Magic Mutations Balthazar Black
Spark Theme & Persona
His Defiance Spark, has a powerful will and a strong desire to grow. It wants to see and marvel at the world but it also wants to consume it and return everything to it's natural state or ash. His spark carries a slight hunger for more power with it. An ever growing need to learn more and expand it's connection to the elements. Balthazar often rages against those demands of his spark but he can not deny them fully. His spark wants to grow and Balthazar wants to be more powerful whether or not he admits it to himself. Approved here
Balthazar's white hair is a witchmark of his initiation into Defiance.
Friend of the Flame
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Balthazar's spark has taken a liking to fire, the only element with a passion and will to grow matching it's own and this relationship has fundamentally changed Balthazar. One wouldn't notice with a simple handshake or hug but Balthazar's body now runs warmer than the average human. The feeling of his skin is comparable to a cup with a hot liquid inside.
The result is that Balthazar is much more resistant to frigid temperatures and the injuries they cause than others of his species. This effect extends to the opposite side of the spectrum in more minor ways. Balthazar has a more difficult time in warm temperatures because of his internal heat however it has never been so extreme that he could not use the wind around himself to stay cool. Additionally, the element of fire now clings to Balthazar more aggressively than before. All open flames within a two foot diameter of Balthazar stretch towards him as if to try and hug him.
Kissed by Fire
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Upon reaching Expert in Defiance Balthazar realizes that it appears as though his blood glows with an inner fire that can be seen from the surface of the skin. This has made it much easier for him to be detected as a mage however it is fairly easy to hide this mutation with layers of clothing.
Additionally, when wounded Balthazar's blood is now capable of cauterizing any of his wounds almost instantly to prevent him from bleeding to death if he is wounded. His fiery blood will also accelerate healing by cutting recovery time in half although he now scars very easily since his wounds are rarely mended by a proper healer.
While healing, Balthazar will feel an uncomfortable burning sensation near the site of the wound that can be distracting at times. Also the inner glow of his blood seems to burn brighter while healing, making it far more obvious that he is a mage. Additionally while Balthazar uses fire Defiance or regenerates through this mutation his eyes glow softly and emit a slight smoke. This is the result of the Rupture Spark seeking to make it's presence felt.Master
The Refined
The Refined: Upon reaching mastery, Balthazar chose wind as his second kin element and his spark- which had such passion for the flames and burning- changed greatly to accommodate the mage's relationship with the wind. In combat Balthazar utilizes a combination of air and fire to create a fireball with a little force behind it and his spark recognized his mingling of the elements. It sought to improve that mingling in order to encourage Balthazar to mingle them further.
Consequently Balthazar became the center of a ten foot diameter of static which seems to fluctuate with Balthazar's mood. On a surface level this means that Balthazar's body is somewhat akin to a balloon that has been rubbed on a shirt. When he touches objects and people he often shocks them. Sometimes his hair stands up randomly as well but that can generally be solved with a ponytail. On a deeper level this mutation is the manifestation of Balthazar's spark co-mingling his kin elements in the air around him and it allows Balthazar to refine fire and wind into lightning with a little more ease.
Passively Balthazar will find that when he grows aggravated his body begins to generate sparks. Every spark it generates draws a little bit of Balthazar's ether from his body and so they could be used to enhance physical attacks but the electricity can not be applied to objects Balthazar is holding. His sparks seems to recognize only his body as the conductor.
- Balthazar is the center of a ten foot diameter circle of static electricity.
- He shocks people with his touch sometimes due to the static electricity.
- His hair stands up occasionally due to the static electricity.
- When aggravated his body produces sparks that consume minute amount of ether (mostly sensory, because they generally cling to his body).
- It would cost less ether to refine wind and fire into lightning.
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The Unburnt
The Unburnt: At mastery, Balthazar's spark reaches out once more to physically change it's host so that he may be a more proper container for it's power. However his spark was warped, changed by the time when the world was shut off from Emea. Balthazar's spark learned to flay his kin and identified that as a productive method of growing in power. So when Balthazar achieved mastery he felt as if his blood was boiling, and his spark forever altered his deference. Balthazar has effectively become a sponge for flames. Deference allows mages to resist the elements that they are utilizing however Balthazar's mutation has made him immune to fire even when he is not utilizing the element. Whenever a flame gets close enough to burn Balthazar, his body flays the energy from it and he experiences all the effects that come with it. The brief enhancement, and the hunger however the hunger that follows is proportional to the flame his body takes in.
