A Pound of Flesh (Pegasus Quest featuring Finn, Kasoria, and Qit'ria)

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Re: A Pound of Flesh (Pegasus Quest featuring Finn, Kasoria, and Qit'ria)

"Mate? Mate, you bloody there or what?!"


"You about done wiv' that?"

Kasoria looked down at the potato in his hand. Half-peeled and still moist. Long enough for him to blink a few times and the younger man sitting with him to snort in amusement. "What, duck out for a nip earlier, did yeh?"

The man who was definitely not an assassin-in-waiting and was, most definitely, just another faceless kitchen hand gave a sheepish little shrug and handed over the potato. "Sorry. Had a few things on me mind, is all."

"Yeah, well, you ain't the only one," Byron said with a weary sigh, taking the potato and expertly peeling the rest of it. He added it to the tub of finished ones, glowing like yellow eggs. Kasoria was already working on another, taken from the sack between them. "Ain't we all?"

If only you bloody knew, boy.

He'd scrubbed dishes and pots for a while until Fidale moved him over to the other side of the kitchen, where the food was prepared. The room was as big as a ballroom, filled with people and smoke and smells and boiling, burning, grilling metal and meats. But he'd got lucky, at least. He was right in front of the door leading out to the hall, which led to... well, he didn't know, but all the dishes going out were immaculate. The food wasn't so much dumped on them as it was arranged, artistically placed with as much an eye for looks as sustenance. The servants bringing it out were in livery, not drab robes or shabby tunics.

This was where the feast was being fed from. Supplied by a never-ending human chain. Not just food, too.

Here comes the booze.

"All right, people, let's make it smart out there!"

Fidale was definitely a man who liked being in charge. His kind were familiar in all places where rich and poor worked close together, because they always made sure to be right in the middle. Not one of the Rich, never accepted, perish the thought, but appreciated by his "betters". Useful and efficient and loyal... and they liked to let everyone else know it.

"Suzanne, brandy and ale to the Duchess and her husband. Welsley? The Baron will take his sherry and his niece the wine. Ah, Falco, Lord Kayled Wine will be having, hah, of course, the wine. "

Fates, the cunt even pauses for laughter... oh, and fuck me, he actually got some. Have some fucking dignity, people.

"The rest of you, keep your eyes open for empty glasses, and refill them as necessary." Fidale clasped his hands behind his back and beamed with pride at his little gaggle of drink-bearing minions. "Do the household proud. Off you-"


"What was that?!"

"Um..." All eyes turned to Falco, who was studying the wine bottle on the tray. "This, er... This is port, sir."

"Oh, for... well go down to the wine cellar and-"

"I'll get it, sir!"

Those same eyes swiveled around to the hairy man bounding over from a pile of potatoes. Grinning broadly, standing up straight in front of Fidale like a soldier on parade. Yeah, play it up. Wankers like him act like soldiers, buy into it. For every surprised face there was a scowl, a frown. This upstart, with barely a night in service, dared to be so brash?! Fidale cocked a tapered eyebrow and regarded Kasoria like a cat that had somehow learned to talk.

"And you are...?"

"Alvaris, sir. Fresh to the household, sir, jus' fer the night. Extra hands an' all. I think you saw me earlier, when I arrived...?"

"Oh... yes. Yes! Of course!"

Like fuck you did. But you'd rather eat your own dick that admit to being an old coot with a less-than-perfect memory, wouldn't you?

"Allow me to fetch the wine, sir. Good chance for me t'learn where everything is. Won't be a jiffy!"

Some part of him... okay, fine, almost all of him cringed at his performance. So winsome, so eager to please, so very everything he was definitely fucking not. But this was not Etzos, where his usual icy callousness would open all doors and accomplish all missions. Here he needed to blend in. More than his hair and his face and his clothes, it was the attitude that mattered. Kasoria tried to remember every servant and bondsman he'd met in his life. The image he always got was one of... almost a slave. No will of their own, but to impress. No desire, but to ingratiate. He channeled that as best he could, and kept smiling. That was the key. Even if it made him look like an idiot.

So look like one. People are easier to play if they think you're stupid.

"Hmm... well... yes, I suppose that will suffice. Falco? Take some more rolls out, I saw the end table was running low. Alvaris, is it? Indeed. Down those stairs, second door, and the bottle is "Grand Reginald, 457"." A finger flashed up so quickly that Kasoria was almost impressed. Put a blade in the old boy's hand and he might have been someone, arcs back. "Not the 447. Seven Above, what a stink that would raise..."

