Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)

Gennadiya talks with Tei'serin about rumors of a miracle herb.

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Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)

Vhalar 51 717 Arc

Gennadiya stepped off the boat that had ferried her from Ne'haer to the small suburb of Treth. The young healer had never been to the little town south of Ne'haer as nothing there had ever drawn her attention. Recently that had changed as she had begun to hear rumors of a miracle herb down in Treth the was a cure all. The logical side of her scoffed at the very thought of such a cure. The optimistic side said it might be true and especially with it being so close she needed to at least take a look into the rumor. Even if it was exaggerated it might be possible that they had something that would help in healing others.

She stood at the waters edge looking over the little village. It had a picturesque quality to it that Gennadiya could appreciate even if she wouldn't particularly care to live in such a small town. She walked down the dirt road her skirts and cloak switching around her feet as she walked. Her hood was up against the chill of the wind but did nothing to hid her face. Hair cascaded down the front of her cloak.

She paused a few feet up the road realizing she didn't really know where to go to. Her blue eyes narrowed for a moment as she looked around. There we a few people out on the street and her friendly gaze swept over them trying to decide who would be the best person to ask.

She saw a young man who kept glancing at her but decided against asking him when he saw the thunderstorm on his wife's face. She smiled and noticed a woman with three children. She appeared harassed thought Gennadiya was sure she would help her. His gaze finally settled on an older man who was ogling her. He was the only one not busy. She sighed inwardly but figured her questions would interrupt him the least.

"Good Sunrise Sir. Can you direct me to either a healer or a herbalist?" She asked directly.

"You would be needing to talk with Tei'serin." The man said smiling half of his teeth missing. There was a pause as Gennadiya smiled back. The man finally gave her directions and thanking him Gennadiya went on her way.

The young healer got directions for a house outside of town. She walked for a while before a wagon pulled over and offered her a ride. She looked up into the face of a middle age man and his two teenage boys.

"I would appreciate a lift. I can just sit on the back of the wagon." She said indicating towards the back.

"No Ma'am." One of the boys said jumping out of his spot. "You will take my spot." He was halfway to the back by the time he finished talking. The middle aged farmer held out a hand and helped her into the vacant seat. The rod was pleasant as she chatted with the man and his sons. After a while they dropped her off at a cottage. She waved goodbye before turn and walking towards the door.

The cottage looked nice and pleasant and Gennadiya smiled as she's walked forward and knocked on the door.
Last edited by Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor on Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 553
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Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)

Tei'serin was looking forward to a long trial of reading. There was no school this trial thanks to a prank that some of the older boys had pulled. They had intended to scare one of their younger sisters with a skunk; a mostly harmless, if mean spirited prank. But they had chosen the school as the place where they wanted to do it, and the prank had gotten out of hand when the skunk had gotten scared. It responded by spraying all of the children involved, and a good part of the classroom as well. Until it had a chance to air out, the stench would make teaching in the classroom impossible. Even holding class outside wouldn't work because the stench outside the school wasn't much weaker than the stench inside it. As a result, class was canceled for the next few trials until the smell could dissipate.

It was rare that she could take a whole trial to herself, and Tei'serin was planning to take full advantage of it. Her interest in the Ancient language had sparked an interest in languages in general. She liked the idea of being able to speak several languages fluently. It spoke to the teacher in her. After all, what she knew herself, she could teach. To help her feed her new hobby, she had asked Tar'isa if she knew of any good books that she could read on the subject. Since Tar'isa was the true owner of the book about the Ancient language that had mistakenly made its way to the school a while back, Tei'serin thought that her fellow Sev'ryn might be the one to help her in this. She had been right. Not only had Tar'isa been able to recommend a good book for her to start with, she had been willing to buy it for her when she when to Ne'haer so long as Tei'serin gave her the nels to cover the cost of the book. Tei'serin had done so gladly, and she planned to spend a good part of the trial reading Introduction to Linguistics.

Tei'serin made herself a quick cup of honey lemon tea, and got some paper so she could take notes on what she read. Then she made herself comfortable, and began to read.

