• Closed • Out of the Blue (Graded)

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Re: Out of the Blue

Magpie watched him and yet, for someone who wasn't already at an advantage in the conversation, there would've been little to catch: a mere widening of the eyes, a held breath, an adamant refusal combined with feigned ignorance. Though the chug of whiskey in one tilt back didn't support the man's attempted disinterest.

The blond youth couldn’t help it. He’d barely held quiet when he’d heard the terrible attempt at ignorance, "her name" when he had led with do you know a man before sliding the piece of vellum over. It was too over the top. Something had rattled loose, and Oberan had lost his cool, resulted in an overcompensation that swung much too far aside. That, combined with the guzzled dishwater of liquor...

Mister Magpie chuckled. His mask muffled most of the noise. He leaned back in the seat and covered his face with his gloved hand so he couldn’t be seen. Because he wheezed in near-silent laughter, especially when he heard the man's quick need for departure next. Though he hid his eyes behind a hand and his quiet snickers behind a mask, his shoulders quivered.

He gathered himself, however, and put down his hand. The foreigner looked over the other man, and his irises had changed color. The brilliant topaz yellow color had returned, glimmered with specks of white that lit up within the orbs in perpetual motion.

“Why not have another?” he offered. “You’ll probably need it.”

Fixing his gloves with casual pulls at the cuffs, he didn’t explain the comment in the slightest. Instead, he politely smiled behind his mask and it showed in his warmly glittering eyes. He waved to the barmaid, then gestured at the empty glass in front of Oberan.

“There is something else,” he said. “Another name I’m curious about whether you have any information. Don’t you want a reward, Mar… apologies, what was it again? Marzell?”

He picked up the charcoal pencil again, flipped the thin writing instrument between his fingers in a flourish - since the whole conversation had put him in a rather good mood for once - and then he scratched at Kasoria’s name so it was blacked out on the vellum. He flipped over the scrap, then scribbled on the backside. Once finished, he pushed it over and inclined his head in gesture for the other man to read the second name:

“Even a little bit of information could be useful. Something that you didn’t even realize was useful, like that time a boyish woman went out the back door instead of the front, or… if your… neighbor ever had any women over at all or if he lived the life of a modest, lonely hermit.” He added in an overly helpful tone with a pat of his hand on the table surface.

“I mean, certainly, if you cared enough to be aware of his own presence in and out his home, you must have had some clue as to what your neighbor was up to?” Magpie was thankful for his mask. It would’ve been so much more difficult to manage composure if he didn’t have the reminder of the smooth lining of strong-smelling leather over his lower face. The scent kept him aware, kept him in the present moment, focused on the older man.

While the barmaid brought over the second glass of Milldeck's and set it down, he stood.

He took the vellum and neatly folded it in half. He set it in a front pocket along his darkly dyed attire. Magpie glanced at the grimy windows.

“Hm. Looks like the rain will be getting worse. I’ll let you be with your personal business. If you think of anything, Mister Marwell, you can…” he dug around in his satchel, then pulled out a slender card made out of thin blonde wood with a stamped blue-ink seal, of a crow with a coin in its beak, on the backside. “Go there, and tell them you’re looking for me.”

His southern medley accent lilted and lulled while he spoke quickly with a casual gesture as he pointed at the other man and said, “Oh, and if you see Oberan, please tell him that it’d be better if he meets with me before attempting to run. If he leaves the city now, he’ll be headed right into… well, oops. I mean, if he's in the city that is. I mean no harm, quite the opposite. I’d simply like to help him if possible.”

“Thank you for your time. Enjoy the heart-warming dishwater.” He drew his hood up, which shadowed his features from easy sight, and then he left the tavern without pause - no matter if the other man spoke or not. Once outside, however, he slowly headed back in the direction of Oberan's home.
word count: 825
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: Out of the Blue

He'd fucked up. Oberan had known from the start things would go South at one point or another, but never would he have imagined it quite having been like this. Sweating bullets from the sight of a piece of vellum. Granted, it only had the name of the fucking Raggedy Man on it. Bagun Vorund’s very own bloodhound, his enforcer, his knife-in-the-dark. Among the tunnels of the underground, rumor had it that if the Killer in Rags was coming for you, no-one would ever see you again.

