[Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan

25th of Zi'da 720

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[Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan

25th Trial of Zi'da in Arc 720

"It's time," Saoire said, looking at the small individual with her. They had been preparing for this for a long time - earlier, Saoire had been with them all, the group of her closest, and they had put together the final preparations. The night before, in her workshop, Saoire had told them how tonight they would travel all across Idalos bringing small gifts and good cheer. Children throughout the land had awoken this morning to find trinkets and tchotchkes, gifts given which brought smiles to young faces.

That had been last night. This trial, though, they were bringing together people who Saoire had selected. Individuals who were prepared to give to another - who had taken her prompting, in dreams and visions, and had moved forward - acted - to prepare a gift. And, for the first time, her children would be there when the gifts were exchanged. It was a privilege, and they all knew it. To be there, to witness the giving of a gift by a kind soul.

This was one such soul.

The magic which Saoire wove was more complex, more nuanced than many could understand. Indeed, it would seem that perhaps she had roped Ralaith in to this event - or maybe this was part of her own purview. It wasn't clear, but what was obvious was that these events took place in the literal blink of an eye. Kirei was going about their daily business, as was Tristan when they heard the gentle tinkling of a bell. As their ears heard the sound, not yet sure whether it was indeed a bell or in fact the tinkling laughter of a sprite or fairy, they were suddenly somewhere else.

Kirei and Tristan found themselves standing in a decorated ballroom with tables full of food, beautiful vines lacing some of the walls with pink flowers all over them. Standing with them was a woman, wearing a beautiful crown of pine cones, glitter, and many small and intricate baubles. She wore a masterwork orange ballgown, decorated with glittery fabrics and silk, and even her hair shimmered with glitter. She smiled at the two of them.

"I bid you welcome!" They knew who she was, somehow, even before she spoke the next words, "I am Saoire, and this is my very dear friend.". She gestured to a Mink with golden eyes, standing at the size of a toddler, who stepped out from behind Saoire.

"Hello, my beautiful friends. I'm Pernent. Gosh, you two are just delightful", said the small individual. Looking around with wide eyes, the small bipedal Mink considered that she was moving homes soon, and wanted to visit a ballroom like this.

"We are here," Saoire said, her voice gentle and bubbling with mirth and joy, "Because Kirei has a gift for you Tristan". She gestured around, as though the gift was nearby. Which, Kirei would see, it was. "I will leave you, now, to give your gift, but Pernent will stay with you, and when you are ready to go back to your lives, will facilitate that."

And, with the sound of a gentle bell ringing across the land, Saoire was gone. The small creature with them smiled.

Welcome to your Saoire Event 720 Thread!
This thread is for Kirei to give a gift to Tristan.
The thread is Face to Face and so will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met. At the end of the thread, both pc's will be returned to where they were. Literally and exactly where they were. Feel free to start your posts with where you were and what you were doing.
You may play Pernent as an NPC throughout this thread. If you ask specific questions, feel free to PM Peg or Munch, but largely the NPC will not be giving anything away.

When you have completed the thread, please post here to claim your medals!
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Re: [Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan

25th Zi'da, 720

This was the time of arc when Kirei loved to curl up with a good book, watch the snow falling outside, drink a nice cup of tea, and read. It was the simple pleasures like this that she loved most, and she was going to indulge that desire now. Better yet, she was going to combine two of her favorite things; reading a good book, and learning something new about something that interested her. Last season, she had found an interesting looking cookbook that explained what a lot of different spices and seasonings were at the Scholar's Nook. She had not had the chance to read it until now, and this was the perfect time to do so.

Kirei settled herself on the couch in the family room and wrapped herself up in a warm blanket. She had a pen and some paper at hand in case she wanted to take notes on what she was reading, and a steaming hot mug of herbal tea on the table beside her. Her kittens were playing with a bit of string on the floor, and Kirei watched them with a soft smile.

She was very lucky, and she knew it. Aiden and the kids treated the kittens as siblings more than pets...and that was exactly what they were, through a strange series of events. Kirei knew that most people would see what looked like an animal and threat it accordingly. Her mind flashed back to the dog that she had saved from a fire once, and the scorn that Pier and Pre had shown her for doing so. But her family simply accepted her kittens as family. They were her children as much as Ru and the twins were...as much as any of her children were regardless of how she came by them...and her family was happy to treat them as such.

Kirei watched her kittens for a few bits more before she turned to her book.

