• Mature • 1.13 The Jackal [Comm'See] (Graded)

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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1.13 The Jackal [Comm'See] (Graded)

Commercial Circle
06 Vhalar, 719


“Fates, what happened to yer face? Who did this?” asked Lochlann. “I knew I shouldn’t have left!”

Llyr shrugged. He pulled away from the older man’s grip on his jaw. His cheek felt tender from all the swelling, and he had more than a few cuts and bruises. It was as simple as going home and cocooning himself in the ether of a totem until he healed, but not after he took the ring of paradigm off so recently. He’d have to wait a few trials more before he’d have the comfort to even consider such immense spellcraft with his dazed and drowsy sparks. Not that he would, even if he could. Something about the pain reminded him what he was doing in Etzos and why.

“I survived,” replied Llyr. He fixed his wrinkled clothing from yestertrial. “I should thank the other person for it.”

Lochlann stayed quiet for a few trills, then snorted and shook his head. “You’re an odd one. So, where did yeh stay last night? Yer boy was asking for yeh and fuck if I knew what to say. Can’t you get someone else to check in on those kids at the late breaks? I’ve got enough pups of my own to babysit, don’t need to add yer’s.”

“Understood,” said Llyr. He fixed his messy bangs that’d gotten stuck to his forehead from sweat while he’d ran from the outer perimeter to the morning’s meeting spot. “I will take care of it soon… and I was at the Lonely Mark.”

“Again? Boy, I swear if you spend all those loans of yer’s on whores…”

“I won’t,” snapped Llyr. He frowned at the older man. “There was a murder.”

“A… what was that you said?”

“A murder. In the Lonely Mark. A whore and a barmaid. I need you to find out anything you can about it. Everything else can wait, next to this.”

“Oh no, you don’t want to do that,” insisted Lochlann without pause. He crossed his arms. “The Blackguard’s handling this already, I bet you. Don’t want to go stepping on their toes if it involves someone they already have in their sights.”

Llyr through of the investigator he’d met. He glanced over Lochlann. “What do you know of Dale Garnet?”

“Garnet?! They’ve got Garnet on the case? Shit. You definitely don’t want to get mixed up with it then. If it don’t got nothing to do with you, just let it lie and walk away.” Lochlann raised his hands up and shook his head.

“Why? What’s is it about Garnet?”

“Garnet’s an old folk. Most people think of him in terms of his reputation that he’s gotten. Bringing criminals in, solving cases with enough evidence to use the courts properly instead of relying on street justice and the like.” Lochlann glanced over his shoulder, then looked back at Llyr and leaned in. “I grew up around the guy though. Once he sinks his teeth into a case, he’ll never let it go. Even if the courts throw out the evidence. It’s like he takes every single one as if the victim was his own grandmama or some shit. Best you get away from his eye and fast, unless you want him sniffing around what we’re putting together here.”

“Would he care?” asked Llyr.

“Hard to say. If he thinks it’d help his case, he’s proven himself more than willing to use the law to force your hand… whether or not it has anything to do with the murder. And if you were there, he’ll likely be back around with wanting to secure you as a witness before a judge.”

Llyr sighed. He nodded and said, “Fine. I’ll let it go, then. If you hear anything regardless, though…”

“I’ll tell yeh.” Lochlann crossed his arms again. “Speaking of telling yeh. I don’t think we should have Princess get involved with this.”

“Prince- oh, Emeline?” Llyr sat on a stack of crates in the alley and leaned his back against the stone. He watched the faint flicker of shadows in the far away adjacent street. “What a surprise, you seemed so happy that she’d come last night. You got her home safe, right?”

“Of course I did!” Lochlann’s voice spiked in volume.

Llyr raised an eyebrow, silently questioning the sudden change in pitch.

“None of your business,” muttered Lochlann with an averted glance away. “Just I don’t think it’s wise, is all. I get we need someone in the Citadel, but she’s… the Holts are ruthless. The last guy that got mixed up with them, he AND his misses was found, throats slit and drained out in the river at about lowgarden. Kids have been in Central orphanage ever since, and not in a good way.”

