Non-Spark Magic

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This is a player guide for the learning and playing of Non-Domain Magic.

Existing Domain Magic and Non-Spark

Where existing magics mention sparks, staff are working through to change each occurrence to "spark / non-spark method" Where existing magics have spark-specific stuff, players are invited to explore that and make a note in their review request. Reviewers will discuss in the staff team, and the magic page will be updated following the review.

Inception Date of Sparkless Magic Discovery

Upon the first of Cylus, 724 (or February 1st, 2024), this new method of learning magic will become available. It won't be available to be learned in memory threads, or at any point before that date. It's a new method of magic learning that must be discovered by players in character, through arduous self-discovery.


For the non-spark magic, each of the skill have been re-written to accommodate this change: ~ Ensorcelling accesses magic by draining the power from wells of specific levels. "a journey of spanking your inner monkey" ~ Meditative access to magic is opened to an individual that is able to focus their inner self. ~ Research accesses magic by a three-step process of learning about magic which must be threaded out.

It is important that you read these new write ups and are clear about what is available, and when. Please note that there is no instance of "I am Level X in this skill so now I have Y magic" - these are story-driven situations and all require RP. All magics are available this way. There are no additional restriction on number of magics available by this means, they are treated the same as getting magic via Domain Magic.

Any mage may instruct another in their magic, but their only means of doing so is to "instruct / initiate" in their own way of learning it. Thus, a spark mage can initiate by traditional means only. An ensorcelling mage can teach ensorcelling, etc. In terms of the non-spark magics, if a pc has the magic and the teaching skill, the teaching skill bonus applies. It wouldn't for initiation, because that's transferring sparks, not teaching.

People with sparks initiate. People without sparks learn in the way that the write up says. The teaching skill bonus applies to skills being taught..

You can only have one "type" of any given magic (eg: you can't have a spark and a non-spark Rupturing) at any given time. However, you can have 4 magics, each learned a different way. (spark Rupturing, non-spark Hone, Glamour, Graft).

Initiation, Mutations, Overstepping, Revelation

Spark mages get / have mutations. This means that they get revelation. Non-spark mages do not get / have mutations - because of the way they channel ether, they are able to suppress the corrupting nature of ether on the mortal soul.

Spark mages can reveal in a magic, this includes all personality and physical changes that come from revelation. Non-spark mages can reveal in a magic, this includes all personality and physical changes that come from revelation.

While capstones in the magic-giving skill (e.g. Research, Medication and Encorceling) are available, capstones cannot be obtained in the magic itself, e.g. there are no Rupturing capstones, only revelation if you choose to go to GM. Even if you accessed Rupturing via Research, for example, your Research capstones must be about Research - NOT about, influences, impacting etc, your magic.

Spark mages get overstepping if they overstep. Non-spark mages can not get overstepping per se - Overstepping for non-spark mages will be their magic stopping working, blinding headaches, passing out - physical / mental overload. Much more intense in the moment, but temporary. The magic doesn't work though. Peer Reviewers: If you'd assign overstepping to a sparky-mage, then the non-spark mage isn't casting.

Spark mages must undergo initiation in order to learn their magic, which is a very dangerous process. Non-Spark Mages need not get initiated, because it always invariably means the transfer of a new spark to a new mage. Instead they undergo the process underlined in each magic-giving skill. As such, initiation monsters aren't a risk for non-spark magic users.

Swapping Magic Types, Knowledge, etc

It is possible to swap from one kind of magic (spark - non-spark or vice versa). This must be done IC and must be threaded out. But once you've de-sparked there's no going back. When swapping magic types, all knowledge transfers - there's just one skill, after all.

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