A delayed greeting

Please stop in here and introduce yourself to the community! We'd love to get to know you!

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A delayed greeting

Soooo I'm like a week late. I thought I introduced myself here, but I realized I kind of just jumped into chat and then into my c.s. Then I saw the awesome welcome questions that Jade posted and decided to dive in so you all could learn a bit about me.

● Have you roleplayed before? If so, where? If you have, how long have you been roleplaying for?
Yep! I came from Mizahar. I started roleplaying there in high school (2010) until my school IT admin blocked the site. So about six years (with some breaks). I also roleplay very extensively on a MUD called Threshold.

● Do you have any nicknames you go by? Is there a name you prefer people to call you?
My given name is Jacquelyn, though I go by Jackie a lot. I don't like either of them but I've learned to deal!

● What are some of your most favorite characters you've made? They can be from MMORPGs, Video Games, etc.
I have a great love for my MUD character: Irriari. She is a kestrel (winged humanoid, though her wings are decorative) who operates within the mages guild and follows the Lord of Evil, the Moon, Night, & Disease. There's currently a huge religious spat going on and all of the characters are rushing to glorify their deities and the tenants they represent in hopes that they can bring back some of the old deities that were slain or forgotten. Meanwhile, we're prettttty sure that the demons are using this time to rally their followers in an attempt to destroy the realm. Irriari is very fiery and supported by her clan and church. She's made (and killed) some enemies and recently learned to teleport (woo!)

● Is there anything you're excited about when it comes to the Standing Trials RP? Anything that you're concerned with?
I'm definitely excited about the opportunity to get into PBP rping! I was slightly concerned by the shorter post length, but I've came to embrace it. I was also a but worried about the number of active players, but I have no doubt that the site will grow.

● Do you consider yourself skilled in something (Art for example), if so, what is it? Do you have a favorite hobby besides RPing?
Skilled in something? Lol, no. The only thing I'm 'good' at is academic research. I'm in the process of finishing my Master's in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and I'll be applying to PhD programs soon. My favorite hobby is board gaming. I have a pretty big collection and the crown jewel of said collection is Argent: The Consortium. Don't even get me started talking about Argent because I'll talk your ear off about how it is a masterpiece of worker placement, take-that gameplay, and hidden victory conditions. Plus you get to be a DEAN OF A SCHOOL OF MAGIC and cast spells and use awesome items to try and snatch the headmaster position. /drool. I do play a ton of other games too!

● What is something unique about you?
I dunno. I grew up on a farm. I had cows, chickens, hogs, dogs, horses, and vegetables like, everywhere. My father was a fisherman/farmer so I spent most of my childhood on the gulf and got scuba certified at the age of 12.

● How did you find us?
Would it be bad if I said that I was reading Mizahar reviews and someone mentioned ST? Because that's what happened :( :)
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A delayed greeting

Be most welcome, Jackie! Make yourself at home :D

A lot of us came from Mizahar, and others were just dragged by friends or by chance itself. No matter which way we found Standing Trials, I'm pleased to say we're slowly building a community full of joyful players, mind-bending plots and friendly staff that smiles as they watch our progress. I've been around for a couple of months, and there has not been a day I regretted creating an account in here.

Know that, no matter how lost you might find yourself in the beginning (hell, I was very lost!), your doubts will be resolved by either any staff member or pretty much every player out there - especially in chat, where you've been poking around recently. :lol:

That's about it. Welcome once again, and have a great time!

... and grow a beard. You must grow a beard.
Thanks to Lazuli for this amazing template!
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A delayed greeting

Welcome to Standing Trials, Inali! :D I've seen you poking around chat once or twice & I'm glad to see that you posted an official welcome thread so that we can roll out the red carpet properly.

Regarding post length, I think you'll find that it varies quite a bit across the board so I'm sure you'll find players who mesh well with your preferred style. Activity-wise, some regions have a bit more activity than others because of the sheer number of players, but my guess is that it will spread out as we grow in numbers and as PCs decide to travel.

It looks like you're well on your way with your character, which is awesome. That said, please don't hesitate to reach out to myself or any of the other staff if you have any questions!
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A delayed greeting

Irriari you say?
...and from Mizahar originally.
I honestly don't know what "MUD" is exactly, but I do recognize that PC name :D
I too hail from Miz. When I got the boot there, I was recruited here.
I was asked if I wished to do the poison lore for the site.
If you are the Irriari I remember, then I am the Inoadar you remember. :twisted:
Welcome to ST!!!
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A delayed greeting

Welcome! Great to have you with us.
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A delayed greeting

Maltruism wrote:Irriari you say?
...and from Mizahar originally.
I honestly don't know what "MUD" is exactly, but I do recognize that PC name :D
I too hail from Miz. When I got the boot there, I was recruited here.
I was asked if I wished to do the poison lore for the site.
If you are the Irriari I remember, then I am the Inoadar you remember. :twisted:
Welcome to ST!!!

Ahhhhhhh! So good to have found you again! I'm thrilled to bits, this is great news. :)
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A delayed greeting

Maltruism wrote:Irriari you say?

..no way! Well doesn't that take me back quite some time! I was Nemesis over there, among other characters!

Welcome to Standing Trials, I sincerely hope you like it here, we've tried to bring the best things from RP and make this place our home :) Now I'm really looking forward to RPing with you!
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A delayed greeting


I know that name :)

Wrenmae here. Welcome.
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