“They should have gotten Sir Garnet on the case,” mentioned Llyr in dry jest.

“Oy, if you don’t want me warning you, I don’t know what yer paying me for then.”

Llyr pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He waved a dismissive hand. “Okay, okay. Careful with the Citadel girl. Do you have anyone else in mind that might replace her?”

A moment’s silence, then Lochlann said, “One of the guards maybe, or a clerk? Someone without so much status.”

“Status is exactly what I want from her. Now, what else is there?”

Lochlann summarized a few points, in a quick litany of news involving the city, then he said, “And I’ve got someone who wants to meet with yeh.”

“A client?”

“Maybe, yeh. She’s looking for someone, needs information and maybe some back-up to do it with.”

Llyr got to his feet, brushed off his clothes, and nodded. “Have you spoken to Madam Miller this morning yet?”

“Not yet. I’ll be headed over there right after this.” Lochlann shrugged his shoulders and cracked his neck to one side.

“Don’t tell her about the Lonely Mark,” he demanded.

Lochlann hesitated, then said, “She’ll find out, one way or another.”

“But not from you.”

“Understood.” Lochlann nodded. He tapped his fingers against his bicep, then added, “If she knows you’re cutting her out of information thou-”

“Let me handle that. You do as I tell you.”

“Okay then,” said Lochlann. “Hope you know what yer doing.”

“Me too,” replied Llyr. A smile hinted on his lips.

It conjured a laugh from the older man. Lochlann rolled his eyes, then tapped a fist against the biqaj’s shoulder. Though it was a light tap to the shoulder, Llyr made a show of it. He winced and hissed, then held his shoulder as if in agony. More laughter from Lochlann and when a light ruddy blush showed on the Etzori’s face, only then did Llyr stop his performance. The blond winked.

“I’ll be headed home then. Oh, and… get someone to figure out if anyone knows anything about… this blonde woman who lives with Lord Holbret. Goes by the name, Lyssa.”

“Wait,” said Lochlann. He put his fingers in his mouth, then whistled lowly.

From around one of the alley corners, stepped over the filthy refuse that kept most passersby out from using the narrow strip of cobblestone, a gaunt and tall Etzori lad approached.

“Bones will take yeh to that girl, the possible client.”

“Right now?” asked Llyr. “I have to wash!”

“I’ve already had her waiting since dawn, didn’t know you were gonna be so late. Had half my gang looking for yeh.”

Llyr sighed, then said, “Thank you, Lochlann.”

“Anytime, kid.” He walked out of the alley, leaving Bones alone with Llyr.

Bones stared down at the biqaj, easily a few inches taller than him. His clear brown eyes seemed to glitter with the trial’s light. He had a bit of a… thing, Llyr recognized… though he didn’t know why. It was the sort of look that hadn’t gone away ever since Llyr had beaten the other lad in a spar. Still, Bones was a peasant from the gutters and he looked it. He reminded Llyr more of Watcher from Quacia than any possible option… well… maybe if he were drunk and bored and didn’t want to bother with whores.

“Morning, Bones. We going to go meet this girl?” asked Llyr.

“Oh! Morning, Mister L. Yeh. It’s up thissa way, not far.” Bones led them out of the alley, and through the Commercial Circle.

Llyr couldn’t resist glancing between the other people that’d started their trials that morning. He greeted several recognizable faces. A couple gasped at the sight of the bruises on his face, and a particularly nosy gentleman tried to inquire as to who had done such a thing… which Llyr took as a chance. He mentioned that it was some gangsters from the north-east side, a mugging that he’d managed to survive. A mugging, he suggested in low undertones, that might have had more to do with the silver in his blood than any coins in his pocket.

He repeated this a few different ways to various people who inquired about the shining purplish bumps on his jaw and cheeks, and the wide scabbed cut in his lips.

As they reached a corner of a cistern, he noticed a slender boyish woman leaned against the stone. Dressed in leathers, black hair cropped short, she chewed at a swath of jerky and watched the people walking past with eyes so sharp that a few of those people swerved to gain more distance from her.

