• Solo • Ymiden Correspondence (Graded)

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Ymiden Correspondence (Graded)

Continued from here.
68 Ymiden, Arc 719

The smell of smoke roused Llyr awake. He opened one eye, the other remained shut with sleep. At the edge of the narrow bed, Gigi faced away while she recovered her clothes. A cigarette dangled against her rosy lips. The Ryn woman glanced at him. He closed his eyes and pretended to still be asleep.

“I know you’re awake,” she mentioned. She moved off the bed, and pulled on her dress.

Llyr rolled over, then groaned and threw the blanket down. He rolled the other way, right over the edge, and landed on his hands and feet in a push-up posture. He warily eyed the nightstand that nearly knocked his head. This wasn’t his room, after all. Things were in different spots. He held the posture, then forcibly pressed up and down several times to wake his muscles. In a swift momentum, he jumped up to stand. The biqaj stretched his neck and felt a low dull throbbing in his temples. He rubbed at the back of his head.

“Too much dancing?” asked Gigi. She smiled slightly, then tossed his tunic over.

He caught it. Pulling it on, he said, “Yes, it was the dancing. Not that awful drink.”

“Sherry is not awful,” she chided him. She set the cigarette against his lips. The woman drew her curly hair up into a wild bun. “You merely have a weak constitution, Your Lord.”

Llyr rolled his eyes. He drew a breath of tobacco smoke in, then lifted one of the many letters that awaited his response. His fingers tapped over the vellum, then he set it back on the nightstand surface.

Gigi sat at the edge of the bed again. She secured her switchblade in one of her shoes, then laced up her boots.

“You… going somewhere?” he asked, hesitant.

“Not all of us can simply lounge about in bed, waiting for couriers to hand us letters from Barons.”

“That’s-” Llyr stopped her from standing, with a gentle shove, when she tried. “You’re not to share that with anyone. None of what I might've told you, either. You understand, yes?”

“Seven fates, what do you take me for?” Gigi scoffed. “I haven’t gotten this far by wagging my tongue to whoever flips a copper my way.”

“Ah, well…” Llyr stepped aside, and gestured toward the door. “On your way then. If you could, before you depart for Rynmere, I'll have some correspondence I would appreciate being couriered.”

"Certainly," she hummed. She grabbed her satchel and belt. Gigi kissed the blond on the cheek, easy for her as their heights were close to each other, then she swiped the cigarette from his fingers. She headed out, though paused to add, “Oh, you’ll need to get more smokes. This was your last.”

Then she was gone. The door shut quietly behind her.

Llyr groaned, the hang-over brutal to both his head and stomach. He sat on the bed again and stared at the stack of letters. Best get to work, he supposed. First, water.
Last edited by Llyr Llywelyn on Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:54 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 518
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Re: Placing Holds

Written: 68 Ymiden 719
Received: 30 Saun 719

Dear Lucretia,

I am overjoyed to receive a letter from you, as well as meeting your niece, Gigi!

You are correct in your assumption that my last courier has met misfortune. His time on Idalos had been cut short. Until I can find another suitable messenger with similar capabilities, we will have to rely on Gigi once more, though I will endeavor to send this with someone else who might make it to Quacia safely. If it were not for the dire state of Emea that has caused such delay...

I cannot say whether your theories as to the nature of what occurred are correct or not. It is my limited understanding that Emea had been so grievously tampered with, that it affected even the connection between our world and it. What does this mean, I am uncertain. It could, however, suggest that what we perform on Idalos could in turn meddle with the emean realms. Imagine that? How much of Emea do you believe might've already been impacted by our world, or the other way around? Do they form each other in some kind of symbiosis not unlike sparks within souls?

If a soul is considered to be our world, Idalos, and a spark to be considered Emea, then in this regard... well. Apologies, I miss you dearly, Miss Clement. I will try to not make this letter too long and answer your questions.

Etzos is... I'm sure you've heard by now, if not then. It is beset by plagues and war. My journey had been trying. You would be amazed by how many wells lay along the battlefields, and perhaps I might try to send you some.

How is Mr. Lahew? Is he well? How fares the Gleam? How about Mr. Rocco? I believe I received a letter from him actually, so I will write to him directly, but please let Mr. Lahew know that I pray he is healthy and his shop is doing well. If he needs any... funds, I've included a few silvers that hopefully will help out.

Hazel became ill. She died on the 42nd of Ymiden, but she is here with me now. It is difficult to explain. She is unable to properly cross over and she remembers her death. When she speaks, she bleeds uncontrollably but it does not hurt her anymore from what I've gathered. In fact, we have discovered that she has certain magics that I have not heard of elsewhere. Perhaps you have? What do you know of possession? Do you have any tomes you could send on the matter? Hazel would like for you to know that she misses you as well.

What of Kyriakos? Is he settling into the city or has he returned to the islands? Of that matter, any news would be best if it came from him. He sent a letter as well, so do not concern yourself too much but I would like to know if you have observed anything that he might not otherwise share.

As to your question of my studies, yes. Yes, I have continued them. My ether is dependent on wells, but I have not stopped with the exercises you taught me. They have helped me in moments of fear and when surrounded by the terror of immense death.

I am forever in your debt, Lucretia.

There is one other thing I would request of you... and that is to go to the parlor at the southeast end of the Gleam, the one with the bird etched in gold, and to speak with the bartender. Let him know that I will send payment soon, but that first I need to communicate with Watcher. He did not send me any letter, and I am uncertain whether he knows how to write. If you could help him? Write out a letter on his behalf, or something to that nature.

