• Closed • Putting to Sea [Llyr, Oceta] (Graded)

Part II of "Zarik"s journey to Etzos

The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Re: Putting to Sea [Llyr, Oceta]

Though Zarik noticed, in his peripheral, the slave-in-question take her leave, he didn’t draw attention to that fact. He witnessed the captain who met his frustrated outburst with one of her own, albeit much more measured than his. His orange-lit eyes narrowed in a glare when she approached the mage. Easy threats tumbled from her lips. He crossed his arms, if only to restrain his anger and not interrupt her with something he would never be able to take back, apologize for, or make right later.

His tongue tapped against the inside of his cheek, however. Waiting, impatient, stubbornly refusing to say what was on his mind now. The youthful biqaj stood in the place where he’d risen. He endured her tirade with a pout to his lower lip and an averted glare like an adolescent berated for not attending to their day chores.

A bell and a shout interrupted the tiff. He absently watched the woman take up the spyglass and look for whatever it was that had gathered the crew’s attention. Sea Dragon, was called along with an order for ballistas and something else that wasn’t finished but he could make sense of it regardless. Only so many ways to end Transmu, he figured, not that he knew why she paused in her order and changed her mind.

For a moment, Zarik wondered what sort of sea dragon it was – but he didn’t have to wonder for long. Graeslin was next to his side, and she reminded him of a fly as if she were to land on his shoulder and buzz in his ear. He glanced down at her and raised one of his eyebrows in a high arch. She explained to him what sort of monster had gotten the ship in its sights.

“Excuse me?” he repeated when she asked for a demonstration of his ability as a mage. She reminded him of his offer from before, one he had meant in a very different regard. He blatantly rolled his eyes, but the orange hue had receded, and his irises had returned into a cool ice blue color. His darkened halo lightened with a gentle iridescence instead of the shadows.

“To… metal? You want me to…” he laughed shortly. “What do you know, senhorita? You believe I could do such a thing? What ma-”

He was interrupted as the ship shook from impact. Zarik caught himself in slight imbalance. The biqaj’s eyes flashed the vivid orange from before as Graeslin pressed him through use of the children, yet again. She certainly enjoyed such leverage, she used it frequently enough. For several trills, the blue and orange in his eyes wrestled with one another while he stared at the calm pirate queen and considered her gamble. Around them, ballista bolts sunk through the waters and the sea dragon continued its assault on the hull.

Finally, Graeslin made mention that she didn’t see Zarik or Jorsie as innocent lives. The young mage snorted. “Nor did you count yourself. So…” He shrugged a shoulder, his comment thrown aside as soon as he’d said it. He walked away from the space where they were, to look out at the roiling water.

“I can’t do what you ask of me. Not because I don’t want to but because…” he paused, then added, “I can do something, though. But it will last only a short while. I need access to the hull, closest to where it is being assaulted.”

Once he made his way to the determined spot, his steps quick as the lead he was given, he’d rolled up his sleeves past his elbows. Zarik slicked his bangs back to stay out of his way, then knelt on the floor of the ship. The biqaj sighed, set his palms on the hardwood floor of the hull, then closed his eyes to focus.

Into the timber planks, ether sped down through his arms and outward from the mage’s hands to the outer surface of the hull. The distinct scent of magic filled the immediate area around him. His blond hair drifted to fall back around his dark brows, which furrowed in determination while he focused. Something resisted the outward branches of his ethereal web. It wasn’t much but he could feel it there, at the boundaries of his etherist senses. He dodged around whatever force it was and continued to stitch ether into an unseen lattice through the ship’s underframe.

His face paled into a silver shimmer. He stretched his ether past the marring the hull had already underwent from the Keel-Saw’s previous impacts. The hits weren’t enough to sink the ship, but they did create splintered dents that made each thrust of the bladed fin potentially more effective for the one hit that would do the job.