Thyme is an herb that has small leaves that grow on clusters of thin stems. It is used in a number of cuisines to season all kinds of dishes, and can either be used by itself or as part of a blend of seasonings. There are several types of thyme. Common thyme, lemon thyme, woolly thyme, creeping thyme, wild thyme, and elfin thyme are all varieties of thyme. Common thyme and Lemon thyme are the ones that are most often used in cooking while woolly thyme, creeping thyme, wild thyme, and elfin thyme are often found in rock gardens.

When using thyme, the leaves can be used alone or with the stems and the herb can be used either fresh or dried. Thyme is typically used in savory dishes like braised or roasted meat, vegetables, or fish, as well as in savory baking. It can also be used to add flavor and depth to marinades, soups and stocks, cocktail elements, and teas. Fresh Common thyme has a pronounced, concentrated herbal flavor with sharp grass, wood, and floral notes like lavender and rosemary. Lemon thyme’s citrus fragrance is the most prominent note. Fresh thyme and dried thyme taste almost identical, but dried thyme has to be rehydrated before eating it in order to display its full range of flavor. This can be done either on its own or during the cooking process such as adding it to a braised dish or bread dough. Dried thyme leaves can be substituted for fresh in any application, but you need to use one third as much dried thyme as you would use fresh thyme.

Kirei paused in her reading in order to take notes on what she had just read. A brief squabble among her kittens distracted her for a few trills, but they resolved it on their own while she watched, and went back to playing happily. Kirei smiled, happy that she didn't have to get involved and sort it out for them. She watched them for a few trills more before going back to her reading.

Thyme leaves can be added to a dish either whole or chopped depending on what the recipe calls for. This herb can be added to a dish at any stage of cooking. In fact, longer cooking times can benefit the herb because the longer it cooks, the more flavor thyme will provide as the flavor infuses into the dish. Thyme stems are fibrous. This means that they won’t break down during cooking, so if using whole thyme stems, you have to pick them out before serving your dish. When baking with thyme, you need to either remove the small individual leaves from the stem before adding it to the recipe, or use dried thyme which has already been de-stemmed. This is because you won't be able to remove the stems from the finished dish without ruining it.

Once again, Kirei paused to take notes on what she had just read. She was distracted from her efforts when one of her kittens jumped up onto her lap and demanded a snuggle. Kirei was happy to oblige, and the contented purring that she was rewarded with was more than enough reward for doing something that she loved to do anyway. She was about to go back to her reading once more when she was distracted by the gentle tinkling of a bell. Or was it a bell after all? It sounded like what she imagined the tinkling laughter of a sprite or fairy might sound like.

As Kirei searched for the source of the sound, she suddenly realized that she was no longer in her family room at all. Instead, she was standing in a decorated ballroom with tables full of food. She still had her blanket wrapped around her, and she drew it tighter around herself in an unconscious gesture as she looked around the room she found herself in. It was beautifully decorated. Vines of pink flowers covered some of the walls, and as Kirei was admiring them, a woman wearing a crown made of pine cones, glitter, and tiny baubles came into view. Kirei started. Had she always been there, or had she just...appeared somehow?

Kirei didn't have the chance to feel alarmed though. The woman seemed vaguely familiar somehow, and when the woman introduced herself and her friend, Kirei relaxed completely. She looked at the toddler sized mink that was standing on two legs curiously. When it...no, she spoke, Kirei started.

"it's nice to meet you." she said after a few trills."

Saoire explained why they were there, and that was when Kirei noticed that there was a man she had never seen before with them as well. Her eyes widened as she remembered the urge she had had to go into a store she had never been in before and buy something that she didn't really understand, never mind know what to do with. So this was why she had bought the gift. She smiled softly at the man as she picked up a beautifully wrapped box and offered it to him.

The gift includes one tier 9 alchemy kit, a bag of each of the following that holds 5 ounces of dried herbs and flowers: sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, honeysuckle, roses, five dried Azulin flowers, five dried Azulin flower cores, two bags of dried Azulin stems, two bags of dried Azulin leaves, one orange bluebird bush frond, one green bluebird bush frond, one blue bluebird bush frond, a small jar of roipo nectar, three Tried's Lily flowers, some wraithgrass, three leaves from the Biqaj tree, and five ingots each of the following metals: Crystalline, Embersteel, Minithelite, Adamantite, and Tienite. Information about each of the things that are part of the gift has been included.

Azulin (plant)

Azulin (drug)

Bluebird Bush

Roipo Nectar

Treid's Lily


Biqaj Tree

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Re: [Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan

Tristan was just sitting on the couch in his living room and taking notes about one of his most recent alchemical creations and how to modify it (during the Tournament of Potions he had invented something that he had decided to simply call the Potion of General Wellbeing) when something … happened. One moment, he was pondering the use of honey versus resin as a binder, and a moment later, he was suddenly in a place that …

… was definitely not his living room.

