Review Request 2.2.2

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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Homes Where the Heart Is
City/Area: Melrath
Notes/Warnings: Odd Solo, nothing of note happens.
Requested Rewards:
Acting: Just one of the crowd
Acting: Walking naturally
Acting: Being a looter
Stealth: Tip-toeing on snow
Stealth: Opening a door quietly
Stealth: Hiding in plain sight

Loot: Crappy lodgings on the outskirts of town. (aka: her new stolen home)
Injuries/Overstepping: NA
Renown: NA
Wealth Points: NA
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No
word count: 77
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Some Good In This World
City/Area: The Untold (Emea), Ymiden's Domain.
Notes/Warnings: Lot of dreamwalker stuff. Exchange of Wren's guardianship (NPC).

Requested Rewards:
Eliza Soule
Skill Knowledge:
Combat: Bladed: Knives: A good hatpin will do in a pinch
Drawing: Chalk on furniture
History: Written by the winners

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Dreamwalking: Others' dreams can reveal their nature
Dreamwalking: Ymiden's Domain
Dreamwalking: Being led in dreams by another dreamwalker
Dreamwalking - Branded By: Wren (NPC) (on hand).

Loot: +1 half-of-Echo Scroll (linked to Wren/Llyr)

NPC: -1 Wren.
Llyr Llywelyn
Skill Knowledge:
Etiquette: Meeting the daughter of an Immortal.
Etiquette: Trusting another with your real name.
Caregiving: The guardianship of a lost child.
Caregiving: Planning for temporary guardianship.
Caregiving: Accepting an unexpected ward.
Caregiving: Finding something fun to distract a child with.
Caregiving: Can be used in tandem with Logistics.
Logistics: Means of long distance communication.
Logistics: Arranged check-ins to update on a child's well-being.
Intelligence: Utilizing echo scrolls for long-distance communication.
Intelligence - Contact: Eliza Soule, a painter, dreamwalker, and mortalborn daughter of Ymiden.

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Dreamwalking – Brand: Eliza Soule (on lips)
Dreamwalking – Brand (NPC): Wren (on forehead)
Dreamwalking: Things can occur differently in Immortal domains than in mortal dreamscapes.
Mortalborns: Can live very long, but look young still.
Immortals: Can have offspring with mortals.
Immortal: Ymiden
Mortalborn: Eliza Soule
Eliza Soule: Mortalborn daughter of Ymiden.
Eliza: A painter and artist.
Eliza: 236 arcs old!
NPC Wren: Died and reborn in Emea. Doesn't remember his past life.
NPC Wren: Is looking for Hart.
Personal: I will be caring for Wren until Hart is found.
Personal: I will keep Eliza Soule updated on Wren.
Dreamwalking - Branded By: Wren (NPC) (on hand).

Loot: -1 half-of-Echo Scroll (linked to Eliza)

NPC: +1 Wren.
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: Up to Reviewer.
Wealth Points: n/a

Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: 1.7 The Final Offer Part One
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: n/a

Requested Rewards:
Etiquette: When in Etzos, do as the Etzori do.
Intelligence: Offhand conversations can lend insight into local affairs.
Logistics: Arranging a meeting at a mutual haunt between contacts.
Tactics: Carefully selecting a table by tactical location.
Tactics: Sitting with your back to the wall.
Tactics: Keep your bruiser positioned to block your weak point.

Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: maybe +5 for having a meeting in a public place with known locals
Wealth Points: n/a

Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
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word count: 111
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested

Thread Name: Big-Eyed Bizette
City/Area: Emea
Notes/Warnings: Part 1/3 of a lucid dream.
Requested Rewards:


Skill Knowledge
Investigation: Investigating the nature of Bizette, your Emean companion
Investigation: Investigation The Meadow of Spirituality, in your dreamscape
Investigation: Investigation of what you currently can do in lucid dreams
Dancing: Spinning around in an artless manner like a child
Detection: Detecting grazing cattle at a distance
Detection: Detecting the sound of a drum

Non Skill Knowledge:
Dreamwalking: The feeling of being in a separate reality
Dreamwalking: Lucid dreaming has a purpose, even if you don't know it
Dreamwalking: Don't get carried away by emotions and whims

Emea: The Meadow of Spirituality, in your own dreamscape

Bizette: Emean being and shapeshifter

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Wealth Points:N/A
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: N/A
word count: 146
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Smoke's Poison, Part 3
City/Area: Viden
Notes/Warnings: Part 3 in a series of threads. It may not be my best work.
Requested Rewards:
Alchemy: Reagent: Rat Fluff
Alchemy: Making a calming agent
Alchemy: New equipment should always be tested
Endurance: Grading essays is frustrating and time-consuming
Linguistics: Recognizing the accent of Ne’haer
Strength: Carrying a crate full of alchemical equipment

