Category:Effigy of Kuvarakh

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The Effigy of Kuvarakh

The Effigy of Kuvarakh is bestowed upon those prefer to strike at villains from the shadows, yet show no fear when pulled into the light themselves. Those who Bear this Effigy tend to be courageous and determined, but refrain from ostentatious shows of either unless the situations demands it. They will rarely be rulers or generals, and are much more likely to be unobtrusive people, like baker or maids, or even people who are traditionally considered criminals, like thieves or assassins.

Initial Effigy Manifestation

Fitting for the nature of most of Kuvarakh's Bearer's, the initial manifestation of his Effigy does not directly affect the Bearer, but instead it affects their shadow. Even then, however, the effect is subtle, merely that their shadow will still be slightly visible against other shadows and won't shrink nearly as much in light, with not even the most direct light being able to erase it entirely.

Breath Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Breath Power 1 Toxic Breath Free The basic breath power of Kuvarakh's Effigy, Toxic Breath lets the Bearer breathe out a stream of shadowy toxic particles that sickens anyone it touches that doesn't have some sort of illness. This sickness manifests as fatigue and muscle spasms at first, but prolonged exposure (upwards of a few minutes) can lead to more severe conditions such as fever, delirium, migraines, and eventually, organ failure. These particles dissipate after a minute.

The Branches

The Effigy of Kuvarakh is divided into the following Branches: The Shadow Branch, the Toxin Branch, the Fear Branch, and the Courage Branch. The Shadow and Toxin Branches are further divided into two sub-branches each.

The Shadow Branch

The Shadow Branch draws on the shadows of the world that hide many things from sight. As a result of the prominence of Shadows in Kuvarakh's nature, the Shadow Branch is split into two sub-branches, Manipulation and Creation.

The Manipulation Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 2 Solid Shadow 25 Solid Shadow allows the Bearer to have their shadow reach into the physical world as a solid being. While the shadow initially has a strictly mortal form, this still allows the Bearer to use their shadow to their benefit, even more so as their Effigy progresses and their shadow gains more Draconic traits. This power only allows the Bearer to manifest a single body part, and once manifested, that part will match their own body perfectly, and the manifestation must come from the shadow and will still be a shadow in terms of appearance.
Tier 2 12 Send Shadow 50 An ability that can greatly increase the Bearer's reach, Send Shadow allows the Bearer to detach their shadow from themselves and send it anywhere they can see. If their shadow leaves their vision for more than ten minutes, it will automatically return to them. The Bearer does not have a shadow by their feet when they use this.
Tier 2 13 Shadow Cloak 50 An ability that creates one of the only two manifestations of Kuvarakh's Effigy that applies to the Bearer, Shadow Cloak creates a sort of interdiction around the Bearer that makes them easy to overlook. It doesn't hide them, but it makes their presence unremarkable. People will still see them, but unless they are drawing attention to themselves, they won't notice them as being out of place. This has the side effect of making the Bearer look like they're standing in the shade, even if they are standing directly in bright light. Those skilled enough at detection, or who know the Bearer personally, might take notice of them, though it will be on them to determine if they're out of place.
Tier 3 20 Shadow Merge 75 A power that allows the Bearer to take on the manifestations of their Effigy personally, Shadow Merge has the Bearer merge with their shadow to take on all of the Draconic traits that their shadow has acquired. In its default state, all this does is cover the Bearer in shadow, making them look like a living shadow with bright green eyes.
Tier 4 29 Passing Shadow 100 A power that enhances the Bearer's Kutzeldaur, Passing Shadow makes it so that when a Kutzeldaur is in flight, they trail a shadow behind their wings, creating a light shadow that passes behind them.
Tier 4 30 Shadow Cover 100 A breath power that allows the Bearer to hide someone else, Shadow Cover works by having the Bearer breathe on another person, covering them in the same effect as Shadow Cloak. This cover lasts for up to an hour before the Bearer has to renew the effect and can be used as many times as the Bearer wishes..
Tier 5 37 Shadow Travel 125 A power that allows the Bearer to travel through shadow, this power works by letting the Bearer melt into any shadow that doesn't belong to another mortal and move through it and any directly connecting shadows. They cannot traverse light while in this form, and if something erases a shadow they are hiding in, they will be instantly forced back into the physical world. Natural shadows will not be affected any differently than usual in regards to how they're affected by the light, and the Bearer can remain in the shadow so long as the shadow itself exists, however close to vanishing that shadow might be. Supernatural effects that track people could still track the Bearer, and those who are observant enough, and perhaps know what to look for, might notice that the Bearer leaves a ripple behind them when they move.

