• Solo • That Lucky Bird

Fishing job thread Vhalar 718

17th of Vhalar 718

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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That Lucky Bird

17th of Vhalar arc 718

Rorom stood on the pier, holding a bottle of Lightning Chard, and backed by his friends and accomplices. In front of him, the sloop that he'd commisioned to be built. It, along with much of the equipment needed to make it seaworthy, had set him back a pretty nel. Roughly fifteen hundred or so gold ones. It was a small price to pay for independence. He was grateful to the city of Rharne for making it possible, but now he wanted to sail the salt seas again, and find another port.

Behind him, his companions lined up.

To the left, the dark complected lad, Eairok, who'd convinced Rorom recently to take him on as an apprentice. He didn't know the lad too well yet, apart from the fact that he was a Sev'ryn from Desnind, but the lad knew how to sell his skill at fishing, as well as fieldcraft. He'd be useful to have around, Rorom was sure.

Next to him stood Noille, the girl who was responsible for selling much of Rorom's produce and bringing it to market. She had the ear of many owners of eateries and restaurants around the city, having worked at most as a waitress. She'd managed to save through her day job as a waitress, and became a middle-woman, a fish monger. Buying the fish direct from the source and bringing it to market for a rate.

Then there was Mirq Zy'Azour. The scandalous rogue who'd given Rorom nothing but trouble since the fisherman entered the city. Touched by the claws of Chrien, Rorom was sure he was. A gambler and scoundrel of the first order, but able enough as a seaman. Even though he had stolen Rorom's rowboat, the fisherman couldn't help but give him another chance. One after another. Nonetheless, he'd proven useful in some ways, though a wildcard. The other two gathered weren't too happy about his being there. But Rorom wanted him to be a part of this little ceremony regardless.

Finally, last but not least, was Rorom's longtime friend and companion, the albatross Fortuna. She unlike the other two, had a strange and inexplicable affection toward Mirq. Mirq in turn allowed the large bird to perch itself on his arm and shoulder while they stood on the pier. Rorom thought that must be the reason he found it so easy to forgive Mirq's transgressions. The bird saw something in the rogue, so Rorom trusted her judgement.

"I'm a fool, but at least I'm in good company." He thought, with a smile as he turned around to give his new sloop a once over.

He approached the rail of the boat, ready to break the bottle of Lightning Chard, when he froze. He'd made every preparation in anticipation of this moment. Everyone had gathered there to see him perform this christening. But...

"I've almost forgotten to name the ship!"

"Huh?" Eairok quirked a brow, perhaps wondering what the older man was talking about.

Rorom looked from him to Noille, "Why y'lookin at me? I'm just waitin' here for ya fellas tae push off."

Mirq gave him a crooked grin as his eyes fell on him, and shrugged, "Just name the bitch and be done with it. I'm sure you'll think of something so very creative and inspired. Something like Sea Witch, or Salty Hound." He suggested with a guffaw.

Rorom turned back toward the hull of the ship, kneeling there with a vacant expression and a bottle of wine in his hands.

"There'll be other boats, boss." Said Eairok.

'Chrien take me if I don't christen this ship proper.' Rorom was a superstitious man even as sailors went. A nameless ship was as aimless and lost as a feather on the wind.

At the last moment, when he was about to stand up and postpone the christening to another day, Fortuna launched herself from Mirq's shoulder. After flying over Rorom's head, she landed on the top of the cabin, flapped her wings and cawed. That Lucky Bird. Rorom thought in idle admiration for her bravado. And so it was named.

He repeated the words aloud, in Rakahi, and lashed the bottle against the ship's hull. Thus it was dubbed, and the three men crossed the gangplank onto the deck of That Lucky Bird. From there, they settled the rigging and untied the ship from the pier, pushing off to see how the fish were biting.
word count: 770
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Re: That Lucky Bird

A few breaks into the fishing trip, and the catch wasn't biting. Nor were they hopping, breaching, or gathering in the net. For a few hours, Rorom left the net behind the ship as they traveled downriver. They were trying to cut off any potential spawners, swimming upriver for the beds of Lake Lovalus.