Tristan was used to being abducted and ending up in unfamiliar places to a certain extent – it had happened to him before, because of something that Ilaren or one of her servants had done – but he had never ended up in a ballroom before. Usually, it was something slightly unpleasant, and somebody needed rescuing, or a riddle needed to be solved. This place, with its decorations of vines and pink flowers, was really nice though!

He did not ponder the decorations (or the possibility of dancing later on) for more than a few trills though. As soon as the woman in her beautiful gown and with her crown of pinecones, baubles and glitter came into view, the young duke bowed, deeply and utterly respectfully. He knew who she was even before she said her name.

“I’m honored to meet you, Lady Saoire”, he told the Immortal before he turned to greet her dear friend – and the other woman that he had noticed in the room. While Kirei was surprised by the appearance of a bipedal mink, Tristan just smiled at the little creature in a friendly way – he had met talking, bipedal animals before, after all – and remarked, “I’m pleased to meet you, Pernent. I think that you are quite delightful as well!”

He grinned as he said the latter.

When Saoire mentioned that they were there because Kirei had a gift for him, the young man who was dressed in a blue tunic, Melrathi style, among other things, raised an eyebrow before a smile slowly spread across his entire face because he absolutely loved receiving gifts. Still smiling, he accepted the box and carefully unwrapped it so that he wouldn’t ruin the paper. It was such a nice paper, so it would be a shame to ruin it.

“This is amazing, Kirei”, the young man softly said as he looked at the things in the box. “How did you know that I was considering experimenting with different metals? It’s a perfect gift! And these herbs smell so good!” he added as he held up the bag of dried roses. It was just then that something occurred to him, something that he should have realized all along. He carefully put the bag of dried roses back into the box and closed it, and then he looked up at the young woman opposite of him and asked,

“Did Saoire just say that your name is Kirei? My brother mentioned having a child with a woman named Kirei once. I’m Tristan. Tristan Venora. Hart’s younger brother”, he told her. “It’s so good to finally meet you”, he added with a smile. He was in fact positively excited and delighted about finally meeting the woman that was more or less his sister in law!

Kirei would definitely be able to see the family resemblance. Tristan did in fact almost look like Hart’s twin. He had the same dark hair, the same blue eyes and the same pretty face that made him look like an Edashaborn even though his own mother was just an ordinary human. He even had the same black nails, curtesy of Vri. There was one thing that was very different about him though. There were silver runic markings on the left side of his face, the blessing of Vhalar, that would make sure that nobody would ever mistake them for each other again (unless Vhalar decided to mark Hart as well sometime).
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Kirei Qe'Azour
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Re: [Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan

25th Zi'da, 720

Kirei was glad that Tristan seemed to like his gift. When he asked how she knew that he wanted to experiment with metals, she simply shook her head.

"I didn't. I was shopping with my family, and I had a feeling that I needed to go into the shop where I bought all of those things. I don't know anything about alchemy myself, but the woman at the store said that they would be useful in alchemy. Choosing what I would buy happened the same way. I just...had a feeling about which items were the best ones to buy." she said after a few trills.

Would the man believe her? It wasn't exactly normal to have feelings like that. Then again...it was Zi'da. Things like that did happen from time to time in Zi'da because of Saoire...and she was the whole reason why they were both here. So maybe it wasn't so unbelievable after all.

When Tristan asked about her name, she simply nodded. Hearing that he was a member of the Rynmere nobility and more importantly that he was Hart's brother quickly distracted her from her confusion about why he cared about her name though."

"Yes, Hart and I have a daughter. Her name is Ruari, but we call her Ru most of the time. It's good to meet you too, my Lord."

Was that the proper way to address Tristan? She really didn't know. Even when she had been in Rynmere, she had had nothing to do with the nobility. Now that she was really looking at the man, she could see that he did indeed look a lot like Hart. So much so that they could be twins. Were they? Did that mean that Tristan...Lord Venora was a mortalborn too like she and Hart were?

"If you want, you can come meet Ru sometime. We don't really travel, but if you're ever in Scalvoris, you're welcome to come visit. I don't know if Hart will be there if you do, though. He travels a lot."

She hesitated for a few trills before continuing.

"Has Hart been in contact with you recently? He doesn't really write much when he travels, and he's been gone quite a while now. Do you know where he might be?"

Kirei didn't begrudge Hart's desire to travel. Not at all. But he had been gone without so much as a word that she was starting to worry about him. Had something happened to him that was keeping him away? Or...or was it maybe that he didn't want to see her and he felt so strongly about that that her very presence was keeping him from coming back to see his daughter?