"Understood, sir!"

Off he dashed, playing the part all the way down the stairs, and not a moment longer. As soon as he hit the bottom step, his manner seemed to slough off like skin from a snake. Gone was the smile and the straight-backed Can Do Attitude. Replacing it was something stoic and clinical and without any of the humanity he'd been feigning for the last break. For that long he'd been sitting, and peeling, and watching, and listening. Knowing that Qit'ria was waiting opposite that privy, likely turned into a fucking lion for all he knew, eager to pounce. But he had to give her the opening, and now...

"Thank yeh kindly, Falco," he muttered to himself, opening the door to a room lined from floor to ceiling with bottles. "Fer fuckin' up at the right moment..."

It took him a few bits to find the right one. Apparently they were all stacked alphabetically, which made sense. He was worried it would be be country, or type, or year, something esoteric that only the posh sorts would care about. But instead, he just had to run through the alphabet song in his head as he walked, one finger plinking and tinkling off each bottle until-

There you are.

He ripped off the cork and poured out half the bottle onto the floor, careful none of it splashed his shoes. Then he pulled a smaller bottle from his pocket and emptied the water into it, instead. He'd grabbed it during his waiting, knowing he'd need something of the like. Wouldn't be very smart to be seen watering down the wine for their "guest of honor". As he poured, he mused that if only it was something else. Something Miss Givings would have sold for a handsome price, masked by the heady wine and deadly in a matter of bits. That would have been more his sort of job. He could hand over the wine, and make his way out of the castle. Be halfway across the city before Kayled Wine, whoever the fuck he was, started choking to death on his own blood.

Not tonight.

With a rueful sigh, Kasoria corked the bottle and left the cellar. He was halfway up the stairs when the transformation came over his face. The sullen, emotionless look bloomed into eagerness, capped with a smile. Falco and Fidale were still waiting up top, the latter giving him a slight nod of approval, and as he handed the bottle to the former, the servant leaned closer-

"You're a right little asslicker, y'know that?"

Kasoria's smile didn't waver. The mask didn't slip. He wasn't about to fuck this up now.

"Yer welcome."

Then it was just the waiting. Back to his potatoes, and Byron, and his endless fantasies about noble women. Kasoria tuned him out and kept his hands busy. His eyes roved every few trills to the doorway, looking for... fuck, he didn't even know what Wine looked like! A man in need of a piss, probably. He'd have to keep his ears open. So he did... but time was a corrosive thing. It ate away at willpower, just like it sapped at strength. The more he thought of what he had to do, the more she came more and more into his eyes. Not just her, but how she looked at him. The heat of her hand across his chest, even for a moment, even over the fabric of his tunic-

Fucking hells, man, stop acting like a bloody child!

Kasoria sat there and peeled and stewed. Thought of the utterly naked way she regarded him, seemingly every time they were together. No courtly pretense or flirtations for her, not in the chaste way he'd known of other women. Whores didn't count, after all. This one wanted him, not for virtues he had to pretend to have, but for the vileness he seemed to project. Well... not seemed to, if he was honest. But she wanted him, knowing he was far from a good man, and sought no coin or favor for his... attentions.

There was a babble around him. A blurting of noise, voices, words. But two pierced through his reverie-

"-s'Lord Wine himself, as I live and-"

Kasoria's head snapped around, just in time to see a man in fine clothes with weathered, patrician features walking swiftly past it. Two men taller and broader than him kept pace just behind, weapons sheathed at their hip and backs. Faces wary where his was... slightly pained.

"Oi," Kasoria whispered, putting down his peeler. "Gotta go fer a piss. Back soon!"

"Hey, you can't just-"

Kasoria wouldn't bother with banter, this time. He got up and stated walked, shushing Byron as he left, waving a hand vaguely in his direction. He all but ran to the doorway, and turned to see the trio heading further down the high hallway. Their feet slammed almost in unison on the stones, and his own footsteps were masked by them.

The moment was coming. It was always there, had always been there. It waited for them all, seen and unseen, hidden and obvious. The bodyguards, the Lord of the Mantis, the wild Becomer and the Etzori assassin. All of them careened towards a moment, a space in time that had a place in a castle in Andaris City. The footsteps were a metronome now, matching his heartbeat as it went faster and faster. Kasoria was ten feet from their backs before one of the bodyguards frowned and looked over his shoulder, hand going to his sword-


All three men stopped and turned, looking upon a little man in cheap clothes with a smile plastered over a face that seemed mostly made of hair. He stopped and bowed, one hand behind his back, the other on his chest.

