Viden Hot Cycle 719
General Weather
Ymiden is known for its hot, summer weather and strong hurricanes. Though this season isn't as unbearable as Saun, Ymiden provides more cloudless days than cloudy. Astronomers cherish this season for its clear skies, giving way to cool nights full of stars and moonlight. Ymiden is also the season where most festivals take place. Crops planted during Ashan will be harvested before the middle of Ymiden, allowing for enormous feasts, plenty of drink, and an unlimited supply of entertainment.
Ymiden lasts for a total of 83 trials (days). During this time, temperatures remain moderate while oceans and any other body of water become warm enough to swim in. The storms that occur throughout this season can be severe, ranging from hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, and monsoons. However, each region will experience the effects of this seasons differently.
Viden Specific
Not much changes for city buried in snow in Ymiden. Temperatures warm slightly, but not enough to melt even the freshest layers of snowfall. Clear skies for a portion of Ymiden offer opportunities that are few and far between for stargazing. The wind, an ever present force for Viden's citizens, remains constant.
- 1st-14th: Skies clear early in the Season, bringing sunlight days and clear night skies to Viden. Temperatures however, are still low.
- 24th-56th: Cloud coverage is back, temperatures drop lower than they were and fresh snowfall begins. Over the course of several trials the light sprinkling builds up, but this is seen as normal weather for the citizens of Viden.
- 70th-83rd: Over the last few trials of Ymiden the skies clear and the city in snow is once again graced with sun filled days and clear nights.
General Weather
As Ymiden closes out, Saun begins, bringing with it another sun. Saun is known as the hottest season in Idalos with high temperatures that can become unbearable to work in. During this season, night time provides a small relief to the heat and though the temperatures aren't so excruciatingly hot, exposure to the sun without proper water and shade as well as rest can be fatal.
Saun lasts a total of 40 trials (days). It is recommended during this time to keep a close eye on all children, livestock, and crops. Because of the heat, water will need to be readily available and distributed frequently, as to avoid potential stroke or loss of life from overheating. Any storms experienced during this season are much more powerful than those produced during Ymiden.
Viden Specific
With the arrival of Saun comes an increase in temperature for Viden. Nothing record breaking, but warm enough that one might consider a slightly less thick outer coat. Near the end of the Season though, things are back to normal as the snow comes in once more, and the weather resumes its normal course.
- 1st-10th: Temperatures raise, skies are clear, and it's mostly quiet in the city of snow.
- 35th-40th: The end of Saun hits, clouds move back in, and over the course of a few trials snow begins to fall anew.
Seasonal Context
With the Fall of the Emea on everyone's minds at the onset of the Cycle, tempers are high and many find that the leaders they look to for answers are on edge as they try to find rational explanations for the havoc that is caused in the trials that follow.
Event | Date | Info | Status |
Global Happenings | 1st of Ymiden | All over Idalos, people fall asleep at about 11pm the night before (so 123rd Ashan) - whether they were walking, sailing, skydiving etc. That it's late at night means it's not utter anarchy - but there are accidents and fatalities. When people wake up having dreamed of the events portrayed in the Crack in the Wall threads. They know the names and faces of everyone involved, including their actions in those events. It feels a lot more real than a dream would.
Open: Non-mod |
Etheric Storm | 2nd of Ymiden | A massively devastating ether storm tears through the wilderness north of Viden, leaving the woods decimated and some of the local wildlife a tad...different than they had been. This storm is visible from Viden, and not long after it ends, a team is gathered and sent to inspect the damages. The Ranger's Lodge, a days ride from Viden, is feared to be lost. | Open: PM your local Prophet for more info. |
The Viridescent Lights | 4th of Ymiden | The Viridescent Lights are on full display, and some citizens head to Lake Verity to do some late night sky gazing. | Open: Non-mod |
Emean Research | 10th of Ymiden | A call is issued to all citizens of Viden to report any information they have in regards to the events of the Fall of Emea. Dreamwalkers are specifically requested to step forward with any information. In the trials that follow The Academy is in full swing gathering and searching for any information they can gather from any and all sources about the Fall. Delegates are assigned and sent out to neighboring Cities to aid and seek additional information. | Open: PM your local Prophet for more info. |
Ice Scuplting Competition | 47th of Ymiden | An ice sculpting competition begins in hopes to ease some of the citizens minds of the events of recent trials. Statues are ranked and the winners awarded prizes. | Open: Non-mod |
Etheric Storm 2, the Sequel No One Wanted | 67th of Ymiden | Another Ether Storm tears through the wildernesses east Viden. The city, for the time being, is spared from yet another devastating force beyond the cities control. A search and rescue party is formed the following trial as word quickly makes it's way around the city of a hunting party that had left the trial before the storm hit, and hasn't been heard from since. | Open: PM your local Prophet for more info. |
Fractured Research | 70th of Ymiden | Starting on the 70th, a call goes out to those in the city. The Academy is seeking experienced explorers, and those suited for surviving in Viden's wilderness to go search for the remnants of the fractures located near the city. A warning is attached to this call out, that with the potential for yet another ether storm on the horizon, that only those most experienced, or those brave enough to face potential death, should apply. | Open: PM your local Prophet for more info. |
Event | Date | Info | Status |
Ether Storm 3 - Ether with a vengeance | 3rd of Saun | The worst yet of the ether storms Viden has seen, this one originates in the Synnefa Bay and disrupts all traffic in the bay for trials to follow. Many ships are lost in the bay, and several wrecks wash up on the shores over the following trials. Brave and daring adventurers can go seeking these wrecks out, but warnings are issued that the local wildlife are not the same as they had been prior to the storms arrival. There are no reports of survivors on any of the vessels caught in this storm. | Open: PM your local Prophet for more info. |
Initial Repairs | 4th of Saun | The docks on the southern side of the city were damaged during the storm of the previous trial, and work begins to repair that damage. It will continue over several trials, and all able bodied individuals are urged to assist. | Open: Non-mod |
Increased Mer Activity | 10th of Saun | The Synnefa Bay is once again seeing increased activity in the Mer population. Threats aren't nearly as bad as in previous Arcs, but with the city on edge due to the Ether Storms, some of the water dwelling folk are trying to take advantage. | Open: Non-mod |
Research Symposiums | 23rd-25th of Saun | The Viden Academy holds a research symposium on a variety of topics. All citizens are invited as are visitors from the campus in Scalvoris. This is effectively a showcase of small portion of the knowledge that the Academy holds and provides those considering studying there an idea of what they could pursue. | Open: Non-mod |
Violence in the Bay | 32nd of Saun | As trade and traffic have picked back in the Synnefa Bay, so to has the activity of violent Mer. On this trial in particular a ship is taken, and word is sent back to Viden of hostages aboard. A rescue operation is planned, and a ship is sent to intercept. | Open: PM your local prophet for more info. |
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