A person who studies linguistics is called a linguist. The core aspects of linguistics are syntax, phonetics and semantics. All three aspects will be introduced in this chapter, but a full understanding of them is an undertaking that can require arcs of study. The first aspect of linguistics that we will discuss is syntax. Syntax is is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language; specifically word order and punctuation. More simply put, it is a form of grammar that is concerned primarily with word order in a sentence, and with the agreement of words when they are used together.

Tei'serin wrote the word syntax down, and jotted a brief definition for it on one of her sheets of paper. Not only was she likely to learn a lot from this book, but she might be able to use some of it in her lessons for her students.

Every language has rules of syntax. To the linguist, the essential rules are descriptive. They are the rules which underpin the life of the language, and as such, are extremely slow to change.

As Tei'serin continued to read, she realized that she knew some of these things already. Not coming from a standpoint of studying linguistics, perhaps. But word order? The "agreement of words"? Knowing when to use has instead of have, or are instead of is? These were things she had learned as a child. More importantly, she taught them now, as a teacher. She just hadn't realized that these "rules" were called syntax.

Someone who studies this branch of linguistics is known as a phonetician. In order to produce sound, people use different body parts such as the lips, tongue, teeth, pharynx, and lungs. Phonetics is the study of the human ability to make and hear sounds which use the vocal organs of speech, especially for producing oral language. A phoneme is the smallest unit in the sound system of a language. One example of this is the p in the word pin. Phonology is the study of how languages treat these sounds. The two branches of study are closely related, but at the same time, are distinctly different.

Once again, Tei'serin found herself jotting down notes. It was her hope that breaking down what she was learning into simpler terms would benefit her students. She also took note of another similarity to what she had already known. Sounding out words, which was essentially phonetics...was how children learned how to read. It was also how they learned to pronounce bigger words.

Semantics is the study of relationships between words and how we construct meaning. In other words, it means the meaning and interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure. Semantics largely determine things like our reading comprehension, how we understand others, and even what decisions we make as a result of our interpretations. Philosophers also have an interest in this field of study because it has an impact on the way they debate the essence of meaning, how we build meaning, how we share meaning with others, and how meaning changes over time.

Tei'serin took some more notes, then paused to think about what she had learned. It was interesting to see the way different branches of study interacted. She never would have thought that philosophers would be interested in an aspect of linguistics. After a few bits, Tei'serin started to go back to her book. But a lingering sense of guilt made her hesitate. Although she could tell herself that she was studying linguistics to help her students, the truth of the matter was that she was doing it for herself. And that made her feel both guilty, and uneasy. She had learned her lessons as a young child well; doing what she wanted to do instead of what Thorin wanted her to do was a quick way to get herself punished. Even now that Thorin was no longer living with her, Tei'serin felt uneasy when doing something just for herself.

She still had plenty of time to read, though, and her vague feeling of uneasy wasn't enough to make her give that up entirely. So she set her linguistics book aside in favor of her encyclopedia on herbs. Learning about new herbs was always something that fascinated her, and since it was knowledge that would benefit others as well, she could read about them to her heart's content without the slightest bit of guilt for "wasting" her trial.

Herbal remedies come in many different forms. Teas are perhaps the most common. But there are also herbal salves, poultices, creams, lotions, balms, ointments, infusions, essences, and tinctures are also useful. The true herbalist knows how to make them all, and when one remedy is more useful than another.

Tei'serin was instantly fascinated by what she was reading. She knew how to make herbal teas, tinctures, and salves. And she had heard of some of the other remedies. But others, like herbal essences were completely unheard of to her. Tei'serin eagerly grabbed her herb journal, and began to wrote as she read.

Creams and lotions are water based remedies that contain varying amounts of fat. Lotions contain very little fat while creams require more. Salves, balms, and ointments are oil based remedies. Little, or no water is used in making them. They can hold their shape outside the container but may “melt” on contact with body heat. The levels of wax, or lard used in making them determine how solid they are.

Tei'serin quickly wrote down some detailed notes. Then she skimmed through them before adding a little more information. She wanted to make certain that she got everything down right. She had never worked with lotions, creams, balms, and ointments before. And while she had done a little work with salves, she was far less familiar with them than with teas.

