• Completed • -‡- Seeing Things -‡- (Graded)

Ghosts, magic, and mentoring

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-‡- Seeing Things -‡- (Graded)

Ymiden 24th 719

-‡- There were sounds of men stricken with terror, sounds of water pouring from a large orifice pouring into a pool of water below. There were the sounds of other men begging, pleading for their lives below, echoing off of the rising company of the water at the base of the pit. The Pit of Reflection. Further above those tortured souls other voices of those who were more intelligent, deadly, and even those who kept their mouths from speaking a single thing for their mankind below awaited their own possible deaths.

Coroth landed with a brevity of dark blue wings that were all the more darker with the shading of dusk as nightfall neared. Torches along the pits surface had yet to be lit. Sworn guards paced around the perimeter, whilst a few were cluttered at the controls of the pit's water control on the other side of the vast opening into the plateaus pit. Armor was worn as Coroth was readying to go on a patrol with the Shadow Wings, something becoming a routine for him at this point of time in his return to Athart. With the folding of his wings, he slung his shield over his back to buffer against quivers, as well as harnessed and sheathed weapons. His attire was otherwise darkened, to keep himself in the guise of stealth when nighttime would fall, and his duties would beckon him.

"Ahh, he arrives, I have been waiting for your visit. Is it for what I expect it to be about? Or is this purely for business?" Such was spoken by another Avriel who approached. Leaving the company of another guard with a gesticulation to keep an eye on the prisoners below as they were trained to do and overhear their pleas for information that might slip forth and be useful. Azrael himself was older than Coroth by a longshot. Old enough to be his father, if not older. Salt had already grown into the dark mane of his hair. Hair that was kept handsome and exquisitely trimmed as if he had to present himself to people on a daily basis who were of importance. Or maybe even women. He was not as built as some of the guards were, keeping to the lithe physique that the majority of the Avriels were known with. Silks were worn with precise, intricate patterning on the trimming that lined the borders where arms, neck, and his waist protruded, glimmered briefly with sewn in threads of gold. His gait though was of one in charge, knowing of things that he would not tell just anyone about. Secrets that fell from tortured lips perhaps. Secrets that his eyes gleamed of as if they were an immense wealth regardless of the laws that were broken to obtain such.

"I have waited long enough to return to you. It is good to see you remember me, after all these years." Coroths' tone was lowered, as if to keep their conversation from reaching even into the cells of the pit nearby where even humans might overhear. His arms bolstered of youthful muscles that had begun to grow beyond lithe as he was leaning more towards the use of weapons these days. Leather encoverings concealed much of his flesh along his forearms where vambraces were worn. Sheaths of a few daggers adorned along their outer surface. Both for the additive of steel protection against blade, as well as their use in combat.

"It is known to me of your return. We hear things here besides the pleas and beggings of the humans below. I hear you have brought with you a pretty thing to keep your furs warm whilst you are away too. Alas! Perhaps your luck is serving you well. Unfortunately, there has been a lack of…magic..as these humans call it..in the air lately..for days..maybe weeks. Even before the storm..something has been amiss." A gesticulation was made towards Coroth. The Avriel mentor motioning for the younger blood to follow him as he deftly turned about and strode to the stoned rim of the pit. The wide expanse of the opening exposing the line of cell blocks that encircled the pits entirety of walls. The upper level was not so filled with the view of human faces, yet, on the levels that were revealed as they drew closer, more of the cells were filled. A careless gesture was sent towards the water pooling at the bottom. Rising ever so slowly as it was already seeping into the cell doors of the lowermost level.

"You see below..after the storm, we had acquired many..many slaves who sought to rebel against our kind. They were thwarted quickly enough, and brought here. The thing is..there were too many of them, so were killing off the lower level to make room for more!"- A maniacal humor of a grin sliced onto his priorly intelligent seeming face. It being wiped clean after a moment of inner laughter that was seen not to be shared with the young Coroth. His humor ending as if it was a joke that was not found funny.

