[Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

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[Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Wardens of the Lake

History of the Wardens

The Wardens of Rharne are an ancient faction dedicated to preserving life. They fight against the forces of destruction, and are especially equipped to deal with the likes of Faldrun and his servants. Centuries ago when Faldrun created the first Flameborn; these giant creatures and soldiers made from pure fire were unleashed upon Rharne. Ilaren, the Lightning Mother’s own power was also a destructive force and even she alongside her military could not stop the assault of Faldrun’s creations.

Another power was needed to combat the encroaching flames, so Ilaren reached out to the most powerful Induk in the region; The Spirit of Lake Lovalus. Spirits often do not care to engage with Immortals, however even the Induk of the Lake realized the peril that Rharne was facing with the appearance of the Flameborn.

A deal was struck between the two entities. The Induk would grant a select few of the Rharnian people a part of its power so that they could turn the tide against the Flameborn. But in return those blessed with its strength would vow to protect all life from the forces of destruction. The Induk of the Lake created an artifact known as the Heart of Lovalus which could imbue an individual with its power while also bonding the soul to a diri that would help guide the newly anointed bearer of the spirit’s power.

These people who were granted Lovalus’s power were henceforth known as Wardens. They would serve Rharne outside the hierarchy of the military and would dedicate their lives to protecting life and defeating the forces of destruction

The First Wardens

The first Wardens would manage to push back Faldrun’s forces along with all of the Flameborn. The creatures were either slain or forced to retreat back into the Stormwastes. The remaining Wardens founded the Arc, a headquarters beneath the surface of the Lake where the Heart of Lovalus was kept safe. Over the coming decades fewer and fewer Wardens were chosen to be blessed by the Heart as the need for the Wardens diminished. The life within Rharne was safe and eventually the last of the Wardens died and the Heart was hidden away for a time when it would be needed again.

The New Wardens

With the re-emergence of the Flameborn in the Stormwastes, the Wardens have been reborn. During a battle with a Flameborn Lucas, Lynessa, and Varlum were aided by Ilaren who granted them the Heart of Lovalus here. The three spoke vows affirming their promise to protect Rharne and the life within it and so they were granted the mantle of Wardens.

As the Flameborn threat begins anew the three must rediscover the heritage of the original Wardens in order to stop the invasion at their doorstep.

To become a Warden
You must possess a desire to protect the life within Rharne, and the willingness to lose you life fighting for it. Wardens are chosen by the Heart because of their bravery and their selflessness. These are people who fight for what they believe in, for the betterment of all. As a Warden you will be outside the law, you will be a member of an independent faction who works alongside the Rharnian military in order to protect both the people and all natural life within Rharne.

You may be a member of the Lightning Knights or the Thunder Priestesses. Just be aware that by becoming a Warden that your duties as a guardian of life come first.

If you wish to become a Warden you must either:

A.) Request an existing Warden PC to initiate you within the Arc (Warden Headquarters)
B.) Speak with a local Prophet about being initiated.
C.) Seasonal PC Initiation (Special): Each Warden has the ability to initiate one person a season into the Wardens even while not in the presence of the Heart of Lovalus. The Heart of Lovalus is connected to all Wardens so it is technically possible for the Heart to reach out through existing Wardens in order to initiate a new member in a pinch. However this is an uncomfortable process for the Initiator.
Off Topic

Seasonal PC Initiation Details

When initiating at a location that is not in the presence of the Heart of Lovalus the Initiator must go to a quiet place with their Initiate and both must meditate in silence. The Initiator’s Diri will then transform, forming a thin thread of light that connects the Initiator’s chest with the Initiate’s. The Diri and the Initiating Warden will begin to feel an ice cold force moving through them as the Heart reaches out toward the Initiate through the connection. The Initiate must then speak their vow outloud and the Heart will choose whether or not to accept the vow. If the vow is accepted then the Initiator and their Diri will be suddenly be in immense pain as power is transferred through them and into the Initiate, making them into a Warden. Once this has happened, the newly initiated Warden will find that their bonded Diri will appear within the next few breaks and introduce themselves. The Initiating Warden will have a headache and be stiff for the next break but they will quickly recover from the process.
NOTE:Before any form of initiation you must register as an applicant OOC and a moderator must approve the initiation attempt. This allows us to be aware of all of those being initiated so we can step in if we don't believe that the character in question would be suitable as a Warden of Lovalus.

