Where the Wild Things Are


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Re: Where the Wild Things Are

Seeing Finn react in the state of fascination when the elements came to life delighted Trevor, somehow the mysticism felt very pure and innocent when the magic came into play. But at the same time he couldn't help crane his head just a little bit, for a couple of reasons as they warranted different reactions. "Do what?" He feigned innocence as though he beheld no real part in the matter, a slight chuckle released as he looked towards the water with tranquility. "A mentor your say?" That part warranted much intrigue from the Defier, as he hadn't suspected Finn a mage much like himself to say the least.

"I didn't expect you to possess the Spark such as I, then again there's a variety of Sparks one can earn and keep completely secret." That much he commended Finn for, given the fact mages were somewhat hit and miss when located in Ne'haer. Lysoria had quite a few of them to be sure, but aside from there no other place seemed safe. Not for anybody who possessed magical talents at least, what with the way mage hunters and figures in position of power declaring it blasphemy. Unnatural. Against the natural order. Whatever clause they used it was just a means, a way to justify their reason for ignorance with the gift. "Though I must point out that what I'm doing is next to nothing, just a skill any fresh Defier picks up on when they begin their practice." He remarked with a curl of his mustache, as the corner of his lips turned into a warm grin.

"Defiance enables one such as me to commune with the natural world, mostly the Elements such as the ones surrounding us. Air can spare me whispers through the breeze, water may swirl or even pool to greet me; even the earth will 'nudge' me a time or two." Though his brown eyes were filled with enthusiasm, his brow elevated to display intent behind the clarification that followed. "They are of course just impressions that I receive from them, others claim to be able to actually hear or listen to them in a different way. For me though it's like a conversation best heard through the mind and soul, therefore by allowing my Spark to harness Ether the Elements speak through it to me." He looked back down to the water as it rippled softly from both his as well as Finn's shins, his mouth still perked in a warm smile as he mentally reached within himself.

He asked for cooperation with the water, for the element to hear his favor through the echo of his Spark. The sentient entity in his soul in turn reached within to tether Ether into a channel, it's fixation around his legs as it coaxed for the substance to listen and respond. To hear his request and in turn fervently comply with an answer. Thus the water responded with a shift in its body, with a current of coaxed by Ether to move and swirl between them. Of course it was only subtle and gentle, like when a fish might peck at one's legs when completely still. But the masterpiece it briefly created was exactly what Trevor had hoped for, as his Spark departed the whim of his idea into creation; right between the legs of Finn at the surface of the water. The surface swirled as the current of Ether pooled there, coaxing the element into a solid form that matched that of an existing entity.

It was a lotus flower visibly in the form of solid water, a state of manifestation that lasted only but a moment for Finn. When the form of the water collapsed Trevor watched him closely, amused to find that the bow in the collapse created a faint splash against the side of the man's shins. "It's a wonderful thing to be able to converse with my friends like this," the Defier admitted with great ease, "certainly not often I get to introduce them to someone new for sure." Suddenly not but two trills after he said that, a soft cool breeze wafted between him and Finn.
word count: 706
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Re: Where the Wild Things Are

Finn contemplated the words. Different sparks. Despite the fact that Telar did not have much chance to teach him properly about his own, Finn wasn't so naive as to think his spark was the only kind there was. But how could they differ aside from the resulting effects on the world around them? Finn thought as the wind gently pressed against him once more almost like an extension of Trevor's own body and mind. Didn't they all reach into the same ether? Would mentoring different sparks differ too? Perhaps in the knowledges of the magic, the ways each manipulated the ether might have in fact been so set apart from the other that Finn's budding hopes of finding a mentor outside his kind were beginning to get quashed. At the end of the trial, it was one thing to manipulate the nature itself and another to manipulate the body. Each were complex in its own ways despite their inherent relation.
The gloom of the idea as he listened to Trevor explaining what the priest guessed was called Defiance was momentarily distracted by a beauty to be beheld. The display of the power, despite however simple Trevor claimed it to be, made Finn smile slightly as he watched the flower come into existence briefly before it was claimed back by its own element. It was beautiful and breathtaking for someone who hasn't seen much of other magics. In a way it resonated with that childhood awe at anything unknown and much like then Finn felt at the presence of a miracle. Though as soon as the lotus became a memory, so did the priests expression turn pensive once more. He couldn't help it. There was much he wanted to accomplish, much he wanted to learn to understand. So he took a leap of faith despite what his logic was telling him and asked Trevor a question which in itself might have been that of innocent ignorance.
“Say, what if my spark is different to yours. Could you still help me learn about it?”
word count: 348
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They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

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Re: Where the Wild Things Are

To see the awe in the eyes of his companion brought a sense of delight in Trevor, others with talents such as his would consider it simple parlor tricks; but Trevor felt that true Defiers remembered the Elements for what they were. Therefore the simplest of things such as water maintaining a consistent form? Surely there had to be beauty found in the act of encouraging such a thing, then again the Defier himself hardly understood the greater depths of Defiance like his betters.

