[Scalvoris Town] Viden Academy: Scalvoris Campus

The first satellite campus for the prestigious Viden Academy

A satellite of the prestigious Viden Academy, this collaborative effort has truly been successful on Scalvoris and many great inventions and discoveries are made on a regular basis!

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[Scalvoris Town] Viden Academy: Scalvoris Campus

As the shadow beasts attacked Idalos, a reaction to the latest battle in the historic war raging between the Immortals since the Great Shattering, great changes happened in Scalvoris. The twenty Pirate Lords disappeared in the first wave of the attack and a strange mist descended over Scalvoris. For one hundred trials exactly (some say one for each of the Arcs the Pirate Lords had remained in the city) the island was inaccessible. When the mist cleared, the island was irrevocably changed. Previously inaccessible waterways opened, inhospitable waters calmed and a wealth of flora and fauna seemed to flock to the area. People arrived from all over Idalos, some of who spoke of arriving on boats which spend across the water at incredible speed, or flown on the wings of strange blackbirds.

With this opening of the city, and the influx of new arrivals to the north-eastern island, new opportunities became evident for the inhabitants, old and new, of Scalvoris. First and foremost has been a reaching out to the nearby Viden. Scholars from the Viden Academy were invited to the island, lured in with the discovery of exotic plants and animals, all of which were to be studied. The expeditions to this mysteriously changed island opened up a whole new area of research for the academics of Viden. They were sending more and more over to the island, and the scholars were staying longer than initially planned. Soon, the leaders of the two nations came to an agreement: the first outpost of the Viden Academy.

Much smaller, of course, than it's counterpart the Scalvoris branch of the Viden Academy was housed in a round building in Scalvoris Town. With land either side, there was room to expand if needs be. Totally unlike any of the other buildings, the Viden Academy Campus simply added to the hodgepodge nature of Scalvoris town. A large circular building was constructed in the remains of an old hospital. Across the green to the left of the building itself was the public library, which received a massive increase in books to ensure that supply met demands. On the other side of the main building was the student accommodation.
Structure & Staffing
Chancellor: Kristoff Manyon
Dean for Each Institute (Vice Dean where necessary)
Associate Professors
Assistant Researchers

NPCs.Please note: these are all able to be used in self moderation ~ but some have modnotes attached.
Non-Academic Staff



Name: Felicia Du'Wintre
Race: Mixed Race
Age: She's not telling you that.
Title: Head Receptionist
Marks: None
Skills: Logistics (60), Research (55), Writing (50), Others (TBC)

Other Information: Felicia Du'Wintre desperately wanted to attend the university once upon a time. Now, she does something much better. In her mind as the Head Receptionist and Assistant to the Dean, Felicia runs the place. She knows everyone and everything about the place and she runs it with an iron fist. If you need to know anything, ask Felicia. If she likes you, then you are likely to have a much better and easier time of it. If she doesn't? Hang up your academic dress now and be done with it. She is an envious and shallow woman who gets by on notions of power and control. She has the power, and so she maintains the control.

General Travel

Name: Caelin Ash
Created by: Yeva
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: 33
Title: Sailor (Ex-pirate), Non-academic university staff
Skills: Seafaring (Expert), Navigation (Expert), Swimming (Expert), Fieldcraft (Competent), Deception (Competent), Detection (Competent), Seduction (Competent), Gambling (Competent), Blades: Cutlass (Competent), Appraisal (Competent), Unarmed Combat (Competent), Strength (Competent), Endurance (Competent)
Details: Caelin Ash is a (conveniently) "reformed pirate" who now offers transportation services for university staff and small student groups needing quick boat travel between island territories. Paid in advance per season by the department heads, he is often seen around the shore of Scalvoris Town during the hours of dawn and dusk to escort those willing, usually for field trips, excavations or hands-on demonstration. He is not above offering his own life experience to lessons, but his arrogance and weakness for teasing female counterparts makes him a crass, and frustrating individual to spend significant time with. For those who are needing travel for class, it can be assumed his fees are paid for, however if needing a quick and independent ride, he will try to wring you for everything and anything he can.