Apply here to become a Warden of Lovalus

Regardless of the manner in which you are initiated you must stand before the power of Heart of Lovalus and swear a personal vow. This vow is something your character will come up with on their own, but you must make it clear that you are dedicating yourself to protecting the living within Rharne. These words must be utterly true otherwise the Heart will detect your lack of sincerity. It must also judge you as being capable of selflessness.

Your Diri:
Once your vow is spoken the Heart will reach out and bond you with a Diri and grant you the starting power of a Warden, Flameborn’s Bane. (Described in detail below). These are Diri charged with protecting Life. They will be the new Warden’s guide and are also a source of your power. Diri can appear in a variety of strange forms but these Diri will always appear rather small. (Perhaps the size of a small animal) They can levitate, and speak telepathically with the Warden. The Diri cannot be seen by anyone other than their fellow Wardens and their Diri, although they can choose to reveal themselves to other mortals. Immortals and Induks can also see them.

You will need to write up your new Diri, and include their name, appearance, and personality and post it here . This must be approved before you may use your Diri in a thread. Make sure you include their name, appearance and personality.

Warden Ranks

Ranking Up is done automatically, you must keep track of your points in your CS and we will strive to do so here as well. Once you have enough points you may begin learning your new ability.

0 Points - Initiates: At this level the Warden is newly bonded to their Diri and are just learning how to fight and combat their opponents such as the Flameborn. At this level the Wardens possess Flameborn’s Bane.

20 points - Neophytes: The Neophytes of the Wardens are still considered apprentices but they are now trusted members of the order. These individuals have proven themselves as warriors and guardians who have experience fighting the forces of destruction. It is at this rank that the Warden and their Diri will unlock Brightgleam Oasis.

40 Points - Sages: The Sages of the Wardens are held in very high esteem. These are individuals who have done a great deal of good in the world. They have spent a great deal of time defending the world from the forces of destruction and now they are given the power to restore life to landscapes with the Font of Life ability.

60 Points - Vanquishers : Becoming a Vanquisher means that you have evolved your relationship with your Diri to the point that the spirit can shapeshift. The Warden may now use Spiritborn Armor. Vanquishers are deadly warriors and brilliant tacticians who’s experience is vast in dealing with the likes of the Flameborn. They are considered some the most deadly warriors of the order and are treated essentially like generals.

80 Points - Keepers: The Keepers of the Wardens are considered the highest in the command structure save for the Grand Warden(s). These individuals are master Wardens with a full command over their Diri and its powers through their bond. These individuals have accomplished truly great deeds and are an example to all of their brethren as to what a Warden should be. Keepers have the ability to summon their Diri as a Spiritborn Weapon.

100 Points - Grand Wardens : The Grand Warden(s) are considered the leaders of the order. These individuals are powerful, accomplished guardians who are regarded as almost holy and are the only Wardens capable of channeling the power of the Lake Induk through themselves. Every order of the Grand Wardens are heeded by the rest of the faction as if it were law. Grand Wardens can use the Avatar of Lovalus ability.

Post here to claim a new rank!

Warden Abilities

0 Points: Flameborn’s Bane: You are all now fairly resistant to the fire of a Flameborn and you are capable of injuring them with your weapons. The power within you will grant you a burst of endurance and strength when in the presence of one of these creatures. This ability will also apply somewhat to any servant of Faldrun, you will be some more resistant to their flames and will be given a cool burst of endurance when combating them.

20 Points: Brightgleam Oasis: It is in the purview of the Induk of Lake Lovalus to call water and life into existence anywhere. Once per trial a Warden may summon forth a magically infused spring that will eventually form a small pool over the next five bits. The water that is summoned has healing abilities and will slowly heal anyone touched with it’s water while in a fifty foot proximity to the spring. The water will have a faint turquoise glow and will rapidly heal flesh wounds that are soaked or doused in the water within five bits. This water can also be weaponized as weapons dipped in it will be highly effective against Flameborn and any other servants of Faldrun. Arrows will sink deeper, and blades or bludgeons touched by the Brightgleam waters will burn and scald opponents that are cut or hammered by them. The Oasis can also be planted and used like a trap to lure enemies of Faldrun into, this will cause intense scalding pain and will weaken them.

