10th Vhalar 719
If it was down to Padraig, this woman would be dead. Varlum too. But Faith had not killed her, nor had her killed. In fact, during the time since the final battle and now, Ellasin had been looked after. Faith had checked in on her almost daily - and she had received medical care of the best quality. Here, in Zuudaria, she was kept safe and there were guards on her constantly. But the aim of this was to get Ellasin better. Faith needed to know her, to know what had happened.There were a hundred reasons, not the least of which was Faith fundamental compassion. But it was more than that. It was, in fact, much more than that.
She well remembered what they'd seen through the mirror in Uthaldria, what the Truthblade had meant. Faith knew that somehow, Ellasin and her daughter were tied together and, none of that made sense to her. So, she also knew, that she had to find out. She walked into the room where Ellasin was, and she glanced around. Faith had made sure that the woman was comfortable, well cared for. Faith walked in, the short human looking at the former lich with eyes which glowed a deep red. Whenever she was here, in Zuudaria, that happened and Faith really didn't think she minded it in this instance. Not at all.
Still, she had cared for Ellasin, tended to her medically and Faith could not doubt that the former lich and Champion of Sintra had suffered. Yet, the war had changed Faith Augustin in ways which were undeniable, and so she looked at Ellasin and smiled slightly. Just a slight smile, nothing more. Faith moved and sat, on one of the low chairs in the room, gesturing for Ellasin to do the same. When the former necromancer sat opposite the very-much-still Zuuda, Faith regarded her quietly for a moment.
Then, she spoke.
"I've thought a lot about this moment," Faith said, softly. "About how I'd feel, what I'd say." Her fingers, folded together in her lap, pressed one against the other and she breathed in slightly. "Since that night. The 1st of Cylus, 719." The night that Ellasin had sent her zombies to attack Faith's house, Faith's home. Faith's children. Her fingers whitened as the pads pressed together a little. The night when Qit'ria had died, defending Faith's family. "I've thought it about it every trial since. Which is odd, because before that, I didn't know your name." The slight smile now had a twist of bitter irony. But then, was that surprising?
What Faith said was true, she had thought about this and thought about it a lot. About this moment where they sat, across from each other. Once, a lifetime or more ago, Faith had dreamed with Noth and Padraig. The two men had played board games for the fate of the world, in Faith's dreams, and she had been intrigued by the way they looked at each other. She had remembered it as she had wondered about this moment. They gazed one at the other, her and Ellasin and Faith knew, in that moment, what she was going to do. How this interrogation and investigation was going to go. And, frankly, it was as inevitable as Maxine and Patrick's betrayal, as the war itself - as soon as the first blow was struck by Ellasin, this moment was inevitable and so, too, was this question.
So, Faith asked it.
If it was down to Padraig, this woman would be dead. Varlum too. But Faith had not killed her, nor had her killed. In fact, during the time since the final battle and now, Ellasin had been looked after. Faith had checked in on her almost daily - and she had received medical care of the best quality. Here, in Zuudaria, she was kept safe and there were guards on her constantly. But the aim of this was to get Ellasin better. Faith needed to know her, to know what had happened.There were a hundred reasons, not the least of which was Faith fundamental compassion. But it was more than that. It was, in fact, much more than that.
She well remembered what they'd seen through the mirror in Uthaldria, what the Truthblade had meant. Faith knew that somehow, Ellasin and her daughter were tied together and, none of that made sense to her. So, she also knew, that she had to find out. She walked into the room where Ellasin was, and she glanced around. Faith had made sure that the woman was comfortable, well cared for. Faith walked in, the short human looking at the former lich with eyes which glowed a deep red. Whenever she was here, in Zuudaria, that happened and Faith really didn't think she minded it in this instance. Not at all.
Still, she had cared for Ellasin, tended to her medically and Faith could not doubt that the former lich and Champion of Sintra had suffered. Yet, the war had changed Faith Augustin in ways which were undeniable, and so she looked at Ellasin and smiled slightly. Just a slight smile, nothing more. Faith moved and sat, on one of the low chairs in the room, gesturing for Ellasin to do the same. When the former necromancer sat opposite the very-much-still Zuuda, Faith regarded her quietly for a moment.
Then, she spoke.
"I've thought a lot about this moment," Faith said, softly. "About how I'd feel, what I'd say." Her fingers, folded together in her lap, pressed one against the other and she breathed in slightly. "Since that night. The 1st of Cylus, 719." The night that Ellasin had sent her zombies to attack Faith's house, Faith's home. Faith's children. Her fingers whitened as the pads pressed together a little. The night when Qit'ria had died, defending Faith's family. "I've thought it about it every trial since. Which is odd, because before that, I didn't know your name." The slight smile now had a twist of bitter irony. But then, was that surprising?
What Faith said was true, she had thought about this and thought about it a lot. About this moment where they sat, across from each other. Once, a lifetime or more ago, Faith had dreamed with Noth and Padraig. The two men had played board games for the fate of the world, in Faith's dreams, and she had been intrigued by the way they looked at each other. She had remembered it as she had wondered about this moment. They gazed one at the other, her and Ellasin and Faith knew, in that moment, what she was going to do. How this interrogation and investigation was going to go. And, frankly, it was as inevitable as Maxine and Patrick's betrayal, as the war itself - as soon as the first blow was struck by Ellasin, this moment was inevitable and so, too, was this question.
So, Faith asked it.