"Deagh dhuine! A bheil feum agad air ceist a chur ort!"

"What the hell was that?"

"Buggered if I know."

"It's... Ith'ession, I believe." Kayled Wine frowned and stood between his protectors, curiosity overwhelming his suspicion for a moment. The mage hunter cocked his head to one side, brow knitted. Kasoria couldn't see a weapon on him, not even a ceremonial one. But if he killed mages for a living, he most likely was one, so he hardly needed them. "But it's just... gibberish, I think. Who are-"

Then it happened. There was a shrill, high sound. It clanged and echoed off the high arches. Blasted around the stone and tapestries. A whistle ripped from Kasoria's lips and all three men before him knew what that meant. Seasoned as they were, they knew an ambush when they'd walked into it, and the signal to spring one when they heard it.

The moment Qit'ria had been waiting for. The door opposite the privy clung open with a crack of wood against stone and metal hinges rattling. The sound and violence was enough to draw the eyes of all three men immediately, bodyguards starting to pull their weapons, but moving their eyes away from-

-Kasoria, who had already had got his hand around the karambit at the small of his back, and-

-ripped the curved blade free, slashing it through the air and lunging in the same moment. The funny little man was gone now. Now there was The Raggedy Man, striking with the precise brutality he was famous for. Taking advantage of that thin sliver of time Qit'ria's entrance had granted him. One of the bodyguards had an ax pulled from his back and in his hands, but he was still looking the wrong way-

-karambit slicing open his throat, carotid first, ripping a red, gushing line diagonally across his neck-

-then Qit'ria joined the fray, and Kasoria had to bite down his shock at what he saw, and focus on the last protector of Kayled Wind. The one who, he knew with one look at what the Becomer was unleashing, had already failed.
word count: 2249
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Re: A Pound of Flesh (Pegasus Quest featuring Finn, Kasoria, and Qit'ria)

"Fuck me..."

The shock should have killed him. Not the stunned, stalled reaction itself, but the opening that it gave his enemy. Had the last bodyguard been paying attention, mayhap he could have used that trill of disbelief to cut down the little man who'd been babbling mere moments before. But he was as poleaxed as the Etzori, watching in horror as the door was flung open and... things, came lurching and hurtling out.

Things that looked more like great, glistening tentacles than vines or arms. They flew from the aperture and wrapped around Kayled Wine like an octopus would a fish that had strayed too close to its lair. The chief magekiller of the continent went from surprise to anger to that same shock in a handful of trills... and by the time he'd put a hand to his sword, it was too late. With a wild yell, Qit'ria yanked him through the doorway towards her, other hand twisting and transforming even as she did it, nails drowning, thickening, sharpening, dripping with hideous, venomous, lethal intent-


The bodyguard yelled out in horror as those claws raked his master. Arms pinned to his side, helpless and trussed as a fly in a web, Kayled Wine was flayed from cheek to chest by the first blow. Then Qit'ria backhanded him with the same ferocity... then again... and again... and with the fourth, the bodyguard remembered he was still under attack. He turned and found the ragged little man from before lurching towards him, clearly as stunned as he was-

-Kasoria cursing as his horizontal slice hit nothing but air as the armed, armored soldier of the Mantis swayed back, backhanding at him in return-

-forcing him even closer to his target, free hand shooting up to block the sword swing before it landed, forearm slamming into forearm-

-but drawing him into striking distance for the bodyguard to launch a gauntlet-clad punch into his face. The blow would have rang his bell usually, but encased in metal and leather, well... now he remembered what being struck with his brass knuckles felt like. Kasoria staggered back and before he could right himself-

-tripped over the quietly dying, rapidly bleeding corpse of the first man, and went sprawling beyond him. The Mantis soldier loomed over him for a moment, ready for a killing blow, but he was a man who remembered his duty. He'd bought himself a moment of peace from the little assassin, and looked back to his master, trying to see if he could save-

"... no..."

Kaoria didn't look. Not that he didn't care, because a job was a job and Kayled Wine Wine was the damn job, but because he knew to focus on one thing at a time. Kayled was the concern of the Becomer; his was the man's protection. His scrambling hands touched against something wooden, but when he grasped it, metal on stone resounded instead. It was the ax that the first man he'd killed had drawn. He glanced at it and in that gesture, saw the soul of the weapon.