Yet at the difference between them and their Sparks, it seemed as though a lot of the unknown remained... between them both. Trevor understood the idea of his Spark and how it allowed the Elements to communicate with him, but the nature of the Spark itself was far bigger than mystery to the man. Far beyond that even. Therefore whatever Spark Finn had to be in possession of fell within the realm of uncertainty, as the Defier immediately felt no connection to Finn as he would with another Defier. So what Spark did Finn Ashbroken possess then? What special and miraculous talents could he harness with it? Curiosity definitely filled Trevor's eager mind the more he wondered, but at the same time he felt it rude to pose inquiry on something so personal.

For that's what Sparks were in a sense. Personal things embedded deep within one's soul, attached there so that they might grow and empower the mage. "If I only knew more about it then perhaps." The Defier answered the priest with a soft shake of his head. "To understand one's own Spark is already a deep and personal venture, understanding the nature of others is difficult to explore as every mage is different. Every Spark is unique as far as I know, even if the Domains they empower tend to be the same. My mentor for instance was a man deeply attuned to nature, so it stands to reason his Spark picked up on that and incorporated it in it's growth." Though how was something Trevor remained unclear of since Phelix never really shared what changes occurred, only that they were at a personal level between him and the Spark he possessed.

"It goes without saying however that you could possess a few Sparks at once, and that eventually when one is practiced enough they can initiate another. I've yet to study or explore this aspect save for the fact I possess two Sparks; the Defiance Spark which I most easily defer to, and then the Rupturing Spark which I haven't relied on very much." But deep down both still had incredible effects on him. Often he felt the need to explore or wander, to find or discover something new to him. That kind of wanderlust wasn't normal to him as Trevor liked to stay in one place, so it stood to reason that the Rupturing Spark had caused such an interpolate change. So the Defiance Spark? Well he easily felt freed from the constant worry he felt before, as the flames within found a sentience of their own. While dangerous to a fault this meant the fire in his blood felt more agreeable, and less volatile compared to the time before he received his first Spark.

"I have to ask though Finn, you've shown a deep curiosity for magic today. What is it you hope to accomplish with this knowledge? I know what I've said is hardly fruitful compared to what many others could say, but regardless I'd like to think that maybe it'd serve a noble purpose in the end." He inquired as he looked back down to the water in between the two of them.
word count: 627
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Re: Where the Wild Things Are

At all Trevor's words, Finn looked to his hands as if the lines of arcs passed and hard labour printed upon the skin could bear the answers. Alas, they were but hands. Rough. Experienced. But still utterly lost when it came to harvesting what he possessed. Even at his age, he still felt like a student and perhaps one never stopped learning throughout their life, whatever the topic may be.
"I have the spark of Graft. But my mentor died last arc before I could properly begin to learn. He was a man who healed with words, belief and..." Raising his own hands with a weak smile, Finn added: "...his hands." Arcs were then apparent on his features. Perhaps more of them than for how long he was alive. Life has treated him harshly and dealt him difficult cards. For a moment, the struggles, spoken and not, reflected in those greys that dimmed despite the sunlight around them. The lips that possessed a smile of an excited child levelled. There was a man who...aged internally more than his physical body has done.
Magic was the work of a miracle, he believed even if he did not know how to control it yet. Who knew if he ever would since from what Trevor said, he might not find aide here. At least not with this matter.
So when Trevor asked directly for his reasons to seek counsel, it was time Finn spoke the truth. Well crafted and a careful truth so that he would not scare away the first and only mage he knew to-date. And perhaps a friend if fate be kind this time.
"To be fair, Trevor, I don't like where Ne'haer is going with its sentiment towards mages." A confession that dropped his gaze back to his hands but one that was not uncommon among the populace.
"I don't like the emerging tones within the Faith that are against our kind. Even more so..." With a breath of hesitation, he knew there was no way of going back now.
"Even more so that I am a priest in the order. I am looking for counsel from those like me to understand the Spark, understand mages and eventually, when I get my voice in the order, sway the decisions that seem to be weighing heavily to outlaw magic." As humbly as he was presenting it, there was confidence in every single word. It was no longer a question of if he would become a grand cleric or a high priest. It was a matter of when for he understood that without power there won't be a change. At that moment, he looked back up at the man next to him. The dim past was gone from his hues and there was a steel-hard, determined grey of a man who would find a way. A man who with secrets stretching past his Spark would work to help other accept mages.
"I am not asking you to be a part of any movement or uprising. I know how dangerous that would be for you and I don't want to put you in that position. Not that I could ask anyway. You barely know me and I you. But I only ask for counsel. And even if you might not be able to help me with my own spark, maybe you can help me understand other sparks, mages and other things that entails. So that I can then filter it to the people, assure them that we are not dangerous to them."
word count: 599
Favourite quote:
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

~ Ymiden
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Re: Where the Wild Things Are

Trevor's eyebrow rose when he heard Finn remark on what sort of Spark he possessed, the name Graft something unfamiliar to him when he thought back on it. Perhaps if he recollected the trials spent reading at the library of the castle, then he might've remembered coming across such an article. Even then he still felt uncertain...

