Resolute by Nature
A Socialization Capstone of Faith Augustin this capstone does the following:
Resolute by Nature
Faith has spent her life achieving the impossible. She has cured incurable diseases, abolished slavery, been a general in a war and many other things. No matter what she is told, Faith believes that there is no such thing as impossible, just levels of hard to achieve. This has required her to be - at times - incredibly stubborn and this capstone is the natural continuation of it. Faith has managed to do so many things which were previously considered impossible that she is able to sway a group to work together on something which seems unachievable. By virtue of persuasion and negotiation - and sheer bloody-mindedness - Faith is able to get people to commit time and energy to something, even if they consider it impossible. No matter how far-fetched, she is just stubborn enough and immovable enough in her own belief, that others are persuaded by her, influenced by her attitudes and become open to helping.
This applies to NPCs, obviously, although I would hope that PCs would consider it in their interactions with her. It also only works when Faith is working in service to others - she can not use this for personal gain, but can use it for charity, fundraising, education, or splatting bad guys. It does not mean that the people will automatically do things Faith's way, but it will convince them to do something on their own, in their own way.
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