Was this what it was like?
True freedom?
It was glorious.
The firelight glistened off the water like incandescent flares of starlight as the acrid clouds of smoke continued to drift across the beach. Two more bodies now joined the others, their throats laid open and bare, draining their scarlet contents into the amber Faldrass sands.
The thing that stood in Sephira Blackwood’s place did not care about the dead littered around her. It was incapable of doing so.
The Visitant turned as the echoes of a voice drifted out over the water. There was something about that voice, something distant yet familiar.
‘When they butchered your friends , did you tell yourself it wasn’t you? Did it make it any easier to take the money?’
‘I didn’t do that...I wouldn’t.’
That voice made the creature pause, it’s slitted onyx black eyes narrowing as it turned toward the water’s edge with a snarl. There, unfurling over the waves it was like this world faded into another. The Visitant glanced down suddenly realized that there was still a glowing golden band encircling it.
The world just off the coast was dark and held echoes of memory. It was somewhere she had seen before but only through the scarlet glare of a scrying portal.
Slag’s Deep.
The radiant amber band of light seemed to flare as memories came unbidden through the bond between she and Max. No...not memories...these were more akin to nightmares.
Flashes of sudden light, followed by impenetrable darkness and a deep aching hunger that had never left the ex-con when she had been incarcerated. Always hunted...always running. Predator or prey? Which one was she? Did it even matter down here in Level Seven? All that mattered was living, not even to the next trial. You couldn’t tell how time passed down here, not really. There was no sunlight, no warmth. Only the cold damp stone of these ancient caverns and the constant incessant knowledge that you were always one trill away from dying cold, alone and starving in this inescapable pit.
This was where she had sent her.
She had done that hasn’t she? It had been her doing.
Scalvoris...the riot.
The Visitant bristled at the memory, it’s black nailed fingertips reaching up to press against its all too sharply defined brows in pain. The mangled soul of the creature flared against the recollections in protest. The Spark that had finally revealed would not let it’s prize be wrestled away so quickly. Another snarl hissed through now faintly pointed teeth as a figure emerged from the shadows of Slag’s Deep and stalked through the shallows toward the beach. Behind her the shadows of two others stood; two men. The first was an Ithecal, she had no memory of him. However, the second was someone that the old Special Assistant would have remembered. She did remember him infact. The one she had met briefly in Sweetwine Woods. The mage in the snow...and he had been at the riot.
The Celarion bond began to burn as the memory of that trial bubbled to the surface again, it’s power searing into the arm of the creature that was magic made flesh. The same glowing circle flared on Maxine’s own arm as she finally made it across the battlefield and was standing mere feet from the creature that had killed the Beast and Orrick in the span of a single breath.
‘This isn’t you.’
The words washed over the Visitant like a cascade of ice water. The monster shrieked, clawing at its face as if that would do anything to stop what came next. The vision around them flickered like a passing flare of lightning revealing for the briefest moment the interior of the chamber back in Rynmere. Figures moved in the dark, like the specters of wolves across a mountaintop. They were still in Andaris...and they were not alone. However almost instantly the vision reasserted itself.
The riot, the docks collapse it all roiled back through her mind, unwelcome and unbidden. The feeling of the manacles as she clamped them around Maxine’s wrists, the weight of Wyvern in her hand as she leveled it at a friend turned enemy. Watching the Elements take her away to be tried and soon after incarcerated.
They had fought together, Max had even been there at her back when the first rioters had come for Element’s Hall. She had been there in Rynmere; she could have left when Rey’na was captured and Earth Mask was dead, but she hadn’t.
She was still here.
Sephira blinked, her breath hitching in her chest as the inhuman visage of the monster began to drain away like smoke fanned away from a choked hearth. The burning on her arm where Celarion radiated remained, but she clung to that pain like a lifeline.
Pain gave purpose, pain reminded you that you were alive.
She was visibly shaken, her hands coming to her face as she pressed her fingertips to her forehead. Her vision finally began to clear and her eyes settled on the ex-con who reached out to grab her arm. Caramel eyes met pitch black as their gazes met. There had always been much unspoken between the two of them, there always would be. But they both know that they could also rely on one another. That would never change. But right now there was no time to talk.
Words were for idiots with too much time on their hands after all. And to-trial, neither of them had any time to spare.
Again the vision around them flickered, the Celarion bond flaring again. It was holding these two false realities together. It was doing that for a reason. This place had been made to perfectly emulate each of their fears. For Max it had been Slags, and the nightmare of what terrible things she might be capable of if she allowed herself to sink down to her worst impulses. For Sephira her own personal nightmare had been in a way the same. She had become the creature that she had always dreaded...that she had always known was coming for her.
Perhaps that was why they both understood each other so well.
They were both monsters, just waiting to happen.
But if this place was built by their fears, then that meant something important. It was why Qylios’s Mark had reacted the way that it had. Because what was the opposite of fear? The question was left unanswered as the mage knew it already. Perhaps that was why the Immortal had given her a sliver of her power.
Sephira reached out to Celarion in that moment of lucidity and called upon its power in a new way that she never had before.
“Hold on.”
She tightened her grip on Maxine’s own arm before calling upon “Hold the Line”. A piercing lance of golden light flashed against her eyelids and the Mark on her arm blazed with the same sweet burning agony as before as it rallied against the illusion of fear they were trapped within.
That was when everything went dark.
