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Approved Character
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:23 pm
Race: Avriel
Profession: Leatherworker/Warrior
Renown: 95
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 3



Character Profile



Race: Avriel

Date of Birth: 69th day of the year 695

Marks: None

Factions Joined: Shadow Wings

Fluent = Avriel
Broken = Dehasin, Common

Magic Defiance Kin:


-‡- At an age when the wilds of adolescence are nearly over, he stands as tall as many of the other male avriel do, nearing six feet in height. His weight is not considerably heavier than theirs in strength, but he is stronger than the ones who laze about reading books and not using the prowress warriors are known for. His flesh has acquired a darker tone with the tanning he obtains beneath the suns' rays whilst in flight, and languishing in the canopies of the forests he lingers within. He normally adorns himself with darker attire to keep himself concealed whilst on the hunt. Though, when called upon to the city, or to meet with some formality, he will be seen with a darker blue tunic and mantle bearing some insignias along the sleeves trimming that one would have to draw quite close to ascertain the details of. His hair was bred white as every avriel, yet with his call to hunting both human and animal, he dyed his hair to a darker tone, that of ochroid to match the bark of trees. At times it is worn long, whilst others it is bound into braids that are allowed to loosen and remain in uncared for weaves. Sometimes he adds feathers to adorn their lengths.

When out in the field, he normally brings along his bow and quiver which are harnessed to his back. A short sword is sheathed and attached to the side of the quivers' side. On the other side of the quiver is a fastening for his spear as well as the stave of his longbow which is nearly as tall as he is in length. His shield can be slung over his shoulder as well when landed but is otherwise necessary to be carried during flight upon his arm. There are a number of daggers sheathed along his waist, as well as upon his thighs. The length of a sword juts from his hip where it hangs heavily from a ringed sheath lengthening beyond his knee below.

He has adornings of leather armor that have been punctured to add the weight of metal studs that have been darkened along with the leather itself for night time concealment purposes. Thus vambrances, pauldrons, greaves, gaitors and a cuirrass are worn as well as the hang of a leather skirt to replace a tasset. The lengths of the skirt are numerous divided pleats of wide leather that hang from his belt above similar to pteruges. Some of the larger pieces of leather, like the pauldrons, greaves, and cops, have been given an additional layer of reptilian leather. Some portions of these larger pieces of armor have been pierced through with teeth of a beast to allow small spikes to jut from the outer lining a fingers measure inside of the studded lining.


Last edited by Coroth on Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:06 pm, edited 34 times in total. word count: 517
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Race: Avriel
Profession: Leatherworker/Warrior
Renown: 95
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3




Things Coroth likes

-When he was raised Coro developed a liking to the pit of reflection, where the sounds of slaves wailing in their reflectory states could be heard. Where he could discreetly be reminded of the Avariels superiority over their human counterparts. It was also where the more superior humans were kept when they could not be normally subjugated, and thus able to acknowledge that there were inferior beings who thought they were better. Ones he would learn from and know how that was possible.

-More presently, Coroth has a penchant for killing, viscously from an inner sanctum of chaos. As avriels are known for.

-Coroth has a loving bond with his slave girl. It's not wholly a love affair or romance between lovers as avriels are known to do so only with other avriels. But the pleasures of having her company are very much liked.

Things Coroth dislikes

-In regards to what he does not like, he is not of a mind to trust the humans who help the avriels in Athart. Or more so, the ones who are involved in the slave trading beyond the city walls.
-But there are those who are different, who have taken a natural demeanor similar to the bandits, and outlaws whom he has fought against, who he dislikes.
Last edited by Coroth on Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:07 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 218
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Last edited by Coroth on Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:07 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 7
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Approved Character
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:23 pm
Race: Avriel
Profession: Leatherworker/Warrior
Renown: 95
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3



Skills & Knowledges

Skill Total Points Proficiency
Athletics (10/250) Novice
Combat -Ranged:Bow - FT (39/100) Competent
Combat:Shield (22/250) Novice
Combat :Spear (25/250) Novice
Combat :Sword (4/250) Novice
Combat :Throwing daggers (5/250) Novice
Discipline (24/250) Novice
Detection (4/250) Novice
Endurance (13/250) Novice
Field Craft (6/250) Novice
Flying (34/250) Competent
Hunting (11/250) Novice
Investigation (2/250) Novice
Leatherworking (21/250) Novice
Linguistics- common (23/250) Novice
Magic: Defiance (27/250) Competent
Mount (2/250) Novice
Stealth (5/250) Novice
Strength (25/250) Novice
Tactics (13/250) Novice