Zarik’s halo dimmed, then brightened in a repeat pattern while ether channeled through his body into Idalos. His wings spread; the gossamer veins crackled as if they contained lightning within the transparent film of their insectoid shape. He connected with the wood, the inherent nature of the material, each particle buzzed in his extended awareness and between those particles, he rapidly guided ether into a weave…

…until his net had been cast over the entire hull of the ship. It didn’t turn to metal. Nothing visibly changed at all. Yet Zarik remained, eyes shut, palms pressed flat against the ground, and ether barely contained within his awakened body while he channeled the magic. He bolstered the ship and when the next Keel-Saw strike would slam against it, the sharp fin wouldn’t do any damage at all.

At least, not for the first one. Nor the second. But by the third scrape of the fin, Zarik’s wings flitted and his eyelashes fluttered to glance ahead of him. He said, though he knew not if Graeslin remained nearby, “Your crew better take that worm out soon. I’m not going to keep this up forever.”

He focused his efforts on the maintenance of his protective ethereal web, fortifying the structure through magical means. Yet pressure gathered at the base of his skull, tremors through his spine. His wings crackled and narrowed in shape. The force from before, the something that had resisted his initial spellwork, it was back and stronger... or was he getting weaker? Zarik couldn't tell. He closed his eyes again, tension flooded his head and neck, his shoulders traveled up to his pointed ears as he shrugged to try and resist whatever it was. Another impact and he swore he could nearly feel the finblade as it nearly smashed through the bolstered field.

Concerned, he shivered and felt a wave of nausea. What if he couldn't hold the ether in place? What if the fin hit too hard and destroyed the hull? Where was Hazel? Oceta? What could he do? There had to be something... he didn't know how to fight a sea dragon though. Another impact. He winced. Another impact. He felt some of the ether gather back into his palms before he forced it back so the entire hull was covered again, before the next attack. His halo's light flickered rapidly and yet, despite the pressure, despite the tension, despite the draining ether he felt drawn out of him by whatever the something was, Zarik refused to give up on the protective measure.

word count: 1251
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: Putting to Sea [Llyr, Oceta]

With his eyes closed, Zarik would not be in any position to see Graeslin's subtle gestures to a crewman at a hatch far forward. But it may have registered prior to this that the crew, although swift to alert their captain to the initial approach of the creature, had then seemed more relaxed, treating the ballista exercises almost as entertainment. To their credit, as the battering of the hull continued, they got another hit or two critical enough to draw roars of pain from the beast. Cheers, clonked mugs and laughed curses met the air each time.

Three shafts were now sunk deeply enough in the Sea Dragon's scaly hide to stay lodged despite the repeated dives and rolls of the creature. It did manage to rip one loose on the hull itself, though its shriek of rage did not suggest that it found the ordeal pleasant. The captain herself was not even watching the monster. Her attention was strictly divided between Zarik and the mystery crewman near the bow.

After a few more shuddering impacts, she whirled her arm like a tornado, and a soft moan of disappointment went up from the crew. They stepped away from the ballistas and the mystery crewman went entirely below. "Recreation is over, boys! Get back to your chores!" she called with no tone of anger or concern. She snapped her fingers and pointed, and a pair of crewmen brought a barrel over, upon which she promptly plopped her backside. "Okay, you can stop now." she said to Zarik, "The danger is behind us."

The Quacian may have wondered on which planet she was referring to when she said the danger was behind them, but there was decided change in what could only be felt as the "solidity" of the clunk that sounded over the next several impacts. The ship still shook a bit with each strike, but there was no sound of chopping or scraping to be heard now. After a dozen or so additional strikes, the beast slithered past and turned with an angry hiss, to dive out of sight.

"It may be back, but it won't stick around long. We aren't vulnerable to it anymore." She gave an amused look in response to her guest's obvious annoyance and suspicion. She shook her head with a wave. "Okay, yeah, we didn't really need your magic, buddy, not that aspect of it anyway. The entire hull can be transmuted to steel. I just wanted to test how powerful you are."