The Creation Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 3 Shade Blade 25 One of the few directly offensive powers of Kuvarakh's Effigy, Shadow Blade allows the Bearer to create a weapon from the shadows, taking the shape of their weapon of choice. These weapons are not especially sturdy, but they are as dangerous as a real weapon of Good+ Quality. Q & A Forum You can use Shade Blade to create multiple weapons so that other people can use them. Summoned weapons always have the appropriate balance and heft for the quality they're summoned at, if no quality is specified then assume perfect balance and heft. As for reloading, you can summon more ammo, but would have to manually reload. You could, however, dismiss and resummon, though for some means of weapon summoning that's not as feasible
Tier 2 14 Shadow Breath 50 An alternative breath power for the Bearer, Shadow Breath allows the Bearer to breathe out a wave of darkness that they can utilize with their other shadow powers.
Tier 2 15 Shadow Barrier 50 Shadow Barrier can solidfy any shadow within sight, creating a solid replica of the shadow in physical space. These shadows will shatter after a few hits or if hit by a weapon made out of light. These barriers last indefinitely if not destroyed and as a shadow, they have no weight.
Tier 3 21 Wings of Shadow 75 A power that adds a Draconic trait to the Bearer's shadow, Wings of Shadow does pretty much exactly what it sounds like and gives the Bearer's shadows a set of wings identical to those of a Kutzeldaur. These wings do allow for flight when merged with the shadow, when the right powers are used and gets the same upgrades as a Kutzeldaur's wings.
Tier 4 31 Shadow Wingbeat 100 A power that enhances the Bearer's Kutzeldaur, Shadow Wingbeat allows them to create a cloud of shadows with a concentrated wingbeat. This cloud covers a 20 foot radius and can then be used by the Bearer.
Tier 4 32 Shadow Illusion 100 A power that allows the Bearer to trick others who aren't looking too closely, Shadow Illusion allows the Bearer to manipulate existing shadows into a specific shape, with these shapes then taking on the colors that the Bearer wishes them to have. As they are shadows, these shapes will still be two-dimensional, but otherwise, they will appear to be the real thing until someone touches them or the Bearer creates another illusion. If the Bearer is patient and skilled enough, they can create three-dimensional shapes by putting two-dimensional shapes together.
Tier 5 38 Shadow Wave 125 One of the strongest shadow based powers a Bearer can obtain, Shadow Wave creates a massive wave of shadows that coats a 500 foot radius and extinguishes all light in the area at the moment of use, though it does not prevent new light sources from being created. These shadows linger for 24 hours.

Shadow Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 46 Shadow Manifestation 150 Using this power, the Bearer can manifest their shadow in the physical world, with all its Draconic traits and full access to the Effigy of Kuvarakh and the Bearers own skills. Notably, this can be used in tandem with Shadow Merge and does not prevent the Bearer from being able to use Kuvarakh's Effigy. While this power is active, the Bearer's shadow is fully manifested as a separate entity.

The Toxin Branch

The Toxin Branch represents the toxins that fill many plants and animals, as well as Kuvarakh himself. As a result of the prominence of Toxin in Kuvarakh's nature, the Toxin Branch is split into the Poison and Venom sub-branches.

The Poison Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 4 Poison Blood 25 One of the two powers that amplifies how the Effigy manifests on the Bearer, rather than the on the Bearer's shadow, Poison Blood does exactly what it sounds like, it makes the blood of the Bearer poisonous, with the same toxin as the Toxic Breath power. There's a mild visual effect, as it makes the Bearer look slightly ill, as if they have a mild cold or fever all the time. This also has the effect of making the Bearer immune to their own toxins.
Tier 1 5 Curative 25 An ability that allows the Bearer to counteract the effects of another poison, this power allows the Bearer to cure the effects of a single toxin within another living creature with a touch. They can only cure one toxin in one creature at a time, and they can only use this power once every five minutes.
Tier 2 16 Toxin Absorption 50 A power that allows the Bearer to make use of Toxins other than their default Toxic Breath one, this power works by letting the Bearer absorb any single toxin used on them, however it is applied, and letting them store it for re-use. This power can overwrite the base Toxic Breath toxin for any toxin based power in the Effigy. The toxin can then be released in whatever form they desire.
Tier 3 22 Needle Tail 75 A power that enhances the Bearer's Kutzeldaur, allowing them to use their tails to inject the same toxin as the Toxic Breath power. This functions as though their tail was a hypodermic needle. Any toxin used for this power automatically converts to a bloodborne toxin.
Tier 3 23 Secretion 75 Secretion allows the Bearer to secret a toxin from their body at will. The toxin is the same as the Toxic Breath power by default.
Tier 4 33 Toxin Creation 100 A power that relies on the Bearer's knowledge of the world's toxins, Toxin Creation allows the Bearer to create any toxin they are familiar with, without need to mix ingredients or harvest the toxin from animals. They can only store one toxin created this way at a time.
Tier 5 39 Neutralizing Breath 125 An alternative to the basic Breath Power, Neutralizing Breath allows the Bearer to breathe out a wave of a light blue colored wind that completely neutralizes any toxin it touches.
Tier 5 40 Injection 125 A power that allows a more stealthy application of the Bearer's toxin, Injection allows the Bearer to inject their Toxin into any food or water source they touch. They can only use this power once every five minutes and can only infect one thing they touch, and the toxin fades after 24 hours.