A - C

  • Athletics - When landing on a tree branch, make sure it will hold your weight and doesn’t break.
  • Athletics: You can keep going, even if it starts to burn your muscles.
  • Athletics: Having people to run with or keep up with helps you keep going too.
  • Ranged (Bow):Unstring the bow to keep the string dry for use. And easier to carry. (SP)
  • Ranged (Bow): Pinning leg to ground tactic
  • Ranged (Bow): Using Avriel air senses for accuracy.
  • Ranged Bow- flame arrows used to light up a tunnel
  • Ranged Bow - Move held notch to help aim.
  • Ranged Bow -Keep grip loose on weapon until engaged to prevent tiring
  • Ranged -Bow-Lick arrow feathers to straighten them.
  • Ranged -Bow - if allies are in the way, fly to make the shot.
  • Ranged -Bow - Barraging the foe with arrows will allow at least one to hit.
  • Ranged - bow - Shooting from the skies adds velocity to ones shots
  • Ranged - bow - stay out of range of crossbows from above and your shots will be the lethal ones.
  • Ranged-bow - make a firmer connection with the air to make a better shot.
  • Ranged -Bow: Don't pull too tightly on cord to grip arrow, it'll cause the other end to come off bow
  • Ranged -Bow Using the bow endlessly will cause your fingers to bleed.
Combat: Polearms
  • Polearms -spear: Useful with velocity for deeper impact
  • Polearms & Staves: - Staves can be leant towards enemy and impaled upon.
  • Polearm-Spear: Don't leave your flank open after an attack.
  • Polearm-Spear: Bury it too deep and it gets stuck.
  • Polearm-Spear: Hold butt against side while holding shield
  • Polearm - Spear: The lightness of a spear can allow you to make several consecutive stabs.
  • Polearm - Spear: Spears are useful for throwing as well as thrusting.
  • Polearm - Spear: Unharness between wing rotations is unhindering.
  • Polearm - Spear: Thrust from beneath a raised shield for different angle.
  • Polearm - Spear: One must learn how to aim while charging in flight
Combat: Shield
  • Combat: Shield: Use it to break weak weapons.
  • Combat: Shield: The bottom angle of the shield can be used to bash.
  • Combat: Shield: Use the shield to keep enemies from reaching you.
  • Combat: Shield: Wait till something comes into reach at the top of the shield before attacking
  • Combat: Shield: You can use a shield to squish things with your body weight.
  • Combat: Shield: With the shield above you, mounted riders are better blocked.
  • Combat: Shield: bounce a weapon off of it like a parry.
Combat: Sword
  • Combat: Sword: Use the blade to dislodge a creature as well as cut it.
  • Combat: Sword -After a parry, use momentum to slash inwards while lunging to close distance.
  • Combat: Sword - After a parry, the hilt can be brought down as a bludgeon.
Combat: Throwing Daggers
  • Aim when throwing a dagger

D - F

  • Detection - Using magic can let you know where others are hidden at without looking.
  • Discipline - If danger is far away, your still able to work
  • Discipline- Discipline against lust
  • Discipline - To concentrate on listening to fire as it burns.
  • Discipline: Recognize your boundaries, but first you must reach them.
  • Discipline: Even through pain, one must find a reason to keep at it.
  • Discipline : Use your other muscles to control the sore tightening ones.
  • Discipline: - One must set ones mind to the routine, and keep with it to gain muscle.
  • Endurance - short breaks are needed when your not strong enough.
  • Endurance - Follow your instincts and go prone to recover faster
  • Endurance: Continual fighting will put you out of breath.
  • Endurance: Builds along long distances.
  • Endurance: Long flights are necessary to reach different regions.
Field Craft
  • Field Craft - Hiding caches of goods to come back for later.
  • Field Craft - Hang things up in the air to keep them from predators
  • Field Craft - Cut out poison glands to harvest poison.
  • Field craft - Carving of sticks into spears a lesson to be remembered from childhood.
  • Flying: Use end of wings flexibility to flap with. (SP)
  • Flying: Methods of takeoff (PB)
  • Flying - Wings can give extra power
  • Flying - You can glide with wings when your going between trees
  • Flying - Can keep you out of reach of land predators
  • Flying - Keeping wings pinned to body allows you to descend faster.
  • Flying: When flying inside, watch for the walls.
  • Flying: Flying will allow you to be above the heads of allies to get at targets
  • Flying: Learned how to fly while encumbered with a roped basket.
  • Flying: Travelling in numbers crosses distances better.
  • Flying- Don’t use wings for a moment and you can aim better.
  • Flying - Cant hurl a spear straightforward while in flight, wings in the way
  • Flying - Careful with ones wings when in combat, they become targets.
  • Flying - Descent through trees can be slowed with wings

G - I

  • Hunting: Giving chase to your prey (PB)
  • Hunting: Don't make a sound to alarm sharp ears.
  • Hunting - learning the daily habits of the one you hunt.
  • Intimidation - If your not sure to kill the person, scare him off with a few missed arrows.