She nodded a couple times, her eyebrows lifting, "Not bad either, I must admit. We also have a ward against transmuting, as a precaution to that bitch, Zipper. I had it going while you were doing your thing. Had my man there raise it clear up to four...Uh, yeah that's one short of max." she clarified. "So you're no pushover."

Whether or not Zarik launched into some angry tirade, Graeslin would casually turn her back to him with a dismissive gesture "Get over it. I knew you'd keep your power secret unless you thought your precious girls were in danger. For what it's worth, I respect you for what I consider the certainty that if it were just you, you'd have let the critter take us all down, the ambassador too."

She paused a moment before turning back, "So look, I'm willing to call a truce if you are. You're still housed below, and I don't want you all up top at the same time. But you can keep the rest of your stuff, echo scroll too. Honestly, I worry that there may be some way that your man in Etzos can track my ship with it. I'll get my own set some trial. I'm still bound for Etzos, and you can ride along for free...well, no additional cost, anyway. Sard, free lessons in seafaring. What do you say?"
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Re: Putting to Sea [Llyr, Oceta]

Awe. As the gigantic serpent like beast had come up to the surface of the water to destroy the vessel, the ship that they lingered on, Oceta for a few moments wondered if it was the work of the immortals that would drive such a beast to come forth to grand destruction and woe upon those simple sailors. However, she would not question such things as a work of fate, or immortals, or random circumstance. Oceta gazed as the towering beast collided into the strong wood of the ship, sending her knocking onto her back from the sudden shift of weight, her mouth open wide as she felt the wind knocked out from underneath her. As the men ran by her, arming themselves, defending themselves, fighting as if their very lives depended on it. Oceta slowly scrambled onto her feet, and in good measure. Mainly due to the fact she wanted to avoid getting trampled by the people around her and dying a very sad and pathetic demise. However, perhaps such a fate would be befitting for the status of a slave. She needed to find her master. Find Hazel. So she would. The slave had a number of duties which still needed to be fulfilled. She would do so dutifully.

Scrambling, she had went below to the lower decks again, unaware of the magic that was being casted during this trial . To reinforce the defensive quality of the ship's bottom to avoid the structure of the ship sinking. As the creature paraded and slammed and looked to slice through the wood, in those moments, Oceta knew what her master would want from her. Entering Hazel's quarters, Oceta dashed forward, caressing her and hugging her to her person, even though she was terrified and fearful herself in this moment. Who wouldn't or couldn't? "Shh. It is okay. Master Zarik is fine, and he is protecting us even now. All shall be fine..." A hand petting through hair, a closeness between the two for at least a few moments, Oceta's usually glassy and blank eyes perhaps had just a small semblance of hope or life to them as she slowly closed them. Oceta didn't want to die yet. Life was just starting to look better for the young slave girl. She didn't want to let go.

The tender feelings were mixed with the feelings of her own uselessness in this situation, and for those lingering moments of worry, things were beginning to come to their climax. Oceta while giving the somewhat abrasive Hazel comfort, Oceta had realized her own mortality. She realized how easy it was in this terrifying world the immortals made for people to die. Why? Why? Why did the immortals make so many hideous monstrosities and atrocities to slight their own creations? Was it because through said grievances, they would enhance their faith? Or was it because they wished to create monsters of which to protect their worshipers from? Oceta wondered if the divine forces even did care for the people down below them. The slave ultimately rose, letting Hazel go for just a moment as she felt a calmness wash over her. Why did she fear death? Was it because of the people around her who were starting to make her feel better? Or was it because she was unsure about what would come next in her life?

"I have faith Lady Hazel. Your father will win the trial for us. Because he cares much for us, and you are his world. His strength and resolve will break far later than his body does. He is the savior of the trial. He is the key to our ensured joy. So. Let's have faith in him. Faith in him that he can even defy the will of the immortals. To coerce them into letting us live another trial. Another trial with one another."

