the end was a surprise to me. I do not know how or why she had a vested interest in these proceedings, but I admit I find her in possession of the Necromantress to be rather disconcerting." she said, before looking at Faith. "As to Rose...well, actually, she's late. She was supposed to meet us here and I don't know what's keeping her." she said, before a round, circular portal opened with a boom. "Oh, there she is." Labrae said as Famula and Sintra both jerked in surprise.

A woman in festive red and green clothes stepped forward, with a young girl following her. A young girl that Faith would recognize as Rose. Letting Rose run to her mother, Saoire turned to Labrae. "Labrae. Why was there a living child in Vri's realm, how did you know about it, and why was she expecting me?" she said, a note of anger in her voice.

Labrae sighed. "You were supposed to be here for the whole story, you're late. Look, let me explain it for you, but quietly. Let Faith and Rose have their time, okay?" she said, her tone firm. The three Immortals nodded at this and withdrew a small ways to confer, letting Faith be alone with her long lost, but very alive, daughter.
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Re: [Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.

10th Vhalar 719

Faith did as she would always do and she laid her thoughts out to Famula, explaining what had gone through her mind. Famula, of course, listened. But at that point, things happened which Faith was not expecting, like the sound of eight, skittering legs. Oh, no, she thought as she felt her shoulders start to raise. Not spiders. She didn't mind small spiders, but that was a whole lot of arachnid and frankly, it made her more than a little nervous. But it was an Immortal, the Immortal Sintra, and Faith bowed her head. Famula's sister, presumably there with Famula's knowledge (even if Sintra didn't know Famula knew) deserved respect. And Sintra said that she was clever ~ an accolade which largely passed Faith by ~ although the fact that Ellasin was a fallen Champion did not go unnoticed.

But, it wasn't Sintra. It was ... Labrae? Faith knew the name, she'd spent arc researching Immortals after all. But Labrae had 'masterminded' the war? Without her mother knowing. Faith would argue the word masterminded, frankly, for she thought of it as nothing but slaughter and needless manipulation. Then, Labrae explained the extent of her "masterminding" and Faith listened. She listened, and what she heard made her feel sick to her stomach. "You... Alexander was because of you?" Faith's face was pale and her body began to tremble. She still had nightmares. The slavers in Athart, because of Labrae? Her mother choosing her, Faith cared about not at all. People were responsible for their choices, as her parents were. The whole situation with Rose, that had happened because of this woman? The pain that she had caused, the horror of it.

Faith had never, never in her life, wanted to strike someone dead as much as she wanted to strike this woman. This thing in front of her. "People I love have been hurt and people have died because of you. You, with half-mortal blood in your veins." Faith's eyes showed her fury, her fists clenched tightly. "You sacrificed hundreds of thousands - the plague - the war - the deaths. To save one soul who I would have saved anyway?" She took a step forward, every muscle in her tiny body tense. Sintra spoke, then, and she addressed her daughter, Labrae with sharp words. Faith felt herself sway slightly as she spoke of Rose. Delana? That had been Delana? She would need to make sense of that later. Right now, it took everything she had not to lose her temper, but they spoke of Rose and....

..... and there she was.

Taller than she should be. Older than she should be, but there she was. Faith fell to her knees, Labrae, Sintra, all of them forgotten as she looked at the amber-coloured eyes of their child. "Rose?" Faith said and, at the recognition in her daughter's face she let out a sob and wrapped her arms around Rose's small form. They stayed that way for quite some time, the two of them, long enough for that story to be told, and then, wiping the tears from her face, Faith stood - but she did not let Rose's hand go. There was so much she wanted to say, so much she wanted to tell them. But the Immortal was who she was, and the daughter? Faith looked at Famula. "Thank you," she said, softly. "For never once treating me like that. For allowing me to make my choices and live with the consequences of them. I would have helped, had I been asked, but people I love have been harmed in ways which I can not ever put right." Cyrus had held her corpse, after all. Padraig had dealt with so much.

"I just want to go home, to introduce Rose to her brother and sister and to make my husband's life complete when he sees his daughter. But," Faith said, exhaustion in her voice, "before I do I would like to ask two things." Faith suddenly realised that Sintra was Padraig's aunt. Which made Labrae his cousin. Yes, that was one to ponder later, too, she decided. "I would like to know how Vri is? I feel that he has been hurt unnecessarily. If I can help him, then I will." Could such be done? She hoped so. "And I would like to... we've been.... it's.. please, my Lady," Faith said quietly. It had been too much and it was too much and she couldn't hold it. She had been going to ask if Famula, Vri, Moseke or any of the Immortals she followed - could put a stop to the machinations of the Labraes and the Sintras and the Aeligs of this world, if they could make them promise to just leave her and her family alone. To stop the manipulations, the illusions, the pain. Faith had wanted to fight Labrae, to scream and shout and make her see what she had done. Yet now, even her legs felt heavy and all the fight had gone from her. She should stay and help and do and be. But she couldn't. She simply couldn't. So, she turned to her mother-in-law with exhausted eyes and her voice was barely a whisper "Please, I just want to take my baby home."
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Re: [Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.

