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Valyeria Runs a Shop

5th of Cylus 717

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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[Kovic] Spreading the Word (Graded)

5th of Cylus, Arc 717
Valyeria sat, large gloves covering her hands as she opened up the enclosure and removed one of the spiders carefully. The Scolor Spiders were rare, and not commonly used for anything. Their poison was painful, but not overly so, and they were often more of a pain to keep captured than was worth it. Valyeria, however, was testing something. She had an idea for a new drug- or rather an interrogation technique.

The spider caused a muscle contraction if it punctured your skin. If she could isolate that compound, a fairly easy task, she thought, she would be able to literally rip the muscles from your body. It had come to her while threatening a man in Andaris with Andraska, though she had been forced to wait until now to test it.

Valyeria set the spiders stinger over a thin film of pigskin, and the spider complied, stabbing it repeatedly. The fluid dripped from the stinger into the beaker, Valyeria releasing the spider once its gland was depleted.

She swirled the liquid around, her lips pursed. Too bad each spider only had so much. It made testing a slow process.

She set it in the centrifuge and began the spinning process. She had already tried the alembic as well as the calcinator and various methods of extracting and suspending it in blood plasma. She didn't have a test subject yet, but when she did she needed to be totally ready.

The door opened, and Valyeria stood and made her way to the front desk. The centrifuge would take a while to work, and she was happy to have another customer. The word hadn't got out about her shop yet, and she needed more business. Hopefully, this would be worth it.

"Morning," she said. "What can I help you with today?"
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[Kovic] Spreading the Word

As Paplo entered the well-lit shop, and the aroma of acidic herbs reached his nostrils, it took him not a thrill to realize he had, once again, lost himself within the Underground. Closing the metal door behind him, Paplo would approach the dark counter, his own dark suit and well-managed features fitting in perfectly with the tidy business. With excellent poise and a firm gait, the male would offer a kind smile towards the female, hs blue eyes landing on her - or on her wings, were she able to distinguish said detail.
“Good morning,” he’d say with his soft and modulated voice. “Excellent establishment, miss. I like the colors.”

The nature of the business was a mystery for him, although the smells spoke of the use of herbs, which lacked any sort of digestive appeal. Medicine was a more probable theme for the business, perhaps an apothecary or a specific clinic of some sort due to the business’ location. The female avriel was also a mystery for himself, for her race was still somewhat unknown to Paplo, and thus her analysis offered nothing but obvious physical facts.
“I’m under the impression that you can provide medicinal cocktails, and it just so happens that I require something of the sorts. Without getting into too much detail, I’ll confess that I require something to loosen up the tongue - metaphorically speaking. Does something of said nature exist within your skillset, or should I take my coin someplace else?”

The Mortalborn smiled, again, standing tall and confident on the other side of the counter, hands held behind his back and his head slightly tilted to the side.
“Oh, one more thing. Would it be possible to rent this locale for a few breaks?”
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[Kovic] Spreading the Word

The man that stood there was tall, his neat suit emphasizing his form well. Warren stepped forward from his hidden stoop behind the door as it closed, standing a respectful distance behind the man, just making his appearance known.

Valyeria dried her hands on a nearby towel as the man spoke, and she inclined her head gratefully. "I appreciate that, sir, and you're correct."

"We specialize in various compounds that do a variety of things, and I'm sure that we can come up with something that might meet those requirements. Of course there are more things to consider- the age, weight, and height of the....user, among other things."

She didn't know why the subterfuge was necessary. They both knew what he was here for, and she obviously didn't have an issue with it. Despite that, every single person who came through her doors acted as if she were a blackguard, waiting to throw them into jail.

"I have a...room that could be used for that, though I would require you to be blindfolded prior to entering or exiting, in order to keep it secret. The cost for the room is 20GN per break. During that time I offer my full services, and should you book for a several break section, you will pay only for the materials used."

She paused for a moment, weighing her options. She didn't have anything ready, but it wouldn't be difficult to make several options. This way, providing a test subject...this could work.

"Tell you what. I've got some things I want to try out. If you let me test out some things on them after you're done, you can use the room free of charge.