Last edited by Oceta on Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 653
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Re: Putting to Sea [Llyr, Oceta]

It was, perhaps, the worst possible time for Graeslin to decide on… whatever it was she wanted to call the test. Confusion turned to frustration within mere bits of gradual realization, aligned with Graeslin’s blatant admittance of what she’d done.

The white of his eyes had gotten lost in the vivid orange colors that resulted. Though, the glowing hue receded soon as he felt a slight relief that the threat hadn’t been real.

Zarik preferred to be made a fool, rather than have the children be in actual danger. So he closed his eyes, absently listening to the pirate queen’s smugness at having discovered his true power when it came to Transmutation. At least, so she believed. For Zarik, it often felt like he was merely one profound step into Emea away from simply revealing.

How would the scum-queen's little ward handle a Crux on her sea vessel?, he considered momentarily.

The thought calmed him. When he opened his eyes again, they’d returned to irises of mixed blue and orange pigmentation.

He didn’t go into an angry tirade, but he wasn’t about to congratulate her either. His lips tightened, he crossed his arms, and he glared at the woman who dismissed him with a wave and turning her back to him.

And then… she had the gall to offer a truce. As if he could trust a word that came out of her mouth. Zarik’s eyes widened, in slight disbelief at how skewed Graeslin seemed to him. She wasn't wrong in her rough estimations of his values, and priorities, though. He didn't want to do certain things - he definitely didn't want to fight or hurt or kill anyone, no matter how frustrated or stir-crazy he felt in such an environment. He didn't want to risk the girls' safety any more than the trip already had. Any glimpse of control he had, was in how he answered the woman, how he acted and behaved...

…and he wanted the echo scroll back, as well as his belongings that’d been wrenched from him. Yet, he couldn't trust this woman, not in the slightest. Zarik shook his head to clear his thoughts. His gossamer wings fluttered.

What do you say?

The tall biqaj stared down at her. His halo brightened.

He agreed in monotone, “Fine.”

It was all he said.

No attempt at further negotiation.

No gratitude, but no admonishment either.

Bitterness, perhaps, edged his expression but then it faded. He walked past, to find the girls, and only if stopped in his departure, did he say so.

Zarik would make sure Oceta and Hazel were okay, and not frightened by the whole ordeal.

He would make sure they were well-fed and not thirsty. He would make sure that they were able to change into a spare set of clothes once the belongings were returned, and he would make sure that both children eventually came around to smile and laugh and forget even for a few bits that they were stuck in the hull of a pirate ship.

And he did not talk to Jorsie anymore. He seemed, almost, to refuse to acknowledge the Ambassador now, though he did not explain why to him.
 ! Message from: maltruism
Perhaps, when the story continues, as it does here, things will take a new turn...
Magic....politics.....extortion....temporary alliances....what more could anyone ask?
word count: 575
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: Putting to Sea [Llyr, Oceta]

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)

XP Rewards: 20

These points CAN be used for magic (Transmutation).


  • Detection: Not taste-testing the food is a sign of trust
  • Detection: The Signet Ring is leading to a lot of assumptions
  • Detection: Subjects that keep coming up are clearly important
  • Discipline: Don't let the children see you intimidated
  • Discipline: Authority contingencies when some are separated from the rest
  • Interrogation: Knowledge of techniques helps you resist them
  • Intelligence: Graeslin has 'Transmutation' wards aboard her ship
  • Intelligence: The story of Oberan, Graeslin, and the raid on the prison
  • Intimidation: Knowing the children will be used against you
  • Investigation: A captor's overconfidence will get them talking
  • Investigation: Let Oceta gather information for you
  • Linguistics: "South-end-of-Western": a 'Sow' accent = Rhakros
  • Logistics: Jorsie was the target of the Rupturing Hijack, not you
  • Negotiation: Trading the girls' safety for cooperation
  • Negotiation: Trading use of magic skill for better treatment
  • Persuasion: Honest acknowledgement of what you don't know
  • Persuasion: Straightforward and blunt works best for some folks
  • Politics: Etzos' place in the world
  • Politics: Slaves are often treated better than prisoners
  • Psychology: Oceta's indoctrination makes her resistant to intimidation
  • Psychology: You were probably a hostage liability as a child too
  • Transmutation: 'Bolstering' the hull of a ship against a sea serpent attack
  • Transmutation: Turning up the power of 'Bolstering' as it goes on