Labrae didn't reply to Faith's first two interruptions, since there was a lot of confessing she had to do. When Saoire brought Rose, she led the group away from Faith and her daughter as she explained what she had done to Saoire. Saoire, though angry at Labrae, kept to her nature and simply gave her farewells to Famula and Sintra before she left, feeling that she had no place in what followed. Labrae, Sintra, and Famula, meanwhile, spent some time debating what was to come next, though both Sintra and Famula agreed that Labrae had been far out of line.

When Faith and Rose were ready, the three of them rejoined the two humans, Sintra speaking first. "What Labrae has done betrays every code of conduct I hold my followers too. We manipulate the flow of events, yes, but it is never to be done for such purely personal ends, but only ever to the greater good of Idalos. So, with that in mind, Famula and I have reached an agreement." she said, before handing an envelope to Faith. "Henceforth, my followers will leave you and the following five generations of your family alone. You are sacrosanct, not to be intentionally drawn into our weavings." Sintra said, her tone firm. "However, the extent of the damage that my daughters selfish plan has caused cannot be ignored. I regret that we have little else to offer you but the two tokens in that envelope, but they may be of use to you. The first token, the white thread, will allow you to call on the Webspinners as an organization in a time of need. For one task, all our resources will be at your disposal. The second token, the black feather, will specifically allow you to call on Labrae's aid, so that she may personally make at least some small recompense for her sins against you. Furthermore, Ellasin will remain in Famula's custody for the time being, as it remains to be seen whether she is either fit or worthy to return to my service." she said, before turning to Labrae. "Say your final piece." With that, Sintra departed, vanishing from Famula's realm.

Labrae, with her mother gone, let out a sigh. "Whether you would have helped my daughter of your own free will or not is a risk that I confess I was unwilling to take. It is entirely probable that you would have, even without my plannings, and that means that I have caused a great deal of harm with no necessity." she said, before turning to Famula. "Sintra will not punish me for this. She would not dare admit it here, but she is likely proud that I pulled this madness off without getting caught. This does not sit well with me, so I subject myself to whatever punishment you think is due me, Famula." she said, her tone sincere.

Famula, however, simply shook her head. "Your contrition does you credit, though not enough to begin to make up for what you have done. But I will not risk war with Sintra over your guilt, Scarecrow. Go, and keep your talons off my followers, or next time I'll tear them out." she said, her tone sharp and cold, with an almost war-like edge to it as she spoke to her niece.

Labrae nodded and stepped back, looking at Faith. "I know it means nothing, but I am sorry. I took no pleasure in what I did to you, or in any of the events that occurred because of what I did. You have no reason to forgive me, and I do not expect it. All I ask, and I know asking anything of you is presumptuous, but please do not make Ellasin pay for my crimes. She had no part in my actions." Labrae said, before stepping back vanishing as her mother had before her.

Famula let out a low growl after Labrae disappeared. "Blasted carrion feeder." she snarled before looking at Faith and Rose and kneeling next to them. "Faith, I feel it is important that you know something. Sintra felt that giving you Rose was repayment enough, and it was Labrae who agreed with me that it was not. Of those two tokens, the one that calls Labrae is, perhaps ironically, the less dangerous of the two. Sintra may not actively consider you an enemy, but she'll try to find any way she can to get out of her side of the bargains she made tonight. Labrae, at the least, was genuine in her guilt." she said, before smiling. "However, all that is for later. For now, go home to your family. They'll be excited to hear the news." Famula said, before standing up and helping Faith to her feet if her Champion needed it. "Unless you have something else to ask me, of course?"
word count: 818
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Re: [Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.



That's all it was, of course, words. Words and more words, talk and more talk. Faith found it hard to keep her attention on things, on anything other than her daughter. But she forced herself to keep one ear open, to maintain a level of attention, because she knew that this might be important. It might, in fact, be beyond important. So, when they came back in and the talking began again, Faith held tight to Rose's hand and she listened. Sintra said her piece and Faith bowed her head in genuine respect. "Thank you," she said, softly. There was no malice in her eyes, Faith simply didn't have it in her to bring any bad feeling, and she meant her thanks honestly. Sintra didn't need to acknowledge what she had and, while Faith had no doubt about what Famula would soon tell her, still. Sintra was who she was and that was that. So, Faith took the tokens and she nodded her thanks before the Immortal departed.

