• Location • -‡- Arrival in Fensalir -‡- (graded)

Introduction, boring yadda yadda stuff.

The cities and villages of Melrath are as varied and diverse as they come. The capital of Raelia is the the jewel of this western kingdom, playing host to a merchants, artisans, Aesir priests, as well as a cut throat political landscape dominated by the nobles of Raelia. To the south in the depths of the Myrkvior Forest lies Melrath's second largest, and oldest city, Fensalir. Here people have learned to live alongside spirits and the natural world by maintaining their loyalty to traditions laid down the first Melrathi. To the east lies the small fishing village of Noatun, and to the western mountains rests the Mer city of Verimeer, the brewing town of Alivilda and the alpine village Vormund.
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-‡- Arrival in Fensalir -‡- (graded)

-‡- -50th Trial of the Rebirth Cycle 720- -‡-

-‡- Coroth didn't spend too long in the skies. Perhaps a few hours mesmerizing himself with the beauty of the land. It was a different region, a different part of the world. Where the trees rose up to heights that esteemed them of their age and the greatness of their growth in sole numbers. Some of them grew close enough where their branches were intertwined amongst the others, where the lands allowed them to grow so dense. Yet they seemed to be of the sort where they were more separate than the mingle of the jungle that was at times difficult to even traverse through on foot.

The earthen ground beneath the towering giants was thus more visible, with grass freely growing to the epitome of their lifes allowance, with the bulge of random boulders here and there that dotted the surrounding lands where they had come free from their higher precipices along the mountains and the local plateau. After gathering his bearings, and drawing himself out of his reverie, an incline of his outstretched wings shifted his position within the currents of air that he passed through. The cold winds something he was already used to, his flesh sometimes grew paler, and sought to mimick the paler blue flesh that other avriels were known to have. A tone of flesh that perhaps had something to do with such chilling air.

He though was also adorned in the layer of his armor that shielded him to some extent from the winds chill. He habitually kept himself armed when in flight, for from such a high vantage point, one could see much more going on, including animals to hunt and feast upon. It was as he was returning to what he considered to be his new home that he began to take in the landmarks that led to the cabin he was settling in. There was a thin creek that ran in a zig-zaggity manner from north to south, not too long to worry about adding to a map, but it was a suitable source of water that the prior constructor of the cabin no doubt treasured to live near.

Coroth had walked lola along the creek earlier that day, the tranquil sounds of the waters passing along an under bed of pebbles and cleansed rocks. A most soothing counter to any worries that had grown upon the settling avriel. Along the way there were the random sounds of animals within the denser trees and risen bushes where they were safe from being in sight. Sounds of animals that were not found near Athart. So their language, and snortings were unknown to him, as to what animals they came from.

They though, had made it to the cabin without any hindrance from the four-legged natives. Only now, from above, he noticed that the stream ran a little farther through the rugged terrain that was nestled near enough to the plateau that there were ridges of land that led to the stream, lengths of hills and ravines that promised one needed to have sure footing to traverse their rising heights. Also, something else caught his attention, a cluster of boulders, large ones were at the root of the stream, feeding it. It was large enough to consider it bearing a cave, or some means of a tunnel system that would relieve the plateau of some of its water in such a natural manner.

The swirl of the winds were breathed through as he angled himself downwards where the aged brown of logs were visible through the height of the trees surrounding the cabin. As he drew lower though, the sounds of some beast was roaring with lungs that allowed its anger and aggression to bellow forth into the listening, echoing depths of the aspen canopy. Eyes of tumultuous ambers widened to the sounds coming from his new home. His bow was not strung, and was something that needed to be done on the ground. His hand absentmindedly ran ahead of his plans, fist clenching upon the length of a spear that was also harnessed upon his back. The leather straps holding it in place were undone, loosening it into his grasp in a matter of habitual moments.

Then he descended, a great beast laiden with fur, taller than most humans he'd encountered was at the door. Their first visitor. The sounds of it raking the promise of flesh tearing claws along the aged construction of wooden planks that turned into splinters at furred feet could be heard from his vantage point above. Another roar sounded off from the burl of it's lungs that seemed to be felt shaking against the belittling construction of the cabins porch that creaked beneath its weight as it lowered onto all fours. Its fur wavering in aged lengths that rippled and shimmered beneath the suns' downcast illumination.
Then it looked up as the rampart of the winds swooshed towards it from above.