Mentally, Val ran through her options. She had a few possibilities, as well as the supplies to make Blue Tongue. It had cost her a pretty penny, but she wanted to modify it slightly to make it more addictive. With the Miasma having been nearby last arc, the cost was significantly lower than usual, which made this a good time to practice.

"When exactly were you looking for the room and the truth serum?"
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[Kovic] Spreading the Word

The Mortalborn listened carefully to the words of the female, although there seemed to be a minor hint of discomfort in his presence, especially now that the exit was blocked by a previously unseen male. He nodded every once in awhile, as well as offering the occasional quick smile towards the female, inciting her to continue with her explanations.
“Preferably this evening,” he confirmed at last. “Without falsely proclaiming I know how your profession works, let me just assure you that the complete efficiency of the truth serum is not something of a priority - especially if I can enjoy the privacy of the aforementioned room. Furthermore, I believe I can provide you with the test subject you desire, yet I must warn you that, despite said individual being alive, several injuries may be present on its frame whenever my business with it has concluded. If you mind not that detail, I’d gladly accept this bargain.”

The teacher pondered for a moment if he’d return to the shop at all later in the evening, for the risks were many. Despite the female’s casual act, there was little guarantee of safety from this arrangement. However, the lack of other locations in which to carry out his proposed deed somewhat forced him to make a choice.
“What would be the value of the concoction, if I may ask?”

The male now pondered on the test subject itself. It was a gamble to begin this little quest, for it deviated greatly from the usual low-profile attitude the under qualified teacher enjoyed. Doubts were still present in his mental arguments, yet, for whatever childish reason, Paplo still chose to move past them.

Off Topic
I'm sorry for the delay.
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[Kovic] Spreading the Word

It didn't take much for Valyeria to notice the man's discomfort, and she jerked her head sideways at Warren. He shot her a quick frown before slipping by the man and coming to busy himself back in the lab. Since the events of the fight in Zi'da, he had stuck close to her. She felt in her pocket for the powder pack, the drug she had addicted her father to. He didn't know how she made it, and there was no way that anything else would cause the same effect on him- he was her slave in all but name.

The man's voice was cultured and calm, well spoken. She tilted her head sideways as she watched him move, something about him seeming off to her. Mentally, Valyeria shrugged it off- almost everyone who came here had a secret or two, and many tried to use a disguise for fear of reprisal. If she tried to see through them all, she would've gone mad long ago.

"I didn't catch your name?"

She nodded while thinking, before continuing. "This evening is fine- the room is vacant at the moment. As for the injuries- that isn't an issue. I can work around those, as long as his mind remains unfractured and he is not in imminent danger of dying."

How much to charge him, though... "I accept payment in either nel, or in favours. Alternatively, knowledge is always something that I'd be willing to deal in. The materials themselves are rather pricey, but for one dose of truth serum... Say 70 nel? Maybe a bit more, depending on the size and gender of the patient. "

Val had slipped into the medical speak again without noticing it. Some of her clients liked it, others not so much. One thing that was consistent was they preferred to dehumanize the poor souls who wound up in her back room.

"So, do we have a deal?"
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[Kovic] Spreading the Word

Seventy nel sounded like a quantity Paplo hadn’t heard of before, and so he concluded it was quite a steep price. He imagined a room full of gold being this quanitity, and despite having seen such rooms in his lifetime, he wasn’t given such quantities of gold in his current employment. Paplo seemed to ponder for a few moments, before leaning forward with his usual smile shining slightly brighter.
“What kind of favors are we talking about?” he’d ask, almost ready to wiggle his eyebrows towards the female. Even he knew he wouldn’t find any issue to sex were he able to properly inspect her wings whilst it happened. “I’m afraid intelligence and wealth are not my strong points, but I do have great stamina for performing favors of all sorts.”

For some reason, the Mortalborn already assumed the deal would be sealed on top of the counter. Even if he held off on removing his clothing, he was sure was glad to not be on the receiving end for once.
“Whatever your needs are, Miss, I would be glad to satisfy them in return for this service,” said Paplo, as he extended a hand towards the female. “The room and option of privacy is certainly what interests me most, yet your services as well as the produce I requested would certainly carry their use for my needs. I am Paplo Ynush, by the way.”

