• Closed • [Westguard] Written in Snow (Graded)

Two Ithecal, wary from an encounter with a Haggen Fohl, search for a lost horse and cart before deciding their path from here.

With the escalation of hostilities between Etzos and Rhakros, a series of small walled towns is being established as a network of early warnings and defenses against Rhakros' reprisals. Only the very bravest and most formidable of characters should risk themselves on the Witches' Wilds frontier.

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[Westguard] Written in Snow (Graded)


Zi'da 43rd 718

Leading into the later part of the morning, still partially shaken at least mentally from the encounter with the Haggen Fohl, Thaddeus march on with a grimace and a grunt. If it were not such a use in carrying and being an early alarm, he honestly would not even bother in tracking down that damn horse. Never the less, she loved that beast, and he would feel awful if anything happened to him. His pace was less slow but more calculated as to keep sight of the tracks left by hoof and cart, being sure not to wander too far to one side or the other and always looking up to the treeline for any sign of the chestnut pelt. Occasionally he would glance to his current companion, if that was even an acceptable word for such an odd man. Eyeing warily the trophy he carried. A thought cross him then, that the bloody mark the green skinned Ithecal was carrying was bound to end up in his wagon when they find it. Great. Spider gore stained blanket sounds just perfect to round out the morning.

The most frustrating thing, in this moment, was moreso his own inability to whistle. The pack beast she had so lovingly trained to respond to a certain melodic pitch of a low tone then sharp upward. It would be nice to be able to call him that way as she had before, but no, he was an Ithecal. His pace pick up slightly, however, as he notice a shift in the way the tracks were. They had, for the better part of the trail, been deeply gouged where the horse had kicked up snow and dirt in a rush for freedom, now however they seemed to be more shallow and even, slowed to a trot, perhaps or less, meaning odds were the animal was slowing from hauling the cart, even if the harness was placed in a rush, and would likely be digging about the snow for any grasses that were buried.

Eyes up as he look for the dark mass of beast-- and warily for any other monsters he at last broke the silence for the first time since he'd been asked of any injury. "Thank you..." That was it. No 'what's your name?' no 'what were you doing out here?' not even an offering of his own title. It was not, perhaps, out of rudeness but rather not needing such formalities. However, there was one thing she had taught him that he would respect, to always thank those who help, because in the end, they did not need to.
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow

The larger of the two Ithecal kept his eyes on the land ahead as he dragged his thick tail along the ice and snow. The two were following cart and hoof tracks that belonged to his companion's horse. Just a few bits ago, the beast had run off in a panic at the sight of a monster from the plains to the west. One hand rested in his pocket while the other clutched a huge chunk of spider, which made up the majority of the monster's head. His hands were wrapped in thick wool; a gift from a kind lady in Andaris. He thought idly to himself as he walked, how was she doing across the sea? It had been some time since they last met, after all.

Just when he'd given up on trying to talk to the stranger, his companion spoke his words of gratitude. That wasn't something that Ithecal normally did, thank one another. Now, asking their forgiveness after possibly(?) confusing their gender didn't seem as shameful. "It's nothing." He spoke in response, an effort of easing the white one's damaged pride, perhaps. "...My name is Atashi, by the way." He continued. Perhaps he'd gotten lucky and caught the white one in a talkative mood? If that were the case, he'd have to try and keep the conversation going.

"Where are you headed?" The green one asked as he walked at the other's side. A simple conversation opener that prompted him to speak. A nod or a shake of his head wouldn't suffice as a real answer, after all. It was also something that travelers asked one another often while trying to make small talk or passing by. The snow crunched beneath his wrapped claws with each step they took nearer their destination. It had been unbearably dull up until now, perhaps some small talk would change that. Better yet, he might discover his companion's gender with enough conversation?
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow


He gave a huff and nod at the giving of the other's name. Atashi, an interesting name, somewhat elegant, more flowing than commanding, but perhaps it was through his actions he counterbalanced this. "Etzos." He give shortly when asked where he was headed. It was, in truth, the last place he was headed, and the last sense of direction he had for his path. In truth, he had no clue what he was going to do once he got there, his sight of his initial reasoning for leaving his tribe, as well as his reason for coming to Etzos specifically.