If he were to be submerged completely in a pyre, Balthazar would find himself emerging with the complete hunger of the new flaying however when only a small portion of him is afflicted he would experience more of a dull aching to flay. When this occurs, Balthazar's bones begin to glow as if his marrow is flame itself and the glowing persists until Balthazar has expelled whatever energy the bodily-flayed flame provided.
Skills such as mediation and discipline can be used to help resist the almost ever present urge to flay following this mutation. His spark does not view the flaying of fire as a horrid thing, instead his spark believes that flaying the flames which touch Balthazar would instead bring him closer to the element. Additionally as a result of minor corruption from when an Emean being search through Balthazar's spark, the flames he manifests burn blue as fire had in several places Balthazar physically went in Emea.
- Fire Balth manifests is blue in color. If he draws it from a source it is the sources color.
- When Balthazar is touched by hostile fire, his body flays it.
- The flaying produces a lesser forms of flaying consequences. (Relative to how bad the burn was. If whole body burned, full flaying consequence for flaying fire)
- Visually, When he flays Balth’s bones glow a bright red like they are on fire. Additionally he produces a loud and annoying sound like embers being sniffed out when he flays.
- When his body is flaying hostile flame, Balthazar is unable to manifest his own flames. However he can still manipulate flames from a source.
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Spark Theme & Persona
His spark, thrust upon him through the Rupture Initiation, does not share the hunger to grow that his Defiance spark does. It shares a desire to see the world but it is also distant. It is in one place and while it enjoys that one place it is always longing to move again. It never feels at home when it is not on the move and that feeling has affected Balthazar. It's hard to never feel like you're home. Approved here
Balthazar's golden eyes are a witchmark of his initiation into Rupturing.
The Dyslexic
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Balthazar devoted much of his time and effort to the study and research of magic in an effort to understand and harness his powers even further. Unfortunately while part of his spark enjoys deepening his bond to nature, part of it loathed all the reading and sitting around. When Balthazar became competent in Rupturing his eyes began to betray him.
Whenever Balthazar reads his spark meddles in his mind to make the words float around on the page. Balthazar has discovered that the only time the words sit still is when he is in motion and that while he is in motion, he reads much faster now. The spark's hope was that it would cause Balthazar to abandon reading altogether but he is more disciplined than that.
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Balthazar's Rupture Spark is overtaken by his Defiance Spark's hunger and the result is burning portals. All portals Balthazar forms are bordered by some manner of flame. When he blinks (or snapshots an item) from one place to the next he is preceded by a quick burst of fire and when he attempts to add a push or pull to his portals a small vortex of mostly fire -which is mostly sensory- forms behind it to indicate the direction of the pull. When Balthazar phases his eyes burn brightly and smoke rather than spark as they once did. To scry he must look into a large fire or submerse his face in one.
Furthermore Balthazar has discovered that things which pass through his portals occasionally catch fire. The downside of this mutation, in addition to things catching fire more often, is that Rupture magic now draws more on his ether increasing the risk of overstepping. Furthermore Balthazar's portals require fire to work so when it is raining or when the edges of the portals are attacked by water, Balthazar's portals can short out.
The Ruptured
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In achieving mastery, Balthazar's Rupture spark marks his skin permanently in order to make itself known. The spider-web like pattern of glowing-ether cracks that materialize across a Rupturer using splintering have now permanently settled on both of Balthazar's arms (up to his elbows).
The cracks passively glow a soft reddish-orange however when Balthazar begins to cast any spell they shift to the blue shade that his flame-lined portals are. These markings do not allow Balthazar's arms to passively move through objects in the same manner that splintering does however it does increase the efficiency with which Balthazar can splinter his already marked arms through things. Splintering the remainder of his body is no more efficient than normal. The cracks spreading up Balthazar's arms glow through average fabrics and leathers.
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Due to Balthazar's increased use of magic in darkness, when he achieved mastery of the domain, his Rupturing Spark further mutated his eyes giving Balthazar the ability to see in the night as clearly as he could see in the day. The spark was hoping this would encourage Balthazar to practice Rupturing more frequently during the night and dark seasons.