Alive, that is.

Cold, bloody, and bloated, sure.

Magpie was more than amused by his clumsy attempt at feigning ignorance. With the mask covering his lower face, and the hand obscuring the rest, there wasn’t much to see, yet his shoulders trembled with barely contained laughter.

Two opposite reactions, sitting across each other.

One older than he looked, desperately trying to regain his cool –or the semblance of it, at the very least—and the other fresh-faced and in the possession of information he shouldn’t have.

So the mystery presented sounded as follows: How did this man, this young non-Etzori know of the assassin, and why were they after Oberan. Why even mention the name? Surely Kasoria could simply wait in ambush and strike the Mortalborn down without a second thought? Courtesy shown to an associate? That did not feel like Kas though. To keep him from trying to escape? Perhaps the killer figured that Oberan, having witnessed his skill and prowess, would believe himself trapped in the city. Vorund’s dog always returned with his prey dead in his maw after all. There was no escape. Stories told of Kasoria traveling to the Outer Cities and beyond to strike his targets down. He’d cross the sea if necessary. Urchins even had made nursery rhymes about him!

Run, run, run
As fast as you can
Flee from the Raggedy Man

Run, run, run
Stretch your lifespan
Hide from the Raggedy Man

Run, run, run
Give up, realize then
No escape from the Raggedy Man

A pickle to be certain. Oberan had his ways of disappearing though. If he did not want to be found, not even Kasoria would be able to find him. Magpie could keep on laughing, Oberan would be the one laughing in the end. All he needed to do was keep calm and think straight. That’s right. Kas or no Kas, Oberan was no mere mortal, no simple thug on Vorund’s black list. Not a skilled fighter, no, but he had tricks up his sleeves.
“Martell, actually.”

Sweat still dripped, but he felt more composed. This situation was salvageable. It wasn’t unwinnable. He needn’t face the assassin –Immortals forbid—all that was required was evade the man. Run, hide, stay out of sight. All things he was good at.

They were underestimating him, as people were prone to do. It wouldn’t be the first time. Yet, now their hand was played, the trap unveiled, and Oberan’s guard was up. He’d simply vanish, as he had done many times in his life. Leave everything behind. Start over someplace else. Repeat if the ground underneath his feet got too hot there too.

“No, that doesn’t seem familiar,” Oberan spoke, glancing at the second name. His index fingers were trembling still, but it hardly mattered at this point. “That’s an odd name for anyone to have,” he mustered, smiling a quaky smile.

Zipper, huh? Trouble to be sure, but not nearly as much as Kas –well, actually, maybe Zipper was worse, in a way. Her magic was annoying to say the least, and a complete pain in the ass to deal with. Beams that burned and melted just about anything, the environment that warped to capture, obstruct, maim, or kill. Unlike Kas –as far as he knew, at least—she DID carry a grudge against him. Also, her brother was a right cunt.

Still, not as unnerving a name to be dropped compared to the Little Killer. Even if Kas’ name hadn’t come up, Zipper’s would not have worried him as much. Zipper was a bitch with a temper and a bad attitude, but she was not quite as tenacious as Kas. Else Oberan would have had to deal with her a whole lot more. She got tired of dealing with certain people, and seemed to avoid having to at all costs. Oberan was proud to count himself among those lucky few.

Kas, on the other hand, was a death sentence.

Nevertheless, it was worrying that Zipper’s name would come up as well. Vorund nor Kasoria should know about his dealings with her. Unless she was in on all this, but that seemed like a bridge too far.

“Not quite, Mr. Magpie,” Oberan said, pronouncing the name correctly, “It’s a simple matter of passing by every so often, and noticing the curtains are drawn, the whole place’s been boarded up, and there’s a plague mark on the door.”