In order to make an herbal poultice, dried herbs are mixed with warm water until a paste is formed. This paste is then applied to the injury. Once applied, the poultice should be covered with a layer of cheesecloth or linen to prevent it from coming off. This in turn is held in place with a bandage for added protection. Fresh herbs can be used in place of dried ones when making a poultice. When doing so, they must be chopped, then ground in a mortar with a pestle until the fluid is released and a pasty texture achieved.

Tei'serin was especially interested in poultices because they could be used on animals as well as people. In a farming community like Treth, many of her patients were animals, so she needed to know how to treat them, too.

An herbal infusion is a stronger version of an herbal tea. In order to make one, an ounce of dry herb is covered with a quart of boiling water and allowed to steep for up to 10 breaks. The mixture is then strained and the liquid must be allowed to cool before drinking. An herbal tincture is an extract made using apple cider vinegar or 80 proof alcohol. A pint sized jar is filled halfway with the desired herb. Then the rest of the jar is filled with alcohol or vinegar. The herbs may be moistened first with boiling water. This mixture must sit for several weeks before it can be used. When ready, it will keep for a season or so.

Tei'serin double checked her notes once more, before turning the page to a random herb. Since she wasn't looking for anything specific this time, that was as good a way to choose as any.

Chamomile is an annual flower that can grow up to 24" tall. It has white daisy like flowers with yellow centers, and produces a sweet scent similar to that of apple blossoms. This herb is a common herb that can be found in the wild growing freely in pastures, cornfields, roadsides, and other sunny, well-drained areas, or grown in a pot. Although it is easier to grow chamomile in your garden from plants or divisions than it is to grow it from seeds, growing it from seeds is also relatively easy. Chamomile grows best in cool conditions and should be planted in part shade, but it will also grow full sun. The soil should be dry. If growing chamomile from seeds, the seeds will germinate after roughly 7-14 trials. When the seedlings are 1 to 2 inches tall, they should be thinned out so they're at least 8 inches apart, or transplanted in your garden about 8 inches apart.

The medicinal value of this herb is found in the flowers. So unless you are looking to transplant the plant into your own garden, you only need to harvest the blossoms. The flowers are also edible, and have a delicate flavor. Chamomile should be harvested in the morning after the dew has evaporated but before the sun is high. When harvesting it, select the flowers that are nearly open, then pinch the stalk just below the flower head and pop off the bloom. The blossoms should be placed in a tightly woven basket so they won't get bruised.

Chamomile can be used either fresh, or dried. When drying the flowers, they need to be spread out in a single layer and left alone to dry in a warm, dark, dry spacein a dark, warm, dry spacein a dark, warm, dry space in a dark, warm, dry spacefor 7-14 trials. Chamomile can be used in many different forms, but the tea is perhaps the most versatile. It can be drunk, used as a gargle, used as a topical wash, or even bathed in depending on the need. One recipe for chamomile tea is to boil 8 ounces of water for each cup of tea that you want to make. Once the water is boiling, pour it into a teapot, and stir in either 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers or 4 tablespoons of fresh chamomile flowers, for each 8 ounces of water that you boiled. To alter the strength of the tea, more or less can be added depending on whether you want to strengthen or weaken it. The chamomile flowers should be allowed to steep in the water for five bits. You can decrease or increase the steeping time for a weaker or stronger tea. When it's ready, the tea should be strained into a cup using a small sieve. The tea has a mild, pleasant flavor, and can be drunk plain, or sweetened with honey.

Tei'serin took careful notes on the material she was reading. Chamomile sounded like it would be easy enough to grow, and she thought it might be a good idea to try and grow some next arc. She also paid close attention to the recipe. Making herbal teas had some similarities, but there were some differences as well. And those differences could be important. After reviewing her notes to make sure she got the details right, she continued to read.

Chamomile is a gentle herb that is safe to use on children, and even infants. It is used to treat colic, croup, diarrhea, fevers, teething problems, and diaper rashes in children and babies. This herb will also aid in reducing the itch of chickenpox if the tea is used as a bath. It helps to relax the abdominal muscles, so it is often given to women after giving birth to ease their pain, and allow them to rest. And it can soothe the pain of cracked nipples, so it is a useful herb for nursing mothers as well. Although chamomile can be used to ease morning sickness, it can increase the risk of miscarriage. Ibut caution should be used becat should only be used if the morning sickness is so severe that the pregnant mother is having difficulty keeping anything down, and does not have a high risk for miscarriage. Chamomile is good for helping with the symptoms of menstruation like bloating, cramping, anxiety, sweating, inability to sleep, and mood swings.

