Category:Dweebs Stupid Moments III- Pumpernickels
A Psychology Capstone of Vega Lei'nox this capstone does the following:
Dweebs Stupid Moments III- Pumpernickels Vega is a fundamentally hopeful person and, by virtue of that, she allows, expects, and demands, that others are hopeful too. Psychological theory is clear - people feel hopeful (or not) about themselves, the world, the future. The more of these one can feel hopeful and positive about - the better one feels. Vega understands that tiny shreds of hope are vital to people and she can find and exploit them even in the darkest situations. From ridiculous names for terrifying creatures, to being able to make things comfortable when previously they had been hopeless, people feel better when Vega is there. Her presence means that people feel hopeful about the world, about the future - and about themselves and therefore work harder and more cohesively. This promotes a sense of common purpose and a shared identity - akin to a biqaj clan. Mechanically, this means that any "clan-like" situation Vega is in (examples from play include the Lightning Knights, the Wardens of Lovalus, the Settlement of Hopetoun) simply functions in a more orderly and communal manner. People are cohesive and friendly, and they function as a group.
The impact of this capstone is situational and, as such, I'll include it in review requests etc.
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