Then, there was Labrae. Faith looked at her and sighed, slightly. The tiny human surrounded by Immortals and Mortalborn looked up at Labrae and she felt a swell of emotion. "I can't ask more than you've given," she said quietly. "There is no bad blood between us. Thank you, for the apology." Faith said and she smiled a slight smile. "We're trying to help Ellasin, I promise you." Faith sighed slightly and then was quiet as Labrae spoke to Famula and then departed.

Famula spoke to Faith, and the young priestess listened intently. She took Famula's hand when offered and - as was her way - Faith made a decision. "My lady, it would be inappropriate of me to hold these while being so very glad that this is over. Would you accept them as a gift, freely given?" At the end of the trial, Faith knew that Famula was there to support her, and that was all the promise she needed. As for going home, Faith was very happy to. She looked at Famula and considered asking again about Vri, but Faith knew that, should the Immortal wish to not say, then her asking twice would be inconvenient. If she wished to speak of it, Famula would. So, there was only one thing that she needed to say really.

"I'm sorry, my Lady," she said, quietly. Her hand held Rose's tightly. "For every soul who died for my lack, I am truly sorry. If I could," she assured the Immortal, "I'd save them all. From Maxine and Patrick to Jack and .. all of them." The apology was heartfelt and genuine. Faith couldn't have done anything differently, and she knew that - in exactly the same circumstance, she'd make the same choices when she did. However, hindsight always had perfect vision and so, Faith knew, there were things she could have changed. But, once that exchange was done, she looked down at Rose and realised something. "Sweetheart. I know that this is all very big," Faith said, crouching next to her daughter. "But this is your Papa's mother. It's your Grandma, sweetie." Rose, for her part, looked at the Immortal and she very solemnly held out her hand, to shake.

"Hello, Gran'ma," she said, completely non-plussed by the whole thing. "Will you come play with me, some time?" Faith felt her emotions almost literally lift into her throat and she smiled gently. "Can Gran'ma come to our house, Mama?" Rose asked, and Faith nodded. "She's always welcome."
word count: 602
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: [Zuudaria] Life, Death and the In-Between.

Labrae blinked in surprise at Faith's forgiveness, at least to the extent of not holding a grudge, then smiled slightly. "Thank you, doctor Augustin." she said, before nodding as Faith said they were trying to help Ellasin. "You're a better person than I thought to ever meet." she said, before sighing. "I have spent too long looking at things from a distance, I think. Perhaps it is time I devoted some time to learning about the nature of people, rather than how to play with those natures." she said, before her departure.

Famula nodded when Faith gave her the envelopes. "If that is your wish, I will accept them." she said, taking the tokens Sintra had given. Then the Immortal of Souls sighed. "I did not wish to speak of Vri in my sisters presence, but what happened to him was not a result of Labrae's weavings. He is...unwell, quite frankly, and there is nothing that any Immortal can do to ease his pain. We can give advice, of course, but he has to heal on his own time, and in his own way." she said, before frowning slightly. "He is seeking counseling, according to the Twins, so it is my hope that will help. However, there are those of our kind who suffered a loss and never healed, so I cannot say how long his recovery may take." she said, before shaking her head. "Regardless, unless he comes to you, there is naught you can do for him either."

When Faith said that she was sorry for everyone who died, Famula shook her head. "No, Faith. No death that happened here was due to any lack of skill or energy on your part." she said, her tone firm, but kind. "I've walked Idalos since long before the first humans walked its surface, and there are few who could have managed what you have done, and none of them could have saved more. Borrowing guilt that is not yours will only burden your heart and soul with unnecessary weight." she said, her tone more gentle now.

When Faith introduced Famula to Rose, Famula reached out and shook the little girls hand. "Hello, Rose. And yes, I would enjoy that." she said, the last to Rose asking if she would come play. Then Famula looked at Faith. "Go home, Champion. The world can take of itself for a few days, and you and your family need some time together." she said, her tone once again firm, but kind.


EXP: 15 (No Magic, No Tier 2)
Knowledge: 1 tactics
1 socializing
2 deception
1 intelligence
1 interrogation
1 investigation

Loot: 1 daughter, not dead
1 promise of non-interference from the Webspinners for the next five generations
1 patient in desperate need of psychological care

Notes: This was a fun thread. I was surprised Faith figured out, loosely, what the reveal was going to be so early on, though. Most of the knowledges come from Labrae's explanation of her plan, since Faith spent most of the thread just kinda stunned. Lemme know if you have any questions!

word count: 522
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