Melrath's Goverments

Melrath's Governments


Disputes/Trial by Combat:

Whether an argument over defending one's honor,dispute over trade or otherwise, all Melrathi possess the right to challenge anyone to a Trial by Combat. This is initiated by any of the involved parties and the challenge is issued. Each person who accepts to engage in the Trial must then choose a Second to negotiate the location, time, and terms for them with the chosen Seconds of the other participants. Trials by Combat may involve more than two people but no more than ten are permitted during a single Trial.

This can be done immediately or within the next three trials however once accepted all combatants are expected to appear at the agreed upon place and time in order to engage in the Trial. The Seconds will work to find a suitable location as Trials by Combat are not allowed in public roads or parks. They must be held either on private property or out in the Wilds for the safety of the general public.

The Seconds will choose among them as to who will announce the Trial and sound the start of combat. Once this has been done the combatants are free to attack each other until only one person or one side is left standing or all opponents yield. Death is a perfectly accepted result of this tradition and no one will be tried for murder if they have killed someone during a Trial by Combat.

General Laws

Trespassing: It is illegal to enter private property without reasonable cause. Reasonable cause is typically defined as helping someone in distress or entering the premises with permission from the owner. Members of the Ragnari, the Ydalir, and the Aesir are not impacted by this law so long as they are trespassing for reasons associated with their faction.

Thievery: All acts of thievery are illegal and are punishable by incarceration of at least one Cycle, or in extreme cases, the removal of one’s hands to ensure that they never steal again.

Murder/Violent Assault: Acts of murder or violent assault including sexual are punishable by incarceration of a at least five Arcs or death.

Magic Use: Mages are forbidden from using their magic on an unconsenting individual. The only exception to this are mages who work in Melrath’s service as members of the Ydalir, Ragnari, or Aesir. Circle members are also exempted from this law when required.

Mages Mark Requirement: All mages are required to register with the government of Melrath, including their domains and the location of their living quarters. Additionally, they must be tested in three phases by both the Aesir and the Syns. Once both factions agree that the mage is capable of discipline, then they will be given their Mage’s Mark. Resident native mages are often given their Mage's Mark either by age fifteen or within one season of becoming a mage. Those who cannot demonstrate acceptable control of their magic or who are a danger to the public will be required to attend compulsory education with the Aesir and the Syns in Raelia for at least a minimum of eighty Trials. Neglecting to do so will result in incarceration for an undetermined amount of time.

Blackmail/Extortion: Blackmail and threatening acts are not condoned and may be punishable by a fine or incarceration for at least fifty Trials.

Abduction: Abduction, or holding a person against their will is strictly prohibited unless they are a slave. This may be punishable by incarceration, exile, or even death.

Slavery: It is illegal to hold a Melrathi citizen as a slave. However, this is permissible in regards to Outlanders. All slave owners must have in their possession any and all records regarding how they purchased or came by their slaves.

Treason: Treason in any form against Melrath is forbidden, and shall be met with death or permanent exile.

Spiritual Harm: It is illegal to intentionally act in a way that would cause harm or distress to a spirit. Additionally it is against Melrathi law to try and influence a spirit to cause harm for nefarious reasons.



The Melrathi Flag was created in the first decade of the nation's founding. It is said that Ashara's mother wove the first version of the flag. Initially the flag itself was a silver trinity knot placed on a field of crimson. This was to symbolize the blood of their people who had perished due to the feuding Immortals, so that no one would ever forget the wrath of those petty gods. On the flag itself the trinity knot stood as a reminder of the Melrath's desire for balance now that they sought to live alongside the spirits of their new land. A couple centuries following the nation's founding an alliance was brokered with Hochojobon Tunawa, leading the flag to be changed to include artistic renditions of ivy and leaves around the primary knot.

Centuries later the flag would change again the arc after the treaty between the Dwynmer Tribe and the Melrathi was forged. To ensure that their new citizens felt included as residents of the kingdom, the design of the flag was split into thirds with the central portion being a robust cobalt blue to note a lasting treaty with the friendly Dwynmer.

The flag of Melrath has remained much the same since Arc 591, bearing a backdrop of deep cobalt, silver, and a rich crimson. With the trinity knot at its core framed by leaves.

The Circle


The Circle oversees the governance of the nation of Melrath. They tend to foreign/domestic affairs, trade negotiations along with crime and punishment. The Circle was founded soon after Ashara Veldaris founded the city of Raelia as a means of managing the needs of the budding country. The headquarters of the Circle is located within the capital of Raelia.

There are a total of fourteen Representatives who are part of the Circle. Three of these seats are guaranteed to the the three most prominent factions that work to protect Melrath. These include the Ragnari, the Aesir, and the Ydalir. There is also a fourth seat that is guaranteed to the Dwynmer people who hail from the city of Verimeer. This seat was given in exchange for the Dwynmer joining Melrath and yielding to the rule of the Circle.

Then there are ten other Circle positions that are open to the citizens of Melrath.

14 Members Total

1- Ragnari Representative

1 - Aesir Representative

1 -Ydalir Representative

1 - Dwynmer Representative

10 - Citizen Positions


The 10 Representatives are always chosen typically from those that fulfill valued roles within Melrath. Crafters, artist, nobles, merchants are always highly favored.