The Venom Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 6 Imbue 25 A very basic power, but no less effective for it, Imbue allows the Bearer to imbue their weapons with toxin. By default, this power uses the toxin from the Toxic Breath power. The imbuement lasts for up to an hour, and projectile weapons such as bows can have the main weapon imbued and it will pass the effects to any projectile fired through it.
Tier 1 7 Toxic Bomb 25 A power that allows the Bearer to apply their toxins at range, Toxic Bomb lets the Bearer create a sphere of their toxin and throw it. The sphere is nine inches in diameter and bursts when it makes contact with something after being thrown, where-upon the toxin it is made of takes its usual properties. By default, this power uses the toxin from the Toxic Breath power.
Tier 2 17 Venom Bite 50 A power that enhances the Bearer's Kutzeldaur, Venom Bite gives the Dragonling venomous fangs, allowing them to apply the Toxic Breath toxin with their bite at will.
Tier 3 24 Toxic Stinger 75 This power gives the Bearer's shadow the tail of a Kutzeldaur, with all the properties that their Kutzeldaur's tail has.
Tier 3 25 Toxic Cloud 75 Toxic Cloud allows the Bearer to create a cloud of toxin around them. This cloud covers a 15 foot radius and aside from being a gas, the toxin has all the properties it normally does. By default, this power uses the toxin from the Toxic Breath power. These clouds last for up to 24 hours and the Bearer can have up to three of them active at once as well as dismiss them at will.
Tier 4 34 Toxic Pool 100 Toxic Pool creates a 1 foot deep pool of toxin that is up to 10 feet in diameter. The Bearer can create up to three of these pools at a time and dismiss them at will, though they will automatically disipate after 24 hours if left alone. By default, this power uses the toxin from the Toxic Breath power.
Tier 5 41 Venomous Claws 125 A power that enhances the Bearer's Kutzeldaur, Venomous Claws allows the Kutzeldaur to apply the Toxic Breath toxin with their claws, though they can turn this power off so they don't accidentally hurt anyone.
Tier 5 42 Imbuing Breath 125 A power that serves as an alternative to the basic Breath Power, Imbuing Breath allows the Bearer to breath out a wave of light green mist that coats any weapon it touches in their toxin, allowing them to imbue their allies as well as themselves. By default, this power uses the toxin from the Toxic Breath power.

Toxin Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 47 Toxic Flood 150 A power that should only be used in emergencies or when the Bearer knows they have no allies around, Toxic Wave floods the entire area around them with their toxin, creating a massive pool of toxin, 5 feet deep and covering an area up to 500 feet in diameter. This flood lasts 24 hours before it dissipates. If the toxin used is not normally a liquid, this power converts it into one.

The Fear Branch

The Fear Branch represents Kuvarakh's role as part of the scary things of Idalos.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 8 Fear Breath 25 An alternative to the standard Breath Power, Fear Breath allows the Bearer to breath out what appears to be an ordinary mist. However, anyone who walks into the mist is will have their worst fears brought to the absolute forefront of their mind and will have a great deal of difficulty not feeling those fears as if they had suddenly come to life around them. This mist last for 24 hours and only affects people who are currently in it.
Tier 1 9 Fear Toxin 25 A power that applies a secondary effect to the Bearer's toxins, causing those afflicted by the Bearer's toxins to experience an intense fear, as if they were seeing what they were most afraid of. This applies not only to the Toxic Breath toxin, but to any toxin copied or created. The effect of this power can be disabled at the Bearer's will.
Tier 2 18 Shadow of Fear 50 A power that works off many people's existing fear of the dark, Shadow of Fear causes any shadows that the Bearer is currently using with the Shadow Branch powers to radiate an aura of fear that makes anyone comes near to be struck by fear of those shadows. This power can be used or disabled at will.
Tier 3 26 Fear Gaze 75 A power that enhances the Bearer's Kutzeldaur, Fear Gaze allows the Kutzeldaur to strike fear in the hearts of those that meet its eyes. This power can be turned off by the Kutzeldaur so that they don't scare random passerby just looking at them at the wrong time. How those afflicted by this fear react will be down to each person and how well they can control their reaction to their fears.
Tier 4 35 Know Your Fears 100 Sometimes, it's very helpful just to know what the people around you are afraid of, and this power does exactly that. A power that is passive by nature, Know Your Fears lets the Bearer know what the people around them fear, though the Bearer still has to decide how to make use of those fears, should they wish to do so.
Tier 5 43 Fear's Claws 125 Fear's Claws gives the shadow the same claws as the Bearer's Kutzeldaur, with all the traits those claws may have gotten from other powers.
Tier 5 44 Fear Zone 125 Fear Zone works by letting the Bearer designate an area up to a 20 foot radius that will have the same effect as the Fear Breath power. The Bearer can designate up to three of these zones, and they last 24 hours before they dissipate and only affects people currently in its radius.