Non-Skill Knowledges:

  • Ambassador Jorsie: Wears his black eye like an honor
  • Etzos' layout, laws, culture and factions
  • Graeslin: Naerikk pirate NPC
  • Graeslin: Not as overtly violent as some other pirates
  • Oberan: The one Graeslin is really looking for
  • Vuda: Advisor to High Marshall Parhn, Leader of Etzos


Sorry, nothing really to grab here


No injuries, but we will say that Graeslin grabbed all the accumulated stuff you would not bother to list on your CS.
Including your "extra" Signet Ring. 8-)

Renown: 5

Jorsie will probably relay the ordeal to someone in Etzos.
More likely to come after part III


XP Rewards: 20

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Acting: Playing the docile, cooperative hostage
  • Bus. Mgmt: Simple cleaning and tidying is fundamental
  • Caregiving: Being Hazel's fill-in parent when Zarik is gone
  • Caregiving: Comforting a frightened child
  • Cooking: Basic spices: Onions and paprika
  • Cooking: Basic Spices: Salt and Pepper
  • Cooking: Ensuring nutritional needs as well as flavor
  • Cooking: Using, head, guts and breadcrumbs for Tuna "meatballs"
  • Cooking: Potato skins are the most nutritious part
  • Cooking: Telling when food needs to be cooked or go bad
  • Cooking: Using a pottery Kiln to bake bread
  • Detection: Being a slave helps you know who else has truly been a slave
  • Detection: Subjects that keep coming up are clearly important
  • Endurance: A slave's indoctrination makes them resistant to intimidation
  • Etiquette: Demure behavior to your captors
  • Intelligence: Slaves can often listen in without being noticed
  • Investigation: Reading through Graeslin's tale to assess the truth
  • Leadership: Taking control of the cooking duties in Graeslin's galley
  • Linguistics: "South-end-of-Western": a 'Sow' accent = Rhakros
  • Logistics: Jorsie was the target of the Rupturing Hijack, not you
  • Logistics: A slave's skills are a negotiable value
  • Logistics: You don't waste fresh water to clean on board a ship
  • Persuasion: A slave's cooperative attitude makes others overconfident
  • Politics: Slaves are often treated better than prisoners
  • Psychology: Is a slave still a slave to a prisoner?
  • Stealth: A slave's presence is often overlooked as unimportant
  • Strength: Cleaning, trial after trial, is hard work
  • Teaching: Showing the ship's cook how to properly fillet a tuna

Non-Skill Knowledges:

  • Ambassador Jorsie: Wears his black eye like an honor
  • Etzos' cultural details, relayed by Zarik
  • Graeslin: Naerikk pirate NPC
  • Graeslin: gave you her childhood story of having to be brutally self-sufficient
  • Oberan: The one Graeslin is really looking for
  • Vuda: Advisor to High Marshall Parhn, Leader of Etzos


Nah...not a loot grab type of thread.
Besides, you're a slave! :(


Noe, treated pretty well actually.
Especially after Graeslin learns you can cook! :lol:

Renown: 5

same as Llyr.


At first I was worried that Oceta was not going to really get many skill knowledges.
LOL...she ended up with more.
God Oceta, I wanted to just hug you and tell you to quit putting your self-worth on such a low scale. :cry:
I want some frikkin tuna fillets and potato skins, damn it!
word count: 753
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