Review Request Thread 2.1.9

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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: A House of Flowers
City/Area: Quacia, the Gleam
Notes/Warnings: Romantic with some light sexual innuendo, I guess.
Requested Rewards:

Abaddon: My Lover
Abaddon: Knows Hone and Attunement
Hone: Rune Magic
Hone: Can boost physical characteristics
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A

Discipline: Pulling Away From Desire
Discipline: Taking A Relationship Slowly
Meditation: Trying Not To Think About Spears
Meditation: Matching The Pace of Breath
Attunement: The Throbbing Note of Sex
Attunement: The Drumming Note of Strength
Attunement: The Soothing Note of Love
Attunement: The Frequency of a Bed
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A

Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: Yes - Attunement for Abaddon
word count: 120
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: He Ain't You
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: Mature themes. Language.
Requested Rewards:
Psychology: Recognizing What's Holding You Back
Psychology: Experiencing Flashbacks
Seduction: Playing Hard to Get
Seduction: Class the Courting Man's Bluff
Seduction: Playing into a Courting Man's Act
Navigation: Leading Someone to Your Home

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: No
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No

word count: 67
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Stormwaste Woes.
City/Area: Rharne, Stormwastes.
Notes/Warnings: None.
Requested Rewards:
Animal Training (Sohr Khal): Adopting different training methods for animals of higher intelligence.
Animal Training (Sohr Khal): Offering respect in exchange for respect.
Animal Training (Sohr Khal): Giving your animal control without direct orders to breed trust.
Fieldcraft: Using wolf body heat to regulate temperature.
Sense of Survival: Activated by thoughts of food, water and/or shelter.
Sense of Prey: Activated by thoughts of meat and where to find it.
Loot: None.
Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Renown: None.
Collaboration: No.
Magic Experience?: No.

word count: 100
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: I'm Sending You Away
City/Area: Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: Language
Requested Rewards:
All set

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: No
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No

word count: 32
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: City Scratchers
City/Area: Between Etzos Prime and Foster's Landing
Notes/Warnings: Strong Language and Tasty Violence (TONS of gluten)

Yet another collab that went nowhere and yet, I'm not a man to let my words go to waste. So I capped this off and while I doubt Anne is coming back (she said as much to me in a PM), if she can get something out of it too, great!


Requested Rewards:

Acrobatics: Kip-Up
Axes & Bludgeons (Waraxe): Can Be Wielded One-Handed
Axes & Bludgeons (Waraxe): Simple to Use, Difficult to Master
Axes & Bludgeons (Waraxe): Curved Head Can Hook The Edge of a Shield
Axes & Bludgeons (Waraxe): Effective Against Reinforced Leather Armor
Axes & Bludgeons (Waraxe): Can Lop Off Limbs Far Easier than Most Swords
Philosophy: You Don't Have to Like It, Just Accept It
Stealth: Making Use of Foliage as Cover
Strength: Wielding a Heavier, Unfamiliar Weapon With Control
Tactics: Posting Sentries At Night
Tactics: The High Ground is Fine, But It Comes with a Fall
Tactics: Sacrificing Men To Focus an Enemy's Attention Elsewhere

Non-Skill Knowledge:
NPC Wulff: Bandit Leader
NPC Wulff: Infamous for Mutilating Underlings who Fail Him
NPC Wulff: Not Afraid to Sacrifice His Men for a Tactical Advantage
PC Anne Wicks ("The Girl"): Unknown Quantity, Unwelcome Charge, But Survived Her First Caravan Raid Well Enough

Anne Wicks
I guess just the XP, if/when she comes back.

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: Scar down Kasoria's left shoulder (now faded)
Renown: Yep, for taking part in a caravan raid-slash-massacre
Collaboration: Yes
word count: 269
Common Speech | Thoughts | Ith'ession Speech | Speech of Others
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: We Need Wood
City/Area: Quacia
Notes/Warnings: Boring trade talk
Requested Rewards:
Business Management: Commodity
Business Management: Taking advantage of low investor expectations
Business Management: Valuations based on position in business relationship
Business Management: Securing a valuable position in the market
Business Management: Undermining rival trade organizations
Negotiation: Utilizing contacts for trade advantages
Loot: Will be rewarded in wage thread.
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Very possibly +10 or even higher considering the impact this thread may potentially have on the wood market in Quacia. I'll be submitting this as an impact thread. Just a note: this was an investment thread. Ali spent 23,500 gn and will be receiving returns based on the business guide.
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No

word count: 128
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Things Unsaid
City/Area: Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: Miscarriage and the whole thread is dialogue just because
Requested Rewards:
Meditation: Breathing techniques

Loot: NA
Injuries/Overstepping: NA
Renown: NA
Collaboration: NA
Magic Experience?: NA

word count: 39
ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Miracle Cure
City/Area: Treth, Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: This is an old abandoned joint thread that I turned into a job thread.
Requested Rewards:

Skill Knowledge

Linguistics: The core aspects of linguistics are syntax, phonetics, and semantics.
Linguistics: Syntax is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language; specifically word order and punctuation.
Linguistics: Every language has rules of syntax. They are the rules which underpin the life of the language, and as such, are extremely slow to change.
Linguistics: Phonetics is the study of the human ability to make and hear sounds which use the vocal organs of speech, especially for producing oral language.
Linguistics: A phoneme is the smallest unit in the sound system of a language.
Linguistics: Someone who studies phonetics is called a phonetician.
Linguistics: Phonology is the study of how languages treat the sounds that are produced as language
Linguistics: Semantics is the study of relationships between words and how we construct meaning; this means the meaning and interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure.
Linguistics: a linguist is a person who studies linguistics
Medicine: Herbal creams and lotions are water based remedies that contain varying amounts of fat; lotions contain very little fat while creams require more.
Medicine: Herbal salves, balms, and ointments are oil based remedies. Little, or no water is used in making them. They can hold their shape outside the container but may “melt” on contact with body heat. The levels of wax, or lard used in making them determine how solid they are.
Medicine: how to make a poultice
Medicine: how to make an herbal infusion

Non Skill Knowledge

Tei'serin: is interested in learning more languages
Tei'serin: rarely gets a full trial to herself
Tei'serin: has a hard time doing something just for herself

Tar'isa: can recommend books about linguistics

Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: none
Renown: Possibly slight or small (5-10) both for helping a sick old man, and for being sought out for her knowledge of herbs.
Collaboration: yes; even though it was abandoned, the other player did do two posts, so I am counting it as a joint thread.
Magic Experience?: no

word count: 374
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Flashback Initiation
City/Area: Yaralon
Requested Rewards:
Hone: Initiation process
Hone: Rune of Naming
Hone: Witchmark
Hone: Allows you to enhance body and senses
Endurance: Initiation pain
Stealth: It’s difficult to hide while shaking

Loot: (If applicable)
Injuries/Overstepping: (If applicable)
Renown: (how much and for what?)
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: Yes
word count: 59
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Little Ones
City/Area: Quacia
Notes/Warnings: Gloomy
Requested Rewards:
Medicine: Cystic Fibrosis
Medicine: Managing an incurable, terminal disease

Loot: Will be rewarded in wage thread.
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Maybe a little? Up to you.
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No
word count: 47
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