Clerk: Helen Wills
Assistant: Tim Timsun


Clerk: Sofia Sedgewood
Assistant: Dun'elm Crowther


Clerk: Lihal Maldreve
Assistant: Frances Maldreve


Clerk: Damon Schmin
Assistant: Jon Atoli


Clerk: Lisa Freedman
Assistant: Lavelle Shi'kan


Clerk: Thorne Wilson
Assistant:Recol Jus'fee
Academic Staff


Name:Chancellor Kristoff Manyon
Race: Mixed Race
Age: Born Arc 672
Title: Chancellor of the Scalvoris Campus of the Viden Academy
Marks: None
Skills: Teaching (85), Science (80), Mathematics (70), Research (70), Writing (50), Others (TBC)
Modnote: Whilst this NPC is fine to play in passing, he can not be played in any depth ~ if you want to use him for more than one or two sentences, please PM a Scalv mod. Thanks!
Other Information: Kristoff Manyon is a man who believes, most strongly, that teaching is the noblest profession. What one teaches does not matter, as long as one teaches well. He has very high demands of his staff and he expects each one, from the first trill of the lesson to the last, to be prepared, professional and purposeful. He is a generally aloof chap who does not seem to have many friends. He is, however, a very proud father and his son, Cohen, started attending the Academy as soon as it opened.


Singing and Cosmetology Ilpa de Fleur
Name: Ilpa de Fleur
Created by: Kalortah
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 32nd Ymiden 694
Title: Professor of Singing and Cosmetology at Scalvoris University
Skills: Singing: 80 Master, Cosmetology: 80 Master, Art: 60 Expert, Socialization: 60 Expert, Writing: 40 Competent, Teaching: 40 Competent, Research: 30 Competent

Details: An airy and flamboyant professor of the arts at Scalvoris University. She has an unorthodox style of teaching, prone to fits of inspiration and strange social experiments and fantastic field trips. All in the interest of expanding her students' minds.

Her office is resplendent and filled with artwork depicting birds of all kinds. She has a bit of an obsession with birds and is rumored to be a Delroth worshipper, or at the very least a great supporter of the Immortal.

There are rumors that she is addicted to ambrosia, although some just think hyperactivity is simply her natural state.
Salv'i'na Smixenbite, Art
Name: Salv'i'na Smixenbite
Created by: Perdita Westcott
Race: Sev'ryn
Birthday/Age: 15th Ashan 690
Title: Professor of Art
Skills: Art: 75, Socialization: 65, Cosmetology: 60, Teaching: 55, Detection: 50, Sculpting: 50
Details:A bubbly and vivacious staff member, Salv'i'na thoroughly enjoys teaching art at Scalvoris University. She is deeply enthusiastic about art and is always excited at talent and commitment. Whenever there is a student who is struggling, she does her best to help them. However, she's very good at maintaining a reasonable work / life balance and has strict boundaries. She's always the life and soul of a party and her teaching style is practical and entertaining. She lives close to the University with her husband (Dudley Deadnut) and two children


Dudley Deadnut, History
Name: Dudley Deadnut
Created by: Perdita Westcott
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 27th Vhalar 694
Title: Professor of History
Skills: Research: 75, Writing: 65, Teaching: 55, Detection: 50, Appraisal: 50.
Details: Dudley is a serious and stern professor who is very intense about his work. He finds history to be absolutely fascinating and wants to understand everything he can. Teaching is not his passion, studying is, but the University insists that he has to teach. It isn't that he minds it, but he finds it very frustrating when people aren't as excited by history as he is. His teaching style is reflective of this and he tends to run a very hard class. He goes fast, asks lots of questions, sets lots of work, and expects people to keep up. He lives close to the University with his wife, Salv'i'na Smixenbite and their two children.


Dean: Cursyn Tellso
Role History of Language Linguistics Language Language Language
ProfessorFor'an TherDareen ClearwaterIcelyn PaigeStalov SongGo'ret Pred
ProfessorWalton ReedeAudi'ran HonffMercury SaltRemlin SageTom Pritch
Associate ProfessorTracy WilsonPhoebee LinkaOlyv LodevHaun ShoveRaine Thorin
Associate Professor


Dean: Lobust Frome
RoleImmortal History History and Theory of Magic Original Beings EnsorcellmentFractive Studies
ProfessorDin'ray PhilopFolly TinkleLis'on DarnEuadne Thamnistre Euadne Thamnistre
ProfessorOlen BastidMigh GirTag Fridson
Associate ProfessorWilliam WilliamsonAlison JeeveLeo Henco
Associate Professor

History and Theory of Magic Staff
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Ensorcellment Staff
Euadne Thamnistre
Name: Euadne Thamnistre
Created by: Woe

Race: Mixed Race Eidisi-Human
Birthday/Age: 43rd of Ashan 676
Languages Spoken: Fluent: Common, Yari (Multilingualism), Common Sign(Competent Linguistics).
Skill Table
Skill XP Level
Ensorcellment 80 Master
Meditation 80 Master
Endurance 60 Expert
Leadership 60 Expert
Art 60 Expert
Teaching 60 Expert
Linguistics 40 Competent
Detection 40 Competent
Research 40 Competent

Appearance/Biometrics: Standing tall at 6'2", the eidisi woman possesses a wispy, lithe build. She often wears practical clothing, according to whatever climate or setting she finds herself in. Her default expression brooks little invitation to casual socialization, with a stern countenance and disapproving glare when she's particularly annoyed.