Its edges and curves were hard, cruel. Black metal and burnished wood and leather wrapped around the long handle. The long under-bite of the head seemed more like the overhanging fang of some ancient feline than a construct of man. It looks like it had spikes even where there were none, save for the vicious-looking pick on the reverse side, which reminded Kasoria more of a smaller, shorter blade all by itself.

He didn't heft it; he didn't have the time to discern weight or balance. He simply grabbed it with both hands and swung it-

-as Last Man turned, sword coming up instinctively as he saw the ax swinging-

-but low, far too low, under his guard-

-and Kasoria screamed as he twisted on his back, trying to put his shoulders into the swing-


Now it Last Man's turn to scream. The ax bit through his knee and kept chewing, as it were. Ripping and crunching and snapping bones like a hungry man would a roasted chicken. It nearly severed his leg entirely, bu Kasoria didn't have quite the angle for such a blow. Instead the man fell forward, down to one knee, one hand going to his leg, the other keeping a grip on his sword, just barely-

Can't be having that.

Kasoria launched a kick at his face from his back, his target now close enough for him to pull it off. Steel-capped boots met flesh and bone with predictable results. Teeth and blood flew from a mangled face and Last Man's head went snapping back as he fell. He was barely cogent as he lay on his back, eyes and vision and mind a mess, a maze of flashing red and black and painful, jarring sensation-

But he saw the shadow. Not the detail of it. Just the looming, blotting nature of it. Then he saw it grow taller and thinner at the top, then collapse towards him-

-as Kasoria got to his feet, raised the ax-

-brought it down hard on the helpless man-

-and buried it through his head so far he heard metal clang against the stone under it.

"Oi?!" He snarled, wrenching his new weapon free from the atrocity of anatomy he'd created, looking to Qit'ria again. "We need t... t'go..."

Again, the sight of what she was doing gave him pause. Even with his mind screaming at him to move, to flee, he just gaped for a few moments. Wine's finery had been reduced to dripping rags. His struggles were long and mercifully over. Blood and excrement pooled beneath his form, suspended in the air, with most of his head-

Fuck me.

Qit'ria looked at him, and her jaws slowly distended back to their proper size. She blinked owlishly at his stunned, sickened expression, and dropped her prey with a wet thud. Kasoria tracked the body to the ground, then ipened his mouth-

"Murder! MURDER!"

His head snapped around and saw Fidale standing in the hallway, face pale and horrified. Too far away to do anything about it, and before he could speak again-


"Come the fuck on, woman!"

He had trills. Not even that. Some way to run, some path to flee down. Fuck, why hadn't she given him more time?! Now they were trapped in a noisy hallway, guards and Mantis wariors mere moments away from swamping them. He hefted his ax and wished for a hole to appear in the fucking-


Kasoria frowned and turned swiftly. He looked at the privy. The wooden chest with a cushioned hole set into it. Just wide enough for a man, or a woman... as long as they were fairly small.

The fucking things we do for a clean job.

Metaphorically speaking.


He yelled over his shoulder, charging the privy with his ax held high, and bringing it crashing down on the rim of the privy-hole. He ripped it clear with a wrench of his tired muscles, then did it again, and again. Looked over his shoulder and saw Qit'ria all but roar her defiance at whomever was pounding down the cobbles towards them. Buying him time for another swing, then another, one more-

-and with a hideous cracking, snapping sound, the top of the privy was demolished and yanked away by his ax. He tossed it down the hole without a second thought, sheathed his karambit and looked over his shoulder-

"Now! No more time!"

With a silent prayer to whatever god was stupid enough to answer him, Kasoria leaped headfirst down the privy hole. The felt the bile start to rise before he'd even vanished into the darkness, but did not look back.
word count: 1325
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Re: A Pound of Flesh (Pegasus Quest featuring Finn, Kasoria, and Qit'ria)

"Ah, of all the fuckin'.. really?!"

He shouldn't have been surprised. Hell, in truth, he wasn't. The adrenaline and frantic rush of the moment had derailed whatever control he had over his mouth. Everything he thought, he spewed. Even when his fall was halted by a crashing, grinding impact against hard, cold metal that he knew would be waiting for him. He'd read enough about sieges and castles to know that the people who built them were far from fucking stupid.

