• Solo • A Fisher in Poem

Fishing job thread written in three rhyme schemes.

20th of Zi'da 718

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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A Fisher in Poem

Timestamp: 20th of Zi'da, 718th Arc

This wasn’t a day like any other
The cold hadn’t quite started to smother

Kes had awoken early in the morn
Another day for fishing, his hook be adorn

To catch many fish
That’d be served upon a dish

To put nel in his pocket
His plan like a docket

Travel to the water’s edge
Toss bait in, let it land like a sledge

Then wait, patience says the mind
His body too knows in kind

The sun bit through the fog in Zi’da
Kesindir’s mind went on..blah blah blah

Out from the tent he stepped
Saddlebags packed and prepped

A shrill whistle blown
Winged friend, Dj’Oriq flown

Upon the saddle of horse
Kes mounted, of course

A swift but gentle kick
And horse is off, quick!

Travel down the road south of Scalvoris Town
His bait he plans to drown

Down the road the trio trotted
In his mind, a plan plotted

To catch the most delicate creatures
Those with fins and scales as features

Yes we went back to discussing fish, again
Let’s not be hasty, judgement does drain

To the edge of the water the trio stands
Kesindir takes the net in his hands

Tying a rope to one end, much like the last
Taking one end in hand he tightens his grasp

The boy gives a toss
The net in his hands, a loss

Through the air the net glides with ease
Let me catch more this time…please
Last edited by Kesindir on Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 259
Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
"Spoken word in Common"
Others: "Spoken word"

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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Re: A fisher in poem

The net had left the fisher’s hands, tossed into the air
Hope upon the young lad’s mind as he knows
That if in this net he does not find, more than the pair
Of fish he caught before, or a new job he might need to propose.

Knowing the need to bait the water from mistakes of the past,
A lesson learned, noted, kept in his mind now, not soon forgotten,
Thus once the net reached water, the worms he gathered at last
This time, this time his mood would be not rotten.

”My friends, luck will be on our side this day,
Once more will my wits try to wage war.
Once more these worms will go, into the fray,
This time, fishing will not feel a chore.”

So spoke the boy to his friends, companions
One a fair, winged hawk of a couple arcs
Another a horse, more majestic, perhaps a stallion,
Horse and Dj’Oriq the two are named, inspirations sparks.

Back to the water’s edge the boy walks
In his mind he makes mental note
And to himself he mumbles and talks
One of these arcs, his voice people will quote.

So he thought of himself as he worked
Tossing worm after worm into the water
Near his net, his attitude, up it perked,
All that was left was to be like a squatter

Next to the bank he kicked back,
Resting his worn and weary sole
Reflecting on the recent past. How much a hack
He’d seemed to be. Not really in control.

At least that’s how things seemed to be,
To the untrained eye, out of sorts, form.
Collected, loved, and understood is how he
Wished to be seen but his life was far from norm.

Far from the normalcy had his life become.
New friends and trials have awaited,
None has he yet to succumb
The fates are certainly watching, breath bated

His eyes close for the briefest of trills
His mind wanders through lands unique,
Sometimes dreams are such a thrill
Other times they are awfully bleak.

What was intended to be brief
Has flown by as he awakes
He looks about in disbelief
His head he sadly shakes
word count: 372
Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
"Spoken word in Common"
Others: "Spoken word"

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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Re: A fisher in poem

It would appear that our friend here slept the day away,
Thankfully for him, even if chances slim, the fish his prey,
In the net he’d cast, not to far in the past, he made his way
Over to the shore, quickly before, darkness came to stay

With a pull, the net felt full, to the bank it came.
One day Kes, when not such a mess, your name,
Will ring clear, everyone will hear, with fame,
The best catcher, of fish a snatcher, lay claim.

Back to the net, lest we forget, the sins gone by
Pulling and tugging, now struggling, Kes pauses with a sigh
Before returning, muscles burning, the fish think they’re sly
Filling the net to brim, weight need trim, this plan awry?

Finally end in sight, the eyes of fish give plight, as their fate now known
The boy pleased, himself he’d squeeze, if only he weren’t alone
Onto the dusted ground, fish now found, into water they’ll not be thrown
Now a problem, not quite awesome, how to take these all back to be shown?

More than intended, his plan to be mended, then to return.
Back to the town, his face a frown, to his horse he yearned,
Horse clearly not happy, this Biqaj being snappy, his voice stern
”I’m sorry my friend, your ear to bend, I do have concern”

It would seem, Kesindir was keen, to try and pull all.
Horse wasn’t okay, but no choice he’d stay, and try not to fall.
After the net tied, together the ends Kes tried, no way to loll,
Tightly the net secured, his horse assured, to town they’d crawl.

What a catch, debt he’d dispatch, with the nel to be made.
The soreness potentially, well eventually, it will fade.
Just a small consequence, to gaining more competence, in his trade.
At the market quickly exchanged, nel changed, goodbye he bade.

Back to his home, almost alone, while night’s on approach
His mount hitched, his mind stitched, the next job to be broached
More small fishing, more nel he’s wishing, larger fish to poach
Just for the goal, of growing wealth in whole, his wealth, soon be above reproach

So our dear Kes, lies down to rest, in the place he calls home.
Until the next, minds no longer perplexed, thoughts forever drone
On how to be better, knowing he’s no bettor, in the gloam
He lies in sleep, daylight slowly on the creep, the tent his safety dome.
word count: 428
Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
"Spoken word in Common"
Others: "Spoken word"

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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Re: A Fisher in Poem


Fishing: Luck as much as preparation is needed
Fishing: Patience is key
Fishing: Travelling to find a good fishing spot
Logistics: Financial planning
Discipline: Keeping eyes open

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A

Points 10

Comments: This has to be the only thread I've read on ST like this -- it's comprised entirely of poetry! That was really clever and well done, and the fact that you wrote THAT MANY WORDS in poetry is insane to me. I also really liked the end of the second rhyme scheme - it was very satisfying and the words worked together really well. My only question is: does Kesindir actually talk in poetry (since his dialogue is also poetry)? Is this canon? I'm shook.

Code: Select all

word count: 143
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