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Re: [Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan

Tristan raised an eyebrow in surprise when Kirei claimed that she hadn't known that he had wanted to experiment with metals. When she proceeded to tell him what had happened, he didn't look at her incredulously at all though. He didn't doubt her. On the contrary, he smiled at her and nodded. Things like that did happen from time to time, especially during the season of Zi'da.

"Maybe Saoire herself was involved then", he mused and glanced at his gift again for a moment and at the silver leaves from the Biqaj Tree. He wondered what he would be able to make with them. A part of him didn't want to make anything with them though because they were just too pretty.

"Or maybe Ziell guided you that trial", he continued as he looked at her again. "One of his domains is Prophecies, isn't it? I met him once. He gave me a ring", he admitted, smiling softly at the memory. He wasn't bragging about having met another Immortal, besides Saoire, he had just happened to think about that meeting, all those arcs before.

"Oh no, you don't have to call me my Lord", he quickly said and shook his head when she confirmed that she was indeed that Kirei. "Tristan is enough. We are family. Family don't call each other by their titles. I'd love to visit Ru and you sometime."

"I have a niece!"
he exclaimed with a look of wonder on his face. He was incredibly happy about that. He had lost a lot of members of his family. His younger brother Teddy had committed suicide, Zvezdana had rebelled, and now she was gone, and Alistair ... he'd rather forget all about him (which he couldn't; Vri had given him a perfect memory).

It was so good to get a new family member for a change – and one who seemed so nice at that!

"No, not recently", he admitted, his tone of voice growing more serious when Kirei asked him if Hart had been in contact with him recently. "I last saw him in Melrath. That's where I moved after the plague. I live in Raelia with my fiancee Ashling", he explained.

"If I see him again, I'll tell him to write though", he told her. Kirei's statement worried him, to be honest. Hart didn’t seem like the kind of man who stopped contact with his daughter and her mother to him. He didn't tell her that though. Krei was probably already worried enough without him adding to it!

"And I know that you said that you don't really travel, but Ashling and I want to get married, and I'd love to have you attend the wedding. I'd even pay your travel expenses", he told her before he added, realizing that she might feel pressured now,

"You can say no though. I'd understand completely! You have a small child, after all, and you probably have a job and such, and can't take that much time off”, he finished, blushing slightly as he realized that he hadn’t considered one very important factor. Melrath was nowhere near Scalvoris. It would probably take Kirei a few seven-trials to get there!
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Re: [Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan

25th Zi'da, 720

When Lord Venora suggested that Saoire might be involved, she nodded. But his mention of Ziell had her interested. She had heard the name of the Immortal, but aside from that, she knew nothing about him. So she took a mental note that he was the Immortal of Prophecies. Or that he might be.

"Maybe they both are." she said softly.

"I don't know if Ziell is the Immortal of Prophecies or not. I've heard his name before, but I really don't know anything about him. You said that he gave you a ring? What kind of ring, if you don't mind my asking. What was he like?"

She had met Vri, Pier, and Pre before, but it hadn't been a positive experience for her. She hoped that Lord Venora's meeting with Ziell had been nicer than her own experience had been. When Lord Venora told her that calling him Tristan was enough, that they were family, and that he wanted to meet Ru, she smiled. Family was very important to her, and gaining a new family member was always a good thing in her mind.

"Tristan it is then. And I would love it if you could meet Ru some trial. And the rest of my family as well. she told him.

"If you are ever in Scalvoris, you are welcome to come for a visit. I work as a chef at a restaurant called Cally's in Scalvoris Town.

Tristan seemed happy that he had a niece, and her smile grew.

"I have six adopted children, and three of my own, including Ru. So if you count children who have been adopted into the family, you have nine nieces and nephews." she told him.

Kirei thanked Tristan when he told her that he would tell Hart to write if he saw him again. Then the topic of conversation turned to a wedding. She was happy to hear that Tristan was getting married, but the invitation...

"Congratulations. I'm happy to hear that you're getting married, and I hope that you will both be very happy." she said warmly.

Then she frowned pensively.

"I don't think that there's any way that I can come to the wedding, though. With nine children, four of which are under five arcs old, travel anywhere is difficult, never mind to somewhere as far away as Melrath is. And I don't think it would be a good idea to take that much time off from work even if that wasn't a problem. Not that long ago, I had to take an...extended leave of absence from work. Sort of. I was able to keep working at Cally's, but not in the way I was hired for for nearly an arc. They were very good about it, but I really don't want to press my luck. Thank you for the invitation, though. Is there anything I can get you and your fiancee as a wedding present?" she asked.

