Ashan 50, Arc 721
Urging Renaissance into a canter, sensing his need to run, the pair raced away from Scalvoristown, searching for a bit of freedom. Natalia hadn’t expected to be back in town so soon, but now that she was, they would spend a few trials within before moving west to see what there was to see in that direction. East had been quite the curious adventure…
Cantering, just one step down from a full gallop, was always an experience. As Renaissance sped up, she discovered that she needed to readjust herself in the saddle, sitting much deeper than she would normally at a walk or trot. It was simply good sense, not wanting to come off the saddle, but the horse’s increased tempo made it much more dangerous to be ejected from the saddle than it would be at a slower velocity.
Lowering her upper body a bit and centering her core off the horse’s head, she urged him a bit faster, off into the countryside of Scavloristown.
Slowing to a walk as the pair approached the stables once again, Natalia steered Renny towards the building, finally halting the animal gently. Dismounting was always safer from a complete stop and the young woman knew she wasn’t skilled enough yet to do a moving dismount - which in her opinion was only for emergencies, and this certainly wasn’t. One thing she wasn’t, was reckless.
Taking her right foot out of the stirrup, Natalia held the reins firmly with her left hand and gripped the saddle horn with the same. Swinging her right leg over Renny’s hindquarters, she moved her right hand to the cantle of the saddle and turned, stomach against the side of the saddle, left foot slipping out of the stirrup and slowly sliding down until her feet touched the ground.
Smiling, the young woman gently patted the Oakleigh’s neck, speaking softly to him. “Good job, old friend. Wasn’t that fun? We should definitely go on rides like that more often.” In response, the horse shimmied a bit in place, softly nestling her face with his muzzle.
Laughing a bit, she swiftly led him into the stable and began the process of untacking her horse. It was something she didn’t need a great deal of focus for to accomplish, and as such, she was able to look around, observing and listening to things going on around her.
In the stall next to Renny’s, she overheard a conversation between a stall mucker and what sounded like a supervisor of some sort – a male authority figure for sure. “Rowan! There you are. I wanted to let you know that I appreciated the extra time you spent on Mrs.Bannigan’s stall set. I know she can be a bit particular about things, but she noticed the extra effort and donated some extra money with her rent payment this month. I talked to Olivia, and we feel you should take the afternoon off, and as well, you will be getting a raise. Good job!” Rowan, for his part, sounded like a humble sort, graciously thanking the man but insisting he was simply doing his job.
The conversation sparked a thought in the woman’s mind regarding the operation of a business. Natalia had an aspiration to open a stable like the one she was currently in, and she was always thinking about ways to improve the plan. The exchange brought forward the idea of how one should treat their employees. Part of managing a business, in her mind, was managing resources, like employees. In her opinion, rewarding the employees for work above and beyond their responsibilities was admirable and fostered a positive employee-employer relationship. People enjoyed feeling valued, and it was important to do so.