Tei'serin made special note that chamomile was safe for children and babies. Not every herb was, so it was important for her to know which herbs could be given to children, and which were too strong for them. It was also important for her to always keep a supply of them ready.

People who are allergic to flowers like chrysanthemums, daisies, marigolds, asters and ragweed may also be allergic to chamomile. So when using chamomile on them, it is important to test the herb on a small patch of their skin to see if they have a reaction to it before giving them a full dose. Possible allergic reactions include skin irritations, hives, and in severe cases, breathing difficulties. People who have asthma shouldn't drink chamomile tea because it may worsen their symptoms.

Knowing who not to give an herb to, and what the potential reactions someone who was allergic to it might have was every bit as important as knowing what the herb could help with. With this in mind, Tei'serin reread the info she had just taken notes on several times before going back to her book.

Chamomile can be used as a mild sedative to calm nerves and reduce anxiety, which makes it a good remedy for symptoms of chronic anxiety and stress, including hysteria, nightmares, insomnia and various digestive problems. It is also a good remedy for insomnia. In tea form, it can be used to treat gas, acid reflux, indigestion, motion sickness, diarrhea, anorexia, motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. When added to toothpaste, or used as a mouthwash or gargle, it can reduce the inflammation caused by toothaches, as well as ease the pain of toothaches and canker sores. If it is used externally as a tea, salve, or lotion, it is good for reducing pain, congestion, swelling, and redness; this makes it a good remedy to help ease the pain from arthritis, injuries, muscle spasms, stomach cramps, bed sores, back pain, fevers, bruises, burns, and pregnancy.

Chamomile is effective at reducing facial swelling, skin irritations, toothaches, pain from infections and underlying issues of inflammation. It can also be used around the eyes to fight infections and sties. If used as a bath, it will soothe skin rashes such as eczema, minor burns, and sunburn. The same effect can be achieved if it is applied to the affected area in lotion form. And it will speed the healing of skin ulcers, wounds, and burns.

This herb is good for boosting the immune system. 5-6 glasses of tea drunk over the course of 14 trials can significantly improve the body’s ability to fight infections. Chamomile is good for fighting infections, and relieving the symptoms of colds, the flu, asthma, and sinus infections. It can also be used for relieving allergy symptoms.

There are beauty related issues than chamomile can help with as well. It is useful for getting rid of signs of aging like dark spots and fine lines, and can help to reduce the appearance of scars, and wrinkles. When used as a hair treatment, it can reduce dandruff, and bring out golden highlights in your hair. It's pleasant scent also makes it a popular ingredient in perfumes, and herb satchels used to freshen clothing.

Tei'serin was less interested in the ways chamomile could be used as a beauty treatment than in learning its medical uses. But she did have some people coming to her to ask for advice on such things, so she jotted down that information along with everything else. She was about to begin researching another herb when someone knocked on the door. Tei'serin froze at the sound, barely even daring to breathe. Most of the "visitors" that Thorin sent to her came closer to nightfall. She wasn't expecting anyone, but then again, she was never given any warning when Thorin sent someone for her to "entertain."

It was far more likely that someone from the village was looking for her, so she shoved her fear back, and hurried to answer the door. If she had a patient who needed her help, time might be an issue. The woman who stood there wasn't one Tei'serin had ever seen before. That was unusual given the size of the small farming community, but not completely unheard of. There were several farmers who lived near Treth, but who rarely even came to the village except to sell their produce. So it was entirely possible that this woman was a member of one of those families. Tei'serin couldn't see any outward signs that might tell her what was wrong with the woman, but there might not be any. For that matter, the woman might not be the one who needed her help at all. She could be there looking for help for someone in her family.

"May I help you?" Tei'serin asked politely.

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Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)

Gennadiya smiled at the young woman who opened the door to the hunt. That smile wasn’t forced or even polite, but genuine and open. The sapphire blue eyes took in the woman standing before her. For a moment she wondered if this wasn’t a child, but as she gazed for just a moment into those eyes she knew that this wasn’t a girl but a woman regardless of her age or build. There was strength in those eyes but also a barrier. Like herself she wasn’t someone to be taken lightly.

