5th of Cylus, Arc 717
Valyeria sat, large gloves covering her hands as she opened up the enclosure and removed one of the spiders carefully. The Scolor Spiders were rare, and not commonly used for anything. Their poison was painful, but not overly so, and they were often more of a pain to keep captured than was worth it. Valyeria, however, was testing something. She had an idea for a new drug- or rather an interrogation technique. The spider caused a muscle contraction if it punctured your skin. If she could isolate that compound, a fairly easy task, she thought, she would be able to literally rip the muscles from your body. It had come to her while threatening a man in Andaris with Andraska, though she had been forced to wait until now to test it.
Valyeria set the spiders stinger over a thin film of pigskin, and the spider complied, stabbing it repeatedly. The fluid dripped from the stinger into the beaker, Valyeria releasing the spider once its gland was depleted.
She swirled the liquid around, her lips pursed. Too bad each spider only had so much. It made testing a slow process.
She set it in the centrifuge and began the spinning process. She had already tried the alembic as well as the calcinator and various methods of extracting and suspending it in blood plasma. She didn't have a test subject yet, but when she did she needed to be totally ready.
The door opened, and Valyeria stood and made her way to the front desk. The centrifuge would take a while to work, and she was happy to have another customer. The word hadn't got out about her shop yet, and she needed more business. Hopefully, this would be worth it.
"Morning," she said. "What can I help you with today?"