Coroth lingered at the rim of the pit. His attentions recalling the last time he gazed into its' depths so long ago before he had left the Avriel nest to enter his wild spree of adolescence. It was as he was gazing into it's depths, that one of the prisoners below within the lower level began frantically begging and pleaing above the others. His shouts echoing against the walls beyond him, then bouncing into the cells and listening ears of the others prisoners before it was heard to Avriel ears above.

"It sounds like one of them knows a bit of magic..perhaps enough to be of aid to us..eh?" Coroth spoke with a curl of amusement, as if striking a line of interest with his mentor. His mentor, in due time had his eyes widening to the revelation.

"Yes..runes by the sound of it..I have not found one of them who knows of such weavings..QUICK! STOP THE WATER! YES STOP IT!" Azrael was his mentors name, and such commands were sent across the pit to the guards who were stationed at the controls to the orifice that emptied water into the pits below. "Bring me that one..he who speaks of Runes!"

Another set of guards leapt off of the dias of stone, their wings unfolding to allow them the freedom to glide through the chasm of stone, terror stricken human voices, and the now lessening pour of water from the wall nearby. In moments, the prisoner who had begged with the right offer for his life was released, and carried back upwards to be interrogated. =‡=

Last edited by Coroth on Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:18 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 1134
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Re: -‡- Seeing Things -‡-

-‡- Meanwhile, Azrael turned about to return his attention to the young Coroth. A dim smile curling upon his lips as there was little joy in his ventures, yet pleased that the avriel had returned, knowing well the feats that would be ahead of them to aid him in his own ventures. Whether they would lead Coroth into joining the Twisted wings, he knew not. A fatherly hand was raised up into the air, and soundly placed upon the studded rivets punctured through the dark leather of Coroths pauldron. His shoulder barely felt the weight, but his eyes knew well that it was there.

"Come, let me teach you a few things to ensure you know what you are gifted with." Azrael began leading him away from the pit. To return to face the city far enough to the south that the rise of large stone blocks that some of the buildings were made of were noticeable above the canopy of the jungles below. The outlay of rising towering stone monolithic spires surrounded the landscape elsewhere above the lush greenery of the life and ochroid limbs below.

"If one was to ask what you are in regards to magic, you would be known as a Defier. When you were young, you agreed to test yourself, and whether the elementals would accept you. You being still alive is proof that they have. There thus, is a spark within you, perhaps it is very small and passive. But it is within you. It will be up to you to get to know all four of the elements. But you will only be able to befriend one of them at a time. These spirits, in time, will become your friend, perhaps you will allow them to keep you company more often than that fur warmer of yours. With you..you must look into the winds for now."

Azraels one hand remained steady upon Coroths' shoulder. Holding his attention as his other arm unraveled from the silks and golds of his tunic to reach up to the vast expanse of the skies beyond them. As if they should marvel at the entirety of possibilities that the skies possessed for him to speak of.

"As Avriels, we alone are already able to see the currents of air. Even now, we can see that one..and the other whirling about which aid us in our flying. Perhaps, when magic returns to these lands, it will be time for you to seek out the elemental spirit once again. And make friends with it. I would say it would be best to fly within one of those currents, and focus your thoughts upon the spark within you. Focus upon it until you hear the voice of the elemental. Once you are able to hear it…then you know that magic has returned to these lands. I fear the storm days past had something within it's mists that did more than poison and kill our great people. I fear it had something that disrupted our use of magic as well."

Finally his hand was removed from his students shoulder. Sighing at the loss of so many Avriel that night, not so long ago. Coroth as well fell into a state of saddening remorse. Eyes narrowing as his gaze lowered from the currents that weaved and swirled about nearby. As if waiting to see the spirit of an elemental waiting within to speak with. Yet, one did not appear.

"And you said there are other elementals I can call upon as well, Mentor?" Coroth spoke with the fluent rolling of his tongue in the Lorien language they used. A language that none of the human slaves understood or were taught nearby. Wisening perhaps to what his teacher knew, he sought to know more, yet was subtle and quiet about it as they spoke amongst each other. Nearing finally to the end of the plateau where it would drop off sharply to the jungle below.