40 Points: Font of Life: Brightgleam Oasis may now be enhanced by the Warden by placing a drop of their own blood within it. When this is done the Oasis will expand over the next trial into a pool that is a couple feet deep and that will begin growing plants and trees around it. The healing effect of the waters will vanish once the blood is added and instead will cause the growth of plant-life nearby allowing a Warden to slowly transform a dry and lifeless area into a beautiful oasis over the course of the next thirty trials. This ability is used to restore land that has been harmed by the forces of destruction. Font of Life may be used once a trial.

60 Points: Spiritborn Armor: Due to the bonding between the Warden and their Diri via the Heart of Lovalus, the Diri now gains useful ability of growing and shape-shifting into a suit of armor for their bonded. The Warden can still hear and speak with their Diri but they will become a suit of armor that is almost a second skin across the Warden’s entire body. The Armor will appear like plate mail that is crafted from raw spiritual ephemera often possessing icy embellishes around the helm and shoulders depending on the tastes of the Warden. It will possess the strength to dull physical strikes and reduce the effect of magical attacks by half, making the Warden far more resilient in combat. After five bits the Spiritborn Armor will begin to crack if continually attacked. The Warden may take cover for another five bits in order to give the Diri time to regenerate its strength. This will allow the armor to continue functioning for another five bits before requiring time to recharge. If continually attacked for over five bits the armor will begin to fracture before shattering. If this happens the Diri will go silent, unable to be contacted for at least three trials. During this time the Warden will have a great deal of difficulty using their abilities, some may even be impossible to use. During these three trials the Diri is healing and recouping its strength. The Spiritborn Armor may be dismissed at any time prior to it breaking and the Diri will take their original form. It takes one bit for the Diri to transform into the Armor.

80 Points: Spiritborn Weapon: The bond with between the Warden and the Diri have now become seamless. The Diri can now physically shift into any weapon that the Warden needs or desires. This weapon will behave as if it is made of masterwork material, blades will seem as if made of adamantite as they will cut cleaner and sharper than steel. Bows, arrows, and the like will be equipped with an endless supply of equally sharp arrows that appear out of thin air. These projectiles seem to be made of spiritual energy. Bludgeoning weapons will also feel light as feathers but hit opponents like they are made of solid metal. One weapon may be summoned at any given time and any of these weapons will seem to cause an additional searing pain to those struck by them that are enemies of the Warden. If dropped the weapon will vanish into thin air and the Diri will reappear in their normal form. They can transform into a new weapon once ten trills have passed. The Warden must hold out their open hand in order to summon the weapon. You may use Spiritborn Armor and Spiritborn Weapon at the same time as the Diri is still connected to the body of the Warden the entire time.

100 Points: Avatar of Lovalus: When inducted as a Warden a special bond is formed between the Warden and the Heart of Lovalus. This bond not only binds the mortal to a Diri but it also forms a silent but residual bond with the Induk of Lake Lovalus. It is only the most powerful of Wardens that can call upon this hidden bond and summon forth the power of the Lovalus Induk. This ability can be used anywhere due to the power of the Heart of Lovalus, linking the Induk to all of her Wardens. Capable of being used once a season the Grand Warden may beseech Lovalus to come to their aid. If this call is accepted, the Induk will reach out and infuse the Grand Warden with it’s will and it’s power. The Warden for a time will find that their consciousness melds with the strange and wild mind of the Induk. For that one moment they will no longer be wholly mortal. The Wardens eyes will turn a bright icy blue and their skin will be radiant with power.

The Grand Warden may then control and manipulate any water within a mile of their position. They will also be capable of summoning a Brightgleam Oasis that is a mile wide and roughly two feet deep. The water summoned will heal the wounds of allies and additionally the Grand Warden can manipulate the water within it to entrap and drown enemies.

This ability can last for twenty bits before the Induk will withdraw, otherwise the Grand Warden’s body will begin to fail due to the power flowing through it. The Oasis left behind can remain or be dismissed by the Grand Warden before the ability ends. If dismissed, no more water will continue to flow from the spring feeding the Oasis and it will eventually dry up.