The mutation causes Balthazar's eyes to glow a dark blue like the flames that line his portals and the skin around them has cracked in a pattern similar to the splintering ability. Unfortunately this mutation alters Balthazar's vision at all times. His vision as a whole has had it's brightness increased and as a result Balthazar is blinded by sunlight.
Spark Theme & Persona
The Impressionable Child - Balthazar's transmutation spark is the fourth one to be latched onto his soul and it had intended to be a malleable one. It had intended to learn and to adapt so it could grow and expand- leaving it's mark across Idalos. As a result when the spark bonded with Balthazar's soul, it took a little bit of the personality from the other powerful parasites around it. His Transmutation spark shares the compulsion to grow and expand of his Defiance spark, insatiably urging Balthazar to find new qualities. It shares his Rupturing spark's desire to travel and explore, urging Balthazar to seek out qualities in strange and unusual places that it thinks only he can reach. And it shares his Attunement sparks gentle curiosity, urging Balthazar to explore the flaws he can create just as much as the qualities tries to imbue. Approved here
Balthazar skin seemed to crack where the ether missile stuck him in the chest during his initiation into Transmutation. Following the success of the initiation, the cracks on his right pectoral (which encompass roughly the size of a fist) began to faintly glow with an emerald green hue. The glow is not substantial enough that it can not be covered with fine fabrics like silk but it could be seen through anything sheer. Approved here
The Hottest Spark
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As a sign of Balthazar's first spark's (Defiance) powerful impact on Balthazar and it's consuming personality, the ether that Balthazar conjures for all of his Transmutation spells manifests in the visual form of green flames. This is an entirely visual effect meaning that the 'flames' do not actually burn things and leave embers that can be manipulated with other magic or abilities that grant control over the elements. The flames do not emit heat and if you were to touch them, they would feel similar to an ether missile- cold and tingly. This alters the appearance of all of Balthazar's abilities without changing the function of the ability at all. Identity leaves an emerald scorch mark over thing Balthazar uses it on that fades at a rate equal to the lifespan of transmuted items. Corrosion looks like the corroded area is being lit on fire but melts the same. Brilliance looks like an unusually bright emerald torch. Bolstering items covers them in green flames that dissolve into them to make them stronger. Ether missile looks like a green fireball but acts like ether. Shapecraft coats things in green 'flames' while it shapes them. Pathways are visible and appear as green 'flames' trailing over the path Balthazar creates. Absorption is visible, when Balthazar makes contact and begins to absorb the ether from the cast spells, it looks like green flames being pulled into him.
Viridian Spark
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Because it is his youngest spark, the transmutation spark pushes the hardest to grow in Balthazar. As he progresses with the discipline, his spark begins to leave a mark on all the others. When channeling magic from the spark, all of the etheric cracks across Balthazar's body begin to glow emerald green. Additionally the faint glow coming from his skin takes on a green hue which matches the ether Balthazar conjures with the discipline.
Overstepping Corruptions
Equal Force
The Drowned Man
The Exposed Attuner
This Overstep is linked to both Balthazar's Attunement as well as his Defiance.
The Exposed Attuner: Attunement was often believed to be a subtle magic but when Balthazar overstepped by trying to attune to Faldrass that reality changed for the mage. Having taxed his Defiance and his Attunement spark, the two exerted their vengeful wills in a combined effort- permanently changing Balthazar's ability to attune. Now, whenever Balthazar attempts to use any part of Attunement on a spirit a warm sensation and dull pain spread through his body. While the pain imparts no physical damage, it is incredibly discomforting while also causing the mage to feel varying degrees of heat depending on the strength of the spirit being attuned to. It can range from a feeling like being in a sauna (for an Anak) to sitting in a volcano (for an Induk) and the sensation bypasses any resistance to temperatures. So long as he holds a spirit's active frequency, Balthazar experiences the same sensation. However the mutation also changes Balthazar physically during the act of attunement. Whenever Balthazar attempts to attune to anything, the lines dividing his eyes that would normally reveal an Attuner to an observant individual begin to glow- revealing that Balthazar is attuning.
When Balthazar progresses to mastery in Rupturing and acquires his Eyeshine mutation the effect carries over, causing both his eyes and the spider-webbing cracks that stretch down his cheeks to shift an array of colors whenever Balthazar attunes. (So that he doesn't just erase the revealing part when his eyes get glowed out.)
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