Still smiling the Lyosrian woman extended her hand in greeting to the woman before her. ”Good Sunrise, I am Gennadiya Lyosha from Ne’hear.” She introduced herself. She didn’t like that awkward moment when you were wondering what to call the person before you and so tried to keep others from experiencing it either. Her voice was calm and open as she talked. ”I am sorry for just dropping in on you but the people in Treth recommended I visit with you about herbs.” Gennadiya paused to watch the woman’s face for a moment to see if the idea of asking her about herbs was ridiculous.

”I am a healer with the Order of the Adnuith in Ne’hear, and have heard that there are some very effective herbs down here in town.” She continued after that moment. Actually she had heard of miracle cures, but Ymiden himself couldn’t have gotten her to call anything a miracle cure. ”So I was hoping to learn some more about what Treth had to offer.” Gennadiya finished wondering if the woman would help or if she just had the chance to learn more about another part of the world.
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Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)

The woman's smile was reassuring in more than one way. It told her that nothing was immediately wrong; either with this woman or another patient that the woman had come to tell her about. And it was also reassuring in a way. It was genuine, not the false smile of someone who was wearing a mask to hide their inner feelings, or an attempt to get past her guard.
When the woman introduced herself, habit kicked in. Politeness demanded that she do the same.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Tei'serin Nji'ryn from Treth."

Tei'serin was about to repeat her earlier question when the woman...Gennadiya Lyosha explained that someone from the village told her that she was the one to talk to about herbs. It was Tei'serin's turn to smile. Her smile was just as genuine as the other woman's, but her eyes still held a hint of wariness.

"Yes, I an an herbalist." she said simply.

Gennadiya went on to say that she was a healer from the Order of the Adnuith, something Tei'serin had never even heard of. Then she mentioned that she had heard of some "very effective herbs" here in Treth. Tei'serin nodded slowly, with more than a little hesitance.

"What is this Order?" she asked curiously.

Then she paused.

"As for the herbs...I'm not sure where to start with that. There are a lot of herbs that grow in the woods around Treth. Some of them are quite potent. But as far as effective goes...that depends entirely on what you want to treat. Take elderflower for example. It's great for helping with the symptoms of a cold, or the flu. And it is gentle enough that you can safely give it to children. But it's not going to help you treat a burn, or a hangover. So my question to you is...what are you trying to treat? Knowing that would tell me what kinds of herbs would be helpful to you."
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Re: Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)


While Tei'serin waited for Gennadiya's reply, she wondered if there really was such a thing as the "very effective herbs" that the other woman was asking about. A lot of people came around looking for "miracle cures" to any number of ailments. The thought behind their hopes was that the woods surrounding Treth were more of a wilderness than the ones closer to the city since they were disturbed less often, and by fewer people. The idea was that the "hidden gems" of the plant world grew in areas that few could ever find because if they were easy to find, then they would have been found already. Admittedly, there was some logic to that idea, Tei'serin had been working with herbs for long enough that there was no single herb that could cure all ailments. Such things belonged in stories for children, not in reality.

Tei'serin was also very curious about the Order Gennadiya had mentioned. It sounded as though it might be an order of some kind for healers. Did they pool their skills together, teaching each other new techniques? If so, Tei'serin was very interested in joining if she could. But she had never even heard of the Order before, so it was unlikely that they existed in Treth. Even if they were in Ne'haer, it was highly unlikely that she would be able to go to the city often enough to be useful to this Order. She was often able to manage one trip a season during the warmer seasons, but nothing more than that. Besides, even if the Order was willing to accept her, it was impossible for her to believe that Thorin would allow it.

The thundering sound of galloping hoof beats filled the air, distracting Tei'serin from her thoughts. Anyone approaching her cottage at speed like that was almost certain to need her skills as an herbalist. While she waited for the rider to arrive, her mind flew to thoughts of which herbs she currently had, and how much she had of each.

She didn't have to wait long. Sorin rode up, and pulled his horse to a stop several yards away. Then he dismounted, tied his horse to a nearby tree, and ran over to them. When he looked up at Tei'serin, his eyes were frantic as he gasped for breath.

"What's wrong?" she asked in concern.

