Valuable Commodity

A Socialization Capstone of Faith Augustin this capstone does the following:

Valuable Commodity

Faith's reputation precedes her and her life has been spent persuading people to help good causes ~ whether they want to or not! Her presence and her personality combine with her reputation and skill to ensure that she is recognised as a valuable commodity in her own right. When completing a seasonal wage thread she commands a greater wage, simply by virtue of her ability to negotiate such.

This results in a +3 modifier to Wealth Points earned per seasonal wealth thread ONLY and cannot be used to increase transaction threads, odd jobs, or any other means of gaining wealth points; it may not be used with any other capstone which increases seasonal wage.

The seasonal wage may be increased by a full 5 wp if the skill she's using for the seasonal wealth thread is Socialisation, but only 3 wp for other skills.

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