Nope, still not in a talkative mood, it seemed. "See anything?" He glance over, scanning the trees for any sign of the horse, or cart for that matter. "You?" He pause, noting the turn of the tracks. Perhaps the horse was closer than he'd thought, grazing like the fat lazy--. He snort, shaking his head, knowing full well that horse could get distracted by food no matter what. Not that he minded the company of another of his kind, but it was still a bit odd and off-putting, not being the tallest thing around. Having to actually look up was both uncomfortable and unnatural to him.

There-- up ahead, peeking out from around a few trees was the cart. He pick up his pace, hoping not only to find his stuff had not flown out, but that the horse was still strapped in to the harness for it.
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow

Etzos? What were the odds that two Ithecal, so far from the beaches of Ivorian, would meet in the same place at the same time and be headed to the same place? If he were a man that believed in nonsense and superstition, he might have thought it fate that they crossed paths. But why? What significance could meeting this person hold? He still didn't know their gender, let alone their name. "Why Etzos? Thinking of taking up that human's offer?" Of course, fighting for humans might have been a taboo of their species in the eyes of some. Why would anything as grand and strong as an Ithecal submit to the will of a plainskin? In Atashi's case; to impress. If he could show them the strength of the Ithecal, their superior martial might, he might be able to climb their ranks and eventually direct their armies to the immortals themselves.

A hard exhale left him through flared nostrils while he walked, lost in thought. Why did the humans fight one another in pointless wars while the immortals ruined their world? Atashi's jaw pressed hard while they walked, his claws clenched into fists and his tail began to sway a little while they walked. They were all so lost with their pink-fleshed leaders. If he had his way, he'd have the Ithecal rule them, a kind, benevolent guiding hand that would see their world taken back and their master's true forms restored. Until such a trial came to pass though, it seemed they would be blind for the foreseeable future.

"Nothing yet." He spoke briefly, still somewhat wrapped up in his bitter, angry thoughts. When the white one asked him where he was headed in return, however, the opportunity for him to speak his mind was blown wide open. Still, he restrained himself. "Etzos." It was true, not all of his kind shared his resolve, his dedication to the world. Some had even embraced the immortals and the filth that came with their brand. Misguided pets for false gods.

He was finally snapped out of his burning resentment when the white one picked up their pace a little. He blinked once or twice before he drew a deep breath and looked to where the Ithecal was headed- Their cart. The horse was out of sight, but might still be attached or at least nearby. Who knew? He spied the cart carefully, looking for any arrows that might have struck it. It wasn't impossible for bandits to have tried to shoot the horse dead and take the goods after all. Then, he drew his hammer and gripped his shield, scanning the woodlands for any activity that would give away an ambush. He kept close to the white one, listening oh so carefully for the familiar click of a crossbow or the loosing of an arrow.
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow


Thaddeus look to the other at his question for purpose. He had not actually taken the time to form any reason to go to Etzos beyond it being the last place he was headed with... "Not sure." Fighting for someone else, regardless of race, had become something he felt as a purpose. To protect others, despite his shortcomings in the past... All he knew was that he had to get stronger, to get better, so he could protect people rather than lose anyone else again. He fell silent once more, seeing the other Ithecal becoming more tense, wondering in his mind if perhaps his own lack of direction was becoming something of an offence.

Approaching the cart cautiously, though unable to hide his anxious movements. Wheels were still fine... the blanket-- displaced but still clinging to the contents of the cart. Good, good, what of the-- He let out an audible groan, turning and thumping his forehead against the nearest tree. The harness for the cart was empty, slipped right off from all the movement and such sloppy fastening in his haste. He move around the cart, looking for more tracks. Looking around it was clear to see the horse had rubbed against these trees and that was likely how it had gotten free as well. There were also shifted piles of snow where it was digging and-

