• Memory • Cold and kind of alone

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Cold and kind of alone

43rd of Zi’da, Arc 717

It was cold.

Such a thing was normal during the Cold Cycle, but this one was different. At least for Kesindir it was. Dj’Oriq felt it too. The hawk was buried underneath one of Kesindir’s blankets, a few stray tail feathers betraying the raptors hiding spot. Kesindir pulled the blanket, covering the remainder of his friend up, and a soft squawk, almost happy sounding, came from underneath. Kesindir smiled.

“Three Season’s my friend,” he spoke as he looked out past the opened flap of his tent. Hard to believe that much time had passed. Longer even since I left… his thoughts trailed off as a brief wind picked up and blew a biting chill through the tent. In a futile attempt to warm himself Kesindir rubbed his hands together vigorously. “Stay put, Oriq, I’m going to gather some firewood and see if I can’t get us a fire going.” The last attempt had left Kesindir more than just frustrated. Find the dry wood this time Kes. Cold soaked wood won’t give the warmth you seek.

Throwing on a thicker coat Kesindir stepped out of his tent and rubbed his hands together once more. The surrounding forest was quiet as the wind whipped through the trees. Kesindir set off westward of his camp, keeping his tent at his back, he paced out and counted each step, a habit he’d taught himself to make sure he could always find his way back. Forty two, forty three, forty four… he counted with each step, his head swiveling back and forth scanning the densely covered forest floor for dead branches, limbs, and stumps. Once he reached a hundred in his head he stopped. He’d acquired a small bundle of sticks and a few larger limbs covered in green moss.

“This should get me started at least..” his breath hanging heavy in the cold air. Turning around Kesindir began counting again, one, two, three… and so on until he arrived back at camp. A small area he’d prepared previously with stones arranged in a circle to contain the flames is where he turned his attention. Undoing the bundle he broke some sticks into smaller portions, snapped a few of the larger limbs into more manageable sizes, and set to work making a square formation with the smaller limbs. Kesindir rummaged about in the tent and pulled out a small, crude knife. Whittling down one of the smaller limbs into a pile of loose shavings, Kesindir then set about using his tinderbox to get a small coal burning in the pile of shavings. Much like the previous night, and a few others before that, nothing was taking light. It’s starting to look my luck is running out… he shook his head, striking the tinderbox again and again, sparks flying this way and that.

Just one….all I need is one, U’frek please…a silent prayer, or so he assumed at least. It’s not like he was anything special. Some Biqaj far from home and the sea, doing his best at making it on his own. Not a…what did father call them? Mortalborn? Offspring of some Divine getting their rocks off with a mortal. He wasn’t an overtly religious man either. Just a kid making it on his own, searching for his purpose in life. Right now though he just wanted a damned fire. A small spark had caught light in the small bundle of shavings as Kesindir was mindlessly mulling over unimportant things in his mind and it nearly went out on him by the time he took note. “Oh crap!” Quickly he bent down and blew gently, nursing the ember till a small flame licked up from the small pile of shavings, quickly growing.

Warmth. Finally. It wouldn’t be a long cold night huddled under every blanket he owned trying to stave off the cold from permeating his every bone. "Dj’Oriq, we’ve fire my friend,” and a small chirp reported from inside the tent, slightly muffled from the blanket the hawk still rested under. Kesindir nursed the fire, slowly adding larger and larger limbs to the ever growing flame. Once it was a size big enough to be left alone for a moment, Kesindir went and uncovered the hawk from it’s resting spot and set it on the ground nearby the fire where it, albeit oddly, walked..or hopped over closer and fluffed up its feathers and rested. Tonight would pass quickly, not shivering and awaking every twenty bits just to fall back to sleep and repeat the torturous process over. “I think on the morrow, we will ride into town. I think it’s time.” Kesindir stared into the fire, his gaze betraying the deepening thoughts in his mind.

Last edited by Kesindir on Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 809
Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
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"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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Re: (Memory) Cold and kind of alone

44th of Zi’da, Arc 717

Kesindir awoke the next morning, neck stiff from sleeping against a tree stump he normally used as a seat. “Should have went inside the tent,” he muttered under his breath, the cool morning air thick with a low fog. Morning always felt like the coldest. The fire had died down by this point, everything was somewhat damp, and there was a chill that just stuck to you. Kes exhaled, his breath causing a small cloud to push forward from his lips, slowly dissipating as it moved further from its source. “Yeah, I think it’s time we head home, Oriq. Before Cylus hits us in a handful of trials. We are going to need something more warm than the measly fire I can make here,” Kesindir kicked at the coals in the pit that were faintly glowing red. Put some snow on this..make sure it’s out completely before we leave. Last thing I need is to walk into town just having started a forest fire.

Kesindir hadn’t thought about home in almost two arc’s. He’d left just prior to his fifteenth birthday and now he was edging on seventeen. He had done what he set out to do. Well mostly anyways. The original intent behind him leaving was to find purpose in his life. Some kind of meaning. Instead he spent nearly two arc’s roughing it in the woods, honing his skills and becoming more self sufficient. Something didn’t feel right though. Something felt off. It was time to return home to Havardr.

Kesindir spent the next two breaks tearing down his camp and packing his bags and loading up his horse. No, he hadn’t named his horse yet. Wasn’t really a connection there. Not like the hawk. I guess saying the horse had no name wasn’t really fair to the horse. It had a name. ”Come on horse. Let’s go home,” Kes said as he swung his leg across the mount. He gave a shrill whistle and Oriq swooped in from a nearby branch, resting on the horse’s hindquarters. Thankfully the horse was used to this type of treatment. Treatment makes it sound like a bad thing. A mutually beneficial arrangement between companions.