  • Investigation: At sword point, and death of their comrades, they will talk.
  • Investigation - Threaten with drowning to get it out of them.
  • Investigation: they need a tongue to tell what they know.

J - L

  • Leatherworking: Wetten the hide before engraving. (SP)
  • Leather Working - Keeping layers aligned during hole punching.
  • Leather Working - How to add spikes to leather armor
  • Leather Working - How to use glue to add layers to leather armor
  • Leather Working - How to drill holes into leather
  • Leather Working - a single hole puncher isn't ideal for symmetry
  • Leather Working - Too much is better than not enough.
  • Leather Working - Instead of rivets, use cord and glue.
  • Leather Working --‡- Leather Tormentings -‡-
  • Leather Working--‡- Leather Tormentings -‡-
  • Leatherworking: Reworking a handle grip with a leather cord and glue.
  • Linguistics - Common: use of " hold" word
  • Linguistics - Common: Dhasin to common words "here", "leather tools"
  • Linguistics - Common: Dhasin to common " I like it" =a positive feeling towards something.
  • Linguistics - Common: Some bigger words sound like smaller words put together.
  • Linguistics - Common: If you say long words the right way, you'll figure out their meaning.
  • Linguistics - Common: Nuiscance is when your bothering someone.
  • Linguistics - Common: Having new senses to something can bother others.
  • Linguistics - Common: Practice with lola whilst traveling pays off.
  • Linguistics - Common - Still learning how to form sentences.
  • Linguistics - Common - Pronouncing words the right way becomes important

M - O

  • Magic - Calling - Fire: can listen to it whisper
  • Magic: Recognizing elementals in smoke
  • Magic : Defiance: - Harden earth to entrap weapon when it hits ground.
  • Magic : Defiance: - Use the spark to call upon the elementals
  • Magic : Defiance: - You can only use one elemental at a time.
  • Magic: Defiance - Spend more time listening to the wind, it will be your friend.
  • Magic: Defiance - Allow the wind to keep you lifted and gliding in the skies.
  • Magic: Defiance- how to use the breeze to toy with a womans hair, and more.
  • Magic : Defiance - Ask nicely of the elemental and it will be more willing to help.
  • Magic : Defiance - Use the air to hover longer.
  • Magic : Defiance- The air will not always help you with your aim
  • Magic: Defiance -Air is part of blood, and can be used within your body too null away pain.
  • Magic: Defiance -With the aid of air in the blood, pain can be taken away.
  • Magic: Defiance -Weave the currents of air to help you fly without need of your wing muscles
  • Magic Defiance - The winds can blow around trees and objects to let him detect and know where someone is, or where someone shouldn't be normally.
  • Mount - The horn is useful to pull yourself into the saddle with.

P - R


  • (SP) Stealth: Stay in the shadows
  • Stealth: Hiding in Tree canopy
  • Stealth: Stay beyond whats illuminated
  • Stealth - You can blacken your wings to blend in with darkness better
  • Stealth - You can wear dark clothing to blend in with darkness.
  • Stealth - Keep your mouths shut and tongues in control habitually.
  • Strength: Carrying a load while on the wing (PB)
  • Strength - Can pull humans up on your own with a rope.
  • Strength -More power is needed for strong hides.
  • Strength: Strength grows faster with adrenaline in you.
  • Strength: Exercising daily helps maintain your abilities.
  • Strength: Transportation of baskets bearing a human.
  • Strength: When one part of the body gets tightened up, work on another part that’s loose.
  • Strength: Different types of exercise work on different muscle groups
  • Tactics: Make yourself a thinner target, stand sideways.
  • Tactics - Get to your enemies before they reach shelter.
  • Tactics - take out the ground archers before the melee ones.
  • Tactics - take out ground units with stones and fallen tree parts.
  • Tactic: Close quarters will require a sword, spears are too long for everything.
  • Tactics - Wait until your target fires his weapon, then immediately fire your own before he reloads.
  • Tactics - When in missle range, find a tree for cover.


