
Fast Facts
Status Alive
Domains Storms, Luck, Spite
Holy Names Seascourge, The Shattering One, The Fickle One, The Cracked, The Storm, Daughter of Despair
Holy Symbol -
Religion -
Location Sea of Desolation
Faction Supports Herself, Hates Humans
Mark Rusalkis
Notable Creations The Mer
Creator Fei
Immediate Family None known
Allies No One
Enemies Everyone



General Traits

Hate and Rage: Chrien is all but defined by her hate and rage. There is neither forgiveness nor compassion left in Chrien’s psyche, and it can be reliably said that her fury is directed at everyone, not even sparing her own Blessed or creations.

Spiteful and Cruel: Chrien never passes up a chance to mock, belittle, or taunt others. She delights in reminding others of their failures and weaknesses, often rubbing these in specifically to hurt people.

Destructive: Chrien lives to destroy, and delights in the destruction of both Mortal and Immortal creations, often for no really established reason. Due to her largely aquatic nature, she is a particular terror for those who sail the seas.

Pained: Despite all of the above, Chrien did love her mother deeply and was never able to recover from her loss. One of the core roots of her rage is that she believed her siblings, none of whom ever even attempted to help Chrien bring her back, forgot about and abandoned Fei to her death.


Raw Power: In terms of sheer, raw destructive power, there are very few beings in existence who can match Chrien. Her Storms Domains in particular makes her one of the very few Immortals that is capable of single handedly laying waste to entire cities if sufficiently angered.

Giant Monster: Outside of her Immortal Domains, Chrien is just plain huge. Physically the largest of the Immortals, Chrien is of a size comparable to Dragons and this comes with all the extra endurance and strength that implies.

Sea Monster: Chrien’s body is built for an aquatic environment, and she frequently augments it with extra fins or tentacles. This combined with most other beings, especially most other powerful beings, being land or air based makes Chrien extremely difficult to fight, as it gives her an outsized advantage on her own turf.


Brute Force: While Chrien is skilled in the water, she prefers to rely on the raw crushing power that her body affords her, or on the pure destructive potential of her Domains.

Easily distracted: Anger is not an emotion conducive to thought, and Chrien is incredibly quick to anger. She’s easy to even accidentally rile up into an undirected fury that makes it difficult for her to focus on a single goal.

Self-Destructive: Chrien is as much a danger to herself as she is to others. Her storms can create situations where she injures herself, and her attempts to revive Fei have Fractured her own body. Her tendency to antagonize her own Blessed also makes them unreliable should she actually need them.

Personality and Verbal Tics

Shouting: Fury is rarely a quiet emotion, and as such, Chrien is rarely quiet. Especially when her easily roused temper is set off, she tends towards yelling at people.

Carried on the Storm: Since she’s an aquatic being by nature, Chrien rarely visits towns and tends not to surface much. As a result, she has storms carry her voice to her Blessed or those she’s inclined to Bless.

Ranting: When provoked, Chrien can go on long, often detailed rants about whatever’s attracted her ire at any given moment. She’s got an impressive grasp of language, owing to Fei’s studious nature, and thus her rants actually tend to be much more eloquent and intelligent than expected.

Surprisingly Intelligent: Most people just see Chrien as a force of pure rage and destruction, forgetting that her mother was the greatest scholar of the Originals. Consequently, if one has the sheer luck to catch Chrien in a calm mood, they’ll find she’s actually quite intelligent.


Chrien is known to be one of the most violent Immortals among the bunch. Created at the hands of Fei, Chrien was tasked with keeping order to the storms within Idalos, as well as the giving of luck and spite. She is not one that maintains friendships or cares very much about anything affecting another person other than herself. She is a selfish, misguided deity that uses the humans as an excuse to destroy the lands with violent storms and weather. If a tropical storm, hurricane, or monsoon comes rolling into the coast, chances are Chrien was the one who spurred such a thing. Violent weather is usually the first sign of this Immortals assault on an area. Many of her brethren still wonder why Chrien lashes out so viciously. Some say that the abyss of bitterness took her whole soon after her mother perished.

This Immortal was one of the very first created to watch over the lands of Idalos. Though her mother created many more like her, Chrien and Fei bonded quickly as a mother and child would. Just before Fei shattered, Chrien had been with her and still was, even after the dust of her mother's scaly flesh disappeared with the water's currents. This had shattered the Immortal's heart to the point of no return. After the shattering of the original Seven, Chrien was changed. She did not view the world the same way others did and even blamed Delana for Fei's death. This heartbroken Immortal was already wrecking havoc in Idalos before the war erupted and after it did, she used it as an excuse to exact her sadness on the humans. It was through sheer mistake that Chrien created the merfolk. She never intended to have her abilities mixed with the essence of a mortal. However, as it did, Chrien slowly realized how malleable the human body was and how adaptive their spirits were. She began to great many more merfolk with the intentions of recreating Fei. Though she was never successful, Chrien's body has gained many shimmering scars from the misuse of her abilities.


Chrien appears as a giant underwater creature of sorts. Her entire body is covered in scales while her lower body appears as a fish tail, green and blue in color and shimmering with silver cracks from the merfolk she continues to create. She has a humanoid face with black, beaded eyes and dark, purple lips. Rather than hair, she has transparent-blue tendrils that span the length of her body. Sometimes she adores a crown of multicolored fins while other times, she is seen without it. Her body is much larger than an average human, though, she in no bigger than the average ship.

Memories of the Past

Chrien always had a close connection with Fei, so much that the two were nearly inseparable apart from Fei spending time with Faldrun. They shared much of the same ideology, ambitions, characteristics, and optimism. After the Great Shattering, Chrien fell into a state of denial which soon drove her to insanity. Vision clouded by sorrow and desperation, Chrien can't see that she's killing herself trying to mold a human into the image of Fei..


Hidden within the waters of the Sea of Desolation, it is unknown what Chrien is up to currently.

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