Thaddeus all but fell flat on his tail as he look up, meeting the deep brown eyes and chestnut pelt of the horse staring at him, a few twiggy blades of grass hanging from its lips. Every time. Every time he would go near that horse it was like it had to stare him in the face-- and so uncomfortably close. Why? What was this beast's malfunction?? "Safe, at least." He grumble, perhaps referring to Etzos as much as the horse, grabbing it by the lead and pulling him over to the cart again. "... Tent gone, bed gone."/ He sigh, shaking his head and looking to Atashi. After fixing up the harness proper, tugging to make sure it was firmly secured to the beast he move back around, shuffling his remaining possessions and wrapping them in the blanket, making room on the cart. Though he wouldn't outright offer, there was now room for that... grotesque trophy. Maybe this was a sign that his luck was changing, after all.
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow

As the two drew closer to the cart, his green eyes scanned the surrounding area continuously for any movement. Atashi was a soldier, after all. Being as well-trained as he was, he'd suffered the occasional night watch. Focusing for those brief trills wasn't a bother to him. Thankfully, it seemed the cart was void of any signs of attack or struggle. He kept his gear at the ready while the white one searched for his horse. Being as quiet as it was when the white one jumped, it was a miracle that Atashi didn't lash out and strike with his hammer in a shock reflex. Breathing an uneasy sigh of relief, he nodded to the Ithecal's observation. Yes, at least the horse was safe. Might not have been if he were any more twitchy.

He gave the woodland one last scan of his eyes before stowing his gear again. He remained cautious of their surroundings a while longer, still coming down from the heightened alert state he'd pushed himself to. How curious that the white one wasn't sure why they were headed to Etzos? And what a time to be travelling too. Or was it that they weren't sure about joining their military? With so few words, it was difficult to converse with the smaller... Androgynous ithecal. Even so, they made their discontent known as they spoke of their missing tent and bedroll. "I have only one and it won't fit both of us." Atashi spoke to inform, then reached over his head and down his back, fishing for something from his bag beneath his shield.

He put the folded pack of his tent in the cart as the white one made room. If they were in fact a woman, it would be a shame or them to perish in the cold night. Otherwise, it didn't hurt to be nice... or perhaps it did? "I have no bedroll, I'm afraid." The green one clarified, then swapped which hand he carried the head with and rolled his shoulder. Apparently, the constant weight had started to ache. The ithecal rolled his shoulder a few more rotations and grimaced. His body was starting to grow sore, likely from the exertion at the fight with the giant spider. A few trials would see him well again. "Well..." he started, "Would you like to travel to Etzos together? It might be safer if there are more giant spiders on the road." he finished, looking between the white one and the road ahead.
Last edited by Atashi on Tue Jan 22, 2019 4:24 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 428
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow


He blink with a confused expression as Atashi put his own tent in the cart rather than the heavy spider head. "Not what I made room for." he grunt, nodding to the trophy. "If there is anything else ahead, you should have your hands free." Ah, was he finally warming up enough to actually talk now? A fleeting moment, perhaps, but enough to show just how much his time apart from others had changed him, especially with only the company of a voice.

At the mention of travelling together he nod wit ha reluctant sigh, "That..." he pause, as though unsure how to word anything anymore. "Would be nice..." His pride was already dampened by having someone rescue him to begin with. Not only that, but the fact that he had initially been running away when they met. He was not quite the same bull headed, tall and proud Ithecal as the green skinned giant before him. Maybe his time with her had made him softer... Regardless, he tug on the horse's lead, eager to get as far from that massive corpse and the rest of what might be lurking as quickly as possible.

On one hand, he wanted to learn more-- why was Atashi headed to Etzos? Why was he out in the woods? On the other, he did not feel want nor need to ask, especially with the bitter chill seeping into his form, making him more aware of just how much he'd strained himself with fighting such a beast in near blind panic. While conversation might help to take the mind off the pain, it would only work to waken an older ache in his throat.
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow

Atashi's eye ridge raised at the white one as they spoke. Made room? Is that what they were doing when they were messing with their trunk? The larger Ithecal looked to his claw, where he held the frosted, frozen head of the haggen fohl, a massive, chunk of chilled spider flesh, then looked back to the white one. "Oh, you misunderstand!" Atashi explained, his tone rich with jest. "I plan to beat our foes with this thing." Despite his words, he propped the head on the cart. By now, it had frozen to the point that it stopped drooling ooze, so the other ithecal's belongings were safe. "...Thank you." He spoke with a bow of his head, then rolled his other shoulder, testing the strain.