“That her?” asked Llyr. He had a feeling but wanted confirmation.

“That’s her.” Bones nodded, then the northborn Etzori asked, “Who mugged you? All the northies I know have been busy on the west side to hold back the southsiders.”

Llyr glanced over him, then shrugged, “I didn’t get a good enough look. Lochlann will figure it out, I’m sure. Speaking of which, why don’t you go tell him that you did your job fine and can be put to the next thing.” Llyr waved a dismissive hand as if shooing a puppy. Bones hesitated, then nodded and walked away.

word count: 1740
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Re: 1.13 The Jackal [Comm'See]

Those sharp eyes locked onto Llyr, no longer stalking the passersby, and he caught sight of a change in the hue. From brown to blue, and with the pointed ears, he recognized that this woman wasn’t likely mixed or human, but a proper silver-blooded biqaj like him. If he’d properly grown up on a sailing boat or among others of his kind, maybe that would have meant something more… but for Llyr, the bond of species extended as far as seeing another Quacian would. Which wasn’t very far at all. He recognized, though, that the woman probably would find some trouble finding a decent job in Etzos, especially if she proved foreign as well.

“Good morning,” he greeted upon approach. “My friend mentioned you wished to have a chat. If you don’t mind, perhaps we can do it somewhere seated instead of in the street?”

“You’re Mister L?” The young woman pressed away from the building she’d been leaning against. She placed a hand on her slender hip, just above the belt that held a dagger and a couple pouches. “Not what I was expecting.”

He couldn’t place her accent. Llyr thinly smiled, in a polite manner, and gestured her toward the nearby establishment. A tavern at night, but more of a place to sit and eat during the trial. Alcohol only happened to be served there, rather than being the main course. She followed, of course. She needed something, help most likely, and he was the one who would provide it to her. She would follow, and she would sit down, and she would accept the offer to pay for her meal and drink, and then she would tell him whatever he wanted to know - and what Llyr wanted to know was if she had anything worth the trouble at all. If she didn’t, Llyr had gotten a good enough look over her athletic figure to assume she was resourceful enough to offer alternative payments.

“What were you expecting?” he inquired while he led their way. Like usual with people, when he asked such a question, she simply shrugged and evaded it with a comment about the weather. A waiter-sort of fellow approached, took one look at Llyr, and turned around. Llyr was a predictable sort, on purpose, at this place and he always had them retrieve the same exact items - the only change being the quantity based on who he had with him. It was a nice, quiet location during the trial for easy conversations with potential clients. He paid the owner a small fee from whatever monetary commissions he managed to obtain. Even the waiter would get his own little payment from the unspoken assistance, a nel slipped under a napkin to be collected once Llyr left.

“So you know my name,” said Llyr as the woman sat across from him at the booth. “What was your’s?”

“Jacq,” she answered shortly. She seemed a bit anxious, a jumpy look to her eyes and twitch in her fingers.

“Where are you from? I don’t recognize your inflections.” He smiled at the waiter as the teacups were set down, then hot water poured into them. A small bowl of powder was set between the cups, to allow personal approximation for how much flavor to give the water. It had required a devoted trial to convince the establishment to serve tea, but it’d been worth it for how frequently he visited now. Three scoops of powder, then he set the small serving plate over the teacup to let it steep while they talked.

Jacq, however, seemed confused by the drink. She glanced, then mimicked his motions as if she knew what she was doing though. She said, “Scalvoris.”

“Ahh, that’s a long ways away from here, isn’t it?”

She nodded and slumped back against the back of her seat. Arms crossed, she stretched out her legs and he felt her boot accidentally scuff against his own.

“I assume you didn’t come visit Etzos for the pleasure of a trip?” he tapped his fingers against the table, then added, “Are you hungry?”

Without waiting to see if she was or not, he raised his hand and beckoned the waiter. The man returned, already with a plate of flaky pastries in hand. Puffs of dough and water, sweetened with hints of berries in some of the shapes. He set the plate on the table between them, then inquired as to whether Llyr needed anything else.

Llyr shook his head in dismissal. He waited until the server had left, then returned his attention to Jacq. “Go on, they’re my treat.”