Gaining Points and Ranking Up

So this is the important part. I’m going to be following a similar formula like we have with the Lightning Knights however I will not be listing specific missions for you to go on as Wardens since this is a very flexible role you will be playing. Wardens are not just combatants who deal with Faldrun’s servants, they are there to preserve life. So you may submit any thread here that you complete where you believe that your character is fulfilling the role of a Warden. Once you post the thread here it will be graded and you will be assigned points for the work your character has done. The riskier or more impactful the thread, the more points you will earn.

Grandfathering Points: I'm primarily speaking to Lucas, Lynessa, and Varlum but you may post any and all threads here, starting with your initiation in the Into the Unknown event along with any threads where you are combating Faldrun's servants as Wardens. You may also submit any threads where you are simply tending to Warden affairs, such as visiting or locating the Arc.

Collab Points: You may request an extra two points per PC that accompanies your Warden during the course of the thread. Working with others is important and you should be rewarded for building up the reputation of your faction.

Post here to claim your points!

Current Members
Faith - Grand Warden - 196
Vega - Grand Warden - 112
Vivian - Grand Warden - 102

Nir'wei - Keeper - 84 Points

Varlum - Vanquisher - 78

Gennadiya - Initiate - 14 Points
Lynessa - Initiate - 14 Points
Lucas - Initiate - 8 Points
Is there a mistake, or are you listed incorrectly? Post here and let us know!
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Character Name: Faith
Their reason for joining the Wardens: Protecting people, it's what she does. <3
Initiation Method: Lucas to initiate.
 ! Message from: Oracle
Faith would be a perfect Warden. Approved! :D
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Character Name: Geminius
Their reason for joining the Wardens: To protect the world from devestation
Initiation Method: Through Lynessa
 ! Message from: Oracle
I think this is a great chance for Gem to learn to be more daring and adventurous. He has a good heart. Approved!
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Character Name: Yavanna
Their reason for joining the Wardens: She wants to be a benefit to those around her, and what better way than protecting the lives within Rharne! As well as this will be a way for her to redeem herself.
Initiation Method: Speak with a local Prophet about being initiated.
 ! Message from: Oracle
I'm putting this on hold for now since I do not believe that Yavanna would have the right "heart" to be a Warden at this time. She needs to consistently show that she can be selfless. You can't crave power as a Warden, you are given power but you must be the sort of person that will choose to use it for the sake of others 100% of the time. Show me that she is truly changing and perhaps we can lead her down a road of redemption. But the Heart of Lovalus would likely reject her at this time.
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

I am quitting standing trials. It is clear that nobody here wants to rp with me nor do I think I will be missed in the slightest.

If you are a newbie, you should know that mods and even other players can ruin your character at any time and for any power trippy reason. In my time here, I have had mods simply not reply to my posts for weeks and weeks at a time, had my character waste half a season because a mod made up a rule to have my character thrown in jail, been made pregnant against my will, and also been assigned penalties against my will just because a non mod thought to give me a hard time. You can do a bit of research and find that only staff members have accomplished anything noteworthy in this game, because they are the only ones immune from random bullshit.

I would not reccomend this game to anyone looking to accomplish anything in a roleplaying game.
Last edited by Hina on Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 168
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Diri Name: Cyshe (affectionately nicknamed Splash or Splashy.)
Appearance: Made entirely out of water, she often takes on entirely abstract shapes, including different animals and expressions to suit her desires and situation, and her confessed "true" form is little more than a floating sphere of water with rings of droplets hanging around the perimeter. She also regularly changes her colours, which range from an algae-hinted green and muddy brown to a vibrant blue with hints of purple. However, her preferred form is that of a stumpy four-legged creature somewhat similar to a dragon lacking wings, with two dew-drop antennae hanging from the front of her head and a long whip-like tail ending in a leaf-shaped tip.
Personality: Cyshe is about as close to a kindred spirit with Nir'wei as one can probably find. She is soft and kind-hearted that relishes every opportunity to admire the beauty of the natural world and all life in it. Quick to help and admittedly slow to hurt, she radiates a natural calm and peace, like the still water she technically is, and despite her youthful sound and outward appearance, there is a hidden wisdom to her words that hints at a true mentor, though she strongly believes that good Wardens are not made through training - they always were, and just need time to discover and accept their true selves.
 ! Message from: Oracle
Approved. Welcome to the Wardens.
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Diri Name: Shule

Shule is a tiny creature - much like Faith. She is roughly two inches in length, from head to the tip of her tail although this is hard to measure since she is never still. Shule undulates as she moves, mirroring the waves from which she seems to be made. Intricately structured gossamer wings seem to propel her and her vivid blue eyes sparkle with interest and delight.