If you could use a privy hole to escape a castle, you could use it to invade one. So of course the opening at the end, over the moat, would be covered by a metal grate.

"Fates, this is jus' fuckin'-OW!"

Kasoria had a fresh litany of curses all ready to go for when Qit'ria slammed into his back like a living, wriggling sack of potatoes. The smaller man ground his teeth and braced his hands on the grating. He pushed up and snarled at the woman to move back up, however she could. He didn't see how she did it, but slowly, the weight on his back and legs started to decrease... and Kasoria could study what was barring them.

Iron. Pig iron. Cheap, but strong enough to keep anyone out. But... hasn't been seen to in a while.

He couldn't so much see the rust and grime and arcs of corruption on the metal, but he could feel it. Untold arcs of refuse slapping and soaking into the metal had worn away the keenness of the iron and weakened it. Especially around the edges of the grating, where constant little vibrations and shaking had left it loose. Loose enough for Kasoria to wriggle as best he could... until his feet were on the metal instead of his hands... and start-


The Becomer muttered something. Kasoria ignored her, and stomped down again on the metal.


Again, she muttered. This time the Etzori growled and punctuated each word with a hammering of his boot on the iron construct.

"Oi, f'you've got a better-"




"-idea, I'm all fuckin'-"


The end came sooner than he thought. Perhaps it was the weight of two bodies pressing down on the grating, more weight than it was designed or expected to ever hold. Maybe it was the kicking, the stomping, the brutal strength and battering tremors Kasoria sent shuddering through the pig iron and the stone and nails holding it in place. More likely, it was simple age. The castle had not been besieged for generations, and even if it were, who would have thought to build a bridge across it, just to try and invade the fortress by ripping out the grate under the privy hole?! Any invader with resource enough to bridge the moat would go for the gate itself, not a tiny entrance barely big enough for a single man.

The grate that fell from the shithole was the same that had been installed centuries before. It was old, and corroded, more orange than black or grey. And once it was knocked loose, the ground fell away under Kasoria a second time, and Qit'ria above him-

-leaving the vomitous rank of the privy hole behind, a stench he feared would never leave his nose, and replacing it with-

-the deafening roar of water as he plunged into the moat. Submersion killing all his senses in an instant, save for the icy sting of water that tasted vaguely like piss filling his mouth and lungs. The assassin shivered across his whole body, sinking and sinking... until he reached the bottom... and he feet touched something metal, and vaguely familiar.

He looked down, enduring the angry swelling in his eyes, and found that ax glinting at him from the mud and layers of shit. The Etzori bent down, slowed as all things are by being under water. He picked it up... then looked up. The moon and the stars were just smears, not pin pricks but slashes of silver. Shimmering, wavy water breaking up their still and solid nature. Kasoria bent his knees and launched himself upwards. Water rushed against his ears as he left the bed of the moat behind. Flailing artlessly, for it had been a while since he'd had to swim, but enough momentum and frenzied instinct to live to push him up, and up, and-

-breaking the surface with a roar that was more about getting air into his lungs that expressing rage. Once he had a few deep, ragged lungfuls forced in and out, he started looking around... and couldn't see his partner.
word count: 785
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Re: A Pound of Flesh (Pegasus Quest featuring Finn, Kasoria, and Qit'ria)

Well, too fucking bad.

That burst of brutal, proudly dishonorable Etzori street philosophy rang through his head the moment he wondered where Qit'ria had got to. It didn't matter, he thought a moment later, as he started swimming. Job's done. Cunt's dead. Time to scatter.

Ax still in hand, he artlessly flailed and flummoxed himself across the moat and to the other side. Hauled himself up and into the shadow cast by what... looked like some kind of... religious temple? The Etzori sneered instinctively, not wanting to press his back to the physical form of such a disgraceful edifice, but forcing himself to. He could hear a great clamor from the castle; a thousand voices, all rising in pitch and horror. Soon an army would be raised and dispatched to scour the city for the monster that had butchered the Lord Inquisitor. Oh, the fucking Becomer would be just fine. She could take another form and just vanish. But him, on the other hand?

First thing to go, has to be these clothes.

The assassin peeled the bloody, soaking servant's livery off him and threw them back in the moat. His smell would be on them still, but likely muddled by his impromptu bath and the lashings of blood from the two bodyguards. Then again, he didn't doubt the powers of the city had the best tracking dogs at their disposal; one whiff, and they'd be on him. So he needed to move quickly, give them time to soak even more, destroy his smell and musk before they were seen floating on the surface.