Loot: -
Injuries/Overstepping: -
Renown: Reviewer's discretion.
Wealth Points: -
Collaboration: no
Magic Experience?: no

word count: 84





Worn Items

Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Return to Etzos

City/Area: Etzos

Requested Rewards:
Disguise: Sending away those who would otherwise give away your disguise
Disguise: Muddying your accent
Disguise: Different faces sit in different social circles
Disguise: Mimicking a posh Tower accent
Disguise: Using a face people trust to slip past notice
Acting: Stage whisper
Discipline: Resisting the commands of those in authority
Discipline: Keeping your calm when people challenge you
Discipline: Keeping fear out of your voice
Rhetoric: Aruging a point you believe in
Rhetoric: Revolutionary talk is difficult with an officer nearby
Rhetoric: Arguing the finer points of life vs slavery
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Medium- Llyr carrieds news of me and my arrival to the guards, who were then on the lookout for me. Plus I spread the good word to the caravaneers.
Collaboration: YES
Magic Experience?: No

Detection: Critical failure to notice the naked woman behind you
Deception: Pretending to have given up on Sintra.
Politics: Sintra is hated mightily by some in Etzos
Politics: Etzos is embroiled in controversy, split between anti-Immortals and those sympathetic to 'Sintra'.
Politics: Commoners and Well-to-do citizens are divided by class.
Politics: People admire those who fought in the wars.
Stealth: Sneaking over when a distraction appears.
Stealth: Sneaking away from a wagon to mope around a grave.
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Small? Speaking out for Sintra?
Collaboration: YES
Magic Experience?: Yes

Intimidation: Refusal to identify oneself.
Intimidation: Speaking with an air of authority.
Intimidation: The Raggedy Man’s Accent.
Intimidation: A Posh Accent from The Citadel of Etzos.
Intimidation: Talking down to someone while completely naked.
Intimidation: Some people deserve to feel a little fear.
Disguise: Mimicking Local accents.
Acting: The importance of what type of voice used.
Deception: A bluff to distract attention.
Politics: Choosing allegiances in a city.
Politics: Loudly proclaimed opinions must be monitored.
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: 10- Showing himself as a mage, bringing news to Tagely and the guards, etc.
Collaboration: YES
Magic Experience?: Yes

word count: 354
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: There's no way my roommate is a demigod I accidentally summoned from another world!
City/Area: Emea
Notes/Warnings: Nah
Requested Rewards: Nah
Renown: IDK
Collaboration: No
word count: 36
Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't.

Mortalborn Abilities | Die Roller | Capstones
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: What's in a Name?
City/Area: Lysoria/Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: awkward flirting, Woe is a dull boy.
Requested Rewards:
[*]Acting: Pretending to be someone more than just Woe.
[*]Detection: Overhearing rumors.
[*]Deception: Lying about your name.
[*]Resistance: Hard Cider is as strong as it is sweet.
[*]Seduction: Don't bore them away. Join them for a drink.
[*]Socialization: Smiling: It's creepy when Woe does it.
Loot/Losses: A conversation with a girl.
Injuries/Overstepping: A little tipsy already.
Renown: 5? or none.
Wealth Points: No
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No
word count: 99
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Cleaning My City Part 3
City/Area: Yaralon
Notes/Warnings: Violence?
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: Defiance - Refinement, lightning
Rupture - Blinking while falling
Rupture - You can't hold open another Rupturer's portal
Discipline - Staking out a location
Discipline - Trying to stay awake when bored
Persuasion - Trading service for information
Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: If applicable.
Renown: If applicable.
Wealth Points: None
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: If applicable.
 ! Message from: Dula
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word count: 75

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Review Request 2.2.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: -‡- Spider infestation II -‡-
City/Area: Athart
Notes/Warnings: Violence
Requested Rewards:

Combat :Ranged -Bow-Lick arrow feathers to straighten them.
Combat :Ranged -Bow - if allies are in the way, fly to make the shot.
Combat :Ranged -Bow - Barraging the foe with arrows will allow at least one to hit.
Running: You can keep going, even if it starts to burn your muscles.
Running: Having people to run with or keep up with helps you keep going too.
Magic : Defiance - Ask nicely of the elemental and it will be more willing to help.

Renown: - He who tried to charge the spider

Magic Experience?: Yes
 ! Message from: Octopie
word count: 111
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