Timestamp: 20th of Zi'da, 718th Arc
This wasn’t a day like any other
The cold hadn’t quite started to smother
Kes had awoken early in the morn
Another day for fishing, his hook be adorn
To catch many fish
That’d be served upon a dish
To put nel in his pocket
His plan like a docket
Travel to the water’s edge
Toss bait in, let it land like a sledge
Then wait, patience says the mind
His body too knows in kind
The sun bit through the fog in Zi’da
Kesindir’s mind went on..blah blah blah
Out from the tent he stepped
Saddlebags packed and prepped
A shrill whistle blown
Winged friend, Dj’Oriq flown
Upon the saddle of horse
Kes mounted, of course
A swift but gentle kick
And horse is off, quick!
Travel down the road south of Scalvoris Town
His bait he plans to drown
Down the road the trio trotted
In his mind, a plan plotted
To catch the most delicate creatures
Those with fins and scales as features
Yes we went back to discussing fish, again
Let’s not be hasty, judgement does drain
To the edge of the water the trio stands
Kesindir takes the net in his hands
Tying a rope to one end, much like the last
Taking one end in hand he tightens his grasp
The boy gives a toss
The net in his hands, a loss
Through the air the net glides with ease
Let me catch more this time…please
The cold hadn’t quite started to smother
Kes had awoken early in the morn
Another day for fishing, his hook be adorn
To catch many fish
That’d be served upon a dish
To put nel in his pocket
His plan like a docket
Travel to the water’s edge
Toss bait in, let it land like a sledge
Then wait, patience says the mind
His body too knows in kind
The sun bit through the fog in Zi’da
Kesindir’s mind went on..blah blah blah
Out from the tent he stepped
Saddlebags packed and prepped
A shrill whistle blown
Winged friend, Dj’Oriq flown
Upon the saddle of horse
Kes mounted, of course
A swift but gentle kick
And horse is off, quick!
Travel down the road south of Scalvoris Town
His bait he plans to drown
Down the road the trio trotted
In his mind, a plan plotted
To catch the most delicate creatures
Those with fins and scales as features
Yes we went back to discussing fish, again
Let’s not be hasty, judgement does drain
To the edge of the water the trio stands
Kesindir takes the net in his hands
Tying a rope to one end, much like the last
Taking one end in hand he tightens his grasp
The boy gives a toss
The net in his hands, a loss
Through the air the net glides with ease
Let me catch more this time…please