"Aye…I did. Fire will perhaps be more willing to keep you warm when you are in need of it's heat in the cold. The earth, perhaps will become softer to lay upon if you seek to sleep upon it whilst you are out adventuring. Or even turn harder…if say..an opponents blade is thrust into it's surface." A gleeful chuckle erupted from Azrael to such a jest as it occurred to him. Deluring into a snicker as if he himself would ever see a fight or wield a blade. His attentions squared upon Coroth, knowing he would though, and watching to see if such a trick would embed in the young Avriels mind.

"Ah..I imagine such trickery could be used in more ways than that. In time, I will look forward to such. And water? I fear I will not be swimming much..will the rains part for me to keep me dry?" A soft laugh passed through his lips, concealed by the build of his physique laiden with encovering layers of armor and clothed adorations beneath.

"Hmm..maybe so..maybe later when you are on good terms with them. I am told that if you are thirsty, perhaps you will find water not so scarce to find. Even in the harsher terrains of the desert. Now that would be quite something. Perhaps you should join one of the patrols that way and see if such tales are true."

It was as they're imaginations joined with one another that they casually spoke back and forth, and in the moments following, something else began to draw upon their attentions. Something from the city farther beyond the jungles below. Waves of air currents began to pick up, in multiple places as both human and Avriel began to scream in terror, and exciting emotions began to weave into the currents that swept through the buildings and rooftops above.

"Hmm, something is a miss.." Coroth spoke in his lowered depth of a tone. His mentor nodded to him in agreement, wiseningly keeping his mouth shut for the moment as if reading the air currents to determine what was going on through them alone. After another moment, they both nodded silently to one another, and leapt into the air. Their wings unfolding from behind them in turn as they ascended into the air and headed for Athart. A few nearby guards followed them, if only to provide aid to Azrael as well as protection if such became necessary. =‡=

word count: 1083
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Re: -‡- Seeing Things -‡-

-‡- As they neared the walls, Coroth's eyes were still able to see through the dismal source of light that was being left to see with as the large orb began to set on the horizon. Leaving the skies in a cadence of yellow to darkening purple shades of color. The forest of spires ended far enough away from the cities walls to allow archers the reach of their arrows to penetrate an approaching army. There though, was none today, and liably wouldn't be one in his lifetime, as the front of such an invasion would need to go through their spires and homes before hand. None the less, it was in the land that led to the gates of the city that shapes were seen, spectral beings delusioning his view as they headed to enter the gates. They seemed avriel in nature, though their wings were missing. The view of such was only a blur to be caught by the eye as the small group of avriels flew over the walls. Perhaps, they had been at home in the spires during the storm.

Azrael held up a hand to call an abrupt halt within the skies above the watchtowers where another attachment of Overguard were manning the stations. Some of them were leaning out of the nearer tower, paying close attention to what was going on below. But finding the goings on nothing to involve themselves in yet. Below a crowd of human slaves had been gathered near the factories where they had been working, and perhaps were on their way home from their enslaved labors. Yet, they're restful path to their homes across the river in the western segment of the city was disrupted as apparitions were walking into their midst. One in particular came out of the walls that had been layered with feathers days prior. Armor and blades were worn upon him, signifying him as one who was once an Overguard himself. He though spoke not, and ghastily walked from the tower onwards towards the denizens of the city that began screaming in stark terror.

One could not blame them, they were not educated in magic, or educated at all unless they were captured in their adult hood from a distant land and brought to Athart as captives. Thus the minds of the slaves were all the more deceptible to the threat of ghosts as they began plaguing the city that night. None would unravel the purpose or reasoning to their presence that night, and perhaps days afterwards as they would continue to be a part of the cities inhabitants.

Yet, the small crowd of workers were tired, exhausted perhaps as the days toils had fatigued them to a mere residue of their human nature. It was as the first ghost began to walk towards them, closer and closer that their human screams toiled and rolled into the midst of the stone buildings below. Echoing into the heights to reach avriel ears for help to defend against them. It was in this state of infatuating turmoil that they began to disperse, and run for safety. Knowing not if magic would be unleashed upon them by such spectral beings. None was, but still, in the chaos, the crowd grew thick in its' rush against those unaware at the other end near the river, where other humans were still gathering and exiting the nearby facilities. From above, Coroths eye was drawn to another scream, one of pain and utterable agony as an elder human stumbled, and was shoved forward into another human in their flee. In his aged state, his leg snapped beneath him, the sight of the human flesh tearing apart as bone suddenly broken with a splurting of blood sprayed into the street beneath the aged man.