Paplo’s mind then ran the logistics in his mind. The subject was often located near the well’s Underground entryway, a few bits after the established dinner time. Often accompanied by two subjects he knew how to get rid of, he should be able to bring the test subject here without much complication. Reducing him… that was different.
“Hold on a thrill, I believe I require something else to satisfy everyone’s needs. Some sort of short-term disable upon a potentially violent individual,” said Paplo, aware of how illegal it all sounded. “… because the recipient is diagnosed with memory lapses that make him quite unware of what is happening.” Practicallity above complexity, Paplo looked towards the other male in the room. “Would you be willing to garrote an individual without provoking their death, Mister?”
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[Kovic] Spreading the Word

Valyeria raised her eyebrow at Paplo when he waggled his, managing to look slightly scornful at his insinuation. "Not those kind, I can promise you that."

Smoothing out her expression, she cocked her head sideways. "I'm not sure yet- this is the kind of favour that I'd likely let sit for a while, pulling it out once I have need of it. I'm not sure of what it is yet, but its time will come. No need to worry- I'll make sure to have it within your...talents."

She took his hand, sealing the deal verbally. "Nice to meet you Paplo. Valyeria's the name."

She thought about the "disable" he asked for. There were a couple of compounds she could use, but one came to mind. "Night Scarf." She said, holding up a finger. "Give me a second."

She turned her back and grabbed the jar of Night Scarf. It was put into a small vial and mixed with a thinning agent. A small dose was placed in a thin container and sealed with gum.

"Smear this on a dagger or needle and jab them with it, and they'll be out for a break or so. Might be a bit easier than a garrote, and a bit more subtle too."

She handed the vial to Warren, nodding to him. "You go with him. I'll hold down the fort until you get back." Warren nodded in return, and turned to Paplo.

"Where to boss?"
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[Kovic] Spreading the Word

Paplo didn’t wait any further before exiting Valyeria’s shop with his temporary companion. Arming himself with the torch he had left on the exit, he glanced towards the male with indifference, as if measuring him up. Without a word, he turned back around and began walking the Underground, the maze he still didn’t quite know. A turn here, a turn there, and he found himself in a somewhat familiar stretch of tunnels, their only distinctions from the rest being the slight bumps in the pavement. The teacher walked slowly and calmly, both to assess how confident he felt about his doings and to allow his victim to repeat the part of the schedule that would be his doom.

When they reached a small bifurcation in the tunnel, Paplo turned towards Warren. “Stay here. When I return, remain calm.” And with that, the suited man and the torch moved away, leaving Warren on his own.
Paplo had to wait almost half a break before a trio of Blackguards and their heavy footsteps broke the silent tunnels and the brown noise that characterized the maze. With their capes, their armor, their torches and their hurry, the trio parted the darkness with ease. Suffice to say, when they spotted Paplo’s torch and figure in the tunnel, they drew their swords and adopted a fighting stance, ready to strike down the intruder in its spot.
“Wait,” spoke Paplo, calmly, as he began a calm approach towards the trio. That confidence and calm was disturbing enough to cause the trio to stutter.
“This is a restricted area you’re trespassing,” spoke the leader. “And so I sentence you to die—“
Paplo stood before him and tapped him on the shoulder in a friendly manner. “Vuda sent me,” he’d say, before stepping back and beckoning him with his head. “You two can be on your way.”
“Go on,” ordered Paplo. “I have a schedule to keep.”

Despite the Mortalborn not being a figure of authority in his life, he could adapt to fill said position whenever he needed. His words could become law were he to speak them with enough confidence and with the proper intonation for every individual. The leader seemed to doubt, but he wasn’t allowed much time to deliberate on the matter, for Paplo was already walking the way he came. The leader spoke something to his colleagues before following.
The Blackguard caught up to the Mortalborn and walked beside him, watching him with great care and some obvious suspicion.
“How do I know you speak the truth?” he asked.
“Your services do not include knowing – they include doing. Do what you’re told, and please, keep quiet.”
Whether the Blackguard felt like knocking the man out with a fist or not was unknown, for no such aggression came through.

