• Solo • Scientia et Sapientia

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Scientia et Sapientia

Ashan 50, Arc 721

Urging Renaissance into a canter, sensing his need to run, the pair raced away from Scalvoristown, searching for a bit of freedom. Natalia hadn’t expected to be back in town so soon, but now that she was, they would spend a few trials within before moving west to see what there was to see in that direction. East had been quite the curious adventure

Cantering, just one step down from a full gallop, was always an experience. As Renaissance sped up, she discovered that she needed to readjust herself in the saddle, sitting much deeper than she would normally at a walk or trot. It was simply good sense, not wanting to come off the saddle, but the horse’s increased tempo made it much more dangerous to be ejected from the saddle than it would be at a slower velocity.

Lowering her upper body a bit and centering her core off the horse’s head, she urged him a bit faster, off into the countryside of Scavloristown.


Slowing to a walk as the pair approached the stables once again, Natalia steered Renny towards the building, finally halting the animal gently. Dismounting was always safer from a complete stop and the young woman knew she wasn’t skilled enough yet to do a moving dismount - which in her opinion was only for emergencies, and this certainly wasn’t. One thing she wasn’t, was reckless.

Taking her right foot out of the stirrup, Natalia held the reins firmly with her left hand and gripped the saddle horn with the same. Swinging her right leg over Renny’s hindquarters, she moved her right hand to the cantle of the saddle and turned, stomach against the side of the saddle, left foot slipping out of the stirrup and slowly sliding down until her feet touched the ground.

Smiling, the young woman gently patted the Oakleigh’s neck, speaking softly to him. “Good job, old friend. Wasn’t that fun? We should definitely go on rides like that more often.” In response, the horse shimmied a bit in place, softly nestling her face with his muzzle.

Laughing a bit, she swiftly led him into the stable and began the process of untacking her horse. It was something she didn’t need a great deal of focus for to accomplish, and as such, she was able to look around, observing and listening to things going on around her.

In the stall next to Renny’s, she overheard a conversation between a stall mucker and what sounded like a supervisor of some sort – a male authority figure for sure. “Rowan! There you are. I wanted to let you know that I appreciated the extra time you spent on Mrs.Bannigan’s stall set. I know she can be a bit particular about things, but she noticed the extra effort and donated some extra money with her rent payment this month. I talked to Olivia, and we feel you should take the afternoon off, and as well, you will be getting a raise. Good job!” Rowan, for his part, sounded like a humble sort, graciously thanking the man but insisting he was simply doing his job.

The conversation sparked a thought in the woman’s mind regarding the operation of a business. Natalia had an aspiration to open a stable like the one she was currently in, and she was always thinking about ways to improve the plan. The exchange brought forward the idea of how one should treat their employees. Part of managing a business, in her mind, was managing resources, like employees. In her opinion, rewarding the employees for work above and beyond their responsibilities was admirable and fostered a positive employee-employer relationship. People enjoyed feeling valued, and it was important to do so.

word count: 636
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Re: Scientia et Sapientia

Ashan 50, Arc 721

After sorting Renaissance and tucking him into his stable for the evening, Natalia made the short walk from the stables to her house, letting her mind drift over the observations she had made there. Walking, or riding, always seemed to help her organize her thoughts and such and she was glad for the time to do so.

As she approached her house though, Natalia noticed a well-appointed black carriage waiting nearby. Recognizing the vehicle immediately as one owned by her family, she steeled herself for a contentious encounter, only to find relief when a tall, older gentleman stepped out of the carriage. “Ivan? What are you doing here? Or, more specifically, how did you know I was back? I didn't tell anyone.” A smile slipped free as she went to greet the smiling man, who leaned in to kiss her cheek gently. ”Why, to see you, of course, little Natalia. Still stuns me how not-so-little you are any longer. As for the 'how', I still know a few people around, and especially ones where you keep Renaissance boarded.” Offering his arm gently to her, he inclined his head down the street, clutching a small box in his hand. “Would you be so kind to walk with me a bit? There’s something we need to discuss.”

Taking his arms, they began down the street and her companion offered the box to her. “This is a gift from your grandfather. He entrusted me to see it to you when, and only when, you left the family. He didn’t trust your father or anyone else with it.” Arching her eyebrow curiously, Natalia took the small box, opening it carefully to reveal a beautiful gold and black signet ring. Turning to regard the man with a strange little smile, the tone of her voice perfectly conveyed a bit of the confusion she felt. “My grandfather wanted me to have this? Why?”

Laughing a bit, Ivan nodded his head, patting her arm gently. “Your grandfather was a mysterious man, young lady. I was in his employ for arcs before he recommended I transfer to your father’s household. I suspect, although he never said, he wished there to be someone there to watch over you. He would inquire from time to time about things occurring in the manse. He was a good man and loved you dearly, but you already know that. Time to move on to the things you don’t know.”