[*](SP) Immortal: Syroan
[*](SP) Location: Athart
[*](SP) Laws: Athart
[*](SP) Layout: Athart
[*](SP) Customs & Festivals: Athart
[*](SP)Twisted Wings Faction
[*](SP)Shadow Wings Faction
[*] Avriels: Don't flex wings in front of Grand Aeolian, it's a sign of disrespect or worse
Last edited by Coroth on Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:58 pm, edited 112 times in total. word count: 1656
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Approved Character
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:23 pm
Race: Avriel
Profession: Leatherworker/Warrior
Renown: 95
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3



Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Starter XP +50 50
Discipline -05 5/250 45
Flying -05 5/250 40
Hunting -5 5/250 35
Leatherworking -5 5/250 30
Magic: Defiance -5 5/250 25
Shield -05 5/250 20
Spear -10 10/250 10
Stealth -5 5/250 5
Strength -5 5/250 0
Ranged :Bow - FT Racial +25/ -25 25/250 0
His First kill and slave +10 10
His First kill and slave Bow -10 (PB) 35/250 0
-‡-Acquiring Leather-‡- +10 10
-‡-Acquiring Leather-‡- Hunting -5 10/250 0
-‡-Acquiring Leather-‡- Spear -5 15/250 0
Arrival upon Wings of Shadows +20 20
Arrival upon Wings of Shadows Flying -5 10/250 15
Arrival upon Wings of Shadows Strength -10 15/250 5
Arrival upon Wings of Shadows Endurance -5 5/250 0
-‡- Seeing Things -‡- +10 10
-‡- Seeing Things -‡- Spear -5 20/250 5
-‡- Seeing Things -‡- Magic -5 10/250 0
-‡- Leather and Lust -‡- +10 10
-‡- Leather and Lust -‡- Linguistics: Common -5 5/250 5
-‡- Leather and Lust -‡- Leatherworking -5 10/250 0
-‡- Spider infestation -‡- +10 10
-‡- Spider infestation -‡- Discipline -5 10/250 5
-‡- Spider infestation -‡- Field Craft -5 5/250 0
-‡-The fall of Avriels-‡- +10 10
-‡-The fall of Avriels-‡- Combat: Shield -5 10/250 5
-‡-The fall of Avriels-‡- Combat: Throwing daggers -5 5/250 0
-‡- Leather and Lust -‡- ll- +10 10
-‡- Leather and Lust -‡- ll- Magic: Defiance -5 15/250 5
-‡- Leather and Lust -‡- ll- Leatherworking -5 15/250 0
-‡- Spider infestation II -‡- +10 10
-‡- Spider infestation II -‡- Magic:Defiance -5 20/250 5
-‡- Spider infestation II -‡- Running -5 5/250 0
-‡- Leather Tormentings -‡- +10 10
-‡- Leather Tormentings -‡- -4 Leather Working 19/250 6
-‡- Leather Tormentings -‡- -2 Strength 17/250 4
-‡- Leather Tormentings -‡- Linguistics - Common -4 9/250 0
Vengenance is hers [mature] +15 15
Vengenance is hers [mature] Magic Defiance - 5 25/250 10
Vengenance is hers [mature] Combat: Polearm - 5 25/250 5
Vengenance is hers [mature] Tactics -5 5/250 0
-‡- Spider infestation III -‡- (Mature) +15 15
-‡- Spider infestation III -‡- (Mature) Running -3 8/250 12
-‡- Spider infestation III -‡- (Mature) Flying -2 12/250 10
-‡- Spider infestation III -‡- (Mature) Strength -2 19/250 8
-‡- Spider infestation III -‡- (Mature) Endurance - 2 7/250 6
-‡- Spider infestation III -‡- (Mature) Combat :Ranged -Bow -4 39/250 2
-‡- Spider infestation III -‡- (Mature) Tactics -2 7/250 0
-‡- Kin of Air -‡- +10 10
-‡- Kin of Air -‡- Discipline -5 15/250 5
-‡- Kin of Air -‡- Flying -3 15/250 2
-‡- Kin of Air -‡- Endurance -2 9/250 0
-‡- Linguistical Tickings -‡- +10 10
-‡- Linguistical Tickings -‡- Leatherworking -2 21/250 8
-‡- Linguistical Tickings -‡- Linguistics - Common -8 17/250 0
-‡-Arachnial Revenge -‡- +10 10
-‡-Arachnial Revenge -‡- Combat:Shield -8 18/250 2
-‡-Arachnial Revenge -‡- Combat: Sword - 2 2/250 0
-‡- Arrival in Fensalir -‡- +10 10
-‡- Arrival in Fensalir -‡- Endurance +4 13/250 6
-‡- Arrival in Fensalir -‡- Linguistics- Common +2 19/250 4
-‡- Arrival in Fensalir -‡- Flying +4 19/250 0
-‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡-- +10 10
-‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡-- Field Craft +1 6/250 9
-‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡-- Linguistics - Common +4 23/250 5
-‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡-- Hunting +1 11/250 4
-‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡-- Flying +4 23/250 0
-‡- Gone with the loot -‡- +10 10
-‡- Gone with the loot -‡- Mount -2 2/250 8
-‡- Gone with the loot -‡- Shield -2 20/250 6
-‡- Gone with the loot -‡- Flying -2 25/250 4
-‡- Gone with the loot -‡- tactics -4 11/250 0
Character History Initiation thread +10 10
Character History Initiation thread Flying -5 30/250 5
Character History Initiation thread Discipline -5 20/250 0
Syroa the Immortal +10 10
Syroa the Immortal Combat: Shield -2 22/250 8
Syroa the Immortal Combat: Sword -2 4/250 6
Syroa the Immortal Detection -2 2/250 4
Syroa the Immortal Flying -2 32/250 2
Syroa the Immortal Investigation -2 2/250 0
Wings in the Darkness +10 10
Wings in the Darkness Athletics-2 2/250 8
Wings in the Darkness Detection-2 4/250 6
Wings in the Darkness Flying-2 34/250 4
Wings in the Darkness Magic:Defiance -2 27/250 2
Wings in the Darkness Tactics -2 13/250 0
Skill Scale Down Running 8+ to Athletics 10/250 0
-‡-Building of Strength-‡- +10 10
-‡-Building of Strength-‡- Discipline -4 24/250 6
-‡-Building of Strength-‡- Strength -6 25/250 0