"It's my...my..."

The fear in the young boy's voice told Tei'serin that this was about someone that Sorin loved. His struggle to find the right word to call them narrowed the possibilities down to two.

One of the Gardeners, then. she thought.

Sorin lived with the Gardeners, and loved them as he would love his parents. But they weren't his parents. His father was still alive, and Tei'serin was painfully aware of who the man was. And while she was less certain about Sorin's mother, the boy had said things from time to time that made her think that she was still alive as well.

"Is it Mr. Gardener, or Mrs. Gardener?" Tei'serin asked quickly.

Both of them were getting on in arcs. If one of them was seriously ill, the less time it took for her to get to them, the better.

"My...my dad. He's really sick, Ms. Njiryn! Please come and help him." Sorin begged.

"Of course I will. Can you tell me what his symptoms are? I will be able to help him better if I know what herbs I should bring with me."

"He's burning up, and his head hurts him really bad. The light hurts his eyes a lot, and he won't eat because he feels sick to his stomach." Sorin told her.

Headache, and fever. Are the two symptoms coming from the same illness? Or...wait. Migranes can cause sensitivity to light, and nausea. He might have a migraine, and the fever could be coming from something else. That matches the symptoms better than anything else I can think of.

Tei'serin turned to Gennadiya, her mind already sifting through the herbs she would need to bring.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. I don't know how long I'll be, so it would be best if we continue this discussion another time."

With that dismissal, Tei'serin raced into her cottage to gather up the herbs she needed.

word count: 745
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Re: Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)


When Tei'serin ran into her cottage, Sorin was hot on her heels. She berated herself over not having told him to wait outside for a few trills. But then she realized that he would be able to help her carry the herbs that she needed, so she was grateful for his presence.

Willow bark tea is good for easing pain...is it strong enough to help with a migraine, though? And what about the other symptoms that Mr. Gardener is suffering from? It should help with the fever, but it won't do anything for his nausea or sensitivity to light.

Tei'serin hesitated for a few trills before gathering up several packets of the herb. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and have to ride all the way back home to get it. She handed the herb packets to Sorin to hold while she went back to searching through her other herbs.

Feverfew is good for fever and headaches. It can also be used to help prevent migraines. Can it ease them though once a patient already has one? It might be worth a try, at least. Feverfew will even help with Mr. Gardener's arthritis. I know that that is the least of his worried just now, but his joints are always bothering him these trials. If feverfew will help ease that pain while helping to treat his other symptoms, so much the better.

Tei'serin grabbed several packets of feverfew, and handed those to Sorin as well.

Peppermint oil, and lavender oil are supposed to help with migraines...

A quick search of her supplies told Tei'serin that she didn't have any of either. She was disappointed, but not surprised. She was more comfortable in the use of teas, tinctures, poultices, and salves than she was with the oils.

What about a mullein tincture? I've given those to Mr. Gardner before.

Unfortunately, she was out of that, too. And while she did have some mullein, there was no time to make a tincture out of it now.

Butterbur is supposed to be good for headaches, migraines, and fever, but it's too risky. I've heard a bit about it from a traveling herbalist. But I don't have any personal experience with it, nor have I researched the herb. Ginger! That is good for headaches, migraines, nausea, and arthritis. It has fewer potential side effects than some of the other herbs like feverfew, too. Maybe if I combined that with some willow bark?

Tei'serin rummaged through her herbs until she had found some dried ginger. This was added to the herbs she had already given Sorin. Teaberry was another option. It was good for headaches, migraines, and nausea, and unlike ginger, its taste wasn't so potent that it would need to be flavored with something. The fact that it was very easy to make a tea out of the herb only added to its appeal in Tei'serin's eyes. So she found some packets of it, and handed those to Sorin as well.

Finally, she grabbed several pouched of slippery elm bark. If need be, she could make a porridge out of it, and give that to Sorin's guardian. It would be easier for the old man to digest if his nausea was not being caused by his migraine, and it lingered longer than his pain did.

Tei'serin did a quick check of her herbs, making note of how much she had left of the ones she was taking with her now. Then she took the herbs she had given Sorin to hold, and placed them carefully in a pouch. That would keep them safe on the trip into the village. Finally, she grabbed her mortar and pestle, and packed those as well. Only once she was certain that she had everything she might need did she usher Sorin out of the cottage.