Hesitating for a moment, seemingly collecting his thoughts, he began once again, letting his gaze drift into the distance. “That ring has a name. It’s called the Greyheart Signet Ring and it’s a very old heirloom from your grandfather’s line. It originated from his own mother’s family – your great-grandmother Beatrice and the Greyheart line - and passed to him once she left this world. He was to pass it on but in his estimation, your father was not to be trusted with it. That left you. So, he watched and waited as you grew, hoping you would develop into the type of person he felt comfortable leaving it with. Your father knows of the ring but was told it vanished.”

Taking the box back from her hand, he stopped in the middle of the walk and popped it out of the box to show her. “This ring has abilities. It is a great responsibility. With it, one can ‘read’, for lack of a better word, what another is capable of.” Natalia looked at the ring carefully, almost suspiciously, then back up at the man. “What another is capable of? That’s an overly broad classification.” Nodding, he handed the ring back to her. “Indeed, but your grandfather said that it’s something you’ll have to use and learn how it works. It’s extremely hard to explain. Put it on.”

She was still suspicious, but smart enough to know that if her grandfather wanted her to have the ring, it was safe because he wouldn’t have put her in harm’s way. Slipping the ring on her left hand, she waited to see what would happen…

…which was nothing. Looking expectantly at Ivan, she gave another curious smile. “I don’t feel anything.” Smiling at her, he nodded. "Of course not. You are simply wearing the ring. For it to work, you need to be touching a person.” Holding out his arm again, he motioned for her to take hold of it. “Has to be with the hand the ring is upon. Try again.”
word count: 768
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Re: Scientia et Sapientia

Ashan 50, Arc 721
Taking a bit of a deep breath, Natalia focused on his arm and gently reached out to touch it. The sensation she felt when she did was subtle. So very subtle. Sensations mostly, and certainly not many that made sense. Like words in her mind, getting little, tiny puzzle pieces out of order and trying to piece together what they might mean. The young woman felt papers and notebooks first. A conversation. Letters. How was she supposed to put those things together into a cohesive answer?

Looking to Ivan, the young woman frowned. Chuckling a bit, he patted her arm. “He told me to tell you that it will take a long time and much practice to figure it out. Put together what you sensed with what you know about me. Maybe that will give you a clue. I don't have much else to offer as, it seems, it works differently for each person. His experiences with the ring will be much different than yours.” Nodding, she considered what she knew about the man. Ivan had been employed with her grandfather for arcs before coming to her household. She never knew what he had done for her grandfather but in her house, he was always bringing her father folios of paper, discussing them with him. There were also people that would come to the house to talk to him privately. Some were well-dressed, others not.

It was a guess at best, but it was the only thing she could think of. “Something….with information, maybe?”

A grin formed on Ivan’s face, nodding gently. “Smart girl you are, my darling. Yes, something like that. That’s the thing I’m best at.” He didn’t reveal exactly what she had sensed but it seemed close enough that Natalia decided not to push things further, taking the victory for what it was.

Leaning in, he kissed her cheek again, a serious expression crossing his features. “I must go now, but a few more things. That ring will give you information about another, but only as much as you train, grow and learn. You must work the ability to get better at it. You will need to obtain skills that will help you decipher what you feel. Perhaps a few to help you focus as well. The item isn’t a free pass. It’s up to you to use it responsibly. Your grandfather had a lot of faith in you. Don’t let him down.”

With that, the man sauntered off to the waiting carriage, leaving more questions than answers.

word count: 435
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Re: Scientia et Sapientia


Player Name: Natalia

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: none


Mount (Land) - Sitting position in saddle for a canter
Mount (Land) - Safe dismount of a horse
Business Management - Employees are a business resource
Business Management - Rewarding people for exceptional work promotes positive employer-employee relationships
Detection - Recognizing a familiar carriage
Detection - Overhearing a conversation

Renown: 5 for acquiring a special heirloom item.
Loot: The Greyheart Signet Ring
Injuries/Overstepping: Nothing
Wealth Points: N/a

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: I enjoyed Natalia's interactions with her horses, she really seems to enjoy them, and get along well with these beasts. I was a bit confused when she said she agreed with the owner of the stable that an employee should get a raise. Whether that's true or not, it was clever of Natalia to take partial credit for it. A good way to earn goodwill with a stableworker.

Then Ivan arrives, and gets all kissy kissy. Who is this Ivan character? Is he a flavor npc? Remember, if he becomes a persistent appearance, you'll want either to dev him as a city npc or a personal npc (I'd suggest personal npc, given that he's specifically tied to Natalia, but up to you.)

The Greyheart Signet seems like a very useful item, being able to hear one's thoughts as they shake your hand is a useful ability. Hopefully she puts it to good use, and dodges any more kisses coming from that old dude. J/k

Great writing as always!

P.S. The dialogue color was a bit hard for me to read. I don't know if it's my screen or not, but the contrast is rather low between the text/background. Just thought I'd let you know, otherwise is a fine template!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 324
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