Personality: A stern, stoic woman who takes her career as a professor of Fractive Studies with the utmost seriousness. As a born and bred child of Yaralon, she does not back down from an argument or debate, yet maintains an altruistic attitude that she earned outside of Yari culture. She's a bit of an oddity for a former Yari but nevertheless is proud of her heritage.

Backstory: Born in Yaralon, and leaving before she was of age, she was brought along to proving grounds far from her home. There, after suffering a terrible injury at the hands of a bandit gang, a group of Adunih healers found her and nursed her back to health, against her protestations that she die with honor. They brought her back to health, and eventually, she came around. She turned to their way of thinking after wintering with them for a season.

And when the call came for her to make the run, and return to Yaralon, she reluctantly heeded the call back to her people and homeland. She made the run and on arriving in Yaralon, became a Fracture diver, collecting and studying wells as a matter of thrill-seeking. Eventually, she returned to her friends in the University of Scalvoris. There, she teaches the art of ensorcellment and the science of Fractive Studies, teaching about fractures, wells, and ensorcellment.
Fractive Studies Staff
Euadne Thamnistre
Name: Euadne Thamnistre
Created by: Woe

Race: Mixed Race Eidisi-Human
Birthday/Age: 43rd of Ashan 676
Languages Spoken: Fluent: Common, Yari (Multilingualism), Common Sign(Competent Linguistics).
Skill Table
Skill XP Level
Ensorcellment 80 Master
Meditation 80 Master
Endurance 60 Expert
Leadership 60 Expert
Art 60 Expert
Teaching 60 Expert
Linguistics 40 Competent
Detection 40 Competent
Research 40 Competent

Appearance/Biometrics: Standing tall at 6'2", the eidisi woman possesses a wispy, lithe build. She often wears practical clothing, according to whatever climate or setting she finds herself in. Her default expression brooks little invitation to casual socialization, with a stern countenance and disapproving glare when she's particularly annoyed.

Personality: A stern, stoic woman who takes her career as a professor of Fractive Studies with the utmost seriousness. As a born and bred child of Yaralon, she does not back down from an argument or debate, yet maintains an altruistic attitude that she earned outside of Yari culture. She's a bit of an oddity for a former Yari but nevertheless is proud of her heritage.

Backstory: Born in Yaralon, and leaving before she was of age, she was brought along to proving grounds far from her home. There, after suffering a terrible injury at the hands of a bandit gang, a group of Adunih healers found her and nursed her back to health, against her protestations that she die with honor. They brought her back to health, and eventually, she came around. She turned to their way of thinking after wintering with them for a season.

And when the call came for her to make the run, and return to Yaralon, she reluctantly heeded the call back to her people and homeland. She made the run and on arriving in Yaralon, became a Fracture diver, collecting and studying wells as a matter of thrill-seeking. Eventually, she returned to her friends in the University of Scalvoris. There, she teaches the art of ensorcellment and the science of Fractive Studies, teaching about fractures, wells, and ensorcellment.

Original Beings Staff
Tag Fridson
Name: Tag Fridson
Created by: Doran
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Ymiden 4, Arc 685
Title: Professor of Original Beings at the Institute of Metaphysics
Location: Scalvoris Town
Skills: Master Research, Expert Teaching, Expert Leadership, Expert Psychology, Competent Detection, Competent Discipline, Competent Writing

Details: Tag Fridson has been a professor at the University of Scalvoris since it was established. In that time, he has focused most of his studies on the Original Beings, especially Fei, and to a lesser extent their offspring, the Immortals as well as Emea, as he believes that some of the answers to Idalos’ riddles can only be found in the past, in the time before the Shattering, and beyond the world of Idalos. On top of that, he has an interest in psychology, especially in how people handle grief and anger, due to his own history.

Tag Fridson was an only child. His paternal grandparents already died before he was born. His maternal grandfather died when he was eight, and his maternal grandmother when he was fourteen, and his father when he was thirty-two. He was wounded during the collapse of the docks in 718 and eventually succumbed to his injuries. Since then, he has been wondering how people come to terms with such tragedies, and how tragedies shape the world.