Fear Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 48 Power From Fear 150 A power that allows the Bearer to strengthen themselves, this power relies on the fear of others. The more people the Bearer has affected with their Fear powers, the stronger the Bearer grows. Rather than growing their physical strength, this power increases the frequency with which the Bearer can use their other powers. Every three people afflicted by the Bearer's fear powers lets them use their powers an extra time before they trigger any cooldowns or limits. They only gain this bonus while people are affected by the Bearers powers.

The Courage Branch

The antithesis of the previous Branch, the Courage Branch represents Kuvarakh's part in the courage that lets people fight against that which threatens them.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 10 Horns of Courage 25 A power that adds a Draconic trait to the Bearer's shadow, Horns of Courage the same horns as those of a Kutzeldaur. These horns have no special trait, but make for a handy emergency weapon.
Tier 1 11 Fearlessness 25 While the Bearer themselves is immune to the effects of fear-based powers, the same is not true of others. This power allows the Bearer to dispel a person's fears with a touch. They can only use this power on one person at a time, and only once every five minutes.
Tier 2 19 Encouraging Roar 50 A power that enhances the Bearer's Kutzeldaur, this allows the Dragonling to let out a mighty roar that, rather than striking fear in the hearts of enemies, brings courage to its allies, allowing them to better resist their fears.
Tier 3 27 Aura of Courage 75 A power that lets the Bearer passively encourage those near them, Aura of Courage lets the Bearer emit an aura that eases the fears within a 20 foot radius. This power can be toggled on and off at will.
Tier 3 28 Courage's Fangs 75 A power that adds a Draconic trait to the Bearer's shadows, Courage's Fangs gives the shadow the same fangs as a Kutzeldaur, along with any effects they've picked up from other powers.
Tier 4 36 Rally Point 100 Sometimes, all that's needed to change the tide of a battle is a quick moment for your allies to recover and rally their courage. Rally Point allows the Bearer to create an area with a 20 foot radius that bolsters the courage of anyone inside it. The Bearer can create up to three Rally Points and they last 24 hours.
Tier 5 45 Courage Breath 125 An alternative to the basic Breath Power, Courage Breath allows the Bearer to breath out a light grey mist that eases the fears of anyone caught in its effect.

Courage Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 49 Stand Fast 150 Stand Fast allows the Bearer to keep going no matter how badly injured they are. Once the Bearer acquires this power, it allows them to keep going as long as their heart is beating, meaning they no longer weaken due to blood loss or illness. These can still kill them however, but there is no real noticeable affect until the point of death.

The Transformation Power

The apex of all the powers in Kuvarakh's Effigy, this power shows the Bearers mastery over all that Kuvarakh has given them.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Transformation Power 50 Form of Kuvarakh 250 The apex of all the powers at the Bearers disposal, this power allows the Bearer to take on the form of Shadow of Courage himself. When this power is used, the Bearer becomes a dragon that is identical to Kuvarakh in appearance, including his lengthy tail. In addition, the Bearer also gets the massive strength and endurance that Kuvarakh commands, making them a very powerful physical opponent. Finally, 4 powers are also unique to this form and can be activated at will while the Bearer is transformed.

-The Bearer can partially submerge themselves in the shadows, allowing them to keep most of their body safely hidden while still being able to strike as they please.

-The Bearer emits a toxin from their claws that they can neutralize as well. In addition, they leave a trail of toxin in the wake and move their toxin through the shadows as easily as they can move their own body.

-The Bearer can emit a constant aura of terror around their own body, striking a deep and abiding fear in the hearts of anyone who approaches them. The effect of this aura lasts up to 24 hours after the victim leaves the area of effect, unless the Bearer does something to dispel the effect.

-The Bearer can quell the fear in anyone they can see, allowing them to ease the fear of those people they can't physically reach yet, but are trying to save.


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