A Combat Capstone of Vega Lei'nox this capstone does the following:
When using her longsword, Vega is able to move it so effectively that it produces a high pitched resonating sound, something akin to the sound made when moving a damp finger over cut crystal. In order to produce this sound she must focus on keeping the sword moving in a specific manner - and this means that, whilst she is able to attack, she is unable to defend. However, the sound increases the effectiveness of the sword in shattering solid (not complex), dense non-living material such as metal, stone or wood. It does not make it more effective against a mortal body, but does make it more likely that Vega will be able to shatter a piece of armour. It does not work against Yludih as, although made of crystal, they are alive. A non-living, usual crystal would be shattered, but Yludih would not. Furthermore, if she were to slice a wooden chest filled with books, for example, this capstone would only work against the wood of the chest since the sword is vibrating at the correct pitch for that, not the books inside.
In a PvP situation, against armour especially (or other things, I guess - weapons, possibly, items etc) this capstone would require moderator oversight / input in order to ensure fairness, but the following factors would make it more or less likely to succeed. The defender's skill in whatever means of defence they utilise vs Vega's longsword skill The quality of the item - masterwork is far less likely to be shattered with a glancing blow etc Whether the item carries any enchantments etc.
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