In spite of the losses that he has suffered, Tag Fridson is not a sad or bitter man. He is quite happy most of the time. He is curious and adventurous, and possesses a subtle sense of humor. Tag Fridson has brown eyes and black hair and is not unattractive. He is unmarried and lives alone, but he has a circle of good friends and visits his widowed mother on a regular basis. After the events in the Glass Temple and the Forging he became known to the greater public because of the way that he supported Scalvoris, although he never became Forged.
Important Threads:


Dean: Henri Wagstaff (Chemistry)
Role Alchemy Chemistry Medicine Physics Zoology
ProfessorAmelara AmersEsata BrocaJohn CarterEsme DashiellHarold Drumpf
ProfessorAllyn FreidHenri WagstaffArgus Hamilton-SmithSian'ta FireveinJasper Seams
Professor------Faith Augustin (PC)Padraig Augustin (PC)--
Associate ProfessorMarianne WoxSje'hu Carne--Pippa Frey'naTimothy Drakeson

Alchemy Staff
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Chemistry Staff:
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Botany Staff:
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Medicine Staff:
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Physics Staff:
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Zoology Staff
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Role Cartography Construction Engineering Nautical Engineering
ProfessorTrench Fig Manus Shade Gray Williams Neme Threall
Professor Widdershin Splenk Roger Surtain Bowson Green Finn McCavity
Associate Professor Olef Bunraw Bill Sperlinkle Jo JacksKeast Peath
Associate Professor

OOC Information

Job Information

There are many jobs available here:
  • Assistant Researcher ~ no qualifications needed ~ Research skill minimum 15.
  • Researcher ~ Should be at least studying Diploma, usually need to have completed it.
  • Associate Professor ~ Diploma (may be acceptable to be studying this with additional desirable qualities / skills ~ PM Peg.). Competent teaching & leadership.
  • Professor ~Either 3 seasons as Associate Professor or Charter (may be acceptable to be studying this with additional desirable qualities / skills ~ PM Peg.). Expert teaching & leadership
  • Dean of an Institute ~ One position per Institute. Licenciate required (may be acceptable to be studying this with additional desirable qualities / skills ~ PM Peg.)
  • Chancellor of the Academy - One position. Minimum qualifications: Licentiate and additional Charter in any subject.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Whisper & Pegasus
In this thread Faith discovers that there were previously necromancers at work in the basement, which used to be the morgue when the building was a hospital!

Anyone is more than welcome to visit the University!
You can only attend classes, however, if you have paid for them!
There are still many secrets to be discovered here!
There are jobs here!
PLEASE NOTE: In Saun 717 some parts of the University are still under construction. Science & Metaphysics are well established, Technologies is getting there, Languages is in a state of unpacking still!


First posted January 2017:
NPCs Added: Feb 2017: Pegasus
NPC: Dean Manyon added: March 2017: Pegasus
Updated: New Institute (Technologies) Added: May 2017: Pegasus
Updated: New Staff Structure & Languages Added: 1st August 2017: Pegasus
Checked for Skills Scale Down: August 2021.

Location Credit: Pegasus and Whisper
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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[Scalvoris Town] Viden Academy: Scalvoris Campus

Currently Open Institutes:
As of Zi'da 717 ~ All Institutes Fully Open!
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 ! Message from: Peg
Location Credit: Pegasus and Whisper
All Institutes are now open!
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[Scalvoris Town] Viden Academy: Scalvoris Campus

Academy Qualifications

In order to become a student in the Academy of Viden, a prospective student must first pick a course of study. To do this, they must first chose the Institute, and then a specific subject which they might focus on (e.g. Alchemy, Architecture, Empathy, Linguistics, Medicine or Poisons). From there, they may begin their academic journey to achieve the highest qualification they dare to aim for. There are five levels of qualification, granted to those students who have successfully pursued their academic goals and finished their required courses, to possess one is a mark of status in educated society across Idalos and one might find employment opportunities open much easier. Even many shopkeepers in Viden have gained qualifications in Business.

Letter ∞

  • Minimum of 25* pieces of Knowledge in the relevant topic.
  • Minimum 2 seasons of study in Rynmere/Scalvoris/Viden/Rharne.

Certificate ∞

  • Minimum of 30* pieces of Knowledge in the relevant topic.
  • Minimum of 2 seasons of further study in Rynmere/Scalvoris/Viden/Rharne.


  • Minimum of 35* pieces of Knowledge in the relevant topic.
  • Minimum of 2 seasons of further study in Rynmere/Scalvoris/Viden/Rharne.
  • Teaching of at least one class to lower-level students.