Shule is a friendly, chatty little creature who is truly kind. She is happy, often laughing in a high tinker-bell giggle; like the water from which she comes Shule has hidden depths and she is as determined and feisty as they come - the one thing that she cannot bear is inaction in the face of wrongdoing. She has a mischievous sense of humour and adores playing games. She is something of a show-off and makes herself visible to mortals more often than not.
 ! Message from: Oracle
Approved! Lovely lovely!
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Character Name: Andraska Venora
Their reason for joining the Wardens: Andraska has not asked for any power he has been given in life, and has died for the city of Rharne once before while protecting it from a Sessfiend. The Sessfiend in question turned out to be his own sister, who he ended up stabbing in the heart, and saving the city. Finding him worthy, Pier & Pre did not allow him to pass on, but instead remain in the living world where he could continue his service to Idalos. I think the Wardens would be perfect for his selfless nature.
Initiation Method: NPC/Mod initiation?
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Claiming Threads for Rebirth Cycle 719.

Thread: Puppies, Padraig, Potatoes
Participants: Faith and Nir'wei
Brief description of thread: Initiation thread. 7th Cylus 719 Got diri. Met lovalus. Was bombed by a mod. :)

 ! Message from: Oracle
+2 For thread + 2 More for bringing a friend. 4 Total Points Awarded.
Thread: The Ellasin Story Arc.
Participants: Faith, Pad, a thousand others. (Vivian, Nir'wei are the wardens involved)
Brief description of thread: So - this is a lot of threads. I'll do a summary and identify where there are Rharne-specific thingies
10th: The sound of silence ~ Qit'ria dies. Faith gets feisty. This is about Faith defending her home, really - which is in Rharne, but she's defending it because it's her home.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+4 points
10th: Here we stand, here we fall ~ fallout from Qit's death - here she's talking about working with the Lightning Knights and it is becoming about protecting people/ Rharne / those around from the danger.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+2 Points
10th: History won't care at all ~ finding out everything she can about who created the thralls which killed Qit.Writing to lots of people - defences.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+2 Points

10th Make the bed, light the light. ~ the LK respond. Faith & Pad get the house safe. - lots of talk here about defense, protection.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+ 2 Points
11th Lady Mercy won't be home tonight: ~ they meet with those who have agreed to help them
 ! Message from: Oracle
+2 Points
11th You don't waste no time at all: Pad and Faith talk to dead people travel to Famula's realm - Faith takes on the role of War General against the Coven.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+4 Points
11th All Sins COme to Light - talking with Max, explaining that they've got to keep going, do what's right, protect people yadda yadda.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+2 Points
11th: Don't hear the bell, but you answer the call: ~ Pad and Faith experiment with Immortal blood.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+2 Points
 ! Message from: Oracle
+20 Points for this pack of Ellasin threads. +10 Bonus Collab points for involving other people. : 30 Points Total for the ones from the Ellasin plot.
I mean - this is all very much in the defence of Rharne. But it's also in response to a personal threat. However. Thought I'd put them here, leave it to the mod to decide.
Some of these are still ongoing, also.

Thread: The Siege at Storm's Edge
Participants: Faith, Nir'wei, Lynessa.
Description: ~ group thread, protecting Rharne. Not complete, but my bit is done now. Faith manned a ballista, shot down a flameborn - saved the world! (or, a small bit of it!) Also resurrected a guy!
 ! Message from: Oracle
+6 Points

Thread: A Plague of Our Making
Participants: Faith and Gennadiya
Description - They cure the Ember Plague.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+4 Points

Hope those are the right kind of thing! Thanks!
 ! Message from: Oracle
Final Count, 44 Points. Congrats! You are now a Sage of the Wardens, you have access to the Flameborn's Bane, Brightgleam Oasis and the Font of Life abilities via your connection with your Diri!
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Thread: The Siege at Storm's Edge
Participants: Lynessa, Faith, Nir'wei
Description: Figured I should post too. Defending Storm's Edge, sort of leading the reinforcements and ya know ordering people around.
 ! Message from: Oracle
+6 Points Awarded
word count: 39
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