“Are they, now?” snidely replied Jacq. Her fingers tapped against her bicep, then she rolled her eyes and grabbed one of the pastries. She took a large bite. Mouth full, hand up to hide her lips while she talked, she said, “I came looking for someone. Someone who doesn’t want me to find them and is being a right bitch about it.”

He lowered his gaze and absently scratched at the back of his hand. “And you need help figuring out where he’s gone in the city?”

“That, and thing is, every time I get close, fucker bounces off to somewhere else ahead of me. People keep giving him the head’s up, probably for extra coin,” she complained. She took another bite of the pastry, finishing it off, and grabbed a second one.

So, she was very hungry, as he recalled the jerky she'd been chewing on before he'd approached. That likely meant she’d spent most of her coin on travel and information. She couldn't afford to not eat the freely offered food. He'd observed it before, in other possible clients from the poorer sectors. Only the ill-mannered and desperate ate freely offered, yet ultimately insubstantial food like that during a meeting to discuss business.

“And he hasn’t left the city?” asked Llyr.

“No way, he came here for another reason. Just don’t know what or why, but I know he’s here and he doesn’t want to go anywhere else. He’s evading me, waiting until I run tired.” She finished the second pastry, then hesitated and lifted the plate to take a drink of the hardly-steeped tea. She seemed bemused by the drink and drank it more like one would chug ale than sip at something.

“Tell me, Jacq… is that your full name?”

“No, it’s Jacquelle d'Amboise and don’t say nothing about it. And you know, there’s a good likelihood the guy I’m looking for is going by the same last name,” she explained.

“And what exactly do you have to pay with, for this information?”

“Oh. I have coin!” said Jacquelle defensively. She reached onto her belt in a hurry. The biqaj woman slammed a small purse down with all the vigor of someone who didn’t have much, and took what they had to be proof otherwise of that fact.

Llyr glanced at the purse. He gently pushed it back over to her. “I don’t want your coin.”

“Excuse me!?” The Scalvorian raised in her seat somewhat. Her eyes flashed a reddish-brown color. “The fuck you getting at? I waited all morning for you, and you’re just gonna snub me like I’m some gutterbitch?”

While she had her outburst, Llyr took the plate off his tea and stirred the steeped water with a spoon. He sighed, exasperated, with an otherwise neutral expression on his youthful features - even as she continued to assault him with increasingly heightened crass words.

“I tell you I got the damn coin, I wait all this time, and you yank me around, eh? Screw you, asshole! I’ll find him myself, I don’t need some hoity-toity snob to waste my trial and breath and-” she grabbed at the pastries, collecting them in her arms, while she stood up to leave.

“Miss d’Amboise,” he said in a drawn-out, but fairly loud voice. His southern continent accent thickened his words and he looked at her with eyes of crystal blue. “If you will, but please sit down and let me explain.”

Jacq scoffed, but she looked over at where the server stared at the outburst. A ruddy purplish color rose to her cheeks. She looked at the pastries gathered in her arms, a sudden sharp awareness lending to an obviously increasing embarrassment.

"Please," repeated Llyr with an open handed gesture toward the seat she'd abandoned. "I wish to see what else you might have to offer. I don't believe a young woman, on her own in a city such as this, after traveling so far, is without skills. Skills that may be worth far more than coin ever could be."

He could almost feel the heat that radiated off her face.

"I... I guess." She snapped, but she slumped down to sit in the seat again. Slowly, she returned the pastries to the table in front of her. "You really mean that?"

"I do." He nodded and took a breath of the tea, though he didn't drink from it. He simply wanted to be able to smell the herbs that'd infused the hot water. It calmed him further, and he slowly blinked while he watched Jacq settle herself to an appropriate composure. Once she had, he cleared his throat. He set aside his tea cup, then folded his hands on the table in front of him. "I am in need of someone who has good eyesight for shadows and a quick hand to shield with."

"I'm not a hitter," she replied defensively. "I don't kill no one."