By a stroke of good fortune, Magpie took his leave, but not before throwing out one last hook. The man was toying with the Mortalborn, and though the latter was curious, even he wouldn’t fall for it. Surprisingly, a business card was handed over, complete with a seal and address. A lucky find in a pocket on Magpie’s part, or a carefully planned cover story?

Oberan didn’t trust it though. He studied it for a while, sipping his not-quite-whiskey. When the dishwater was in his stomach, and the print on the card in his memory, he too left the bar. The card was slipped into some patron’s coat pocket. If Magpie was going to keep track of the card with whatever magics or abilities he possessed, Oberan would at least not be anywhere near it. It did little to stave off the feeling of dread he felt, but it would have to do for now.

The bell above the door clinked and clanged as he left the pub. Like Magpie had said, the rain had gotten worse, but that was more a boon to the Mortalborn. Low vision and dark skies made it easier to remain unseen. If he wanted to, he could tail Magpie. Intuition said he was heading to the Mortalborn’s place and use his ghost to search the inside thoroughly. Maybe he’d even go inside himself. It didn’t really matter; most of what was in there could not leave the confines of his house.

Yet the fact that someone was going in –which he had hoped to prevent with the plague symbol on the building—made him uneasy. He was going to need a new Vault, and soon too.

Softly, he cursed under his breath. Back to the forest he’d go. Time to lay low, create a new Vault, and mayhap spring the trap, if there indeed was one. Kas might be waiting for him, sure, but even he was susceptible to the unconsciousness forced upon individuals by Thrill Control’s syphon.

Even if he wasn’t alone, he’d knock him out, and use the Enhancement granted by the excess to take out or escape from the others. No sweat.


word count: 1226
Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't.

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Re: Out of the Blue

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Can be use for magic? Yes or No


Stealth: Write it down, instead of saying it.
Stealth: Hiding your face (and expressions) from view.
Deception: Pretending you don’t know what you do know.
Deception: Body language can give you away.
Interrogation: Conversationally testing for reactions.
Intimidation: The name of the Raggedy Man.
Intimidation: Not accepting another’s attempts to leave.
Intimidation: Too much pressure, too fast, derails opportunity.
Investigation: Locked doors can’t stop ghosts.
Intelligence – Location: Old Jim Slims’ Pub (Northwest OP, Etzos)
Intelligence: A Business Card.

Etzos Prime, Location: Old Jim Slims’ Pub, small tavern in NW OP.
Oberan: Not great at lying.
Oberan: “Martell”
Oberan: Easily spooked.
Oberan: Choice of Drink: Whiskey (Darington).
Oberan: Knows me as Mr. Magpie.












Can be use for magic? Yes or No


1)Stealth: Use the sound of rain to cover your approach
2)Stealth: Using the low visibility of heavy rainfall to disappear
3)Deception: Feigning ignorance
4)Deception: Alias
5)Deception: Pretending to be someone else
6)Detection: Subtle signs someone’s laughing
7)Detection: Reading someone who covers their face is hard
8)Detection: The telltale signs of a ghost
9)Detection: Recognizing when someone is too curious
10)Intelligence: Attempts at steering a conversation
11)Intelligence: Offer little information, but gain a lot… that’s the idea, anyway

The plagues of that ruined Etzos
Lisirra’s siege
The day magic stopped working
Current state of Etzos (Hot cycle 719)
Mr. Magpie: Looking for Oberan
Mr. Magpie: Knows Kasoria
Mr. Magpie: Knows Zipper
Mr. Magpie: Has a ghost child with him









Comments:I don't know that I was meant to laugh the entire time but I did. Poor Oberan was not prepared for this and "Magpie" was be a little buttmunch while gathering information. This flowed very well and their differing reactions to the situations were highlighted ina way that promises more entertaining threads in the future. Oberans panicked rhymes and familial cursing were particularly entertaining and "Magpies" all-knowing persona here was amusing to say the least. Well done both of you!
word count: 369
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