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Re: Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)


Once outside, Sorin would have raced over to his horse in his desperation to get back home. But Tei'serin stopped him, reminding him that if he spooked his horse with sudden movements, then it would likely bolt when he tried to mount it. Even if Sorin didn't end up injured after that...which was unlikely at best, neither of them wanted to waste time hunting a panicked horse down when Mr. Gardener needed to be treated for whatever was ailing him.

Sorin frowned at the gentle scolding, but he slowed down as he approached his horse. By the time that Tei'serin had saddled her own mare, and readied her for the ride into the village, Sorin was already mounted and waiting for her. He gave her an impatient, frantic look, but said nothing as she mounted her own horse.

"Let's go." she said as she gestured for her horse to start walking.

The ride into Treth was a tense one. Sorin alternated between riding in a grim silence as he worried about the man he loved like a father, and babbling to Tei'serin in his need for reassurance. Tei'serin reassured her student as best her could, but her thoughts were already fixed on running a list of possible causes for Mr. Gardener's symptoms through her mind and trying to decide which illness best fit what Sorin had told her about his symptoms. Finally, she gave it up as a lost cause; she would need to examine the man herself before she could be certain...and even then, she might not know what the cause was. She would be able to ease his symptoms, though. That much, she was certain of.

They were stopped by a traveler looking for directions once when they had reached the midpoint of their journey. But for the most part, the ride was uneventful.

word count: 315
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Re: Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)


When they arrived at Sorin's house, Mrs. Gardener was standing in the doorway waiting for them. Sorin dismounted first, then walked over and offered Tei'serin a hand down. Pregnant or not, she didn't really need one, but it was the thought that counted. Especially in young boys Sorin's age. So she thanked him politely as she took his help when she dismounted. Sorin took her horse as well as his own, and brought them into the stable so they could rest.

While he was doing that, Mrs. Gardener quickly ushered Tei'serin in to see to her husband. It was obvious just by watching him that the amount of pain the man was suffering from was worse than any normal headache. The curtains were drawn tightly shut, indicating that his eyes were indeed sensitive to the light. And a quiet question confirmed both it, and the fact that he was suffering from intense nausea. Even as quiet as she had spoken when asking her question, the man flinched in pain. That was yet another sign that what he had was indeed a migraine.

Mr. Gardener's skin was flushed, and damp to the touch from sweating. And a simple touch of her hand on his forehead told her that his fever was high enough to be worrying. Fortunately, he was still lucid. That meant that his fever hadn't gotten bad enough for him to get lost in fever dreams. But it was only a matter of time before his mind was affected by the fever unless they could get it down to more manageable levels quickly.

His mind... Tei'serin mused thoughtfully.

Moseke had given her an ability that could calm mental ailments that were caused by wounds, poison, curses, or magic. Would that help him now? A wound and a fever were two very different things, so after thinking about it for a few bits, she decided not to try it. Instead, she got her herb pouch, and pulled the herbs she had brought with her out. She didn't want to complicate matters by combining herbs if she didn't have to, so she kept that thought firmly in mind as she considered her options.

In the end, she decided to start with the herbs that she knew the best. And that meant ginger, and willow bark. If they didn't work, she could try something else later. With that in mind, she asked Mrs. Gardener to put a pot of water on the stove to boil. While the older woman was doing that, she carefully chopped up her ginger into very fine pieces. These were added to the contents on one of her packets of willow bark, and place in the bottom of a mug.

When the water was ready, Tei'serin poured it over the herbs, and allowed it to steep for several bits. She tasted it to see how strong it was, then asked Mrs. Gadener if they had any honey and lemon. The older woman had both, so Tei'serin quickly squeezed a lemon, and added a couple of teaspoons of its juice to the tea. Finally, she added a decent sized spoonful of honey. Once she was satisfied that the tea was ready, she brought it over to Mr. Gardener to drink.

The older man eyed the mug warily for a few trills, and Tei'serin thought that he must be worried that he wouldn't be able to keep it down. He did drink it though, and he handed the now empty mug back to Tei'serin before laying down once more.

word count: 605
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Re: Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)


"When was the last time you ate anything?" Tei'serin asked him.