True freedom?
It was glorious.
The firelight glistened off the water like incandescent flares of starlight as the acrid clouds of smoke continued to drift across the beach. Two more bodies now joined the others, their throats laid open and bare, draining their scarlet contents into the amber Faldrass sands.
The thing that stood in Sephira Blackwood’s place did not care about the dead littered around her. It was incapable of doing so.
The Visitant turned as the echoes of a voice drifted out over the water. There was something about that voice, something distant yet familiar.
‘When they butchered your friends , did you tell yourself it wasn’t you? Did it make it any easier to take the money?’
‘I didn’t do that...I wouldn’t.’
That voice made the creature pause, it’s slitted onyx black eyes narrowing as it turned toward the water’s edge with a snarl. There, unfurling over the waves it was like this world faded into another. The Visitant glanced down suddenly realized that there was still a glowing golden band encircling it.
The world just off the coast was dark and held echoes of memory. It was somewhere she had seen before but only through the scarlet glare of a scrying portal.
Slag’s Deep.
The radiant amber band of light seemed to flare as memories came unbidden through the bond between she and Max. No...not memories...these were more akin to nightmares.
Flashes of sudden light, followed by impenetrable darkness and a deep aching hunger that had never left the ex-con when she had been incarcerated. Always hunted...always running. Predator or prey? Which one was she? Did it even matter down here in Level Seven? All that mattered was living, not even to the next trial. You couldn’t tell how time passed down here, not really. There was no sunlight, no warmth. Only the cold damp stone of these ancient caverns and the constant incessant knowledge that you were always one trill away from dying cold, alone and starving in this inescapable pit.
This was where she had sent her.
She had done that hasn’t she? It had been her doing.
Scalvoris...the riot.
The Visitant bristled at the memory, it’s black nailed fingertips reaching up to press against its all too sharply defined brows in pain. The mangled soul of the creature flared against the recollections in protest. The Spark that had finally revealed would not let it’s prize be wrestled away so quickly. Another snarl hissed through now faintly pointed teeth as a figure emerged from the shadows of Slag’s Deep and stalked through the shallows toward the beach. Behind her the shadows of two others stood; two men. The first was an Ithecal, she had no memory of him. However, the second was someone that the old Special Assistant would have remembered. She did remember him infact. The one she had met briefly in Sweetwine Woods. The mage in the snow...and he had been at the riot.
The Celarion bond began to burn as the memory of that trial bubbled to the surface again, it’s power searing into the arm of the creature that was magic made flesh. The same glowing circle flared on Maxine’s own arm as she finally made it across the battlefield and was standing mere feet from the creature that had killed the Beast and Orrick in the span of a single breath.
‘This isn’t you.’
The words washed over the Visitant like a cascade of ice water. The monster shrieked, clawing at its face as if that would do anything to stop what came next. The vision around them flickered like a passing flare of lightning revealing for the briefest moment the interior of the chamber back in Rynmere. Figures moved in the dark, like the specters of wolves across a mountaintop. They were still in Andaris...and they were not alone. However almost instantly the vision reasserted itself.
The riot, the docks collapse it all roiled back through her mind, unwelcome and unbidden. The feeling of the manacles as she clamped them around Maxine’s wrists, the weight of Wyvern in her hand as she leveled it at a friend turned enemy. Watching the Elements take her away to be tried and soon after incarcerated.
They had fought together, Max had even been there at her back when the first rioters had come for Element’s Hall. She had been there in Rynmere; she could have left when Rey’na was captured and Earth Mask was dead, but she hadn’t.
She was still here.
Sephira blinked, her breath hitching in her chest as the inhuman visage of the monster began to drain away like smoke fanned away from a choked hearth. The burning on her arm where Celarion radiated remained, but she clung to that pain like a lifeline.
Pain gave purpose, pain reminded you that you were alive.
She was visibly shaken, her hands coming to her face as she pressed her fingertips to her forehead. Her vision finally began to clear and her eyes settled on the ex-con who reached out to grab her arm. Caramel eyes met pitch black as their gazes met. There had always been much unspoken between the two of them, there always would be. But they both know that they could also rely on one another. That would never change. But right now there was no time to talk.
Words were for idiots with too much time on their hands after all. And to-trial, neither of them had any time to spare.
Again the vision around them flickered, the Celarion bond flaring again. It was holding these two false realities together. It was doing that for a reason. This place had been made to perfectly emulate each of their fears. For Max it had been Slags, and the nightmare of what terrible things she might be capable of if she allowed herself to sink down to her worst impulses. For Sephira her own personal nightmare had been in a way the same. She had become the creature that she had always dreaded...that she had always known was coming for her.
Perhaps that was why they both understood each other so well.
They were both monsters, just waiting to happen.
But if this place was built by their fears, then that meant something important. It was why Qylios’s Mark had reacted the way that it had. Because what was the opposite of fear? The question was left unanswered as the mage knew it already. Perhaps that was why the Immortal had given her a sliver of her power.
Sephira reached out to Celarion in that moment of lucidity and called upon its power in a new way that she never had before.
“Hold on.”
She tightened her grip on Maxine’s own arm before calling upon “Hold the Line”. A piercing lance of golden light flashed against her eyelids and the Mark on her arm blazed with the same sweet burning agony as before as it rallied against the illusion of fear they were trapped within.
That was when everything went dark.