Not only that, but in another moment, the crowd abruptly weaved backwards, and the jutting half of the aged mans exposed bone was met by another mans shin as he was shoved backwards by someone in front of him trying to make some room. And in another breath, the man was watched being impaled by the elders jutting bone. The shin suddenly had a bloody bone jutting out of his foot as it had been raised for a step. A complete cacaphony of shouts and uproarings of pain were ignited as bodies fell on top of another there on. The other humans nearby, could not see what the pain was about, and thought it was from the ghosts that they were fearing, and began shouting to the others in their own language that they were being attacked. A small riot escalated as they sought to flee all the more in a rush to get away.

It was in the turmoil, that one of the humans, had acquired a stave, a broom that had been taken from a nearby facility, and was taken to be put to use for defense. The heroic slave was attempting to reach the front of the crowd where the ghosts were near when the chaos ensued. The length of wood ended up being stepped upon at it's bottom, snapping it into impaleable sharp ends. The wielder made an attempt to pull it upwards through the movement of rushing bodies. His firm grasp clenching at the knuckles with surety that it would not be swept out of his possessing grip altogether. Then, in another moment, another man stumbled over someone, and in the next instant, his head fell upon the jutting stave. The sharp object unseen till the last moment as his attentions were upon the ghosts behind him. Then in another breath, the sharp end of the stave was piercing his skull with a gauge of blood and goo erupting from the other end as the wielder started a panic stricken state of terror that he had just killed another human.

"Oh My GAAAHHSHh! NOOoooo! What did I dDoooo!" The panic stricken wielder entered a state of delerius guilt. Refusing to recognize that it even happened as he joined the crowd, leaving the impaled individual behind to fall to the ground on his own as he sought not to take the blame.

"Well…that was unexpected..," Azrael mentioned as the crowds flushed out of the area, harming others in the process, accidents sprung up, here and there in other ways that would have to be tended to later. Calls for healers were shouted out in hopes that some were nearby. Of course, the language of the slaves wasn't something Coroth was fluent with, but he had an idea of what they were shouting about.

It turned out the ghosts were not able to harm anyone by nights end, and other avriels began to gather to console each other, as some of the ghosts were recognized by friends and loved ones. Ones who cried and fell to their knees before the spectral beings to flood the streets with tears and sorrows. And perhaps, for continuing nights, such loved ones would seek out their dead kin as they were at least there in ghostly form to look upon once more.


word count: 1187
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Re: -‡- Seeing Things -‡-

Thread Review

Word Count: 3404
Total Post Count: 3
Word and Post Count for Coroth Encinosa: 3404 / 3
Word and Post Count for Player 2: N/A
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=17435&start=870#p130772

Well. That's a not so nice turn for what started out as a pleasant little training session with a mentor. Frickin' ghosts man. Well done, I particularly enjoyed how it was showed that even though Coroth has had this magic since his youth, he was still needing to learn the basics properly.

I fixed your Defiance Knowledges to be in line with what we require as well as the formatting style you used for combat.
Coroth Encinosa
  • Skill Points - 10 (Can be used in Defiance, Novice)
  • Renown - 5
  • Skill Knowledges
    Magic : Defiance: - Harden earth to entrap weapon when it hits ground.

    Magic : Defiance: - Use the spark to call upon the elementals

    Magic : Defiance: - You can only use one elemental at a time.

    Interrogation - Threaten with drowning to get it out of them.

    Combat : Polearms & Staves: - Staves can be leant towards enemy and impaled upon.
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards
Player 2
  • Skill Points -
  • Renown -
  • Skill Knowledges
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards

Final Notes

If you have any questions, please PM me.

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word count: 234
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