Ne'haer Myths and Legends


Here is a incomplete list of all the myths and legends of Ne'haer. If you would like to add more or have suggestions please go to:

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The Soul of Erhan Cross

Erhan Cross was a soldier who served within the Blades of Zafra a short while after the faction's creation. It is said that he was a man notorious for the abuse and belittlement of women, and racist against the Tunawa who'd just started living in Ne'haer. His misdeeds won him a ticket to the front lines in a fight against an Aukari assault group within the Willow Woods. The fight was won by Ne'haer, however, Erhan Cross was among the numerous dead that littered the woods. Some thought it a blessing when they heard of his death and took no care to dispose of his body honorably. Over the years, several groups of travelers have reported to the city guard a man of their rank fighting viciously in the woods against Aukari soldiers. The Blades have received this report so many times, they've brushed them off without so much as sending scouts to check. Other groups have taking in a Zafra Knight for the evening, only to have him disappear before morning, leaving items places oddly around the camp.


Anak of Willow Wood Lions

Deep within the Willow Woods lives the spirit of lions, one that may have connections to Dia, or so the legends say. Legend states that this massive creature only appears on nights where one of the moons of Idalos is full and looks down into the waters of the Baylo Pond. Some have seen this animal drink from the pond, it's shimmering, ethereal blue glow nearly lighting up the forest around it while remaining in the light of the moon. Some wonder if it is a familiar commanded by a secret force to scare away travelers from the area. Others ponder if it is an evil spirit meant to lead curious adventurers away from the roads and into the thick brush of the forest. Those who claim to have approached the lion say that it disappeared within the shadows spawned from passing clouds, but they are believed to be lunatics.

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The Red Haze

Within the Willow Woods lurks a number of souls. Most of these souls are trapped being that could not find peace within death, other souls remain to wreck havoc on the living for person enjoyment. These souls are not under oath by Famula, therefore they are considered to be almost always malevolent. At times, these ghosts attach themselves to travelers, venturing away from the forests and causing mayhem in that person's life. Legend states that as the attached ghost weakens the will of the individual close enough to possession, the Red Haze will be seen. Legend says it is the border to the Beneath where ghost soul and living body meet. Legend also states that going through the Red Haze will steal the livings body, leaving them alive but trapped as a ghost until a Family marked can free their body from wherever it has gone before they are permanently made a ghost.


Curse of the Stone Caverns

The Stone Caverns aren't too far out from the city of Ne'haer but are rumored to be just as haunted as the Willow Woods. The Stone Caverns was once an ideal location for cult followers and those who prayed for destruction. However, one night a weakened rock wall saw the entrapment of a number of people beneath the earth. Due to Ne'haer's views on such religious practice, the people were left stranded in the Stone Caverns for days. They worshiped their deities during this time, but when hunger became too much, they slowly turned on each other. One after another, after another till there was only one left within the darkness. Legend states that the last living cult member had somehow dug their way from the rock with only their insanity to guide them and found themselves at the feet of an Immortal so maddened by their wickedness, they cursed the mortal into a life of damnation. Several adventurers have entered the Caverns in later years and have reported a sense of confusion and delirium after spending time there. Rumors have spread that some of these travelers ended up going insane shortly after their departure from the Caverns.

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Weeping Statue

The Weeping Statue is located in Ne'haer's town square, situated upon an enormous and exquisitely decorated fountain. The Weeping Statue is surrounded by the All God, the worshiped deities of Ne'haer that look after the city's balance and prosperity. Legend states that if you visit the weeping statue during a rain storm and inquire about his tears, he will thank you with an answer to a question that lingers in your heart. Some claim that he speaks to you, others claim that he visits you in dreams to guide you to these answers. Most never hear or see him, though they feel guided towards something after visiting him.

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The Koth'iki Circle

The Koth'iki Circle is another Legend located within the Willow Woods, one spawned from the whispers of the Tunawa freed slaves. The circle lies just beyond the tree line of the Willow Woods and is a magnificent natural garden with a variety of herbs, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. How the circle came to exist or how it seems to grow its vegetation so quickly is a mystery to all. The Legend behind the Koth'iki Circle is that, during the tidal wave of 306, Moseke used the circle as her own personal shelter. Within the middle of the circle is a large stone and wood fort that has etchings in an unusual language written across its walls. The stone fort is carpeted in vine on the inside and holds within it a number of medicinal herbs not commonly found in the region. They say those that enter the circle are blessed of mind and heart while those seeking harm or deadly intent are rejected from the gardens one way or another. This is the same for the spirits of Idalos.


Siren of the Sandstone Waters

The legend of the  Sandstone Waters is one that has been carried down from ancient times. Those that visit the shores and caves may note the many large, colorful seashells scattered throughout the sand. This Legend tells of a Mer who would bargain with mortals using secrets as payment. If one would like to bargain their secrets for something their heart dearly possesses, all they would need to do is whisper a secret within a seashell from the shores or the caves and throw it within the lake. If the secret isn't truth or isn't worth a price, it is said the Mer would unleash her wrath in the form of water serpents meant to drag you to the lake's murky depths. Others say that if you hold a seashell to your ear, you may hear a secret whispered from it.

Lochness of the Gardens

The Lochgrass Gardens are home to many plants and animals, but some say there is more within the waters of the pond than simple fish. Citizens claim to see a serpent-like spirit, small in size, with long, thin wings spring up from below the pond waters in the early morning hours. They said it is a guardian of the lake, a spirit animal sent by the Mer tribe to look after the creatures within the waters of the Lochgrass Gardens. Legend tells that if you offer something precious to the spirit, be it money or an item, you are blessed with luck and prosperity for the week. Others say that if you use the water from the pond to grow your garden, it will thrive better with tastier produce.

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