"Then he lived a life worth fulfilling." The Defier remarked with a steady look at the pond. "My mentor is very much the same, aware of how the world is and hopeful to mend it somehow. Though I'd imagine he more so considered me, his apprentice, the candidate most suited for the task. Regardless you have my condolences, it sounds as though your mentor was a good man."

Listening to Finn's reasoning for wanting his counsel Trevor watched with intrigue, a spark of curiosity in his eyes as he observed genuine humility in the priest's tone. It was outright pure honesty that came from Finn's own heart and spoken with true courage, therefore proving to be a most honorable outlook if not a lofty goal to perceive. The Faith swayed to no longer shun but appreciate magic? It sounded more a pure fantasy than actual possibility, but for someone like Trevor such a fantasy always felt worthy to pursue. After all when one could pursue their fantasy, they could either find themselves ready to submit and give in... or persevere to make fantasy become reality. The fact being that the journey to the destination wouldn't be an easy one, and people such as Finn and Trevor both had to either adapt or move on.

"Were it in my power I probably would help you further regardless, cause or not it is a noble and lofty goal you aim to pursue." At that point Trevor sighed with considerable thought. "The nature of the Spark is difficult to assess, as not many mages really know or understand them entirely. I for one believe it is up to the mage alone to discover what is different and special about their spark, and implore you to never stray from the path you seem set on already. Mages tend to lose their way so easily because of many factors, be it power or influence, they all eventually lose sight of what's important to them."

Trevor then looked to Finn once more with a somber yet hopeful smile on his face. "I won't be around to see the waves you cause, as I'll be heading back to Lysoria to face my own obstacles there. But I do hope that what you have learned from our conversation helps you, and that it leads you to discover the answers you seek to use in swaying the voices of the Faithful. I already count you a worthy candidate as well as considerable friend, even if we've only met just a while ago. However long time may keep us apart I will always pray for you." It was an odd and bittersweet moment for the Defier now that he came out with such thoughts, but somehow it felt right to Trevor to admit them seeing as how their paths may or may not cross again. He sincerely hoped they would, but it truly fell within the range of fate and whatever it decided for them.
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Righto! This will be my last post unfortunately, you're more than welcome to close the thread on your end if you choose. :) You also needn't worry about requesting lore for Trevor, as he is going to be retired from this point on. The thread has been absolutely fun and insightful for me too!
word count: 619
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Re: Where the Wild Things Are

Name: Finn


Magic: It can manipulate elements
Magic: Not all mages are bad
Magic: More than one kind
Magic: Each spark is different
Ne'haer: People are judgemental about mages

Tactics: Gather allies
Tactics: Counsel the best
Tactics: Identify weaknesses
Tactics: It's good to be prepared
Tactics: Planning a peaceful revolution
Etiquette: Introductions
Etiquette: When to remain quiet
Etiquette: Manners
Interrogation: Use hypothesis to get answers
Intelligence: Conclusions from clues given
Detection: Identify clues
Detection: Spotting a lie

Loot: Nope
Injuries: Nope
Renown: Nope
Collab: Yes

Points: 15
- - -

Well, this was quite a long , detailed read. I admire the detail, volume, and passion you both poured into this thread.

I felt like Trevor was a bit forward in introducing himself to Finn, unsolicited. I almost expected him to start selling something, but no. He just wanted someone to talk to before he left. The ensuing conversation about magic, sparks, and the place of mages in society was pretty thought provoking.

I felt like Finn's initial reaction to this stranger approaching him to have a philosophical conversation was appropriately skeptical at first. His mind opened up quick enough, though, and it resulted in what I suspect could be a turning point in Finn's development as a character.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!

Please add this stamp to the end of your review request, so others know it's been graded.

Code: Select all

word count: 274
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: Where the Wild Things Are

Thread Review


Trevor Reverrik
Skill Points: +15 (can be used for Defiance)
Magic XP: Yes (Defiance)

Renown: None.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Defiance: Whispers Felt Within the Wind
  • Defiance: Convincing Water to Hold A Form
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: You can request up to 11 more Skill knowledge, PM me if you wish to.

Since this is a follow-up review to the first, I won't go into it too much. Trevor, I appreciate the consistency with his love of wine! Trevor is quite a forward fellow. I enjoyed the narrative description of ether and Trevor's relation to the elements as a Defier, especially with the water-formed lotus flower.

Great job and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total (Player) Word Count: 4691 words.
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=117501#p117501

word count: 152
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