Even the mention of food seemed to make him feel more queasy, and that wasn't a good sign.

"A couple of breaks ago."

"And were you able to keep it down?"

Mr. Gardener shook his head, then moaned softly at the pain the movement caused him.

"No." he said after a few trills.

"When was the last time you were able to eat something, and keep it down?"

"Yestertrial morning." the older man admitted.

Tei'serin frowned. That really wasn't good for anyone, but especially a man his age, who was already in frail health.

"It's not good for you to go for that long without eating anything, Mr. Gardener. I'm going to make you some porridge that I would like you to try to eat."

When the older man tried to protest, Tei'serin raised a hand to stop him.

"The porridge I am going to make for you will be made out of an herb that is very soothing. People who can't keep anything else down can often eat porridge made out of slippery elm bark without any difficulty. So as your healer, I would like you to at least try to eat it. If you can keep it down, it should give you the strength to fight this fever off faster. The willow bark that was in the tea I gave you will help as well, but it can't work as well as it should if you are run down so badly that you have nothing left to fight with."

Tei'serin allowed the concern that she felt for Sorin's guardian to leak into her voice. She wasn't certain if that was what convinced Mr. Gardener to try, or if he simply didn't want to fight her on the matter any more. Either way, he agreed to try, and that was good enough for him.

So she headed into the kitchen once more, and asked Mrs. Gardener to put another pot of water on the stove. While waiting for it to boil, she used her mortar and pestle to ground up some slippery elm bark into a coarse powder. By the time she was finished with her task, the water was boiling. So she put the powdered slippery elm bark into a bowl, and poured the water over it. Within several bits, the water cooled, and as it did so, it thickened into the desired porridge. Tei'serin sweetened the porridge with a bit of sugar and cinnamon before bringing it out to Mr. Gardener.

He eyed the porridge even more warily than he had the tea earlier, but with a reluctant sigh, he took a tiny spoonful. When that didn't come right back up, his expression turned into one of pleasant surprise, and he tried another one. Slowly, but steadily, he continued to eat until the bowl was empty. Tei'serin took it when he was finished, and helped him to lie back down. Even that small bit of movement had exhausted him.

As Tei'serin cleaned the dishes she had used, she kept a cautious ear on the other room, listening for signs that Mr. Gardener was throwing up. Fortunately, none came. She hoped that the older man would be able to keep the porridge down long enough for it to do him some good.

word count: 572
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Re: Miracle Cure (Tei'serin)


It didn't take long for Mr. Gardener to fall asleep once more after he had finished his porridge. Tei'serin wanted to monitor his sleep for a while to see if there was any change in his fever. She knew that the willow bark she had given him would help, but a sudden spike would be dangerous, especially if she wasn't there to help. Sorin was desperate for something...anything to do to help. Tei'serin realized that it wouldn't matter what she asked him to do; he just needed to feel useful, and to feel as though he was helping the man he loved as a father. She could understand what he was feeling; she hated to be helpless to help the people she cared about, too. Unfortunately, as a healer, there were a lot of times when nothing she could do would save her patient. It was something that she had had to get used to.

Sorin didn't, though. She still had some slippery elm bark left, so she showed him how to make the porridge she had given Mr. Gardener. That way, they would have more ready for him when he woke up. When Mrs. Gardener realized what they were doing, she wanted to learn too, and Tei'serin was happy to include her in the lesson. The older woman asked her to teach both her and Sorin how to recognize slippery elm bark in the wild so they could collect more if they needed it in the future. But that was too complicated for her to explain simply. It would require her to take them out into the woods so she could show them the right trees to look for, and how to harvest the bark safely. That could take breaks, and Tei'serin didn't want to leave Mr. Gardener alone for that long. Nor was she confident that Mrs. Gardener would be able to manage a long trek through the forest. So she apologized, and offered to teach Sorin another time if he still wanted to learn.

Tei'serin checked her patient several times over the next several breaks, and was relieved to see that the herbal remedy was working as it should. Mr. Gardener's fever had begun to go down. And while it was going down slowly, it was a steady progress. When she was convinced that the older man was out of danger for now, she told his wife, and Sorin what danger signs to look for, making them promise to come get her if he got worse. Then she took her leave.

word count: 436
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