Common Text
Xanthean Text
Kashehino Text
Qit'ria stopped once she'd heard Kura's words. She knew them to be true, she'd seen what her spear hadn't done in this same graveyard, but she was in need of just venting her frustrations. Life was easier with an obvious enemy to hunt or evade. Nothing about this curse was obvious. She lowered her guard, keeping her knife in hand. Then her ears were split open by a thousand screams, and she dropped her knife to cover them. Grimacing, she peered at Kura through squinted eyes, see the shape of a shadow bird enveloping Kura. The sounds were coming from her? What magic was this?
Qit'ria immediately was put off by it. This magic was... not natural. Qit'ria could change into animals, or rather, one animal right now, and she knew this power to be wrong. Simply wrong. But it was effective. The tantrum the ghosts had been putting on came to a full stop, and the cemetery grew silent. And Qit was just staring, confounded, at Kura. Just what was this woman? Qit'ria picked up her knife, much more wary of the politician than the ghosts here.
One ghost did not settle down like the others. A little girl manifested between Kura and Qit, staring up at the wolf born. She smiled. "I like birds too!" The girl first approached Kura, not touching the mortalborn, just inspecting her. "Papa taught me how to do bird calls once. I had a pet owl named Fifi. I miss her. She never came home. I'd like to touch an owl again. It gets lonely here without birds."
The little girl approached Qit, staring up at her. "You're the one they keep talking about. They aren't happy with you. Said you're disrespectful, tainted, cursed. A big meanie." She looked at the knife, then motioned for Qit to come closer. The huntress leaned down, nervously, and the little girl whispered in her ear. "Find the Curse Eater... She can help you. Don't tell the others I told you..." Qit'ria's eyes were wide as the little girl turned away from her, waving at Kura, "Come visit me more Bird Lady." And with a disembodied giggle, she was gone.
And Qit'ria wasn't far behind. She was beyond spooked, both by Kura and by the bird loving ghost girl. She had what she wanted. Kura had done her part, but Qit'ria was done. She turned on the heel, and left post haste, not saying so much as goodbye to Kura, the mage or whatever she was. There was too much strange going on now. She could find this Curse Eater on her own time. She didn't need Kura for that. She was appreciative of the woman, but this was too much for the superstitious woman whose survival instincts were telling her to get far, far away from here. And so, she did. She was gone, leaving Kura there in the graveyard, and never once looked back.
Xanthean Text
Kashehino Text
Qit'ria stopped once she'd heard Kura's words. She knew them to be true, she'd seen what her spear hadn't done in this same graveyard, but she was in need of just venting her frustrations. Life was easier with an obvious enemy to hunt or evade. Nothing about this curse was obvious. She lowered her guard, keeping her knife in hand. Then her ears were split open by a thousand screams, and she dropped her knife to cover them. Grimacing, she peered at Kura through squinted eyes, see the shape of a shadow bird enveloping Kura. The sounds were coming from her? What magic was this?
Qit'ria immediately was put off by it. This magic was... not natural. Qit'ria could change into animals, or rather, one animal right now, and she knew this power to be wrong. Simply wrong. But it was effective. The tantrum the ghosts had been putting on came to a full stop, and the cemetery grew silent. And Qit was just staring, confounded, at Kura. Just what was this woman? Qit'ria picked up her knife, much more wary of the politician than the ghosts here.
One ghost did not settle down like the others. A little girl manifested between Kura and Qit, staring up at the wolf born. She smiled. "I like birds too!" The girl first approached Kura, not touching the mortalborn, just inspecting her. "Papa taught me how to do bird calls once. I had a pet owl named Fifi. I miss her. She never came home. I'd like to touch an owl again. It gets lonely here without birds."
The little girl approached Qit, staring up at her. "You're the one they keep talking about. They aren't happy with you. Said you're disrespectful, tainted, cursed. A big meanie." She looked at the knife, then motioned for Qit to come closer. The huntress leaned down, nervously, and the little girl whispered in her ear. "Find the Curse Eater... She can help you. Don't tell the others I told you..." Qit'ria's eyes were wide as the little girl turned away from her, waving at Kura, "Come visit me more Bird Lady." And with a disembodied giggle, she was gone.
And Qit'ria wasn't far behind. She was beyond spooked, both by Kura and by the bird loving ghost girl. She had what she wanted. Kura had done her part, but Qit'ria was done. She turned on the heel, and left post haste, not saying so much as goodbye to Kura, the mage or whatever she was. There was too much strange going on now. She could find this Curse Eater on her own time. She didn't need Kura for that. She was appreciative of the woman, but this was too much for the superstitious woman whose survival instincts were telling her to get far, far away from here. And so, she did. She was gone, leaving Kura there in the graveyard, and never once looked back.
I'll be sending you knowledges soon. One more post from you should do it?