A few bits later, Paplo reached the corner in which he expected to find Warren, and he found him indeed, waiting on the spot as ordered.
“He’s with us,” Paplo would say to both yet without looking at none, reassuring both the Blackguard and the shop assistant of the lack of need for violence.

Nothing else was said from the teacher’s part as they returned towards the shop’s location, which somehow, he managed to reach despite his disorientation in the area. Few were aware of how ignorant he really was, mostly because he covered after his tracks well. When the metal door was in sight, Paplo looked over his shoulder and took a large step forward away from the Blackguard.
“Do it here.”
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[Kovic] Spreading the Word

Val made herself busy in the shop, finishing milking the spiders, cleaning the counters. There were three vials of the spider venom set out now, all processed differently.

She locked her front door, a heavy, intricate bar system that ensured any attempting to enter would need a battering ram, and opened the hidden door. The table was clean, a good sign, and she quickly stoked a fire in the room. Two other, smaller tables were dragged in and served as setup for all of her tools. The standard pliers, knives and assorted metal implements were there, as were dozens of spider needles for injections with numerous vials of different shapes and colours.

Val retreated to the main room, shutting the door behind her just as a knock came from the front door- Warren's knock.

Warren was used to entertaining himself, and this was no exception. He practiced his meditation, attempting to slow his breathing and calm down, and before he knew it, Paplo had returned with a guard, of all people.

He didn't quite understand what had gone on, but he trusted Val and she had told him to help this man out. So Warren merely nodded silently, and followed along behind the duo. The path they took back to the shop was circuitous, and he nodded as he realized what Paplo was doing- the guard would have a hard time figuring out where they had gone, and anyone following would find it even harder. Smart man.

Paplo's words were followed instantly by Warren moving in, his hand a blur as he slammed the Guard's head against the stone wall. He prepared to attack again, but it seemed the guard was unconscious. Nodding to himself, Warren slung the guard over his shoulder and grunted.

"Heavy Bastard."

He took stumbling steps forward, thankful that he only needed to go a handful of paces. He knocked out his normal rhythm; two fast, pause then one more loud rap.

Valyeria opened the door, and gestured them inside as she glance around at the deserted hallway. No one seemed to have seen them, and she quickly shut the door and locked it. The bars, when in place, stretched horizontally and vertically, a dozen steel bars the thickness of her wrist that fit into holes drilled in the stone.

"Blindfold time, I'm afraid," Val said, turning to Paplo. "Can't have you figuring out how I get in or out."

Warren set the unconscious body on the table and efficiently began stripping it of the armour it was wearing.

Val held out a strip of black cloth, and moved to tie it around Paplo's eyes. Warren, at her command, was ready to pick Paplo up and spin around with him, ensuring he was fully disoriented. Meanwhile, Alex slid over and opened the door silently. Warren soon stopped, and entered the small room, setting down Paplo before dragging the much lighter guardsman through. Val shut the door, and let their grisly work begin.

Several breaks later, they left the room, having achieved all they hoped. Val discovered that, while not as effective as she'd hoped, the Scolor Poison was extremely painful and effective. Val bid Paplo goodbye, closing the door firmly behind him, and beginning the long process of cleaning her safe room.
OOC: Paplo abandoned this thread, just submitting it for grading. Edited my last post and tried to tie it up at the end.
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Re: [Kovic] Spreading the Word

Review Is In!
Poison: Scolor Spider Toxin
Poison: Spider Venom Collection Techniquue- Pigskin
Poison: Blue Tongue
Negotiation: Bartering Favours
Buisness Management: Ensuring A Fair Price for Deals
Business Management: Giving up Money now for Research
Business Management: Division of Labour among Workers
Animal Handling: Scolor Spiders: Careful Lifting to Stay Safe

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: 5 Renown for starting a job

Points: 15 May not be used on Magic

I enjoy watching transactions get done, especially when it is more... Under the counter products. The start of the thread where Vluharqih is testing there theories. Would the contractions of the spider venom truly cause enough of a reaction, or will there need to be a distillery process. These are some questions I would love to find out. It is to bad the thread got abandoned though, would of loved to see a live reaction from someone.

Any injures are based on a 1d100 roll using applicable skills
word count: 162
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