After reeling in the large net dragging behind That Lucky Bird, Rorom peered into the water, squinting his eyes. He could see then. Much of the potential catch was running up against and around the net. Now, most anglers and netters knew well enough that fish weren't all that bright. So they weren't doing this out of a sense of self-preservation. The fish tended to follow the current, or answer their instinct to eat, sleep, or breed. Everything fell outside the simple machinery that drove their brains from one end of the wave to another. The fish must make their nests in the beds of the sea, at least the one travelling downriver this season. Or else something had spooked them.

Eairok approached from behind Rorom, and tapped him on the shoulder, "We're not catching much going this way. So far, twenty five fish." Rorom grimaced. That wouldn't be enough to compensate Mirq and Eairok for their trouble, let alone his self and Noille.

He walked away from the rearmost point of the ship, and took the wheel. "Right, I'm going to need one of you to adjust the sails. Eairok, drop anchor, but not all the way to the river floor. Carry it to the front and hold it suspended there with a belaying pin. Make absolute sure that it doesn't drop, or we'll be lucky to fish ourselves out of the wreckage."

So saying, he turned the ship around. Within a few trills, he had it turned toward the banks of the river. There was still enough wind in the sails to carry it a few feet north.

"Now! Drop anchor into the counter current, about three fathoms down." So commanded, the Sev'ryn lad dropped anchor.

Sure enough, the counter-current that Rorom anticipated would compensate for sailing windward. It would do until the current reversed on the ebb side of the river. This gave him enough time to make the complete turn to the other side, sailing in zig zags upriver.

Rorom watched from the wheel as Mirq adjusted the sails, lowering them when they looked near to straining. Rorom didn't have a mind to correct him, trusting that his caution was well intentioned. He carried on, zig-zagging all the way until he reached the harbor of Rharne.

Eairok had been lifting and dropping anchor the entire way, following Rorom's direction when he gave it. He'd done well. The aging fisherman was pleased with his new apprentice. He'd have to teach him the rigging next. For now though, he was a good hand at the lower decks.

In their trip, they'd managed to haul up about a half ton of salmon. Not as much as he anticipated, but it was good enough. The anchor dropped when they finally reached the piers, making harbor in Rharne. Eairok, Mirq, and Rorom went down to sort the fish into the wheel barrow, and into barrels for future storage.

"I'm going to see if I can pickle some of these barreled salmon." Eairok told Rorom.

The captain nodded in his turn, "You do that. I'll have to pick your brain about how that's done. Might be useful when we make a longer voyage down into the sea."

The sky was beginning to darken when Rorom walked over the gangplank, meeting his fishmonger on the pier. Noille crossed her arms and grinned, as he pulled the wheel barrow behind him. "Whatcha got fer me?"

"Salmon, some herring. They forgot how to swim upstream!" He said with a small laugh. "I've been fishing all my life, and never saw salmon swimming that way this time of year. But this is Rharne, things are different."

As they were talking, Rorom noticed a barge that had rowed up alongside an adjacent pier. Shadowy figures poured out from them. Noille caught Rorom's gaze, which trailed to these figures, and walked up to him. She muttered beneath her breath as she watched the people milling out of that barge. "There's been rumor of trouble w'Rynmere. War or spies. None of the rumors sound good to me ears."

Rorom looked with conern at these poor wretches. An exit from Rharne would have need to wait, he owed his aid to the city.

word count: 781
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Re: That Lucky Bird

Thread Rewards



I enjoyed the thread and your writing. Rorom has personality and the description of the fishing trip is crisp and clear. The naming of the boat it wonderful. That lucky bird. Now I want a boat with a name like that ... who wouldn’t? Enjoy your rewards!



Loot, Renown, Injuries

+5 Renown for naming a new boat in public and giving it a truly good name!


Seafaring: Zig-Zagging to sail upriver
Searfaring: Dropping anchor partially.
Seafaring: Walking the gangplank.
Seafaring: Taking the wheel.
Leadership: Directing crewmembers to their tasks.
Fishing: Sometimes even fish get spooked out of their habits.

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