The Circle is tasked with making decisions and passing judgement about various things across the Melrathi nation. They manage the borders, and will decide who is allowed within Melrath and who is not. They are also responsible for judging criminals who have commited the most heinous of crimes.

Joining the Circle

There are a total of fourteen seats available on the Circle. Three of these are taken by a member of the military, the Aesir shamans and the Ydaliri rangers. If you are a member of any of these factions you may petition the head of your organization in order to be chosen as your faction’s Circle Representative. If you are a local of Verimeer you may apply to represent the interest of the Dwynmer on the Circle.

If you are a normal Melrathi citizen then a total are ten seats are available. You must prove yourself as an incredibly beneficial and valued member of society in order to seek nomination. This can include wielding your wealth to gain influence, or mastering an industry/skill. To be nominated you must request to be sponsored by an existing Circle Representative who will speak to the Circle on your behalf and to bring up a vote on whether or not you should be awarded the seat.

Circle appointments are for life or for as long as the individual wishes to hold the seat. In order to seek a seat that is currently filled the individual must find a way to oust the current Representative.

(Please speak with a local moderator if you wish to pursue Circle membership)

All Circle Members are provided with a golden broach featuring a triskele encircled in a ring of gold. This symbolizes the unity of the Circle and the members dedication to Melrath.

Circle Corruption

While it is not common knowledge to the public, the Circle Representatives often engage in political intrigue and a fair amount of backstabbing in order to push forward their goals. While some members have remained honest and true, many others have resorted to less than lawful activities in order to increase their own wealth and power.

As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Dwynmer Council

The council are the true leaders of the tribe, any decision made by the current leader is put to vote by them. Because of the yearly change of leadership, day-to-day operations are often left to the council without the leader ever needing to vote or be asked beforehand. Any proposition or bills to be passed are open to the Peers of the council or any council member. Votings are held once a season for propositions with urgent votings being called for immediate needs.

Though technically made up of seven, including the current tribe leader, the council members themselves are only six. With the House of Peers making up the sub-council and offering citizens more power within their city, though many are happy to leave things to the council.


Originally the tribe of mer was run by one leader but due to the unfortunate circumstances of the leader constantly passing in untimely manners followed by the tradition of sacrificial leadership a new position was needed. The crucial parts of running the city were broken into parts and positions were chosen to help with the day-to-day tasks of the tribe as well as keeping things running in-between leaders.

Though the original council was chosen by the current, at that time, leader the council in the years that follows has always been put to vote by the open house of Peers. Council members being chosen every three arcs unless someone abdicates or is removed during a house vote due to abuse of power.


The Masters

  • Master of the Castle: Runs and takes care of all businesses that come and go within the castle
  • Master of Trade: Runs the trade division between the cities and towns of Melrath
  • Master of Foreign Affairs: Runs trade & travel between cities outside of Melrath
  • Master of Internal Affairs: Runs citizenships and housing within the city and bringing proposition to the council for vote.
  • Master of Construction: Runs the mines, construction of new homes and business
  • Master of Services: Runs the Temple of the Spirits, and keeps peace with the spirits

The Melrath Seat: A position under the Master of Foreign affairs, it is a special seat for non-mer members of the nearby cities. A position of pretend power, they are able to sit on matters and weigh in but their vote does not count.

House of Peers: Any citizen who comes to the seasonal council meetings at least two times consecutively has the right to sign their name in the Book of Peers. Any new council member or propositions brought can be voted on by them to help with majority rule.

Joining the Council

There are no specific skill requirements to run for council but if one cannot complete all the necessary skills of their job they will be voted out from their seat. It does help to have been on the House of Peers but it is not required.

Please contact your mod if you wish to be on the council or hold the Melrath seat.

Holding a Seat

Failure to meet the requirements will cause them to lose their position

  • Must attend the seasonal council meetings
  • Must write a thread a season of PC doing their job
  • Create one bill or proposition an arc


Small Rewards: Small rewards stack or restart depending on how long the position is held. If a PC abdicates or is removed from their position rewards restart. Continuing in the position to the full arc stacks the rewards, so by the end of an arc the PC would be gaining 10 extra wp a season. Should a PC miss part of the requirements to hold the seat but still keep the seat, rewards also restart.

So by the end of the arc a PC can earn 6wp extra a season plus their large reward bonus, as well as 3 extra lores and skills a season after the first cycle of RP.

  • One season in seat: 1wp in addition to their season wages and 10 renown
  • One cycle in seat: 3 skill points to any one skill
  • Half an arc in seat: 3 lores to any one skill
  • One arc in seat: One item one tier above their current for free

Large Rewards: Large rewards do not stack due to the nature of their size. They are one time rewards given if all requirements have been met consecutively for all required seasons and arcs.

  • One arc: 10wp and 5 free skill points
  • Two arcs: 15wp and 10 free skill points
  • Three arcs (full term): 15wp, 20 skill points, and 10 free lores
  • Nominated for a second term: 50 renown and 20wp
  • Wins second term: Any item from the PB rewards