"Excellent, even better," he said with a raise of his hands and a smile. "Unlike some men of the past in this city, I do not aim to leave bodies along my trail. Etzos is at the forefront of a new era, Miss d'Amboise-"

"Jacq," she interjected, then stopped to chew at the edge of a twisted pastry.

"...Jacq. It is people like you and I who will help these people recover their city, and not lose themselves in the utter destruction after Lisirra's brutality."

She scoffed, some pastry escaped her mouth as she did so. She quickly cleaned it up, blushed, and muttered, "I don't know about all that. What're you saying? What do you want to hire me for?"

"Sorry, yes. You do know how to fight, yes?"

"Of course I do," she shifted in her seat, and lifted enough to show him the blades on her belt. "Don't got these for decorations!"

"And do you have any experience with escorting?"

"You asking if I was a whore?"

"No, no, fates no. I meant protection escort. Like a guard?"

"Ohhh," Jacq shrugged, and drank the rest of her tea in one gulp. "Yeah, I did a few things like that back in Scalv."

"Anyone ever die under your service?"

"I told you I'm not going to kill people."

Llyr considered this answer for a few trills, then he nodded. "So, I need someone to help keep an eye on my back. Watch for who is following me, when and where, as well as occasionally watch over my young wards when they are in the house and I am preoccupied with business matters."

"Y'need a babysitter?" laughed Jacq, then she canted her head and asked, "How old are you? You hardly look older than me."

"It doesn't matter. I am still their guardian and responsible for their protection. Now, if you can provide this, I will work to find this man you seek. Once we find him, I will also assist you with any... conversations you wish to conduct with him, or resolutions you seek." He glanced over her and she nodded slowly with a gesture that she understood what he meant. He nodded as well, then continued, "After that, we will renegotiate your terms under my employ as I will have seen your capability and you will have gotten finished what you came to Etzos to accomplish."

"And what if you just keep from finding him?" asked Jacq, eyes narrowed in a look of suspicion.

"If you suspect that is what I am doing, you may simply walk away and never work for me again." He danced his index and middle finger in a gesture of legs walking across the table between them. "I assure you that to trust me will be one of the best investments you could hope for. But in the meantime, since I do not expect such generosity of trust so easily from one so clever such as yourself, I will also pay you."

"You paying me for... but... that doesn't make sense, Mister L." She scratched the side of her head.

"If I don't believe you have earned it, I will tell you to take your leave just as you are free to walk at any time you wish," he explained. He stood and said, "Give it the trial to think about it. You know who to find if you wish to speak with me again. I'll expect an answer by tomorrow morning."

Jacq hurriedly looked between the pastries and him, then scooted to the edge of the booth's seat. She said, "I don't got to think about it! I'll do it!"

"Are you certain?" asked Llyr. He glanced over her sudden eagerness as she nodded affirmatively a few times. "Very well. Come with me then. I will have Lochlann give you the run-down on our routes."

He set a nel under the plate, for the waiter, then waved for Jacq to follow him. She left behind what remained of the pastries, and took to follow him so close that he had to motion for her to give him some space. He didn't want her to step on his heels. Llyr smiled slightly, as the moment they left the establishment, those sharp, color-changing eyes of the Scalvorian biqaj started to survey the passersby and the shop windows.
word count: 2382
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Re: 1.13 The Jackal [Comm'See]


Intelligence - Contact: Jacquelle d'Amboise (Jacq "The Jackal"), a young biqaj mercenary from Scalvoris.
Intelligence 1/2: The Jackal (6 Vhalar 719)
Intelligence 2/2: The Jackal (6 Vhalar 719)
Etiquette: The Jackal (6 Vhalar 719)
Rhetoric: The Jackal (6 Vhalar 719)
Business Management: The Jackal (6 Vhalar 719)

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 5, for repeat business meetings at an establishment.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: This was a fairly long solo, but it didn’t feel that way at all. I really enjoyed reading it!

I thought it was great that you mentioned the negative side effects of using a Ring of Paradigm.

The dialogue was quite well-written in my opinion, especially when it came to the interaction between Llyr and Jacq. I like that things didn’t go completely smoothly!

Great job, and enjoy your rewards!
word count: 146





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