If you would offer an invitation to him, to come to Etzos and continue his service under my employ. When the plagues have been figured out, of course, but certainly it would be by the time he arrived. I would compensate him immensely if he would do this.

How is Quacia faring? Oh, but have I not asked yet... how are you, Lucretia? You mentioned your newest work, might I receive a copy so that I can see the next volume? I am curious as to the next theoretical investigation into the revealed soul. It is without a doubt that I know you've contributed something of great value to the understanding of such an obscured topic. Do you sincerely believe that revelation rids the mortal soul of its humanity?

With all my love,

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Re: Ymiden Correspondence

Written: 68 Ymiden 719
Received: 20 Saun 719


I am glad to know you arrived safely home.

I would like to hear more about your travels, one trial.

I've been sick lately, and the nights here are cold.

Remain warm, and remember to drink tea.

I will write you as soon as I am well again.


Last edited by Llyr Llywelyn on Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:23 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 59
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Re: Ymiden Correspondence

Written: 71 Ymiden 719
Received: 35 Saun 719

The Most Reverend,

Herald Vatia,

Yes, I have arrived to Etzos safely. Your concern humbles me.

Deepest apologies for not informing the Theocratum of my travels, or intentions. It was a grievous oversight on my part and yes, I should have met with you prior.

It is not my intention to break our contract, nor to rescind my citizenship of Quacia. You know as well as I do how much I sought that and you were so gracious to aid me in the endeavor. While I am uncertain as to the timing, I do plan to return home.

Since arriving to this new land, I have bled for Our Wounded Savior five times. For the coming season, I will double my prayers. More than ever, this land - torn apart by a parasite - needs the divine influence of our Avenger.

Unfortunately, the people of this city do not realize this. They are afraid of any religious devotion, save for the observance of what appears to be candles in frames. Signalism, it is called, and it is mostly intended for ghosts. Yet, the ghosts here mill about despite their candles. Evidently, Signalism is a false devotion.

However, any devotion that is not these candles is mocked and threatened with great paranoia. It has come to my attention that a couple of Tribunals who'd made it to the city had been murdered for their beliefs. I very nearly met the same fate due to the mark on my forehead. Most of the Etzori Heaps are unable to discern between the Wounded One and those he fought against.

It may be more appeasing to spread the Theocratum's teachings not in the form of Tribunals, but rather in whispered stories and even pamphlets that have no attached representatives to them. This way, Tribunals are not wasted in the effort to teach others about the Wounded One.

If missionaries must be sent, let it be those who are able to hide their faith. I know such attempts are considered worthy of anathema but Quacians are being gutted in foreign alleys due to their pride of observance. There are other ways to spread the message without needless sacrifice. You, of all Heralds, I believe, will understand the need for protecting Tribunals.


Zarik Venora
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Re: Ymiden Correspondence

The biqaj set his quill down. He rolled his sore wrist and rubbed his eyes. Most of the letters had been written by the time he rewrote the response meant for the Herald. It was the last one he had left, and it was the most difficult. He'd gone through nine sheets of parchment already and he worried that he might've been too obvious in what he said. That Herald Vatia had found out about his departure so soon after he'd left, and then managed to find Gigi to include the letter... or had he given it to Lucretia? He supposed that was possible. He could only hope it didn't mean that the priest hadn't figured out he'd gone to Etzos on his own.

Llyr let the ink dry and he went over to the bed. The biqaj laid down and he thought about the various things he'd written, to Lucretia, to his sisters, to Vatia... but also to Lahew and Rocco, and Kyriakos. He'd written to his few contacts elsewhere, in other cities. He'd written a short note to Watcher, to include with Lucretia, but he was reconsidering that whole thing. Was it too much to request him to come to Etzos? The trip was far from easy, he knew that well. But he missed the other man, he wanted to see Watcher again, even if it was that stupid blank stare or disgruntled scoffs, or spitting about like he was some kinda pack animal.

He shut his eyes and smiled slightly, a restrained laugh at the idea of seeing Watcher again. Somehow, he knew that Watcher would take one look around Etzos and get on with what needed to be done after a snort of that unconditional disgust he had for most everything. It wasn't the best idea, of course, as he was just as foreign as Llyr, but... he rolled onto his side and stared at the wall. It was selfish of him, a selfish request, and while he couldn't dare to invite his sisters to join him - too concerned for their safety if they did so - he could manage to ask Watcher without too much guilt about it.

After a couple bits, he forced himself up and gathered twine, ribbons, and prepared the wax for seals. He started on the gradual work of sealing each letter into protective envelopes for when Gigi would come by, so she could take the ones to those on the eastern continent in Rynmere. For the south, he'd inquire her whether she knew of anyone suitable.
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Re: Ymiden Correspondence

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


XP Rewards: 10

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  • Writing: Using appropriate penmanship.
  • Writing: Formal Letters
  • Writing: Informal Letters
  • Writing: Coded Letters
  • Writing: Can be used in tandem with Cryptography
  • Cryptography: Prearranged phrases.


A bundle of letters to read.
Hey, some could evoke memories and emotions


Not unless Lucretia's niece bounced some bruises on you. ;)

Renown: 5

Nnnnah....I don't think this would result in anything more noteworthy.


Settling matters at home, and enjoying a bit of uninhibited company abroad.
Now I know where to steal the code for letter images. ;)
You think I'm kidding don't you... :oops:
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