It didn’t take terribly long to return to Havardr. Kesindir had become fairly familiar with his small section of wood and following the coastline north was easy enough for even the untrained. Arriving back in Havardr should have been a relief. Sure there were a few familiar faces like the chief, Linca, but so many were foreign. Stands to reason with Havardr though. That and the fact that Kes had been away for nearly two arcs. A few side glances were all that Kes received from those that called this small village home. With so many migrating, through..

Kesindir dismounted, leaving his horse on the edge of the small village and made his way through the yurts to where his father stayed. Pushing open the door he was greeted by emptiness. ”Father?” He said aloud, a slight tremble betraying the thoughts running through his mind. ”No one has occupied that yurt in two Cycles young one,” a frail voice came from behind him. Kesindir turned around to see an older woman, graying hair, wrinkled in the face with an odd toothy smile staring at him.


She nodded. ”Aye, they said that they were heading west, but never mentioned someone might be looking for them.”

West…Avaern or Viden perhaps. ”They you said, a man and his daughter?” The woman nodded again, but a voice called out from a yurt a bit down the way and she turned and headed towards it. As she reached the door she turned and looked back at Kes, her eyes widening ever so slightly, betraying the realization in her mind. Yes, the scorned son has returned.

Kesindir turned his gaze back to the empty Yurt. Two cycles. So during Rebirth. Knowing father he’d probably have waited till Ashan. No reason to put sis through the pain of traveling during Cylus. The wind picked up, the cold nipping at his body but he wasn’t phased. His mind was elsewhere. How was he to meet up with them? He had no money to his name. No coin to spare, and the skills he did have weren’t anything special in this village. A fisher in a fishing and whaling village. Wholly unique. He chuckled softly as he turned and walked back to his horse. ”Time to head into a real town and find some work. We need coin to charter a ship. Dad went west with sis. Now the question is, Scalvoris Town or Almund?” The wind picked up again, horse neighed and Oriq squawked. They were good companions but they weren’t family.

It was cold, and now, he was kind of alone.

word count: 823
Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
"Spoken word in Common"
Others: "Spoken word"

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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Re: (Memory) Cold and kind of alone

It’s not easy. Coming to terms with abandonment. Even if it was justified. After all, Kes had abandoned his father and sister. How could he expect any different from them? ”Family should be there for each other…” his voice trembled as he spoke. Oriq was nestled on top of a blanket inside the yurt that was formally his fathers. Lying vacant for two Cycles, it didn’t take much to work out being able to use it, even temporarily, as Kesindir prepared himself for yet another move. ”It seems,” he began again, ”that I’ve come to realize this far too late.”

It had been ten trials since arriving back in Havardr, and though Kes had been productive, at night his mind wandered upon many things, but most prominently was that of the family he’d forsaken. Had you asked him, before he left, why he was going he’d have answered plainly, ”To find my purpose in life,” but now it seemed as if that reason had ultimately brought him nothing. He still had no clear purpose. He’d grown, yes, but still lacked the direction he so feverishly sought. Kesindir sighed and threw himself on his back, landing on the floor with an audible thud. ”Part of me wishes I could go back, Oriq. Skip all the soul searching and just be here, but I don’t think I’d have the same appreciation or fear that I do at the moment. Something like, ‘You don’t know what you truly can lose until you’ve been without, and wanting, then unable to receive,’” he laughed. Speaking philosophically was not his strong suit.

”Truth be told, Dj’Oriq, I’m standing at a crossroads. Two choices, two paths. Both with potentially different outcomes. The ending of these two paths are ever clouded, but I’m hopefully they end with reunion.” An exasperated sigh escapes his lips, ”Oriq, I can’t just sit here idly. I need to move. We just got here though….” Sitting up, Kes shakes his head, ”No…I didn’t just get here. I’ve been here. Stuck in this spot of indecisiveness. I’ve had enough and it’s time to move on. Let’s go south. To Scalvoris town We can find access to a ship there more easily.” A small squawk sounded from the raptor as it hopped over to Kesindir, a soft smile playing across the Biqaj’s lips. Kes reached out his hand and pet the hawk on its small head, ”I am glad I found you, my friend.”

Now that Kesindir had a goal, his mind was able to relax to a degree. The next few trials were spent with his head down, gathering provisions and continuing to contribute to the small village. The last thing he wanted was to bring any unwanted attention now that he finally knew where he needed to go. Once he felt comfortable with his preparations, he waited till just before daybreak and headed out on horse. Following the trade route from Havardr to Scalvoris Town. ”It’s bigger than I remember.”

It was cold, he was alone, but now he had a purpose.
word count: 531
Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
"Spoken word in Common"
Others: "Spoken word"

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Cold and kind of alone

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This was a pleasure to read. After several arcs ago a lost son returns home but finds the place empty, the family gone. The language felt clear and fresh and the description of the life in the wilderness was very authentic. As one who have been out there trekking I could really feel how cold it was to wake up in the morning and the bliss of the warm fire, but also the greatness of the nature. Well done. Enjoy your thread rewards!



Loot, Renown, Injuries

+1 Renown due to speaking with the old woman, which means at least one person know that Kesindir tried to return to his family


• Field craft: Small kindling makes better starter for fires
• Discipline: Counting steps in order to return from where you started
• Falconry: Whistling to give commands
• Navigation: Following roads for quicker travel
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