Just need something, he thought, keeping to the shadows, almost naked now. Looking into every trash pail, every garbage dump. A cloak, a robe, any-

Something huge and dark and smelling oddly... fresh, exploded out from the shadows to his right. Before he could even yelp, the green tentacles wrapped around him and pulled him into the darkness. His ax was up and a yell was welling as he turned to behold-

"Y-You?!" The Becomer grinned at him. All sickly feral charm topped off with a mockery of an innocent pout. "Wondered where the fuck youse got to."

The woman spoke quickly, and what she had to hand was as valuable as her words. She'd scavenged a filthy cloak from somewhere, but he appreciated the fetid nature of it even more. They were just a couple of derelict beggars now. Nothing to look at as they stumbled through the streets. An empty bottle was passed between them as they went, full of water but sufficing for their act. Kasoria cackled lowly as he went, sliding back into his favored of personas: the beggar on the cobbles of Etzos. The vagrant and the detritus of a proud city.

The Raggedy Man.

The two "beggars" kept their pace as patrols of soliders and guardsmen hustled around them. Ignored them, but seemed to fill the streets. Honest citizens turned up their noses as they passed, focusing more on the shocking display of manpower. What had happened? Had their been an invasion? A murder? Some sort of outrage? Were they in danger?

Kasoria was saying nothing. Neither was Qit'ria. They were headed south, out of the city. Towards the place she'd mentioned when she handed him the cloak. Somewhere they could find new clothes, a bath, a shave for him and food for them both and finally, a ship off this island. Kasoria grinned crookedly at a handful of fine ladies as he passed, saluting them with a bottle.

"Pòg mi boireannaich!" He slurred in hideously mangled Ith'ession, words coming out so wet and rambled they were almost like throat clearings rank with sickness. "Dìreach os cionn rìgh fahcin!"

"On the way with you!"

A matronly lady scolded him, shooing them both away with her fan. Kasoria tripped over his feet so convincingly even he wondered if it was on purpose. Qit'ria steadied him and arm in arm, they strolled away. Across the cobbles and into the darkness of night. Leaving the looming castle and the corpses within far behind.

Kiss me ladies, he thought to himself, remember the words he'd just spoke. Just topped a fucking King...
word count: 715
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Re: A Pound of Flesh (Pegasus Quest featuring Finn, Kasoria, and Qit'ria)

Now that's a word I haven't seen in a while, 'wyrd'. Trying to impress your reviewer, Kasoria?

Needless to say, my sorrow is immeasurable that this thread wasn't given the love it deserved from all parties. However, I can say with ease that you carried this rather well, Kasoria. There are too many nuances for me to count in this thread, everything down to the dialects, to knowing what sherry is.

That's not even getting into the fact of what Kasoria just did.

Marvelous all around.



Acting: Playing the Simple Bumpkin from Etzos
Acting: Carrying on an Amiable Chat to Kill Time
Acting: Feigning Eagerness
Axes & Bludgeons (Waraxe): Very Useful in Hacking Apart Wooden Obstacles
Axes & Bludgeons (Waraxe): Overhead Chop
Detection: Noticing Rust, Rot, and Weakness around a Metal Grate
Detection: Using Dogs to Track a Quarry...
Detection: ... and Shedding Clothes to Throw off The Dogs
Discipline: Don't Let Magical Displays Distract You from The Fight
Disguise: Wearing a Servant's Livery
Disguise: A Servant Among Nobles Earns Scant Attention
Interrogation: Using Poison and the Promise of an Antidote
Tactics: Escape through Any Means Available

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Faction: Order of the Mantis: Magekillers of Andaris
Location: Andaris Castle, Rynmere
Location: The Docks, Andaris
NPC Lord Inquisitor Kayled Wine: Master of the Mantis, Deceased
PC Qit'ria: Becomer, Savage, Avenging Mage
Philsophy: After the Job is Done, Every Man for Himself!
+1 Good+ War Ax


Understand that all criticisms are done in good faith. It would be a greater disrespect to not say anything in the face of problems. Please contact me through this account's inbox if you wish to further communicate on the matter of improvement, or if you feel as though anything is unduly harsh.





Understand that all criticisms are done in good faith. It would be a greater disrespect to not say anything in the face of problems. Please contact me through this account's inbox if you wish to further communicate on the matter of improvement, or if you feel as though anything is unduly harsh.
word count: 363
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