Last edited by Coroth on Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:43 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 836
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Re: -‡- Arrival in Fensalir -‡-

-‡- -53rd Trial of the Zi'da Cycle- -‡-

It was another time, a few trials later than when the flight of avriels had left and only one remained behind within the city of Fensalir. Fensalir a name that was woven with an ancient tongue if the tales by mouth were true. If the drunkenness' of storytellers did not exaggerate through the years. If there was truth to be discovered about just how old it was, perhaps the ruins beyond the tree bound homes would have further tales or hinting's of such an age that it was raised from. Coroth had little interest in searching them out to discern such novelty revelations. But one never knew what would happen in a world filled with others who had their own minds.

Coroth had heard that a map had circulated amongst some of the folk who could actually read such means of literature. It seemed to be a buzz amongst those who spoke of the news when he and his companion strode amongst vendors and store fronts. A cabin had been garnered in those few short days of his arrival. One of the many that were outfitted for the military of the city. Lola told him that the area was known as Juniper Hills. Lola was the one who knew how to understand the common language fluently. Coroth knew some of the words, but relied on her when a translation was necessary. For she had spent the last several years with him since his adolescent years and they had found a means of communicating between their two languages.

The cabin wasn't particularly handed to them with a key, or even paperwork filled out with signatures, or even their names put onto some roster for official purposes. Some people just knew who each other were in particular areas, and were responsible for your neighbors actions. Coroth had figured it would suffice to shelter Lola at least until he found a more suitable place to make their home. It was deserted, and the exterior was notably run down and unkept. It had been pointed out by one of the leatherworkers whom Coroth flocked to upon his arrival. For it was what he did for formal work.

Loose words and hintings with casual ease and subtle body language was all that was really needed whilst Coroth showed off his skill in leatherworking that Lola herself wore upon her upper body. The details of it were mostly for the others eyes as there was a curtain of dark cerulean wings curtaining behind her whilst she removed her furs to show off his skill and creative ways of adorning her with reptilian flesh and softer fur linings. Needless to say, the exposure of a young womans assets had no doubt also gained the mans' approval and a new bond had formed between the two leatherworkers in a quickening heartbeat.

The new home thus was put into the responsible hands of the young woman to clean up whilst he went out to tend to other matters. Measures were checked to ensure she could lock herself inside if trouble arrived or wanted to meet her whilst he was away. Solemn and knowing looks were shared between them whilst he leaned a heavy log against the wall beside the door. A few breaths earlier he had showed her how to brace the door with it to keep it from being opened. It was thick and heavy still, like the trees that surrounded the landscape within these hills. One he had found fallen upon the ground from age and liably part of the upper portions of the trees base.

A bundle of his armorments earlier dropped against a nearby wall were then approached. Lengths of leather straps were pulled over arms and along his sides to don his equipment and portray himself as a warrior. As someone that would fit in with those who trained in the prowess of the military soon to be found further inland upon the rise of a plateau. Another plateau, similar perhaps to the one outside of Athart, but not so large. Nor containing a deep chasm with prison cells. But a military fortification instead. There was no need to join the military here he would tell himself. At least not yet. But he was interested in knowing the lands where he lived, and he knew not what awaited him within them.

The sounds of her mewlings still vibed within his flesh after he spent a few remindful moments with her before he took his leave. The air though, would begin whispering its call against the stoic features upon his face, and the telltale grin upon his lips from his mischievous ways with her. The sound of his enlargening wings filling the void of the skies he entered reverbrated through the airwaves around him as they pushed him upwards into flight. The whirr of green trees and the richly dark brown of the branches bearing them passed by until he was above their pointedly darkening canopies.

It was always refreshing to be in flight, something about it held a natural rejuvenation to his avriel senses. A calling that beckoned him to spend time in flight. A flight that led him higher and higher as he circled about the city. Mesmerizing himself with the houses and where they were built into the trees themselves. Similar to other cities in distant lands. The currents of air seemed to be recognized as they drew towards him, and began to weave beneath his wings to allow him to glide along their course that led him away from the city below, and into the wilder lands beyond.
word count: 946
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Re: -‡- Arrival in Fensalir -‡-


Strength: Transportation of baskets bearing a human.
Endurance: Builds along long distances.
Endurance: Long flights are necessary to reach different regions.
Linguistics-common: Practice with lola whilst traveling pays off.
Flying: Learned how to fly while encumbered with a roped basket.
Flying: Travelling in numbers crosses distances better.

Loot: A new home.
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Mostly appropriate to level. I would have liked to see Coroth struggle a bit more when it comes to flying for example though, especially since he’s wearing armor.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: I like in how much detail you described the landscape, Coroth. Since I read a few of your previous threads, I know who Lola is and am familiar with your PC. To someone that has never read a Coroth thread before, parts of the story might be confusing though. It wasn't always clear what exactly was going on.

Anyway, enjoy your rewards!

P.S.: I would have added “Detection” to the list of skills used as Coroth noticed aspect of the landscape below him, for example.
word count: 180





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