Natalia Gregorios



  • PC full name: Natalia Gregorios
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: Link will go here.
  • Race: Human
  • Date of Birth: Ashan 23rd 696

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: (Pig Boy)

  • Skill Points
    • Politics - 5 points
    • Etiquette - 3 points
    • Deception - 2 points
  • Knowledge
    • Politics: Arranged marriages are made for the gain of the family as a whole, not necessarily the bride.
    • Etiquette: People aren't pleased when the bride abandons the altar.
    • Deception: Making an appointment you have no intention to keep.
  • Starting Renown: 10

Starter Quest

Making a new start as a lone woman in the wide world, Natalie may take some time adjusting to time on her own. Yet without fail, there are those who take notice of her and with notice comes curiosity. Curiosity leads to investigation, and it isn't long before word gets back to her former betrothed that Natalie hasn't abandoned the Island entirely.

While he may have no immediate intention of pursuing her, he sends a red herring of a seducer after her, to try and charm her enough to learn her current residence, but to take their meeting no further. Will Natalie suss out this attempt at subterfuge? Or will she fall for it, and lead the lions straight to her own front door.

(Starter quests are entirely optional. You're not obliged to pursue it, but it's meant as a jumping off point for a new pc, based on their history or starting circumstances.)


Daughter of Chamadarst

Natalia is Chamadarst's Mortalborn.

PSF Approval here

Mortalborn Parent Story

Natalia’s father, Stephan Gregorios, was not a kind man. Born of wealth and privilege, everything he has done in his life has been to further his goal of amassing wealth. Following in his mother's footsteps, he learned about glassworking, in all forms. As he grew in his skills, Stephan wasn't content with the limited financial gain he could earn from the discipline, so he strove to learn the ways of business and commerce as well.

In 690, he married Olivia Whitehall. The Whitehalls were an established family, and their estimated worth made his wealth seem insignificant – a fact he was aware of. Stephan studied, schemed, and planned his marriage, targeting only those young women who would add significant monetary value and connections to his portfolio. Olivia was perfect.

Soon after their marriage, they began trying to have a child. Stephan secretly hoped for a daughter, wishing to marry her into another wealthy family and further secure his own wealth through her. But after a few arcs of trying, it was apparent that they were unable to have children naturally. For Olivia, this was a devastating personal blow but for Stephan, it was a problem that needed to be solved. He was not interested in deviating from his plan.

Going to the Glass Temple, he prayed to Chamadarst, offering up wild deals to secure a daughter. The Immortal appeared and probed the human about his intentions and motivations. Chamadarst allowed him to speak. Stephan Gregorios was an important player in business dealings throughout the island. He was shrewd and cut hard deals that previously benefited only him, manipulating and maneuvering others as he desired, occasionally upsetting the balance of not only commerce but certain factions within.

Chamadarst, seeing use for such a person, made the first condition of the bargain that Stephan would use his abilities to facilitate deals, of all sorts, that benefited Chamadarst’s interests instead of his, allowing the Immortal to use him as he saw fit within the commerce society of Scalvoris. The second was a bit more specific - a restoration of the stained glass in the Glass Temple, and that Stephan would make sure that any damage done to said glass after the restoration would be immediately repaired.

This deal would be for the term of Stephan’s life. For this, in exchange, Chamadarst would provide the soul that would born Natalia.

Soon after, Olivia announced her surprise pregnancy and was none the wiser that her daughter was the product of an Immortal, she just being the vessel to carry the child.

Natalia grew, knowing nothing of her heritage or the deal made.


Tranquility’s Reign

Many horses have a wild spirit that is difficult to contain. As the Mortalborn of Horses, Natalia can forge a special connection with any horse. This connection requires her to be able to touch the creature, but once she does, the creature will feel an overwhelming calm come over it. This ability does not extend to any extraordinary ability to riding, although a difficult creature might more easily allow her to mount it, depending on her skills.

As well, Natalia can 'bond' with one horse, taken as her familiar. The bond allows the pair to communicate telepathically. Once Natalia chooses a familiar, the bond can only be broken by death. The bond does not grant the familiar supernatural life or abilities beyond communication.


Crystal Clear

Natalia can hear the stream of conscious thoughts of those within her line of sight. The greater the number of individuals around her, the harder it is to make sense of the jumble of thoughts or to focus on one individual.

Once Natalia discovers the ability and begins to explore it, it will be overwhelming. The ability to focus on a single target will only come with time/training (unless there is only one person in her line of sight). She will need to train/experiment to understand the ability and how to use it. As the ability progresses, she will begin to be able to sort people out and understand which voices belong to whom. This will be largely contextual and depend on the situation / environment Natalia is in but her ability to discern one voice from a crowd of five or more, for example, will be based on her Detection skill in that moment. The greater the size of the group around her, the more difficult it is.

The length of time she is able to keep the connection open will be dependent on her experience with the ability and her own discipline level.

At Novice and Competent - Up to two bits. Expert Discipline - Up to five bits Master - Up to seven bits GrandMaster - Up to ten bits

Discipline and Meditation experience will help her progress more quickly in this ability. Over-use can result in headaches, disorientation, dizziness (light), lingering migraines & temporary hearing/eyesight loss (mild), mania, and crushing inability to keep others thoughts out of her mind (heavy).

In order to resist this ability, the individual whose thoughts Natalia is reading must have a reason to suspect / believe / know that she is doing so. This might be her facial reaction to their thoughts, an ability which allows them to know if they are being observed in this way, etc. If they know that it is happening, then it can be resisted by anyone with a Discipline skill at the same level as her or higher or with appropriate magic / marks. This will be discussed and agreed between players on a case by case basis.

Line of Sight

If Natalia can see an object, regardless of distance or an obscuring medium, such as fog or heat shimmer, she can, by concentrating on the object, resolve it as clearly as she would if it were closer, or the intervening medium were clean, dry air. She must already be able to see the object at least somewhat, even if only in outline, for this ability to work; it will not allow her to see things shrouded in darkness nor screened by something opaque. It is only viable on one item, such as a person, building or object; it will not work on groups of people or entire landscapes. She must pick a target of her focus.

She may use this ability one time per trial per her proficiency level in Detection (i.e., once at Novice, twice at Competent, etc.), for up to ten bits at a time. For multiple uses, she must wait ten bits before employing again. approval



Minting is the process of creating coinage. Stamping or using molds are the most common processes to achieve this but to do so, one needs knowledge of raw materials. Natalia is able to study an item and know what it is made from, even if she isn't familiar with the material. If touching part of a larger structure (wall, building, etc), Natalia can tell how far the combination of materials she's touching extends. She can use this ability once per trial and it requires her to touch the item.

She is, however, unable to tell if an item/material is magical in nature. This ability only focuses on the raw materials used to mint/create/forge it.

Dragon Gifts


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