Lietajúci Pardus
Devanti Mountains, Champion's Pass, Murk Pass
Lifespan and Development
The Lietajúci Pardus resembles a leopard in appearance, but don't let that fool you. This beast has a wingspans of 9 meters from tip to tip. They are know to ambush pray from above, and going for their neck. Some rare sightings are disclosed in the mythical texts, where they speech telepathically to men. These myths have not been proven true though. Because of their coat and beautiful horns, these animals are hunted for trophies, due to this their numbers have dwindle to endangered. Despite this people still hunt the animals closer to extinction. They are around 10 meters long and a weight of 200-230kgs. Despite this size humans are not on their prey item list. Except during hard times, or when under threat. Attempts to domesticate these animals are ill advised. Stories of circuses being destroyed from stealing cubs are no myth. Rangers are sent out in squads of no less then 10 when needing to take on one of these beasts. Luckily attacks are rare just like their sightings.
Flight bombing: Diving and breaking the neck of its prey.
Developed by Wald Lowca
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