Zip Stick

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This adrenaline substitute is gleaned from nodes often found under the thorns on the viney "Snake Whip" bramble, common to forest lands throughout Idalos.


Common throughout Desnind.


Of course, the vine has to be at a certain stage in development, which is denoted by the state of its outer husk, which needs to be dry enough to be easily broken and peeled, yet not so much as to be peeling of its own accord.

The thorns, however, will not be easily plucked free, usually requiring a knife. This must be done carefully, as the node underneath is easily ruptured. If a character has convenient lab gear with them, this is not disastrous, but exposure to air gives scant moments to begin processing. So, usually samples are kept whole and not ruptured until returned to the lab for quick treatment.


It has never been noted that the thorns themselves have ever bestowed an adrenaline "rush" to anyone that got scratched, regardless of the vine's state of growth. The military forces of many cities provide this drug to their crews of sentries during times of high alert.

Side Effects

The nodes can be eaten fresh, but then the high will often be accompanied by a fluctuating sense of mild nausea. Addiction is a problem for both military and civilian personnel who overindulge in this drug.

There are no berries on this vine, but flowering purple buds are a good sign that the plant will have these nodes the following cycle.

See Also

See also the Snake Whip bramble.


Developed by Nymph