When he offered to travel with the other Ithecal, he might have been expecting them to turn it down. Any stubborn, self-respecting male would have, after all. Though, the white Ithecal accepted... Were they in fact female? Atashi had been going around in circles on this debate since they met. They had characteristics of a female ithecal; bright scales and long, narrows jaws. but they also had a male characteristic, the booming voice and possibly(?) a thicker body? It was harder to tell wrapped beneath those leathers and furs. It was those same fabrics, in fact, that kept their scent hidden to him... So he wandered in circles on the topic in his head.

The white one hadn't only accepted his offer, they admit that they would like it, to? His heart beat a little faster for a bit or two and his mouth turned dry at the thought. If they were a she, did she mean she enjoyed his company? Did she perhaps see him as a potential mate? Things were moving too quickly! After a moment or two of silence, Atashi cleared his throat and pushed the thought of what their clutch of eggs might look like to the back of his mind. "Then its settled. We'll travel together." he declared with an almost upbeat tone and something of a smile, perhaps the most that an Ithecal could manage. He looked to the road ahead before motioning the other to follow.

"...I still don't know your name yet." he spoke as he walked, dragging his thick tail along the ice. Perhaps their name would be a clue of their gender?
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow


He was visibly restraining himself from belting into laughter at the poor joke of using a haggen fohl's head as a weapon, the image alone of the massive Ithecal beating something with a severed head was both comedic and mildly terrifying. He was indeed thankful that it had stopped oozing the nasty ichor of blood and gore before being set on the cart. He look about the treeline as they walk, knowing the general direction of east at least from the position of the sun. Still, he'd much rather find the road again for ease of travel and a more open path to see anything that might be tracking them.

Curious; Atashi had shifted in demeanor, if only just slightly. Quirking a brow he quickly shook the moment from his mind, writing him off as simply being weird again. Then it dawned on him-- did.... Did Atashi still think he was female?? Well, it was too late to turn back in the sense of travelling together, especially with them both heading to Etzos, even if he did manage to break off the agreement, odds were they'd run into each other again in the city. Fek.

At least Atashi could see the road, taking point and leaving him to follow, dragging the horse along behind. He glare back at the beast, silently growling that it could eat when they got to the safety of the city. Of course, as always the horse had a one track mind; food. Even when it was kept well fed it would seemingly beg for more or go rooting about. His attention return to the green skinned Ithecal when at last the lacking exchange of names was brought up. "Thaddeus." He eye the other more curiously, now wondering if his name would dispel any further mistaken identity. In truth he could've given his nickname the Aukari so 'lovingly' called him, but that was more something humans did who wanted to hide who they were, and he was no sneak-thief rogue.
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Re: [Westguard] Written in Snow

Thaddeus... He thought. Thaddeus... Thaddeus... He rolled the name over in his head for a few trills. It certainly sounded more male...By a fraction.Perhaps Thaddeus really was just a male with an unfortunately long, slender muzzle and bright... soft scales. The voice and the name couldn't have been a coincidence, but neither could the shape of their jaws or the hue of their scales. Atashi let out an audible 'hmm' while he though to himself, then spoke after a few trills of silence. "Alright."

He remained uncertain, but now the scales tipped toward the male possibility.His shoulders slumped a little and his jaw shifted uncomfortably. "Well.. It's two trials until we get to Etzos if we keep up this pace. Hopefully, we'll find a cave or something along the way." He did the best he could to hide the disappointment in his tone, but it might have been no use. Thaddeus was decent company when he spoke at least, but otherwise, they were a little exhausting. Constantly trying to pry them for conversation, anything to break the monotony of the snow-covered road ahead. Perhaps they just preferred the silence? Or was there another reason that they didn't speak?

With a discerning eye, he looked the white one up and down while they walked. There, at his neck, he spotted the fringe of a scar; warped pink flesh. In all the fighting and the searching, he hadn't really looked for the details behind Thaddeus' clothes. Perhaps he'd ask him about it later? Soon enough, their feet met with the hard cobble of the road between Westguard and Etzos. "Here we are. Straight forward from this point on." The green one declared, and onward they went.
word count: 294
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