  • Minimum of 40* pieces of Knowledge in the relevant topic.
  • Minimum of 3 seasons of further study in Rynmere/Scalvoris/Viden/Rharne.
  • Teaching of at least 1 class to lower-level students.


  • Minimum of 50* pieces of Knowledge in the relevant topic.
  • Minimum of 3 seasons of further study in Rynmere/Scalvoris/Viden/Rharne.
  • Moderated thread with a Prophet (can be one of the threads for study / teaching).
  • Teaching of at least three classes to lower-level students.
  • Outline of a Thesis on topic.
 ! Message from: Whisper & Pegasus
*In order to lessen the strain of gaining knowledges, there is a "pay-in" system: a PC may do an extra study/homework/work thread of at least 1500 (their words if collaboration), which "buys off" 5 knowledges.
 ! Message from: Whisper
Depending on PC Skill Level and previously acquired Knowledges, it is possible to take the exam to qualify for a Letter. For the intelligent few, they may then attempt to qualify for a Certificate. This offer is only available to people who intend to follow through with the next level of qualification.

Example Qualifications:

Letter of Humanities in Geography
Certificate of Technology in Nautical Engineering
Diploma of Arcana in Empathy
Charter of Arts in Narration
Licentiate of Science in Medicine
If you start a qualification in Scalvoris and choose to continue in Viden or Rynmere, and vice versa, this is acceptable. Qualifications from the University of Rynmere and the Viden Academy are identical in terms of mechanics (they cost the same, and offer the same rewards), the only difference is stylistic roleplay choices. For example, Viden/Scalvoris are more prestigious on the whole, but Rynmere excels in certain areas.

Please PM a Local Prophet for approval before pursuing your qualification from the Viden Academy, Scalvoris Campus. This sort of thing must be approved from day one if your efforts are to be rewarded.[/font]
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[Scalvoris Town] Viden Academy: Scalvoris Campus


  • Each season of study, at a Tertiary level, costs - regardless of the level of qualification that the student is aiming for. Please see The Shoppe for details
  • Employees of the Academy (working and studying part-time) will be offered a discount on their studies. Classes may be accessed at 1 Tier above the PCs actual Tier on any season where working at the university is the pc's Wealth Thread. .
  • Accommodation is not included.
Wage Bonuses

Given the sheer dedication and expense it takes for a student to gain any qualification from the Higher Education Facilities in Idalos, it is only reasonable that this be rewarded in some regard in terms of income. The University of Rynmere and the Viden Acadamy are well regarded institutions and thus any civilised employer would clamour to employ an ex-student. As such a qualified individual may enjoy certain perks. Although only guaranteed in Viden, Rynmere and Scalvoris

Please note: You gain the wage bonus for the highest level of qualification you have in a related field. These bonuses are not cumulative. If in doubt, check with a local prophet
  • Letter
    • An additional 1wp to seasonal wages
      (must be in a related field, or working for an academic institution)
  • Certificate
    • An additional 2wp to seasonal wages
      ( must be in a related field, or working for an academic institution)
  • Diploma
    • An additional 3wp to seasonal wages
      (must be in a related field, or working for an academic institution)
  • Charter
    • An additional 4wp to seasonal wages
      (must be in a related field, or working for an academic institution)
  • Licentiate
    • An additional 5wp to seasonal wages
      (must be in a related field, or working for an academic institution)
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[Scalvoris Town] Viden Academy: Scalvoris Campus

Rules of the Academy
Rules of the Academy

  • Please ensure you are comfortable with OOC and IC knowledge before beginning RP in the Academy.
  • To complete a full season, one must write one thread of study in said season (two a cycle) or risk expulsion from the Academy.
  • If your character cannot afford to pay fees but would like him/her to learn at the Academy then please PM the local Prophet, who will discuss your options with you..
IC Rules

  • Those who are not registered students of the Academy, or affiliated with it in some other way, are limited in their access to facilities offered by the Academy.
  • Study of Arcana is highly restricted and special permission must be sought from senior academics (and a Prophet) both to be taught and to study privately.
  • Use of Arcana is limited to the facilities owned by the Institute of Arcana. Whilst all disciplines of Arcana are recorded, not all are permitted to be taught, and those which aren't are not to be practiced anywhere within the city limits. Hazardous use of Arcane Arts will be dealt with quickly and severely.
  • Forgery of qualifications of any level from the Viden Academy is prohibited and is punishable by expulsion from the institution and, in extreme cases, exile from the city.
word count: 218
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