Melrath: Known Induks
Known Induks of Melrath
While it is always possible that other Induks will be discovered hiding within the ancient places of Melrath. Those listed here are widely known and worshiped by the Melrathi people.
Local Names: Ymir, Grandfather. Old Man of the Mountain
Induk of the Mountain
Ymir has a long and storied past of interacting with the mortals who live on the slopes of his mountain. Lovingly called “Grandfather” by the people of Vorkund the Induk is widely worshipped and mentioned during daily life. Most in Vorkund believe that the spirit activley watches over them, however they also never have expected Ymir to actually protect them from harm.
To live on the tallest peak in Melrath is to understand that you must be able to fend for yourself in order to survive. The residents of Vorkund would never stoop so low as to beg their spirit for aid. To do so would be to dishonor the strength and solitary nature of the mountain itself. Rather instead they seek to embody the values they see in the mountain spirit.
The values of wisdom, resourcefulness, and patience are worth far more to these residents than anything else. Children are taught the value of waiting rather than leaping into danger. A commonly spoken blessing to youngsters is “May you have Grandfather’s patience.” For the mountain waits and listens before anything else.
Ymir’s appearances to the people of Vorkund are rare as with any Induk, but those who have met him say that he has appeared in a variety of physical forms. The first is that of a face of stone which appears as a wrinkled and ancient man on the face of a mountain or cliff. He can also similarly appear in the form of ice on the glacier that blanket the slopes. Very rarely Ymir has appeared as a barefoot elderly man with a dirt caked body garbed in animal skins and a woven jerkin with a shovel and axe strapped to his back. This form is also commonly seen in the company of mountain larks or stags at his side. This form has only been taken on occasion and when he desired to communicate more easily with the mortals who worship him.
Local Names: Myrkvior “Dark Mother, The Witch of the Wood, The Night Vixen”
Induk of the Forest
Considered by many to be the most powerful spirit in Melrath, Myrkvior is the Induk of the massive and sprawling Myrkvior Forest which blankets over half of the nation. Her history is long, dark and stretches back far longer than the founding of the nation. Myrkvior is often a figure seen in many Melrathi fairytales. The reality of her is uncertain as she has appeared in lore in a multitude of ways.
Some, especially the residents of Fensalir regard her as a stern but quite motherly figure. Often called “The Dark Mother” by these forest dwellers, she is widely respected and adored for her savage yet protective nature. It is because of this that the Forest Induk’s image is often associated with a large pure white female fox with midnight black eyes. This image is often seen in Fensalir’s public artwork and statues which are dedicated to the spirit of the wood. It is said that the Dark Mother guards all children who enter her forest but will visit violence upon those who seek to prey upon all young creatures. This is a story that is commonly told to the children of the city. Many parents and adults tend to use the phrase “May the Mother guard your shadow.” when sending their offspring off on their own to play or visit with friends.
There is another side to Myrkvior that has been heavily impacted the folktales and stories told about her; especially in Raelia. Passing travelers and nobles whisper of the spirit as a wild creature capable of great savagery should you venture too far into her domain. Tales of men seeking treasure in the forest often end in blood and carnage when making a chance encounter with the spirit. Hundreds of these dark tales persist, lending to the belief that the Induk is a creature of wrath and wickedness who preys upon those fool enough to enter her domain in hopes of earning glory or treasure.
“Walk humbly beneath those dappled shadows, For she will be there watching. The witch of the wood takes none for fools And hunts those whose hearts are empty.”
Many parents use the stories surrounding her to teach their children to avoid unbecoming personality traits such as arrogance and greed. Most Melrathi believe that Myrkvior judges all who enter her forest, and those mortals who have foul hearts will find themselves hunted by her or the creatures which inhabit her shadowed woodland.
The people of Noatun Village are somewhat unique as they believe a mishmash of stories regarding the Induk. Some consider her a motherly figure, and others associate her with the tales of her savagery. However a few, especially fishermen, sailors, and gamblers have associated her heavily with themes of luck, trickery and love. These few men and women of the sea call her the Night Vixen and will pray to her before risky endeavors, such as gambling or journeying into the sea.