She had no idea what the marriage customs were in Melrath, so she didn't know if gift giving at weddings there was appropriate or not. And she didn't know Tristan well, or his wife at all, so she had no idea what might be a suitable gift.

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Re: [Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan

Kirei admitted to not knowing anything about Ziell, but Tristan was quite happy to tell his new (almost) sister-in-law everything about the Immortal. He loved telling stories, and besides, he was still so incredibly glad that he had gotten a new family member rather than losing one for a change. “It was on a rainy trial in Saun, more than four arcs ago”, he told her in a gentle tone of voice. “It was around the time of the civil war. Ziell was walking through the marketplace, and someone stole his bag. I tried to help him retrieve it. He was nice. He gave me a ring – and visions. The ring gives me insights. I’m not sure if there was any truth to the visions, but since it was Ziell, there might be?” he asked and shrugged his shoulders before he smiled at her.

His encounter with Ziell had been a little unusual, to be honest, but it had also been enjoyable and amazing, and the visions had been nice. In them, Granny Ebony had actually been proud of him. Due to Vri’s Blessing, he still remembered exactly what had happened that trial!

When Kirei told him that she would love if he could meet Ru some trial, the young man beamed at her before he told her, because she should know and because he was just so very proud, “By the way, you have a niece as well. Her name is Ayla!” Ayla wasn’t only his daughter, she was also Syroa’s daughter, but that was something that he kept to himself, mostly out of a desire to protect his little girl. Syroa had pretended to be Faith when she had met him which was why he had only found out much later on. It was possible that he would eventually tell this new family member the whole story, but for now, he decided to leave it at that. There was something that distracted him before long anyway!

When Kirei told him that she had six adopted children and three of her own, his eyes widened noticeably. She probably was his own age, at most. No, she was probably younger than he was. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to take care of nine children, at least not without nannies. How had she ended up with nine children? Did Hart know that she had so many children? Maybe, he thought, some of the other children were Hart’s as well. And anyway, staring at her and questioning her about her many children was a bit rude, and a part of him was actually kind of excited about even more nieces and nephews!

“I hope to meet all of them when I visit”, he told her, before he asked, just in order to be sure, “Do you have anybody that helps you with your children, Kirei, if you don’t mind the question? If there’s nobody, I could …” he continued, but broke off. He didn’t want to appear rude. He didn’t want to offend his new family member, and he didn’t want to make any assumptions, but he just wanted her and her family to be happy.

“Thank you”, he replied with a smile when she congratulated him before he assured her, “I understand completely if you can’t come. As for a wedding present, I will be happy with whatever you give us. You already gave me a great gift – a new family member”, he told her and smiled at her. That was true – it was a great gift - and it was not something that he had expected!

Tristan was very excited about having gained a new family member, and he was reluctant to leave Kirei for that reason. They spent some more time in each other's company, talking. Eventually, the time for them to part ways did arrive though, and Tristan bowed to Kirei, thanked her again and told her how much he was looking forward to meeting her again before he told Pernent that they were ready to go back home.
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Re: [Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan


Review Rewards

Name: Tristan

Points awarded: 15

Etiquette: Bowing deeply and respectfully to an Immortal
Etiquette: Family members don’t have to call each other by their titles
Etiquette: Don’t stare at people when they say something surprising
Persuasion: If you want someone to attend your wedding, offering to pay their travel expenses helps
Storytelling: How I met Ziell
Writing: Taking notes about your work

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Saoire: Immortal of Gifts

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level
Loot: The gift includes one tier 9 alchemy kit, a bag of each of the following that holds 5 ounces of dried herbs and flowers: sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, honeysuckle, roses, five dried Azulin flowers, five dried Azulin flower cores, two bags of dried Azulin stems, two bags of dried Azulin leaves, one orange bluebird bush frond, one green bluebird bush frond, one blue bluebird bush frond, a small jar of roipo nectar, three Tried's Lily flowers, some wraithgrass, three leaves from the Biqaj tree, and five ingots each of the following metals: Crystalline, Embersteel, Minithelite, Adamantite, and Tienite. Information about each of the things that are part of the gift has been included.

The first thing I laughed at was Tristan's thought that being abducted was no new thing to him! I've done a few gifting threads and everyone is always surprised by being spirited away - not Tristan! I thought it was amazing. :D

Tristan is bright, inquisitive, and caring. All these things stood out to me as I was reading. He's so willing to help Kirei and open about that desire, even though he just met her. I enjoyed his excitement at finding out he has new family members.

The writing in this piece is wonderful - full of detail and I really could feel Tristan's happiness throughout.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!


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