Last edited by Coroth on Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:57 pm, edited 80 times in total. word count: 738
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:23 pm
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Renown: 95
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3



Defiance info

Defiance Mutations:

There seems to be a breeze or stirring from the air over his feathers. Sometimes caressing them, sometimes merely passing over their outer layer as if to shift them, or cause them to stir and remain attentive to their use in flying.

When manipulating the wind elements, the wind blows around his ears like whisperings, as in the technique of Calling from Defiance. Teasing, tormenting, and luring him to use the magic so as to silence their winds. When not silencing the winds, it impairs his hearing slightly.


"The spark evolves its host in a way that can prove capricious and unpredictable, yet with a tendency to be of use in combat. The spark in all things seeks to aid in the destruction of creatures that Coroth disdains while being protective of him and assuming a kinship with others of his kind. The spark will evolve its host in a way that proves the impressiveness and worthiness of magic. It will tend to evolve Coroth in ways that reflect the power and benefits of magic."

Novice Defiant Withmark approval
Novice Mutation and Theme Review
Competent Mutation Review
Mentor PSF approval

Last edited by Coroth on Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:15 am, edited 17 times in total. word count: 193
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3





  • Weapons/Armor
    • Spear -average quality x2
    • Shield -Tier 4 w/leather edge reinforcing.
    • Studded Leather Armor -Good quality Tier 4
    • Longbow - Average w/arrows
    • Dagger - Average x5
    • Longsword - Average
    • Shortsword - average
  • Clothing
    • Average quality clothing - 4 outfits



City of Athart in a meager Cave he was given upon his return from his adolescent freedom to begin his path into Adulthood.

  • Property items
    • Household Items - Average quality set
    • Average Furnishings

Last edited by Coroth on Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:07 pm, edited 20 times in total. word count: 103
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3



Wealth Ledger

Current Wealth Tier:Tier 1
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
Average outfitsx4 -1 WP 65
Studded leather armor good quality -5 WP 60
Spear -average set of 2 -5 WP 55
Longbow - average w/arrows -5 WP 50
Daggers set of 5 -5 WP 45
Longsword - Average -5 WP 45
Shortsword - Average -5 WP 40
Household items - Average -1 WP 44
Furnishings - Average -1 WP 43
Wealth Approval for -‡- Spider infestation -‡- +2 WP 45
Wealth Approval for -‡- Leather and Lust -‡- ll- +1 WP 46

Last edited by Coroth on Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:07 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 92
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Renown Ledger

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown 10 10
Being an avriel in Athart with a slave is not that big a deal, but it's worth 5. 5 15
for hunting for pelts to sell on the market.. 5 20
Introduction thread 15 35
-‡- Seeing Things -‡- 5 40
-‡- Spider infestation -‡- 5 45
-‡- Spider infestation ll -‡- 5 50
Vengenance is hers [mature] 10 60
-‡- Spider infestation IIl -‡- (Mature) 15 75
-‡- Gone with the loot -‡- 5 80
Character History Initiation thread 5 85
Syroa the Immortal 10 95
Last edited by Coroth on Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:15 pm, edited 24 times in total. word count: 89
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