Myrkvior has perhaps the most variety of stories surrounding her, but she has consistently embodied the ideals of motherhood, cleverness, and savagery in most cultures. She has appeared in a variety of ways to mortals, either appearing as a pure white fox with black eyes or as youthful human woman garbed in nothing but a mantle of leaves dotted with fireflies. When in her human form Myrkvior is rarely fully clothed, wearing dark leaves across her shoulders, leaving most of her pale body exposed. She also is seen wearing a crown of branches and thorns atop her heat that twinkle with the soft amber green light of fireflies. Her hair is moon white and ragged, reaching down in a twist of tangles to her mid-back. No matter her form, Myrkvior is always said to possess eyes that are as black as night. She sometimes plays from a small ivory wooden flute, the music is said to be strangely alien yet enchanting. Something the likes of which no mortal has ever created before.
Local Names: The Azure Serpent, Brother of the Water, The Wise Fool
The River Induk
Vynmur's domain encompasses the entirety of the river that bisects Melrath. His waters have been used for centuries as a means to transporting wares and people up and down the river. Because of this the spirit is one of the more trusted and beloved of the Melrath Inducks. He has also appeared to mortals far more often that either Ymir or Myrkvior. His forms vary but he typically appears in one of two forms. The first is that of a massive serpent with radiant blue scales and bright sapphire eyes. Many claim to see him from a distance dancing over the surface of his domain. His less used form is more commonly associated with close encounters with the Melrathi. This is the form of a Mer, specifically appearing much like the freshwater Dwynmer who often travel his canals. His youthful Mer form much reflects his blue serpentine form, with shining azure scales flecked with hints of turquoise green.
Vynmur is known to most Melrathi as a joyful and fun loving spirit who loves to play and make mischief with passing travelers. His personality is reflective of his domain which encompasses a fast running river that is bursting with life. However his playful nature is eclipsed by the few times he's encountered mortals attempting to over-fish or damage his domain. In these rare cases, Vynmur's wrath is quick to anger and swift. He is almost child-like in this regard. His emotions can swing wildly from one extreme to another if someone tries to deny him his fun.
It is likely because of this that some Melrathi consider Vynmur a spirit of mischief, just as much as he is a spirit of joy.
Local Names: The Rainbow Fish, The Singing Siren, The Maiden of the Lake
The Lake Induk
The Induk Svariella calls all of Lake Svariella her home though she also holds the Dwynmer lochs under her sway as well as the Mer who reside there. She is perhaps the most peaceful of the known Induks of Melrath and silently watches over the people of Verimeer like a distant mother.
It is not uncommon for Svariella to make appearances in plain view of mortals throughout the waterways of the Melrathi mountains. While she is alien and strangely whimsical she has a love of music and stories and loves to tell stories or listen to those told by travelers. Her relationship with Vynmur is perhaps the most close knit of the various Induks of Melrath. The two powerful spirits are interlinked, as she stands as his wellspring and he is the river that brings their waters to the sea. Svariella and Vynmur stand in perfect equilibrium with each other. She is the yin to his yang. Even if Myrkvior and Ymir don’t always see eye to eye, Svariella and Vynmur always seem to find balance between each other.
Svariella’s physical appearances varies much like any Induk however she has two forms that she most enjoys using. Firstly is that of a large school of hundreds of rainbow colored Swverlyn fish that are seen sometimes swimming throughout her lake and the waterways of the mountains. She rarely interacts with mortals in this form, though she is known to appear more frequently like this, reveling in her domain and enjoying the joy of swimming beneath stony peaks and snow capped forests. Her second form is humanoid in appearance although she appears mostly Mer more than anything. Her skin will glisten with rainbow scales and her iridescent eyes seems to shift hues every few moments much like a Biqaj. Soft afterimages of fish in every color imaginable slowly swim around her ankles, wrists and the crown of her head. Her hair is long and swirls through the air; reaching nearly to her feet. Each strand is a slightly different hue and when she moves her hair will always shift colors.
In any form, people have told stories of the soft song that seems to constantly wrap around her. It is beautiful, gentle, and almost intoxicating. There are few dark tales concerning Svariella compared to the many surrounding Myrkvior, however some men have claimed that she has attempted to lure them over cliff sides and into her depths with her alluring voice should they displease her. Svariella is considered by many to be a defender of women and a protector of those who find themselves forced to survive on the fringes of society. Perhaps this is why she took a liking to the Dwynmer tribe centuries ago.
For arcs untold she has watched her lake, and when settlers came to Melrath she taught them how to care for her waters and those that resided within. Her history with the tribe of Dwynmer is what inspired the Mer make their Etchings and build their music hall. It is rumored that those who pick up shells from her lake have the most beautiful echos and those who drink her water have crystal clear voices.
Svariella is above all things a spirit of music, passion, and teaching.